The Great Debate

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You this shitpost isn't going to last long, Kimestu isn't really going to be a long Shonen, it's on it's final arc

>shit vs shit

Stop with this Yea Forums tier faggotry

>Peak MHA>Peak KnY>current KnY>current MHA
All I can say is MHA high point is league better than KnY High point.

Is MHa gonna be a long shounen?
Nothing can compete with black clover

KnY easily

>Is MHa gonna be a long shounen?
>Nothing can compete with black clover
BC already ruined itself by bringing back Julius
Not caught up to KnY but MHA is currently having it's best arc

Black Clover is fucking shit and the sales prove it

>MHA is currently having it's best arc

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Kimetsu no Yaiba
>fits a training arc in one episode
Boku no Pico Academia
>each episode is a training arc
Gee, I wonder which one is better

Villain arc>Kamino , people overrate All Might vs AFO too much

MHA doesn't have a single good fight. You have to watch MHA for the characters.

>MHA doesn't have a single good fight

Just from the poster alone you can tell how generic they both are.

Yup, BC will outlast them all, WE are looking at the next 700ch long series folks.

This, as a battle shounen it sucks major ass.

Yet it still going. It will outlive Neverland, then Kimetsu, and then Boku No Hero.

>MHA doesn't have a single good fight

I like both, but I find MHA superior because it explores more and better the art, characters, themes and even plot. Kimetsu is much more basic and shy in these areas. I really can't even think of a big theme when I think of the series. Family ties, perhaps? But for that, Nezuko would have to be more than just a fighting weapon.

Anyway, when it comes to adaptation, technically, it's the opposite. Kimetsu wins.

>MHA doesn't have a single good fight
Neither does Kimetsu


Kimetsu has a cute imouto, MHA doesn't have a cute imouto. It was over on day 1.

>MHA doesn't have a single good fight.
And Kimetsu has? All the fights seem inspired by the "this is not my true power" trope. BnHA fights are far from great, but the author at least tries to be more creative and strategic from time to time.

>it explores more and better the art, characters, themes and even plot
It doesn't explore shit and there's no plot at all. The worldbuilding in bnha is UTTER SHIT that's being made up as it goes along which makes these new groups of villains feel like filler as they seem to pop out of nowhere into sudden relevancy because of how little we know about the world AND HOW LITTLE THEY MATTERED before.

We don't even know how hero society was formed exactly. All we know is apparently there were too many people running around who used their newly found powers to do bad things so some other people stepped up and took matters into their hands. Then TA - DA!! that's how hero society came into being like wtf?? There's way too many things skipped there for the series to act like this is some sort of logical progression of things, very POOR EXECUTION in worldbuilding.

It doesn't even make sense because if you're saying that the situation was solved as a result of people taking matters into their hands instead of relying on the gov't then hero society is like the EXACT opposite of that. So how the fuck does that work and how the fuck can they even enforce the "you can't use your quirk" thing or even know what exact quirk people have if they just lie about it?

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Read Vigilantes to know more.

MHA has hot ladies. Plus, it only has one Asta (Bakugo), Kimetsu has two.

Coupled with the snowball effect of how it gets more popular every month

The noses are fucked in MHA

Yeah that why BC volume sales keep decreasing every volume right? And give me that "sells 1M between volume" bullcrap

The sales are snowballing every volume

Kimetsu no Yaiba premise
>I want to save my sister who is the only family I have now
Kimetsu no Yaiba plot
> I will destroy the generic monster of the week number 1.250 using my sister as power up, but first HERE'S ANOTHER FLASHBACK

What about Kimetsu sameface syndrome?

demon slayer is already more popular and sells more than mha.

Why is there always a flood of shitposting whenever a manga gets an anime?

the characters aren't good either

>upper moons
>generic monster of the week
Okay retard

Wow picked up. I wanted to see a sibling anime

Since when? Source and post number


Demon Slayer trended today. Boku no shitstain episodes don't

>Le Forced rivalry


They're generic as fuck
All Might trended worldwilde last year.


