What human is worthy of slaying Alucard?

What human is worthy of slaying Alucard?

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Kouta Hirano

Guts or Vash unironically.
But they couldn’t do it. Only characters with ridiculous magic bullshit can beat the king of bullshit


Joseph Joestar

Yuuki Rito

Wholeheartedly believe. She lives with a vampire, after all. She knows all the tricks.

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>6x folds r-right folks?

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Jonathan Joestar

fucking amazing answers

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... would just create a pocket universe where Alucard would get raped by Turkish bvlls for a million years


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Any other answer is wrong.

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Victoria Harwood's whole scene in the dub was excellent youtube.com/watch?v=CdJ_9YVPQw8

Is Vash even a proper human?

would they be good friends/enemies?

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>wanting Alucard to die to some clown

He's a space god

He’s kinda the opposite of a vampire. An angelic being that provides for humans.

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So do you have to really nuke all his lifes or just convince him you are truly worthy to let you kill him?

The only one capable of but will only do it if he poses a threat to humanity She is the savior to all life.

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Her heart is that of a human. She knows how to balance her powers with her duty.

But Alucard isn't weak to sunlight. The ripple wouldn't do shit

But, user. He is the demon.

stupid sexy police girl

Arguably she is the only vampire who hasnt lost her humanity, putting her in a very interesting place. I think Alu would be satisfied dying by her hand if it came to it.

c-c-carry on, constable

What I like most about her arc is that she earned it. Her early on naive look on herself is what costed the Hellsing organization it's soldiers. It was only then she realized she can be the force to be reckoned with and still be herself is when she became the guardian she needed to be.

Doomguy is a saint of a person. He just really really likes killing demons


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Probably one of the Shikis. Whether they could actually pull it off or not is a different matter.

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Let go of your hate, Alucard. Won't you dance with me?

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What I like is her cute bonger accent and big bonger milkers

All pluses.

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Isaac Netero

Shimazu Toyohisa

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Those are perfectly valid reasons to like Police Girl.

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I want to see Alucard intreacting with a Jojo character

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But he's from space.

Pillar Men could whoop his ass

Could Dio kill him if he used both his vampire powers AND za warudo?

Giorno? Pucci? Johnny? Funny Valentine?
Although I guess Alucard already fought a similar concept of D4C
The humans of DBZ maybe?
Ultimate Kars yes, but before then probably no. When Alucard starts going full retard with his monster forms and shitting out adds the pillar men might have a hard time with that.
Something kind of like that already happened. Although he cant stop time, being able to dodge bullets is pretty close. The main issue with DIO being able to beat him would be his damage output. He could probably roadrollada all day but Alucard just has an insane amount of regen. Im not sure The World would be able to out dps Alucards regen

Is it even to kill him after he absorbed schrodinger? After all the kid could ressurect himself so he took over his powers.
But if anything I'd say Seras.

Van Hellsing

Any vanilla human that recognizes what he is, what he is capable of, and doesn't give a damn and fights him anyway.

vampires vary so fucking widely from work to work you can't possibly claim some vampire hunter from one universe would know how to beat a vampire from a completely different universe.

thank you for giving me a reason to post this after 4 years

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Manga Vash can kill Alucard but he wouldn't do it.

You have to be a pure human and you can't use any magic, supernatural or cosmic powers. Alucard believes that Monsters have to be killed by Humans. If he believes that you deserve to win he will subconsciously allow himself to loose.

That is what Abraham Van Hellsing did.

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Johnny wouldn't work because he would ditch his humanity the very thing that Alucard wants in his killer.

Johnny succeeded in retaining his humanity though. The end of D4C is a Johnny that could end Alucard immediately.


That Johnny opened fire into a crowded street

KT Gray was perfect and made my dick rediscover heterosexuality

I miss this motherfucker.


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His whole philosophy is fucking retarded he’s a monster who kills monsters and there is no way in hell any human could have killed him even before his power up. Even the major needed bullshit schrodinger powers to “win”.

no, hes not a human

John Wick

but none of the tricks to kill vampires actually work on alucard

I'd say me, but then again, I'm a monster that also eats monsters, so why would I want to kill a comrade?

I definitely diminishes his power iirc

by like 1% or something incredibly insignificant


GER Giorno is a possiblity.
Ichigo is a possibility.
Guts, depending on how astral plane fuckery works.

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she couldn't though shes too loyal to him

Is there sum thing going on with Hellsing I'v been seeing it posted a lot to day

Vash is literally a plant.

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Someone entranced with that which makes him human. Will.

Perhaps it would take a man with the trappings of a monster, to slay a monster with the trappings of a man.

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He was using the sound of Diego’s horse to track him, who would be running on the course away from the crowd.

She can kill any fucking thing, so i think she's okey for the task.

... Laius from Dungeon Meshi?

