Kimetsu no Yaiba 19

Easily the best episode so far. Really enjoying the consistently good animation for this series.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's really good shit.
Imagine the pressure of being one of the animators on that scene though, you can't afford to fuck anything up.

absolutely beautiful

I love my wife Nezuko


just translate it you fucking weebs

Imagine excusing 2 asspulls in a row just for ooh shiny.

I love my spider wife.

Two? besides the fire dance what was the other?

I will give you that fire dance is an aspull but what is the other one?

>consistently good animation
Yare yare.

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He's implying it was explosive blood but I'm pretty sure we were told every demon has a blood art

It's an aspull right now but then it's the first part of a major plot point all over the series, I think it's a bit unfair since it's clear it was planned since the start but whatever.

Not only that, next episode they'll all see it wasn't an asspull. Speed watchers get on my nerves

Is Tanjirou the strongest MC in Jump with this power up?

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People said to me Tanjirou wasn't a special snowflake, now he is?

Even it isn't an asspull, it's a plot convenience.

>the soundtrack while cutting head

He's not, this has been foreshadowed since the first few minutes of the series, but it's all Chekhov's guns made so you won't get it until later.

I think it's more fair to call it that, or just the plot overall.

To me an aspull is when the author writes itself into a corner or does something just for shock and then has to sort of backtrack with shit explanations.

Wani wanted this to happen, there were hints from the start (the earrings, Muzan getting triggered) and a whole lore about the Dance of the Fire God, Sunbro, etc will be shown later and will become a main plot point.

Just started reading it. What is this asspull

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Tanjiro should have died with his family in ep 1, what an asspull.

It's more a "he fought with the ghost kid so much that he improved a lot, and since it was a vision he was not slowed down by thoughts like "i can't" and "i must" cut the boulder so he simply cut without thinking. It's a consistent thing in japanese sword thingies

Have you even read any other jump series aside from Kimetsu? As far as batle shounen go he is one of the lowest.

State of Anatta now that is an asspull

If she's a demon that doesn't eat people and walks in the sunlight, is she really a demon?
Or a Goddes
Of the Sun

Is there any explanation to why he so sepcial?

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episode of the year


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Man this mangaka putting ink on the paper properly to form images and words is a total asspull.


I meant currently, not counting One Piece or HxH.

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There Is a reason for him to be special by some degree but it's seen later. Here Is more like a motivation thing. He really really really REALLY wants to save his sister and becoming a demon slayer Is a necessary step. Except a couple of things, everyone got where It Is by sheer training and determination.

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He's still pretty weak I would say, Kimetsu doesn't really go insane with the power levels compared to other battle shounens. I think the craziest you'll see in this series are the uppermoons, which are definitely no joke.

That was a good dancing CGI father.

Go and huge your sister and say "NO ONE CAN SEVERE THESE FAMILY BONDS!" and come back back to post results.

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Its more of life flashing before his death and trying to find a way out of it which is what Shinobu explained before to Zenitsu

Lmao. Ironically i started reading KnY because Togashi recommended it couple years ago. It's pretty good overall, but holy shit these flashbacks are killing me. Fucking establish everything from the beginning instead of having 10 flashbacks midfight jesus christ

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My sister is a drug addict that lives 75 miles away, last I knew. So no.

That was amazing
They really did a good job with this episode

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Koku has 100 flashbacks simoultaneously everytime he fights, Tanjiro is a flashback amateur.

So that's why he talks like a retard. His brain is always overworking

it wasn't cgi, look again. It was rotoscoped.

Still one of the most kino shots in all of Kimetsu

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It's not like author cares. Even we he establishes some rules or ideas he brakes them later

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He's still in babby mode. Like pillars at minimum are special breathing 24/7 while Tanjiro teats it as a power up.

I mean a hidden demon scientist wouldn't exactly be broadcasting their location to demon hunters. Why would a retired pillar be privy to her information?

Go back faggots

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Why are you browsing rеddit?

>Goes to Reddit
>G-go back

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>Demons can share part of their Muzan's blood with other humans and make demons.
Yea Forumstards.

holy shit i can't stop watching this fight, please someone stop me before i lose my sanity

How bad is Nezuko's breath?

it smells like strawberries and cherry blossom

It still Muzan blood that turn human into demon, it just that some demon have more of his blood so they can share some of that.

I thought Tamayo didn't have Muzan blood, otherwise Muzan would have kept tabs on her location?


I might rewatch this more than the OPM boros fight.

There was some panel about how when Tamayo and Nezuko broke the curse Muzan lost the ability to track them

Didn't she say that she got rid of Muzan's aids?

Not every demon, higher level demons which get stronger by eating humans. And Nezuko was able without eating any. Anyways rather than an asspull it's Nezuko being a special kind of demon which we're told from the beginning.

They all share his blood since that how demon are made. It just that Tamayo and Nezuko able to suppress the curse of Muzan blood.

>The spiralling flame and all the lighting from 2:07 to 2:12

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He isn't a special snowflake. The whole point of the kagura dance and the earrings was that it was passed to a family of coal makers so that it could remain "hidden" from Muzan since nobody would expect that commoners would hold something so important. Later on is when the true snowflakes are introduced, coming from special lineages and all that.

hey guys wanna share OCs:)
mine is a half japanese half african male who uses breathe of snow (since Douma took ice)
he has white hair and his name is Sato Toshiharu
his mother was African and his father Japanese but they were executed for racemixing

It's still Muzan blood, just pacified in some manner?

I totally understand that everything was foreshadowed, and the flashback this same episode. My problem is using this mechanic at all, because now either everyone gets a fucking power up (assuming they find a hint in their past) just before dying, or it is used inconsistently for plot convenience.

Yeah, that one of the reason why Muzan is mad about Nezuko and Tamayo, somehow they escape his grasp, which is one of his biggest fear regarding the demon he created.

Bad breath comes bacteria in your mouth/teeth/saliva. Since Nezuko doesn't eat, she shouldn't have bad breath at all.


the ending was so good i was like, did i just watch a fucking season finale?

She ate before she was turned. She could have meat rotting between her teeth for years.

Tanjiro and Nezuko are basically plot devices that switch Muzan from hide and seek to the aggressor. Once someone manifests their birthmark, others follow so it's more like he's indirectly started to get the others to power up.

The animations itself is amazing, but whatever they did to animate the flames gives me a fucking boner.