> Boku no shitstain episodes don't
iirc it trended with noumu, todoroki, and afo

>All Mighty
>Not Great
Now I know your laying.

>implying Deku isn't just Ochako and Eri with freckles, and Bakugo isn't just Kirishima and Yellow haired guy

Kimetsu no Yaiba vol. 15: 1 billion copies in print
My Hero Academia vol. 24: 2 copies in print

Go back to retard
Go back to retard
Go back to retard
Go back to retard

Kill yourself, but the rest of the list is good

MHA always do that tho? Guess you a newfag. Hell MHA always trend world wide even without anime

Fuck off. Don't use Kimetsu to shitpost.

It trended this week because an american hoepper cosplayed as Todoroki

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Both are more fun than Mob Pshito, that's for sure.

>One month of sales vs three days
Kek nice try

Bakugou is fun.
All might used to be good.
Mirio's fun.
Twice was good for 5 pages in his backstory.
Rest are shit. Like 0/100

The only good character in Kimetsu is Tanjirou. Zenitsu and the Pig are annoying as fuck. Nezuko is useless. The rest is just Bleach rip-offs.

>We don't even know how hero society was formed exactly
Read slower

Nope I love all of the characters in KnY and they have great progression and character arcs that won't drag through a stretched series.

> One... Day.... It... Suddenly... Became.... A ... Hero... Society...

>B-b-but aniki!
I don't know his pretty flat. Pillars have no personality hell moon is better than them.

>they have great progression and character arcs that won't drag through a stretched series.
Thanks for the laugh

Oof... K-kimetsubros...

Why havent you gotten permabanned yet? You just spark showshitter wars 3x a day

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MHA : Trash
KnY : Haven't seen but looks like generic trash

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>looks like trash

why are the most negative people always lazy and ignorant?

What does filename have to do with anything, stop seething over meaningless shit herocuck.

Nowadays Naruto vs Bleach

>whats the filename mean
Not a herocuck btw im a Kinometsu no Yaiba chad

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Not only your retard your also a newfag, SnKeks

>B-But he doesn't rename his files he's a new fag r-right ?
Is this the state of KnY fags ? stick to ur generic dororo copy paste manga and cope.

trips dont lie. is a confirmed newfaggot and is obligated to kill himself

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>it has swords so it must be a Dororo copy
>I mean what even are time periods
>or plots
>or really anything about the story than what I choose to observe
I'd be more surprised at this level of retardation if I didn't already know you were and SnKfag

Look at the filenames, outing yourself as a samefag this easily, and i'm the one who's new??? kek KnY posters are low IQ what a surprise.

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>tfw I enjoy both series.
>some nlgger makes a bait thread.
>falseflaggers come to shit up the place even more.
>everybody lose their minds.
Why are you guys like this?

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>>wasnt claiming to be different people, instead responding
>>trips was a different poster
>b-but samefag! thats a word here right?
how fucking new are you?


>I-I never really claimed to be a samefag haha I made it clear that I'm the same person from the first post r-right guys ?
OH NO NO NO , stick to posting about your irrelevant manga and jobbing to every other fandom on Yea Forums, and don't forget to organize your animemes folder by the Show name and the character so that you can find them easily when you need to destroy those SnKfags on an anime board !!

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why? this one is barely alive as is. People aren't taking the bait right now, dont be so desperate

>acting like people have to claim samefag every time they post twice
what's wrong with you? Severe autism? BTFO so hard so easily you've become entirely retarded? Get help user, you seem like your mental development has been hindered terribly

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>Still rambling about anime filenames like a neckbeard

so far I'm enjoying KnY more then MHA

there is however way more animated material to judge for MHA and I enjoyed it when it first came out but sort of got tired of it and at this point im not even that interested in the next season, but I'm interested in KnY and the episode today was great and as far as the animation style goes I think KnY is visually much better in my opinion