Vinland Saga

Just caught up to the anime. This looks so good. Why can't Berserk & Kingdom have this kind of adaptation?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because they are shit and Vinland Saga is not.

Stop trying to start a fight.

Okay, I don't know about Kingdom, but Berserk had a good adaptation in 1997 and that is literally the only good thing about Berserk, so unnecessary shit is well.. Unnecessary.

It was a good slideshow. Not much good animation though.

You sound like a shounenshitter

You sound like a moetard


How? Because I don't think sakuga is all there is to animation? You berserkfags are all the same

>when shit series like KnY can have better animation than Berserk

Attached: KnY5.gif (480x270, 853K)

Kinoland Saga

Which studio should adapt a new Berserk anime?

Attached: BERSERK.(Kentaro.Miura).full.1348038.jpg (600x770, 230K)

JC staff

KnY has better animation than everything though

Kingdom anime looked like hot garbage but I still managed to enjoy it somehow, and it got me interested in Chinese history. Big lip guy was the biggest chad. I should give the manga a try someday, since I hear it's ongoing and very popular.

Too bad it's wasted on a fucking revenge oriented plot

Lol no. Even OPM S1 was better.

The one that made Mob Psycho.

Question to mangafags: is the adaptation faithful enough that I can enter through it?

Bones or WIT.

Dumb-anime only.

Caught up with the manga last night, what's the fucking point of Hild? I don't think there's a single more unlikable character in the entire series. Her existence is completely pointless too, all she ever does is literally
>Thorfinn about to do thing
>she pops up
>"I'll kill you if you do it in X way, don't leave my sight, by the way I'll kill you"
The whole thing with her being some absolute genius just makes her even worse. I mean, OK, make her smart, but bitch had models for fairly advanced looking flying machines and whatnot in her room, in the 1000s.

Yikes incel. Have sex.


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No one cares about animation except for sakugafags. Art and direction are way more important. You don't watch a movie a praise how smooth it is. It's about literally everything else.

Based. OPM S2 had great animation but since the direction was complete ass in every way,the momentum that the animation could've had was lost.

It's better than the manga so far.

Episode 23+24 will be kino incarnate.

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>berserk is shit
ok well I know obvious bait when I see it

all the old animators from madhouse and give them the greatest budget they've ever had

and kill anyone who says ''lets use CG'' fuck you, lets not and stick 100% to the manga ffs

Why can’t beserkfags stop talking about berserk in regards to vinland?

Because they both have angry faggot MCs who have a bishounen best friend and work as a hired mercenary.

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but thorfinn hasn't been an edgy nigger for years now

Same for Guts.

Fuck off spammer, it looks like crap. Also Berserk 97 had a better adaptation than this you dumb newfag.

Just read the manga, adaptation is pretty shit.

bad bait

Somebody's assblasted.

>Literally one thread on the catalog
Retard, cope and concede.

That would be (you) OP.

How is it not?

>pretends to be retarded
I've seen this delusional retard constantly spam shitty grids for this abortion of a show.

What episode does he show up?

Attached: Canute.png (550x550, 535K)

>rearrange the timeline
>copious amounts of corner cutting 3dcg that doesn't express the manga's art faithfully
>visual clashing particularly in action scenes
Yea it's a shit adaptation of a top tier manga.

Animeonly here, Thorfinn will be enslaved won't he

This desu

This. 97 was great.

>give them the greatest budget they've ever had
What would that achieve?

You can pretty much just skip the manga because the animu is outright enhancing it.

Nigger come on

>>rearrange the timeline
Are you that retarded that you would want 3 flashback episodes? Fucking thank god,you dont direct this anime.
>>copious amounts of corner cutting 3dcg that doesn't express the manga's art faithfully
Theres like 3 seconds of CG in each episode and its hardly "corner cutting" when they make everything else look so beautiful.
>>visual clashing particularly in action scenes
I dont agree. While I could agree with the opening battle sequence having jarring CG in some shots, the fight with Askeladd and Thors in ep4 was great, especially the 360 camera spin Askeladd coming under the boat raft shot.
>Yea it's a shit adaptation of a top tier manga.
No, Its been on par with the manga so far and in some ways has improved the story.

