Wait a minute, you're telling me THIS is a weak demon?

Wait a minute, you're telling me THIS is a weak demon?

Attached: Screenshot_20190810-230817.jpg (1920x1080, 822K)

No, that's a goat

No, this is Shami, shadow emergecy mistress it can't be helped, yuko.

No, that's a weak 15 YEAR OLD demon

I want to bully that semen demon.

She's strong against my penis.

She isn't weak She can lift 500 gigatonnes

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.04_[2019.07.21_11.44.51].jpg (1280x720, 401K)



past her*

True. 14 is prime.

13 is prime, 14 is divisible by 2.

personally my favorite primes are 23 and 13

Demons and angels are always weak in anime/manga.

Always is too absolute.
Only sith deals in absolute.

More like 500 grams.

That outfit better stay that way, no ancestor refitting.

for me, it's 11 and 17

Ancestor's refit for volume 2 didn't change much.

Imagine how wide her hips must be to be holding that thing up. True hourglass.

at least you didn't translate that as 1lb

Does Satania stand a chance against the Momo?

Attached: __kurumizawa_satanichia_mcdowell_gabriel_dropout_drawn_by_nyaroon__0e1edcf3ff7927987342b022c48ce8a0. (1275x1800, 1.65M)