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Do we already know if there will be a S2 greenlit?

How is that an asspull? One of the themes are superhuman abilities. He split the boulder after going through and perfecting that su..

Oh why am I bothering with this. You're convinced in your head it's an asspull. Nothing I say is going to change your mind.

why put this in the same bracket when all are a different sub genre of shounen. This is dark demon hunting shounen where one piece hxh are more adventure martial arts shounen.

Shut your whore mouth bitch. My Nezuko is perfect and even her breath smells like beautiful flowers.

No but it's pretty likely. BD 1 sold out in 3 days (11.5k), and the manga is selling around 400k a volume now which is really fucking good. Expect an announcement either on the last episode or the seiyuu event in october.

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and rat poop

Fantastic episode. Would have been a bit better if the fire dance stuff was forshadowed earlier though.


What about the ED?

the flame animation is just orgasmic

How many animators sacrificed themselves to make this scene?

Fuck off Zenitsu, your waifu is shit.

Ufo you tax evasion fucks, you did it.

None, but every frame costed $15000. 2/3 of which came from evading taxes.


All the ones that were meant to animate Giyuu's scene next episode.

Nice can't wait for the normies to flock to this anime so we can start hating on it.

Episode 20 is going to look like stick figures, they burnt out all their animators with this one

>doubting unlimited budget works

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>they burnt out all their animators
That's the other studio.

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Isn't the manga safe?

>budget meme
>when both UBW and Yaiba are on average budgets

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Too soon.

Once the anime ends it won't. Enjoy the peace while it last.

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Fuck this comment is too based to not laugh at.

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holy kek

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so how come spiderboy could make so many demons play along with his family bullshit?

Did you not see how strong he was?

That's why it's a meme.

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He's stronger.

Imagine what they will do with Akaza vs Rengoku, my dick is already hard

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and? it's not like he can kill other demons

He can, by leaving them to get roasted by the sun. Stop speedwatching

Is there a way to keep the peace?

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biggest kek of 2019

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Absolutely not. But it might go down a bit if there's no second season any time soon.

But don't people take it seriously?

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take that back!

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>there are people who watch mix

Inosuke is so dogshit. Can this guy do anything but job and scream?

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ss2 announcement. know many normies who gives up on reading manga when they know that there will be ss2. and many of them don't really read manga to begin with.

>Not liking based pig

I feel bad for laughing

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Akaza vs Rengokue, the twins vs Uzui oh god everything is gonna be amazing

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>One of the themes are superhuman abilities.

When this was established?

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What did they mean by this?

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with eva they do, they just dont know what happened!?

hold up wasnt that the yellow kid? oh wait he actually man up while sleeping.

Could Zenitsu have beaten that lower moon spiderguy? I feel since even Tanjiro was fast enough to dodge the threads Zenitsu would get to him in no problem. The only factor I can think of in which Zenitsu can't win is if he can't physically cut through but seeing how crazy fast and clean the cuts are makes me think that wouldn't even be an issue either. Not even going to bother asking if Inosuke could win cause for sure he'd get bodied.

if you wanna powerlevel fag then
Tanjiro > Inosuke >= Zenitsu
dont even put zenitsu on the same level as tanjirou

What if there are so many threads that he can't dodge them?

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Based Ufotable did it again fellow fateshitters

In the first fucking chapter when the MC had a superhuman schnozz dumbshit

Zenitsu would have ended up killing himself on a trhead.
Also he can attack once so in the moment he fails to go for the head, he's done for.

>Inosuke >= Zenitsu
Imagine believing this

I actually think Constant Flux is a surprisingly decent translation for the 10th form.

>insokue manages to defeat upper moon 2
>zenitsu manages to defeat a replacement upper moon 6
yeah, imagine believing that

>Zenitsu solos 6 while Inosuke barely survives fighting 2 with the help of Kanao (who also barely survived and had to use super secret sacrificial eye technique) and only actually "won" because of Shinobu's left over poison
Nice IQ

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You do know I'm talking about sleeping Zenitsu right? You unironically think Inosuke is stronger or even equal to him?

KnY can do it with an average budget, what's the other studios' excuse?

I never really understand why people calling KnY “generic”.

Samurais fighting demons.

Time and care.

It's another buzzword people like to use when they can't explain why something that other people like is bad.

Not him, but I watch every Mitsuru Adachi animu. Even though they are all pretty much the same shit, I still love it.

When you ask someone what make something generic, they would said hat it because something else already did that, forgetting that human literature and fiction are build on taking older ideas and refine them.

Poisoned Douma>>>>a guy on the level of a lower moon.

Solos >>>>>> getting help from a pillar

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Not only that but while demons can't die regularly they can still feel pain so it's pretty much implied the lesser demons were rutinely tortured to created that warped "family" and is why for example the mother was actually relieved Tanjiro killed her and set her free.

It's a battle shonen not some fucking phd thesis and people still miss this stuff that is not subtle at all.


Will Tanjirou and Nezuko be able to keep the Kamado family going to pass on the dance when they marry people?

Does it count as incest if you fuck your sister that has turned into a demon?

>D-dad...I'm hungry and mommy says she is sick
>Don't worry child, watch daddy dance in honour of the fire god in the snow now
>B-but there is no food and we are cold

10/10 parenting


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sure, but they have to put on their good dance shoes

Meh Dr Stone is better

>[Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 19.ass
Sorry for being late

He’s literally a human with a sword

when did it state they ever go hungry?

This happens when you give a minimally decent material to Ufotable. I hope they don't oblige them to adapt more shit games and VN.

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no problems user, it’s worth the wait

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Based Boar Blitz

Nozomu Abe animated the scenes from when Nezuko wakes up, he's Ufotable's go-to animator when they want some flashy, detailed effects animation. Abe has been animating Zenitsu's Breath forms on the show, and in Ufo's fate works did most of the major Excalibur scenes and also Gae Bolg and Saber Alter's final Excalibur shot in the current HF movies.

Asspull is when you writer yourself into a dead end and pull shit out of your ass to make it work.
This wasn't that. The purpose of these series of events
>show how weak our charcters actually are
>learn some backstory for Tanjirou
>Tanjirou and Nanako awakening a dormant power within themselves (life threatening situation served as a catalyst)
Spoiler for next ep They didn't beat their opponent. They would've lost even with the awakening of the dance and blood art, so the writer didn't actually write themselves into a corner with no way out for our characters

People also forget the theme relevance of it all.
>family sells charcoal for fires
>black sword
>fire breath


You’re the one there currently you dumb bitch

Come on, it's not an asspull. He's just realizing that this ceremonial dance his dad taught him was a disguised martial art. It was really common in the past to pass down martial arts disguised as circus acts, or dances like this.