And what about Vinland Saga? Garbage full of forced rotations and ugly overanimated cgshit. Not many good stills, framing, posting though etc..

Factually incorrect.

He's mentally retarded user.

Imagine being this fucking delusional.

Not an argument.

>Are you that retarded that you would want 3 flashback episodes? Fucking thank god,you dont direct this anime.
>durr we should skip the good parts for no reason

>Theres like 3 seconds of CG in each episode and its hardly "corner cutting" when they make everything else look so beautiful
>we put ugly shit next to the mediocre drawings to make them look better
You can't make this shit up. It's more than fucking 30 seconds with the horrible ships and water, more like 5mins. And nice job ignoring my point that the cg doesn't express the manga's artstyle properly.

>No, Its been on par with the manga so far and in some ways has improved the story.
i wish i could be this delusional

Not like you one of substance to begin with.

What a whole load of nothing you wrote.

>durr we should skip the good parts for no reason
I already gave you a reason,it doesn't translate into television animation. This is not a hard thing to understand.
>You can't make this shit up. It's more than fucking 30 seconds with the horrible ships and water, more like 5mins. And nice job ignoring my point that the cg doesn't express the manga's artstyle properly.
I already told you,the cg is in the scene for about 3 seconds max, the water looked fine.
> nice job ignoring my point that the cg doesn't express the manga's artstyle properly.
pic related. The art is even better than the manga at its early stages.

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Whens the episode( with subs) coming?

>I already gave you a reason,it doesn't translate into television animation. This is not a hard thing to understand.
Bullshit excuse. They could've done it as prequel OVA's like with Magus Bride.

>I already told you,the cg is in the scene for about 3 seconds max, the water looked fine
>some of the ugliest water in tv anime ever
Oh my god, you can't lie about this. 3 seconds is about how long they bother to actually hand draw it for. They show the ugly 3dcg water and ships for fucking entire minutes.

>pic related. The art is even better than the manga at its early stages.
Half of those don't even look better and i was talking about the 3dcg tripe, not the hand drawn stuff. The hand drawn stuff is fine.

In about 4 hrs.

The water is very good imo, it's very realistic, the only bad thing about it is when it clashes with ships sometimes it looks bad but not always.

> They could've done it as prequel OVA's like with Magus Bride.
Yeah,just have the whole point of the series (them going to vinland and non-violence as a theme for the rest of the series) be in a OVA. Real nice. Oh and I can and agree that CG isn't always the best pu the everything else about the anime has been top tier. It's fine to not like CG but that's not an excuse to say that the anime is bad in general. You cool now?

Attached: cinegrid_vs_ep1.jpg (5760x3240, 3.79M)

>realistic water
>missing something as basic as bubbles and sea foams

Attached: IMG_20190811_125811.jpg (1920x1080, 169K)

Its sea water, and that would be only at the edges, and clearly we saw at the end of ep 1 battle scene.

Where did the VS anime touch you user?

I'm probably the only one but I don't like the voices so far. I hope at least Thorkell delivers.

How do you not like Uchida as Askeladd?

Of all the things in the world, you chose to target this anime for literally no reason? What is your problem?

I always imagined him differently.

Not that user, but what's the point of being such an asshole.

2nd in top right corner Thorfinn doesn't look as psychotic.

WIT would guaranteed start with another golden age adaption

nothing wrong with that, a good adaptation should be complete

BASED fpbp

How is kingdom shit?

I think youll like the English dub better (when it will come out).

Dubbed no matter how good, will always the inferior to the original, I consider original voiced and dubbed different anime all together.

why? I never watch dubs

Everyone likes the dub of DB more than ATATATATATA and grannyku(Yea Forums contranians aside).

Because it's not the orginal, the souls of the characters are lost. It has a different meaning and you interpret scenes differently.

The best in the biz: Wit or Bones

Bro you can tell this entire season so far has suffered because they didn't properly plan out their animation techniques and dedicated time/money/staff to making a killer SnK season.
I'm still happy Wit has it, but they are really aren't doing any justice to the sheer quality of the illustrations of the manga. The chain frame is probably the best thing they've made so far

This looks 10x times bettee than SNK what are you smoking?


Make a cinegrid so we can compare.