Do I watch Hellsing or Hellsing Ultimate?

the middle schooler himself

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while this is the prerequisite to defeat him being a vanilla human is just too big of a handicap, he's not gonna nerf himself just to get killed off by a vanilla human, you need to be human, but also strong enough to take him on.

you watch both.

He was fine with humans like Anderson that used tech and shit to bring themselves closer to his level. It's just the nail shit that he was having no part of.

I wonder why he chimped out about the nail, Anderson didn't seem to be any more or less a monster after he used it he only had freaky vine powers.

Dr Van Helsing and crew

Read the manga, watch Ultimate, listen to the OST for TV.

I guess because Anderson's regular freaky regen powers were man-made while the Nail was literally channeling the power of God, which I guess in Alucard's eyes meant using it detracted from Anderson's and his comrades efforts as mere mortals? Or something like that.

watch all, the abridged

I guess but it still seems strange to me.

I mean, it IS strange. Alucard's perspective isn't really supposed to be relateable to normal humans, it's not even necessarily understandable to normal vampires or other non-humans like the Captain, his values really are his own and not really anyone else's.
According to Alucard's standards, the Nail made Anderson a "monster of God", which I guess was to do with Anderson's decision to sacrifice his own worth as a genuine human in order to do God's work. For Alucard who divides entities into the categories of Man, Dog and Monster, a human who is genuinely capable of going against him as a Man is incredibly valuable, so that Man becoming a Monster is consequently an incredible waste. It's probably a bigger tragedy in his eyes than any number of senseless deaths.

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Yes, he loves animals

She probably could. It's not much different from how Tohno Shiki killed Nrvnqsr. You just need to kill the very existence of Alucard itself.

what about these lads? how would they contain him?

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They could contain regular Alucard in much the same way Hellsing did, that probably wouldn't be too tall an order.
I don't know how they'd contain Schrodinger Alucard, though. Unless there's a very specific SCP they could use to somehow interfere with his Schrodinger qualities.

I think you missed the point. The whole scene with her eating that guy she liked was her finally casting away her humanity. She already became a monster, a true Nosferatu like Alucard was hoping she would become.

Simon the digger

This smug bitch would be entirely worthy. She's more pro-human than a HFY greentext and presuming this isn't Catboy Alucard, we can presume she'd be able to put up some measure of fight given one of her confirmed powers is killing immortals.

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he would give her piggyback ride and take her for a coffee instead, embarassing her in front of everyone since she can't walk
then he would turn into loli and have a snowball fight with ononoki

Alexander Anderson before he fucks it up.

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They can't even contain a rogue police officer on the loose.

They have the same VA on both English and Japanese

Both god and science failed. No one can.

Worthy? Yes, most definitely. Capable? Thats the big maybe, i cant see him without the nail able to beat Alucard, even when down to a single life.

>hasnt lost her humanity
But she turns into a full vampire after drinking up the french man.

I guess he's not technically human but he's got a pure heart

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This cutie right here

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Yugi/Atem will send him to the shadow realm.

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I bet they could do it

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>absolutely human
>absolutely just
It would work

Jonathan Harker and Quincey Morris.

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If Anderson's microcybernetics counted as a weapon then Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear is an even match for him even. Monster in body but not in mind. He's video games tho.

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same VA too lol


Well someone remembers that series atleast.

So does Seras only have one life? Doesn't that make her really weak as far as vampires go?

>is the most powerful non-human
>will only be killed by a human, which is basically impossible
So if another Van Helsing came around Alucard would just let him kill him? Keeping in mind that Alucard is immensely more powerful than when Helsing defeated him

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Alucard isn't even immortal, right. Every time he received a mortal wound, the life of someone he had sucked beforehand would be depleted instead. He came back after Schrödingers trap by killing everyone else inside of him, making him quite mortal again.

So all you need to kill Alucard at his peak is to have extreme endurance and kill him 100,000 times or so.

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Absorbing Schrodinger's powers is what made him 100% immortal. At that point he can basically only die if he decides to stop existing of his own accord.

Only true answer

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he almost did before Seras fucked it up

What gives you that idea? Just by getting shot by Integra's puny pistol knocked him down. He had killed everyone else inside of him, he was the weakest ever.

she has two, not all vampires in Hellsing have the ability to absorb souls either and shadow manipulation and the other advanced powers come from being Alucards fledgling, the weird thing is we don't ever see any other natural vampires in the show they were all chipped freaks

because he's become omnipresent, Schrodinger had his head straight blown off and came back, they can take damage but they can't die

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t. speedreader

How can someone speedread this hard?

>not all vampires in Hellsing have the ability to absorb souls
I think they are supposed to have. Alucard was telling Luke to summon his familiars until he realized he was a total bitch and couldn't even do something so basic.