>”O my rubber nen...”
Fuck off dumbass it’s been hinted at since the first 2 minutes it’s not an asspull.

Are you so poorly read that you physically require foreshadowing for a surprise?

This fanbase sure does suck at defending its writing.

All the demons have muzan's blood, he's the ur demon, created alchemically (or so we're told,) it's his curse that grants him control over demons that she broke free of. And she can make demons without the curse, which is why she's wanted.

>KnY can do it with an average budget,
Because 80% of it is CG and filters

>350 pound lardass jiggling like a tub of jello in an earthquake at his epic trolling attempts

Ironic, considering you're the one that can't refute anything.

>cg complaint in anime
As opposed to what, retard, live action?

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Any GOOD story must have at least a 30 minute long exposition dump loaded with heavy foreshadowing 100 episodes prior and also right before any revelation or surprise occurs. If the writer doesn't scream it into my face then they're obviously hack frauds.

>H-h-h-he's not special! Despite being apart of a family that knows a special sacred dance
>I-i-i-t wasn't an asspull! Despite there being no time or reference he was able to actually learn the dance other than just remembering it from the spot

Every time
>I-i-i-i-ts okay when Ufo does it

Imagine when we get Akaza vs Giyu and Tanjiro

Two words retard;

This is hands the best scene I've seen in anime for the last 10 years

Christ, do people really enjoy this? it's annoying as hell.

Imagine being this fucking new

>hands down

Not even in the top 10 of the year

So because something is cgi means that it's bad even though the uses of cgi in the show is good and sometimes even helped make the sequence look even better

>even though the uses of cgi in the show
Its not easy being blind

Definitely number one of the year
Number one of last decade is a stretch


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>Definitely number one of the year
Fuck off faggot

Post it if I’m wrong

I need pic related but with the snek.

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You're now moving goalposts, but ok I'll give you one chance to prove you're reasonable and not shitposting. Make it count.

>H-h-h-he's not special! Despite being apart of a family that knows a special sacred dance
Everyone is special in some way, in this show, other shows and IRL. What's the problem here?
Nezuko is a special demon, commented on several times. Tanjirou has set himself apart with his supernatural level of smell, being able to cut the rock, beat the demon that ate all the pupils (but this was after a very long training period), etc. boar boy is also "special" and so is lightning boy. All in their own ways.
You're going to have to extensively elaborate on what the exact problem is here. Because I'm not following your vague reasoning.

>I-i-i-t wasn't an asspull! Despite there being no time or reference he was able to actually learn the dance other than just remembering it from the spot

So how would he have learned and inherited dance when no one alive could've taught him that? For him to have learned it? The backstory is also supposed to come as a revelation for the reader, so we discover something at the same time as the character.
Also, this is inherited and not like learning a waltz. He saw his father do the dance/breathing but your memory as a child is often blurred and forgotten. It could entirely have been something he learned as a child but forgot. That's how muscle memory work, you do something without actually thinking about it.
In any case, in the context of the story it's believable. If you're trying to bring realism into it then by all means tell me how realistic it is to become super strong by breathing in a certain way, etc.? All of that is totally fine and realistic?
In any case, you're desperately grasping at straws here. I sincerely doubt you to to such autistic lengths for your favorite manga/anime. If you do, then I'd love to hear what they are since they must be 100% perfectly written for you to sperg out this hard.


>Not even in the top 10 of the year
I can't even remember another scene that is more memorable/executed so extremely well.

Care yo share the top 10?

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>zenitsu gets to kill his enemy all by himself, only needed help to stop dying of poison
>tanjiro killed one enemy by himself and the big bad of the arc with just a bit of help from nezuko
>inosuke fails to do fuck all to the big spider and has to be bailed out completely
Poor boar boy. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come

>He's not special
>Yes he is
>Well everybody is special then

Great argument

>So how would he have learned and inherited dance when no one alive could've taught him that?
So how did he learn it now? Almost like he pulled it out from his ass.

Actually it just ends up with him using his head more

>I can't even remember another scene that is more memorable/executed so extremely well.
Because you've only seen one anime this year

cringe tbqh


>Great argument
You didn't elaborate as I requested. Only reason for that is because it would weaken your argument, because if you actually had a good point it would only aid you to elaborate.

>So how did he learn it now?
I jsut told you and asked you several questions which you flat out avoided. Once again, because answering them would weaken your already extremely weak argument.

In conclusion, you're either just a shit poster or someone close-minded. Most likely someone bored and seeking attention, as that is generally the trend.
I gave you a shot to prove that you're reasonable and you blew it. Oh well, if you want to behave like a child then by all means.

So there are no other scenes that top this since you can't even mention a single one? Glad we agree.

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Yeah but does he ever actually get to win anything again?

I don't know from where you get the Tanjirou isn't special schizo talk. This isn't a problem with writing, a ton of works of fiction have their protagonists being special in some way. I just don't know.

Your definition of an aspull is something unpredictable by the viewer? Then I guess half of anime is an aspull. This was something planned, there were hints and it becomes a major plot point, I find it really hard to consider it an aspull in the meaning that is some shitty deus ex machina that the writer uses to just shock the audience or tro to write itself out of a corner.

So no matter how bad and generic the fight was, good animation and epic OST gonna make this become 10/10?

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>You didn't elaborate as I requested. Only reason for that is because it would weaken your argument, because if you actually had a good point it would only aid you to elaborate.
That's nice. So he's special then.

>I just told you and asked you several questions which you flat out avoided
That's nice. So its an asspull then.

>This isn't a problem with writing, a ton of works of fiction have their protagonists being special in some way. I just don't know.
So why the fuck is the fanbase saying he's not?

>This was something planned, there were hints and it becomes a major plot point
Yes so well planned it wasn't even there

Tons actually.

Read the mango

>knyfags in a nutshell

Stop pressuring him. He’s searching through his folder give him time. Otherwise he’ll get pissed irl and post a picture of his dick.

Only if you answer my question

Then stop being a turbo faggot and say some, instead of this game of "Y-yeah there is", and providing nothing to back your BS claims up.