Just read the manga. There are no confusing smudgy panels like most shounen/seinen, and the artwork is legit amazing. The anime is a weak adaptation thus far, and we are getting like 3 episodes of nonsense "extended content", rather than getting the good stuff for fuck knows why.

>Make a cinegrid so we can compare.
>>make meme cus my ADHD zoomer brain is too fucking retarded to remember something from less than 2 months ago

How the hell else am I supposed to believe its better?

>what's the fucking point of Hild?
The author is a feminist cuck lol
But other than that, she resembles a young Thorfinn in that she gained strength to exact revenge for her slaughtered family and decides to follow the killer closely in hopes of gaining a moment to kill them in the future. She even protects Thorfinn because she wants to be the one to kill her just like Thorfinn protected Askelaad so he could kill him.
You see the same thing in Baldr when Thorfinn stops his blade before killing him and the guy he was protecting. Killing Baldr would just restart that viking savage life cycle of
>your dad kill my dad so i kill your dad and you kill me and my son kill you
which seems to go on for eternity

Kill yourself.

>tfw show is so slow this will be the last frame of the season

Attached: SLOW BURN.jpg (2062x1063, 683K)

Literally every manga shot looks better in comparison except maybe the top left

Im retarded I meant left.

Askeladd looks pretty shit in the early manga, at least compared to the later parts.

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What the fuck? Do they really air anime after midnight?

yes all the time

JC staff or Deen. You know it in your heart that's what Berserk deserves. Miura has been running it into the ground for the last decade.

>nihilist and slow paced moeshit
>Vinland Saga
>A study of human nature combined with serious topics about the nature of violence with an overall uplifting message with a main character looking for redemption

I don't see how they're similar.

Shounen is always garbage

He had plenty of arguments, you are just buttblasted he BTFO your comment.

what a whole load of nothing your comment was.

kill yourself

>Berserk & Kingdom
Both trash. Hawkwood would be better served by this adaptation.

It's ok user. One day you will grow out of Berserk

Holly shit absolutely BASED post.

The reason this adaptation is good is because the director has a vision and the writing team cares about the manga, you can't say that if another manga got this adaptation it would be good, it depends what people are working on it.

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Have been reading this since the beginning and it feels weird how it has an anime now. Never thought it would get one because the artstyle isn't animation-friendly.

So 1h left.
Link to the stream? The one last week was kind of shit.

Apparently Amazon Prime streams it an hour later than Japan, so do we get raws atleast before Amazon? Also mby that user will post a stream link like last time, but I don't want to watch it with shit quality.

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It looks extremely ugly though, even for cgshit water. Especially compared to when they actually hand drew it in the same show.

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based wit

They're not doing the backgrounds.

>another retard who attributes everything to a studio
WIT just contract. Only Kyoto Animation do backgrounds in house.

>Field too long
Fucking hiro,anyway just had to give some thought about the adaptation.

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fpbp /thread

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>first line of this criticism resorts to memes
Trash argument, kill yourself

Will we finally reach teen Thorfinn part with todays episode??

yes, at the end

Fitting,since that whole first chapter is a meme.

Unironically based. I dropped the manga quickly because the shounen was showing.

Nope. 2 more episodes of slow burn totallynotfiller kino to "filter the plebs", as the resident retards Yea Forums would describe it

The slave thing with Halfdan, Thors wasn't trying to "save" his life, he was trying to "free" him at his last moments.

Thorkell got the absolute perfect seiyuu for him (Akio Ohtsuka):

Its funny, people say farmland is the filter, but anime-onlies are getting filtered by the anime :DD

>if I call it a meme, that means my opinion is superior!
You're such a colossal faggot. It's a fucking seinen, of course it s going to open with a big ass battle that leaves the reader with questions as to "why is this kid so mad?" "why is he working for a boss he hates?" "how did he get so good at fighting?", and questions like those to hook readers in to read the next chapters. You'd rather have Thorfinn jerking off in an outhouse for 5 episodes so you can seem like a superior intellectual.

Wtf, should be for

Seinen's don't start with spectacle,they start with the themes and dynamics that will be present in the later parts of the series. Example: Monster's first episode.

Well it started in a shounen maganize


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>simple revenge plot
Not better than anything.


Anime-only detected

How do you guys feel about Sigurd?
Him being a huge Thorkell fanboy was cute.