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oh yeah, it's too bad we didn't get to explore that universe more the werewolf powers were pretty cool, the show it makes me think true vampires are pretty rare

Was the priest a true vampire or was every other vampire a fake besides Seras and Alucard? I don't remember.

he was a true vampire he was going to rape Seras so she'd turn into a ghoul meaning he had the ability to turn others unlike freaks

That makes me think that true vampires might not be THAT rare, but they just tend to get killed before they're able to really start accumulating power and lives and don't yet know their abilities fully.

the priest in cheddar ate that whole village though and the most he could do was move really fast, Seras ate one guy and she could fly and cut people right in half with her hands


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Immortality doesn't even describe it. In most fiction there is always some way to end the existence of an immortal being. After mastering Schrodinger, Alucard exists because causality exists. Even if some great power tried to delete Alucard's existence, the concept of Schrodinger's Cat that sustains Alucard now would allow him to return. To prevent him from existing you'd have to destroy causality and prevent the Schrodinger ability to do basically anything when unobserved.

>HURR DURR I wanna be killed by a human
>gets killed by a human and his gay nazi cat
Alucard can eat a turkish dick for all he's worth

There is most probably a mental component to how much the vampires can utilize their potential as well. If the priest never bothered to experiment or practice and simply thought being faster and stronger was all there was to it that might explain it. Compare that to Seras who was under extreme stress in a life or death situation and who ate the one person she loved.

He didn't get killed back then, absorbing Schrödinger just made him confused and unable to manifest. He was still alive the whole time.

That wasn't death. Alucard wants to die like he should have when he was executed: a cold death where whatever life is left in him slips away. The Nazis decided that killing Alucard was basically a fool's errand and it was easier to invent a way to render him into nonexistence even if it took creating a person that doesn't exist and having to goad him into absorbing millions of souls at once just so they could sneak that one person into the batch of blood... which didn't work anyway.

That might be where Bloodlines come into it since she got it from Alucard, who evidently is far, FAR above a ordinary vampire (possibly due to his vampirism having come straight from a pact with the devil in a sense.) while the priest was a random, freshly turned amateur.

Big J is the answer.

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Using christian magic is against the rules, user.

Almost same person.

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*Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry series.

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A better question is what human is worthy of slaying Alucard and could actually do it.

You're wrong mate. It wasn't so much her becoming a monster but her embracing her powers. Hell even after she drinks Pip's blood she goes out of her way to thank the Wild Geese for their help. She is very much still the same old Seras but just wiser and now balances her humanity with her powers.

Alucard himself in present time.

Not really. You only need to extract Schrodingers soul out of Alu somehow.
Probably with some big ass ritual or sacred artifact. Or beat him on a conceptual level (someone like Simon the digger should be able to do it)
But in combat, yeah, you cant actually hurt him

But Alucard was schrodinger concept from the beginning. That is point of vampire.

except you can't he is everywhere and nowhere

this guy

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Still he always come back.

upcoming death battle is alucard vs dio

place your bets


I prefer Dio, but Alucard is OP as fuck. Can't see Dio pulling a win here

beat me to it


I don't understand why, in the show, everyone makes a big deal about Alucard, when Schrödinger was seemingly omnipotent.
Alucard's ability, on top of his vampirism, was absorbing other souls into himself and gaining their abilities in the process. He could only regenerate as long as he had souls to burn; meanwhile Schrödinger was a truly immortal being, and able to exist anywhere as long as he believes he does.
Kind of weirded me out how such a powerful character is mostly ignored throughout the show.

As much as I like DIO he really has no chance against Alucard powers wise. Not even pre-Schrödinger. JoJo vampires are different from mythology vampires like in Hellsing in the sense that they are more mundane and simply caused by something biological, whereas Hellsing vampires are originally caused by a spiritual thing.

Schrödinger was not omnipotent, his only power was his existence / non existence fuckery. He can't be killed, sure, but there's not much he can do to you that a normal dude couldn't. The reason he managed to "beat" Alucard was entirely because of Alucard's own powers that fucked him over once he absorbed Schrödinger.

>Schrödinger was not omnipotent, his only power was his existence / non existence fuckery.
I meant omnipresent.
>He can't be killed, sure, but there's not much he can do to you that a normal dude couldn't.
He could appear inside your body in an instant and make it go poof, for one.
>The reason he managed to "beat" Alucard was entirely because of Alucard's own powers that fucked him over once he absorbed Schrödinger.
I know that, but there's more to power than being able to beat someone. Being able to exist anywhere, at any time, including dreams and illusions is way more OP in my book than anything Alucard could do. Not to downplay Alucard.

Are they going to include that bullshit overpowered novel version of Dio? Because that would change pretty much everything.

Hopefully not, because it's not canon.

>Excalibur is a human

Schrodinger mentions that if someone were to give up their life voluntarily, that the increase in a vampire's power would be exponentialy, not a small increment.

Pip gave his life (by extention; his blood) to Seras on his own accord, the Priest forcefully took lives, increasing his power in only small increments. Alucard just has eaten and drank so many people that all these small increments amounted to a gargantuan mountain of power.

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