Yes. He’s an underutilized character but when he does have his time in the spotlight he shines.

Holy fuck, I will go watch the series.

>popular show has a fucking greatly executed scene in terms of choreography, animation, detail, emotion, sound, music
>other anons get upset because they don't like popular things because they're hipsters and start shitposting
quite sad, actually

>Kimetsu is the only anime I've seen all year

Is what you're saying

>posts western cartoon to argue against an animes quality

The memes make themselves folks.

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>popular show has a fucking greatly executed scene in terms of choreography, animation, detail, emotion, sound, music
MHA #49 aired last year. What about Kimetsu?

>IP didn't move

It seems ufotable have actually managed to make that new CG post-processing they're working on non-shit. It looked like ass in HF movie one but here with the flares, glow, embers and all that, it's just stunning.

Kindergarteners can answer simple questions like "What do you like?", but you can't. At this point you're just breaking global rules, because you're just trolling.

Yea Forums here.
Came to Yea Forums just to say 1 thing.
This is easily top3 anime of the year.

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Not following you? MHA has had a similar type of scene, but not as good.

>Yea Forums here.
>This is easily top3 anime of the year.
Of course

How so mother fucker when you were the one tooting that there are better scenes from anime this year? Yet you keep trying to avoid giving an actual answer?
You know what don't answer back you're probably gonna say the same bullshit you've been saying and dodging questions.

It was much better because it didn't involved a fucking asspull

Why does this look so much better?

have sex

>dead maternal figure flashback giving him newfound power to defeat and surprise an unfashionable enemy

You’re right because in KnY the hero had to have physical help from another demon to kill him.

No CG or filters

name 10 scenes better this year

Subjectivity. It also has more hand drawn frames.

>Yea Forums here.
your opinion doesn't matter then, fuck off buffoon.

>You’re right because in KnY the hero had to have physical help from another demon to kill him.
,,,,and just so happen to remember something as a child to save his ass

So, it looks like he must have been one of Chika's ancestors.

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Nope. That episode of KnY had a shit load of stills and bad CG

Well he is a hard worker and all that shit and mostly beats enemies through effort or some tactic so maybe that's where they come from. Not that he isn't talented or blessed.

Tanjirou's uniqueness doesn't mean anything right now tho because he is weak as shit as you will see in the next episode. In any case, what the fandom says or being special or not does not make the writing better or worse.

Regarding ghe aspull, there are hints that start to make sense later in the series (earrings, Muzan being triggered), Wani revealed thia important part of Tanjirou's backround in this fight to make it more dramatic and with very little foreshadowing but it's hard to argue it wasn't planned from the start. You could say it is too convenient and that's what makes it weaker and I could understand how you see it that way but if you say it's an asspull it's harder for me to agree, but maybe I'm seeing thia as a manga reader who has the bigger picture and knows there is an explanation for everything.

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>newfound power
What newfound power? It was the last ounce of strength he had being put into one fist

It really doesn't. Worse animation, worse detail, awkward pauses where characters just stand still, worse choreography. I personally also think the music was far better used an integrated in the KnY scene since it kept stringing along throughout and then neatly tied direct into the new ED.
It's not a bad scene and I can see why people would prefer it, but it's not as high quality.

mad as fuck senpai-tachi

>bad CG
Calling CG as a whole is one thing but that's not bad CG. That's like top 10 CG implementation I've seen in anime.

>Worse animation, worse detail, awkward pauses where characters just stand still, worse choreography.
Its not easy being blind I see

Don't give the attentionwhoring troll replies.

He's desperate for attention, don't give it to him. He's like that class clown that does anything to get attention, even if people think he's stupid as a result of it.

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The last ounce of strength that was able to one shot a boss that was clapping his ass when he had more power?

>That's like top 10 CG implementation I've seen in anime.

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Animeonly tards are pretty mad that Dance of the Fire God is an "asspull"

Imagine the reaction when this guy shows up in the Demon castle

fucking demons bruh, just the setting gives leevay to many directions,be it psychic, magical, or some oddity power ffs.

So many trolls today, or maybe it's just the same person? Well, no more replies for you either.

no. go away.

Oh so you didn't even watch the episode to begin with. Nevermind.


>He doesn't blindly praise what I like so that makes him a troll

What have we become?

An unrelated scene and not from the scene people are talking about.

Made me reply

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>S1 won't reach train arc
Feels bad man

The manga threads are better.

>unrelated scene
>its from the anime.

Are they going to run out of money? They’ve had some heavy scenes lately.

Doesn't matter, these shitposters will no doubt start flooding over there as well after this episode.

Are knyfags this stupid?

The lower moon is still alive and the pillar will bail them out.

>people are talking about how good the cg and animation was in a particular fight scene
>cherrypick a random screenshot from an earlier episodes when the character is training and running down a hill to try and prove that the scene from Ep19 doesn't have good CG

You realize that everyone just thinks you're retarded right?

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>I-i-i-i-i-it doesn't count


Loop you into
As well

For your sake I'll just pretend you're trolling, because I'd feel bad for your parents if their child was retarded enough to think that
>Statement: CG of Ep19 looks good
>Idiot: No that particular piece of CG in that episode doesn't look good because the CG in this entirely different episode doesn't look as good
>The idiot doesn't realize that that means that one scene has good CG and the other one has bad CG

So yes, I'll pretend you're trolling. You can thank me later.

Don't bother. It's a retard that thinks an in-between is an example of QUALITY(tm)

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Look where you're at, faggot. Just think of every comment as a troll even your own.

Found the retard

Animeonly tards are pretty mad that Dance of the Fire God is an "asspull" and there's a lot of flashbacks?

Imagine the reaction when this guy gets defeated

Attached: Akaza_escapes.png (818x812, 756K)

if you ask me generic is just taking something that has been done alot and not putting alot of thought/effort/time into the refinement process

kny has lots of generic things (protagonist, setting) but is pretty well refined in other aspects so it somewhat balances out for me

imagine douma's lmao


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Imagine the reaction when Zenitsu beats Kaigaku, They'd probably complain that it's rushed

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahaha! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: Ruining a good thread - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D


To clarify, for future reference. I disregard people as trolls or idiots if, after muliple attempts
>doesn't even answer basic questions, but instead resorts to logical fallacies
>constantly falls back on logical fallacies
>moves goalposts
>behaves in a very juvenile manner
>is close-minded
>starts making replies that don't even have a single argument, only insults
Because that's not a person you can have a sensible discussion with and there is no point in interacting with them. They're not someone anyone would ever want to actually talk to and would only do so if this person managed to antagonize them.