Attached: sigurd.jpg (1031x763, 429K)

I love him. Dude's probably the best thing we got outta this baltic dumpster fire

absolutely based and farmland pilled

I wish I could tell but it's like 10 years since I read this part.

I really grew to like him desu
Why didn't you like the Baltic Sea War arc?

Holy based. Mangacucks BTFO for all eternity.

>You don't watch a movie a praise how smooth it is. It's about literally everything else.
that's because it's a given that the movie is smooth. it doesn't need to be animated because it records so many frames that there's no need for manual animation.
that's why quality really shines with the drawn animation and why it's praised at such value.

You're right, I like him. Thorkell is my favorite character anyways. (I just hope we hear Askeladd's "fun" side more.)

Look at this nigga brah.

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I missed it, did we get English woman at the end?

Does Amazon Prime get put the episode up at the same time as CR?
Episode 7 Preview

Fuck,there was a stream? Why doesn't anyone ever link?

You can find several streams by simply googling if you're not a total retard. You know it's airing on TV as well, right? You should be able to solve this.

frenchboy always looked so out of place


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I don't know, I couldn't, what did you write?

"NHK stream"

3 minutes in paint

Holy kek,11/10

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What was it?

user made a frog version of the...fat frog in the normanni episode. Don't know why he deleted it though.

i didn't feel like getting a 3day ban for shitposting today

Why would you get banned for that? How is that breaking any rules?

The mods fear the frogs

You're not gonna get a fucking 3 day ban for a Pepe edit, faggot. You only get banned for shitposting if you start spamming Yea Forums memes

Attached: based.png (800x449, 546K)

when will the episode be available?

Frog posters are banned, because it is not anime, and they are generally shitposters.

In 5...

This is such a shit excuse when the catalog is full of threads that are only anime in name but the actual thread discussion is about some degenerate fetish or fucking ramen.

Could someone repost it? I want it for my collection.

There's a Malcom in the Middle thread that has been up for 3 hours now

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>this new

Attached: vinlandsaga_teaser.png (1920x1080, 1.46M)

I just noticed the green shirt lolo

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>Do they really air anime after midnight?
Are you fucking braindead? Get out newfag.

make me, faggot

Subs in one hour?

Berserk is too mature/gorey/rapey to have a faithful adaptation that's not adult-only rated. Thus it wont get the production budget of shounen or soft-seinen.

Episode ends with English woman as expected.

Attached: english woman anime.jpg (1280x720, 385K)

never according to HS you might get it tomorrow

>It was like she looking at walking garbage

Attached: english woman tears.jpg (1280x720, 430K)

VS started off in a shounen magazine, it pretty much *had* to start with a big war scene with edgy Thorfinn to keep the readers' attention.

>eps 23-24
holy shit are they really progressing that slow? I mean the anime already felt slow but jesus christ does it take a full season to get to one big moment at all?

>holy shit are they really progressing that slow? I mean the anime already felt slow but jesus christ does it take a full season to get to one big moment at all?

Would you rather them doing a rushed 1 cour anime? What the fuck?

>KnY is AOTY
Funny way of spelling Mob Psycho 2

fuck of shounenshitter, episode 24/25 will be the most kino episodes in this decade.

>Newfag thinks all anime airs in Japan during daytime
The state of Yea Forums

>Mob Psycho 2 is AOTY
Funny way of spelling Dr. Stone

>[HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 06 [1080p].mkv

>KnY is AOTY
>I mean the anime already felt slow but jesus christ does it take a full season to get to one big moment at all?
Christ this anime really is a pleb filter. Based WIT.

>KnY is AOTY
>Dr. Stone is AOTY
Next someone's going to say that Fire Force is one of the best shows of the season.

and vinland saga is not gorey?

Id rather a well paced anime. Dont act like the only two options are slow or rushed
>Christ this anime really is a pleb filter
I still like the show, I was just asking a question
>j-just wait for 5 months itll be kino!!
I really hope so.

[HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 06 [1080p].mkv

Attached: 1563836777600.gif (540x304, 1.09M)

>Dr. Stone is AOTY
Funny way of spelling Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!

have you read berserk? VS (the anime) thus far isn't a fraction as gore filled as berserk and there are several important rape scenes in Berserk

>>j-just wait for 5 months itll be kino!!
that's not what I'm saying retard

>Next someone's going to say that Fire Force is one of the best shows of the season.
People still watch that trash? Now dunbaru... kino

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Good job with the cancer OP.

3ep rule then dropped it, visuals were great but that couldn't save it from its shitty plot

That's literally what you said retard

> visuals were great but that couldn't save it from its shitty plot
fire force or dumbell? Because i dont think people watch danberu for plot

Attached: dumbell - lewd.png (875x458, 819K)

Just make a new episode thread then?


Mate a "well-paced" show doesn't mean that there has to be a fight every episode. Clearly you consider "big things" just action, are we watching the same show? You mean Thors fighting Askeladd's crew in ep 3, Thors fighting Askeladd and dying in ep 4, and Thorfinn trying to survive on his own in ep 5 weren't "big things"?
Watch other things than just shounen anime, you'll learn to appreciate a well-crafted story that doesn't need flashy fights and an annoying MC to keep viewers watching.

kino time

I have read Berserk and the violence is about the same. You could argue VS is worse because the art is better. But there's less rape that's true. Looks like Askeladd doesn't have a single pedo in his party.

What do you think was his story?

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-11-18h37m59s679.png (853x480, 530K)

Thorkell fanboy.

Fire Force is a completely soulless and bland as fuck battle shounen. Cliché characters, same fucking story, everything feels shallow as heck. But you know that shounenfags and normalfags lap up any kind of action shounen anime and claim that it's AOTY if it has flashy action fights in every episode regardless of how good everything else is.
There's a reason why there were barely any threads of the Fire Force manga despite it having over 100 chapters in the first place.

>Mate a "well-paced" show doesn't mean that there has to be a fight every episode
that's not what I said friendo. But the amount of prologue what seems to be the main story is getting isn't the best imo.
>Clearly you consider "big things" just action
not at all, cope more. I like the show so far, but that doesn't mean I cant take issue with aprts of it I dont like. Just like how people who like the show dont have to defend every thing it does like youre doing
>Watch other things than just shounen anime, you'll learn to appreciate a well-crafted story that doesn't need flashy fights and an annoying MC to keep viewers watching.
cope and strawman. The show is good but you have to be a retard to act like the pacing hasnt been ata snails pace thus far. We don't need 4 episodes of iceland and daddy dying to reveal the MC and his motivation and another episode of him training in the forest

>violence is about the same
In comparison to the anime thus far it's not close
thanks user, I was considering checking it out once I ran out of others on my list but I'll steer clear of it

they all are

I was comparing both mangas the anime just started.

I think Berserk is slightly more violent.
>MC is raped as a child by a big ugly man
>The entire eclipse where the MC's eye is pierced and he cuts his arm off with a blunt sword
>Troll babies bursting out of pregnant women
Maybe you mean that VS is more violent because it visually looks more realistic in art style?

Who is doing them here?

Im sorry I thought I'd made it clear I was comparing the VS anime to the Berserk manga given we were talking about adaptation. I havent read VS manga yet

13 minutes in and this boner wont go away

Fucking beautiful episode

Do I remember wrong or wasn't all of this still part of the first two volumes?
I like the adaption but I doubt they will adapt all of the compelte first arc by now.

>vinland saga thread

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 06 [720p]1.webm (720x404, 100K)

They changed the order. The manga started with what is going to be in the next episode and after that it went to stuff we've seen in the anime so far. The prologue is perfect length for the pace they are going so far and Askeladd's death is the perfect point to end the season.

>Latest episode is out
>No screenshots
I know what's covered, but did they do a great job again?

Still busy watching.

It's great. Watch it.

It's fine, I just meant if Berserk doesn't get a faithful adaption because it's too violent then VS shouldn't either because it's just as violent later on. I honestly don't know why Berserk has such bad luck with adaptions, the old 90s one is probably the best there was.

too busy watching last episode of made in abyss

Damn fuck you are right. The first thing was them invading, not kid Thorfinn. Well I am actually oaky with the change of order. I found the flashback way of telling things cool when I started Berserk ~20 years ago but it became kinda common in action series later.