So if you ever want to be taken seriously, consider growing up mentally.

Nezuko wears diapers to bed

Is there anything that oxygen in your muscles cant do?

Yeah if you’re paralyzed
>still not on ex
bros we slackin right now

How sad it is to be mangafag.

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The "issue" is that the "ceremonial dance his dad taught him" was never really mentioned before, so they could just keep pulling out random stuff that his father/mother/favorite tree taught him coming up at convenient moments.

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>I have no idea what I'm talking about
>here's my expert opinion
Thanks, user. Maybe lurk more and you just might end up not being a massive faggot.

Just wait for season 2 and the immense unstoppable amount of asspulls this series will provide, even the great animation will not stop this series from becoming horseshit.

Nezuko either hasn't bathed in ages or the old man stripped her down and bathed her while she was sleeping and Tanjiro was gone.

Don't worry. The one flashback gave him a whole bunch of fire God dance options. Most of the time he gets a pep talk from himself if he's in grave peril.

>implying Ufotable aka massive Zenifags won't extend the fight as much as humanly possible

The tattoo power up and see-through-world are bs of the highest order.
The mangaka even forgets about the shitstain that is this retarded "line" or "string" the MC smells or whatever the fuck else he does with it.
It never appears again after this fight.
Instead we are met with flashbacks giving the MC new moves, power up tattoos and special x-ray vision.

Attached: C4002F46-0B72-4062-88BF-CAFE8F634A67.jpg (540x788, 166K)

Dont worry, MC will get even more moves from his flashbacks and x-ray vision.


absence of the manga hurt me emotionally. Now the comfy thread are full of Yea Forums and animeonlies (not mutually exclusive)

>t. glossing over the manga sparknotes to try and roast people who like thing I don’t like

So the guy calling zenitsu a loser was just projecting and took the demon pill hoping to go further beyond?

>i-it was mentioned
> proceeds to not give any prove
This is how MHAfags behave user, dont be like them, give me proof or stop lying.

Read the mango

No, it was:
- take the blood and become a demon


- die

and he chose to a undead slave or muzan jackson. But he has cool black lightning blood magic now.

Who are you replying to user?

Kinda funny that before this only people care about the series talk about it. After this a bunch of manchild come in and complain about something they didn't even care about a couple of day beofre.

>Giyuu will fuck the loli
lucky guy

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KnY threads were so comfy too

Funny you defend BnHA when later it makes the 7 quirks asspull out of nowhere. The irony.

animation was neat, still his flames were just orange colored shinny water but aight.
guess i'm more bothered about 'my water breath become flames' than anything else

>7 quirks asspull
Oh look another retard

To the one i quoted. This should be easy to understand, even for a newfag.

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This storm will pass in a few weeks.



Even Tanjirou admits that he's probably going to die fighting one day, he just doesn't want to.

he cut a rock with a sword

Why does this actually bother anyone

in a heroes will win series, the hero ends up winning

I dunno. I usually get irritated by asspulls or sudden powerups but it's never bothered me in Kimetsu

I don't know if they said something different from the manga, but it was still pretty shit because it kind of misses the point.

how the fuck do people even enjoy discussion on reddit? It's such a fucking mess, what's the point?

In the manga it called something like Dragon of Change

The Yea Forums translation of the manga had it as The Dragon of Change (The Changes of Life), I dunno about the Viz one, I'm just saying it's surprisingly fitting for a CR technique name.

The best sequence of this year for me. I still like Mob Psycho more overall, but no one thing in that show was as good as this. The only problem I have with it is that one bit where Tanjiro talks just a bit too fast and the fact that the whole thing is kind of an asspull.

>The best sequence of this year for me
Thats some shit taste

wasn't it stated before he got "soul of fire" or something like that by that weaponsmith based on the color of his eyes?

Chad Zenitsu x Nezuko will be canon, screencap this

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Name a better one. I know you won't because you're just baiting but still


>muh asspulls
>muh ships
>muh powerlevels
comfy Kimetsu discussion is dead

Nah, when the manga thread back we be good

Now is not even his last form.

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I hate animeonlies so much

Come on now, not all animeonlies are bad. Probably. I hope so.

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>tfw we'll never have this animated.

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I didn't know transform into a spider poison was common enough for someone to just carry the antidote around

there's no way ufotable would skip on a season 2 for this right?

She probably made that on the spot. She's the poison queen for a reason.

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She a poison expert so she probably know how to deal with poison.

the antidote for all demons disease is made with wisteria flower

I mainly love Kimtesu no Yaiba because it fulfilled the gap of greatly animated samurai shonen action since Rurouni Kenshin. Sure the story and characters are average, but man it's so satisfying hearing the slash sounds and the sword fights.

Kimetsufags and Neverlandfags are the most pretentious WSJ fanbases

Why does Tanjirou never outright try performing the dance like his dad? He just uses some moves in attacks but I think dancing nonstop would be excellent training for his breath.

In the end it's hard to say that he was defeated considering he an hero'd to end the fight after Tanjirou managed to make him go into flashback mode.

>Well he is a hard worker
No, he's not. Plot convenient power ups help him all the fucking time.

Manga Nezuko is cuter.

He never really learn it. He just recalled from his memory.

Cause he don't have time. His father die so he have to step up to take care of his family, after that the demon attack, then he got train by his master and try to cure his sister. he wouldn't think about something like that when he have more urgent matter at hand.

>Cause he don't have time.
M8 he has a ton of time during long training periods which are common in the manga.

He more focus in mastering what sensei taught him then something he learn when he was a kid.

t. herofagote

When will Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke combine their senses of smell, hearing and touch to become an ultimate radar?

Wouldn't Nezuko becoming super strong and even regenerating her limbs faster than upper moon be the bigger asspull considering she doesn't even drink blood?

Semen has more life force than blood

Yes, Nezuko is a plot device more than a character considering she keeps getting powerups out of nowhere. She even survives being out in the sun. Which is why Muzan wants to eat her and absorb that power.

KnY surpassed MHA popularity and sales.

Nips have good taste, finally.

Inosuke's mountain semen is truly a life force

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Good epesode and chapter. But you cant deny that was an asspull.

When Kanao and Genya join the team

She was cultivating. Superior Chinaman power source.

Right Kanao has super eyesight but what does Genya even have besides the ability to job without dying?

Super taste?

Don't forget Murata-san for the sixth sense

Guns, he's the doom guy

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Why doesn't Inosuke run around in full boar suit with his sword in his mouth?

manga threads should be fine since animeonlys can’t read.

Kimetsufags will.

Is the manga still good? I stopped around ch 120 because it was kind of boring

You know it well user.

Before the Guy fight he probably never realized the dance could be used in battle. What he recalled as he almost got killed by the threads was not the dance itself, Tanjirou is not the type to forget something so important to his father.
What he recalled was his father specifying breathing as the source of his strength. That's when he realized it might just have been a fighting breath technique. Also remember that at this point in time Tanjirou can only use the breath of fire god for a short while before he collapses. And this is after he learnt how to use breaths.
Later on after he trains and manages to uses full focus breathing 24/7 he still can't use it for extended period of times.
People suspect that Tanjuro (the father) was severely ill because he trained in the dance all his life.

Just wait for ufotable to get there.
This is a rare case of the anime adaptation being superior to the manga.

I don't come here often because I hate accidentally getting spoiled by manga readers, but why do people hate MHA so much? It's not a masterpiece or anything but people seem to have this burning hatred for it like it's the worst thing ever. Is it just the popularity or what?

This. I wonder why people even need to discuss it.

Dude, losing and not dying is the most OP power of all. He can fuck up and learn from his mistakes, a heaven sent against tricky blood demon arts.

It has the combination of everything that most people hate
>ugly bright cape suit
>multiple tournament arcs
>multiple training arcs
>muh 7quirks

I guess that since I don't watch a lot of shonen it doesn't bother me that much.

>tournament arcs
Those are usually great tho.

Is this where the next episode ends? Or there's too much talking before to fit it in?

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I wish we could get to train fight..

Because it's too popular. Really.
So KnY should be hated as well.

I don't know man, this week we got pretty much raider by every single boards spamming threads with "LUL BEST EPSUDE EVE XD IMMA WATCHING ANIMAI LOOK AT ME AND MY OPINION" plus the huge influx of "LEL IRONICALLY X" and "X-CHADS RISE UP", "X POST FOR THIS SHIT XD" and it only seems like it will get worse. They will probably start with shit like "THREADLY REMINDER (normalfag video)" and it will never be the same again.

It happens with every single anime adaption, and because this is published in a shonentard magazine it will get even worse with the crossboarders that start franchise wars for no reason

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Judging from the preview title, we are just gonna get Rui sob backstory. We get the point of >not all demons but frankly I think this is getting quite lame.

It was Nozomu Abe, he's a veteran.
Also the one responsible for fast as shit messy scenes you faggots like to complain about in Fate

Look at Shinobu next to Himejima, jesus christ. Just IMAGINE

We'll probably end the season with the train riding into the sunset.

Likely only 3 chapters so we'll get to the chapter before this

As much as I loved the Dance of the Fire God, I'm really looking forward to seeing this scene animated

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I like the back story. It told us more about both the demon and Muzan. Also it never try to justified the demon action, only showing their past and the choice they make.

Ok, so which fight do you expect to be the best adaptation?
>Rengoku vs Akaza
>Giyu and Tanjiro vs Akaza
>Uzui vs Gyutaro and Daki
>Shinobu vs Douma
>Kanao and Inosuke vs Douma
>Zenitsu vs Kaigaku

She ate a whole family of Breath of the Sun descendants so presumably it was much higher quality blood than normal blood.

How come Ufo's cgi is so good, but then you have shit like Kengan Asura and Berserk which have disgusting chi?

no she didn't, they burried the corpse and then start their journey.

Yeah pretty much.

He was Accel World's main action animator too.

They're adapting the anime to pump up the volume sales before the series ends so it's definitely getting at least an S2, probably an S3 as well.

>Rengoku vs Akaza
My bet is on that one. They will probably make it even more emotional. And I will tear up a bit. But just a bit.
It's all about the experience

Soon he will get special breathing 24/7 though, and awaken something else

Yea, im thinking this series should never have been adapted in the first place looking at how shit the threads are now.

None of you people in here deserve it.

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She gave me a hug

Cause normies: "hurrdurr this is an anime? Oh its and japanese anime like db and my hero akedemiurrr i need to watch this!!!!"
Also trending on Twatter

What's the difference between this and the real translation?

Because it's popular and straightforward. Instead of subverting people's expectations, it's a good shounen that sticks to the core of what makes a strong shounen story while wearing a unique setting and art style instead of just being another JapanX clone.

The official subs are based off of Viz translation, pig assault are based off the Yea Forums scanlation

She obviously already killed them and ate them though. They buried the leftovers.

You will never hear inosuke scream pig assult while running through the halls in his boar mask.

>Accel World
Fucking missed opportunities the series.

I'm really eager for the entire Red Light District arc

Is this build achievable natty?

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I was honestly starting to get bored of this but holy shit, faith restored. Those animations were 10/10.

So, is the grammar still fucked up in the Pig Assault subs or does it just put Yea Forums translations for terms and mottoes into the CR subs?

No, when Tanjirou found her she was protecting one of the kid. And from what we saw, it pretty clear that she didn't eat them since their body still intact. And she didn't kill them, Muzan or maybe Koku did, probably leave the corpse untouch so that she will feast on when she turned into a demon. Tanjirou get back just in time before she eat them.

Is Tanjiro ever in the wrong?

Attached: x12.png (959x1400, 897K)

Even funnier, weeks ago people were shitting it and now it's being wanked to death. I know this episode peaked and lived up the hype, but there are moments that you have to move on (of course they are doing it only to create fanwar and shitposting, we are in Yea Forums after all).

>durr we pretend realistic fluidity is good animation episode
The animation looked like shit. Kill la Kill is better animated than this garbage.

That's not been shown in other Muzan flashbacks though. He doesn't do anything for the demons he makes beyond telling them to go kill. He's not the type to help a demon in any way become stronger, especially if he doesn't know or think they're special. He even abandons them if they can't kill and eat any more.

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So Genya is in the OP despite not showing up for hundreds of chapters, does that mean they're doing a straight adaptation to the final arc?

He befriended Gayuu

Doesn't he show up for a single page while they're in the butterfly manor?

Oh that's right he does.

Man what a useless fuck.

fucking retard zenitsu wouldn't be able to cut the threads
> feel since even Tanjiro was fast enough to dodge the threads Zenitsu would get to him in no problem.
he has only one shitty move and it's easy to dodge also he needs to take the fighting stance everytime

My boy song is the shit.

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They have been on production since April 2017. So they will keep the qualities until the end.

>being a contrarian

The other day, I was watching SS2 Gohan first transformation in Japanese, you know when they play "Day of Awakening" and was reminded that it used to be kind of common for big moments to get a unique lyric song during it in the past but I haven't seen it in years outside of mecha anime. So I was glad to hear one

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There another theory that it may not be Muzan that kill Tanjirou family. See, stronger demon have more of Muzan blood and therefore smell more like him. It theorize that Muzan strongest servant, who have some connection to Tanjirou family maybe the one who killed them. When Tajirou found Muzan, it because he smell the scene of blood that he smelled at his house.

Did they give gold (and is that silver and diamond?) to the reddit post because they enjoyed the episode? Its like they actively try to be scum.

Yea the red light district arc is gonna be phenomenal, it takes place at night as well, i can just imagine the soft lighting of the homes while the investigation is happening and then the battles on top of the roofs and then tanjirou getting his chin massacred, Daki's dakis, its gonna be so damn good

They've been working on this for like over a year, not every studio gets that chance

so what happens to big sister spider now?

I try to fix some grammar mistakes I see, but I'm not a native English speaker, and don't actually speak Japanese, so I try not to go bonkers with rewriting sentences.

Who just came to rescue the guys again?

You'll find out in the next episode

nice bait manga is still better

She runs into the redshirt Tanjiro and Inosuke met and wraps him in an acid cocoon, then butterfly coat girl shows up, poisons her dead and saves the redshirt whose clothes melted away by that point.

Something nice.

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Gets judge for eating people and delivered

Attached: wut.jpg (254x198, 5K)

It might have been the best animation I've ever seen desu.l

thats the joke, retard.

Nezuko is like a direct descendent of Kibutsuji Muzans bloodline or something to that effect.
I mean all demons are but Nezuko even more.


Wrong. Her and Tanjirou are descendants of some random as charcoal sellers that were saved by the first demon hunter.

I can see the Huntercucks are feeling a severe threat from this series.

They literally say the breathing technique gives you strenght equal to that of the demons

I mean when she got turned into a demon. She got turned into a demon that is very close to Kibutsujis blood power.

Sword craft 24x7 only take breaks to shit and let that little faggot with the cute sister understand that this next sword will outlive time itself and withstand 50,000,000 final boss ultimates before it even chips.

She fucks Shinobu with a big futa spider dick.

is this the power of tax evasion?

The whole fight was a metaphor for tax evasion.

What would Shinobu have done if spider girl said yes to torture for forgiveness? Would she actually let her go?

I wonder if Tanjirou will take up the role of Fire Pillar instead of Water Pillar? Zenitsu is obviously going to be the Lightning pillar, but what about Kanao, Genya, and Inosuke?

It was the peak of KnY for me so far, tbf

>ever considering taking the gay pillar spot

No, he's right. The way moves looks really ugly and cg is very noticeable. KLK is better.

You're trying way too hard.

Why would he ever get water? Gyu isn't dead

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Tomioka is the most good looking pillar in the series, Uzui follows next but the margin is huge.

How often does Tomioka cry while seeing these threads.

Lmao. Also,
>Replying as if you're someone else

Tanjiro- Sun Pillar
Zenitsu- Thunder Pillar
Kanao- Flower Pillar
Genya- Demon Pillar/Gun Pillar
Inosuke- Beast Pillar

>you can't severe the ties between me and my funds, inspector!

Nah, the retards pretending it's good are trying too hard. I'm not just talking about backgrounds. They used cgi on that orange dude when he was hiding behind tree. Awful QUALITY.

Using CG and filter isn't necessarily bad. They use it and the end result is gorgeous.

I can perceive the salt in this post.

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>ywn have a campfire with giyuu
why go on

No such thing as Flower, Demon, or Beast pillar. Kanao is insect at best.

You do realize that X Pillar isn't an explicit position, right? If you become a pillar, you just get the name of your breath style put before the title.

If love and snakes can be pillars , anything can be a fucking pillar

Because Tanjirou is already as powerful, if not stronger, than Tomioka. Zenitsu is guaranteed a pillar spot since he's way stronger than anyone else in his batch.

Only Shinobu uses insect breath
Kanao uses the same as Kanae which is flower

Pillars are named after the style they use.

Kanao uses Flower so she'll be a Flower Pillar
Inosuke uses Beast so he'll be a Beast Pillar

Ufoturd are just really shit like this. The save time and money by doing the backgrounds in 3dcg which they spend making the characters overly fluid. It's worse this way with all the clashing.

Is chadnitsu rival dead or he just K.O him till next time?

Cuz he wasn't at the same power level as the moons.

There's no need for Demon Slaying Corps to exist when all demons have been slayed.

What a waste. She was cute.

He ded.

Yeah but retards keep asking the same fucking question every thread

I remember trying it a fuck of a long time ago. You can't really have a conversation or a dissenting opinion. I can't really understand what's the purpose of a 'forum website' if you can't actually have any discussion besides "I like this comment"

What about Tokito/Himejima though?

She was a human eating slut after all , even if she cute she ate a fucktoon of humans instead of taking cock like a good slut.

Do you really think it's safe to just completely dismantle the organization? I'd keep it going just incase

FUCK kids.

It's explained later on that she's different and somehow just sleeping is enough for her to develop her abilities. Also she seems to be controlling how to develop. For example, she acts and thinks like a kid because her body isn't focused on recovering her conscience for now.

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God, I wish Tanjirou had kept his hair long.

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Thank God he didn't, the fujoshits would go crazy

Will all the demons disappear if Muzan dies? I'd imagine they'll go wild when they don't get controlled by a dictator

>Gun Pillar
Hesitation is defeat.

Tell me more about Crocodile-senpai

Mitsuri mandhandling Tokitou

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I'm not even a fujofag...what if I just thought he looked legit cooler and more badass with long hair? It doesn't have to be about finding him attractive.

It seems like Vampires in The Lost Boys. Kill the head vampire and the pack dies.

Nezuko is for sure a mysterious character. She knows what happened the day her family was killed.

Zenitsufag here to remind everyone that my boi Zenitsu is a cool guy and I love him. Tanjirou should learn some SICK ASS IAI techniques but I guess having O MY FIRE GOD SUN breathing or whatever is good enough.

Attached: Zenitsu God Mode (2).webm (852x480, 2.81M)

Last episode rating was 93.6, interesting how they will rate this one, 95+?

And yet Zenitsu tells him how to increase his speed lmao

Then he would be too similar to Kokushibou


Will pig get sister?

Attached: pigu.png (483x313, 92K)

Not Gonna lie, I laughed

98 because contrarians.

I lurked in there on pig assault episode. The mod baned everyone who mentioned "pig assault".

Tanjiro was actually always kind of a Gary Stu. Look how superior to Inosuke and Zenitsu he is.
Thats part of what makes him great though. So many Shonen MCs are idiots like Luffy/Naruto/Goku/Gon, cucks like Deku, or edgelord cool guys like Ichigo/Natsu/Asta.
Tanjiro is competent as fuck. He doesn't put on aires or act cool. He isn't some ragetard that gets super angry to punch harder like Gon Luffy and Goku.
We didn't have to watch him be a little bitch forever before he got good like Deku. He feels genuine pity for his enemies but never lets it fuck up his mission.
To be honest Tanjiro is such a flawless Gary Stu that he is the perfect MC.

Is Mimilaa still posting?

>Fags so immersed on their own bullshit about Ufotable that they can't tell the difference between roto, normal 2D and 3D animation anymore
Tho this just tell me Ufo is doing a good job

>superior to Zenitsu
But can he defeat or even catch up to SERIOUS Zenitsu?

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The dance was based af though. I'm pretty sure I learned fire kung fu just from watching it.


>people actually thought we were going to get to the train demon
I fucking told you guys.

>Imaishi blurriness
>well animated
It looks good, but it's not well animated.

>edgelord cool guy

I think Tanjiro would still win. Tanjiro has gone up against people who can kill him with one hit plenty of times. He is too smart and agile to get hit.

Animeonly here, does he ever get to the point where he can fight while awake or is he always sleepwalking it?

>does he ever get to the point where he can fight while awake

Tanjirou no uta full song

Asta is literally blonde Natsu. If you accept Natsu is an edgy cool guy you must accept that Asta is too.

that cope lmao, stay mad knyfag

>breaks your super sword
Oops, I did it again

When will he have his day?

>It looks good, but it's not well animated.
That's better than Ufoturd shit that's ugly and clashes but is """"well animated"""".

Does anyone have the image of Tanjiro cringing?

who dis


>le forced overanimation and cgshit is good
this thread is a disgrace



wish more anime used chromatic aberration


Which one?

Attached: 1.jpg (625x460, 39K)

he would one shot him, even yoshirou saved him after this

Attached: 2.jpg (626x479, 39K)



Attached: 1563201925370.gif (379x440, 140K)

>le buzzwords repeated ad infinitum


It's 3 frames of animation

All the retards saying it has """""""""""""""""""good animation""""""""""""""""""" are using that shit as a buzzword. Animation is a process and there is none in this shitshow. The visuals are bad and clash despite their compositing. Especially when the background moves. Retards are literally misusing "animation" as a buzzword to shill this garbage.

They try too hard to make the fluidity realistic at the detriment of other aspects of the show like presentation and visual coherence. It's the definition of forced/overanimation.

>tfw he sees ufotable's shit compositing and 3dpd

She told me to stop screaming in her ear and go fetch some snacks

If they keep 3 chapters/ep pacing it'll end at Akaza's arrival, which is...kind of awkward. I wonder if they'll slow down or make it faster

Why do so many faggots lie about ufoturds compositing being good? The characters and backgrounds do not fucking look like they are in the same dimension. They fucking clash badly, it was like this in Zero and UBW and it's like this here. Fuck off back to r3ddit. Fate cooking is practically the only good thing they've done.

She just thought I was a little creepy before. Now she has no doubt about that


But he's right.


Attached: 1565537689770.png (172x201, 26K)

>my boi
Stop this shit, go back to your board with your memes and niggerspeak

Stop sticking up for your boyfriend, it's pathetic.

>posts an image

Based UFOTABLE for anally raping this user.

I'd say he's a bit of a Gary Stu personality-wise. He seems to have all the qualities author would like to see in a guy. But other than that, the main difference is that, unlike other shounen MCs, he competent and takes his job seriously. Except for the snowflake dance, he got ahead Inosuke and Zenitsu simply because he takes his job seriously.

being this much of a nigger

Be ill no more, Mr. Boar!

People are saying it had good animation because the whole sequence pleased their eyes. What do you call when a japanese animation delivers something gorgeous?

yes but in one the latest chapters, and was kino

Attached: Chuntaro.jpg (601x626, 283K)

>detriment of other aspects of the show like presentation and visual coherence
It's not Ufo's fault you can't keep up with a simple action sequence. Using the "forced animation" meem doesn't help it either.

>The visuals are bad and clash
Also, visuals are bad it's your opinion. A pretty shit one, but still yours only. And

>Contrasting styles and colors which complement eachother and gives the show a unique visual are now bad
>Fluid animation with the expertise use of 3DBG with 2D characters are forced and bad
Yes, buzzwords.

Well here's to hoping the anime gets more seasons then. Also is the manga close to ending? I seem to remember hearing that it was and if it is they should be able to adapt the whole thing with 3 seasons

All the retards using animation here are using buzzwords too.

>It's not Ufo's fault you can't keep up with a simple action sequence.
I can, that's how i can tell it's bad.

yeah the anime is full of CG,filters and sxf spam

>Also, visuals are bad it's your opinion.
No. There is not a narrative reason for the for the backgrounds to look like they're in another world to the characters. It's stupid and because ufotable are shit.

Why are you so suprised?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 19 [1080p].mkv_20190811_191801.828.jpg (1920x1080, 237K)

Nezuko fucking surpassed Muzan already in the manga. she is immuned to the sun at this point of the story. Not even Muzan is as broken as her.

>y-you only seen one anime all year
so show us other well animated shows
>nuh uh, you just watch one anime all year

The het is on Pixiv. The yaoi is on Twitter. It's been like this for several series for a couple of years.

this shibari session was intense

Things are coming to a head and there will be several fights until the big bad, it feels like it may end sometime soon. Its hard to say when exactly.