English """""swordsmanship"""""

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First arc covers 54 chapters, and we have 24 episodes. If every episode covers 2-3 chapters each then we'll definitely finish it.
Plus Thorfinn's backstory is done now, I'm sure they can adapt the rest of the arc in the 17 episodes left.

And now we get balding Askeladd

Great taste user

im saying that those two particular episodes will be the most kino of all, these 6 episode's alone are better than anything this year.

Holyshit another 10/10! How can one show be so fucking based?! I have fucking chills, my body needs more...

when will my waifu thorkell show up?


Loved the shot of the old lady vanishing in the crowd of vikings. It was more impactful to me, at least, than something more explicit would have been.

You also have to consider that the manga needed a "hook" to draw readers in and a big battle scene is better than a slower flashback with dreams of Vinland for that. Anime doesn't have that hurdle so they can freely tell the story without having to worry about keeping up interest.


This. Thorkell is the main reason I am still reading this shit after the damn Baltic arc has started.

Attached: askeladd watching.jpg (1920x1080, 918K)

Old Norse-dub when? or at least Icelandic. Or at least English dub

Attached: björn proud.jpg (1920x1080, 708K)

cowboy bebop would like to have a word with you.

I hope never, I don't want this to be tainted in anyway.

>great animation
>perfect ost
>amazing story telling
Anime is saved, your soul is saved

Attached: 1537331830988.jpg (1920x1080, 225K)

A fuckton of shrooms

He's not in the pv for next episode
Though they might show him at the very end

please tell me thats a male with long hair because i dont want le feminist shit in this

>tfw Vinland saga will never translated by Norway.

>Akio Ohtsuka
Same VA as pic related and Anavel Gato from MSG 0083. Fucking ace.

Attached: Kouichiro_Misumaru-1_SRWV-Portrait.png (536x492, 53K)

Yeah it's hard to appreciate the scene where Thorfinn is struggling to warn the lady and her daughter in English while the VAs are all speaking Japanese. Hell, they could've at least swapped to Korean and used subtitles or something.
An English dub would probably do this scene more justice

This isn't Fate shit

Background game is so good. Like Mahoutsukai no Yome and Hai to Gensou no Grimgar's backgrounds had a kid together and this is the resulting beauty.

>Old Norse-dub when? or at least Icelandic.
can we crowdfund to make this happen

Replace "everyone" with "burgers" and I agree. Then again burgers are so deluded they non-ironically believe they produce good dubbings.

Im not sure either but I've heard numerous small things that may all attribute to it
>too old, many berserk fans are outside of the primary anime watching demographic
>Muira is a hack who takes bad offers for the series
>anime industry doesn't want to involve with something that already as a bad track record with recent adaptation
and a few other reasons. Im sure the fact that the most recent complete manga arc (fantasia) was shit doesnt help

is that a yes it is male or not

That's the prince of Denmark. He just looks really feminine.

The deadly bong cold

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.55_[2019.08.11_10.06.28].jpg (1280x720, 139K)

>first 6 episodes are the best of anything this year
havent seen ep 6 yet but ep 1-5 were between decent and good. So either youre a aretard fanboy or baiting

Absolutely bubonic.

>current year
japs still die to this

If you're retarded what difference does it make what you meant.

Sorry, but this show is cringe asf naruto shit, like i swear his was naruto running this episode as he jumped around with dual daggers and stabbed fully grown trained soliders, like THIS is what Yea Forums has been hyping up???

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Your taste is spectacular, user.
I don't disagree, but if the content is lacking no amount of people involved will fix it. Berserk flat-out sucks except to gorefags and edgelords, and Kingdom can't even stand up against Altair in depth.

Attached: 22.png (832x1200, 213K)

The medical care wasn't really the best during that time.

watch it now you fucking mong, episode 6 is GODLY

Wow, this screenshot page that user took it REALLY became famous. I mean REALLY.

I have even shared it with normie friends and even they thought it looked nice

Yeah this was cringe and it wasn't in the manga.

I have 10 mins left of MiA and then I'll watch ep 6 I promise

Attached: MiA - meanie.jpg (600x600, 221K)

He has his fathers blood in him and has been trained by one of the best swordsmen in the world you newfag fuck. Now fuck off with your shitposting, this show is too good for that

>anglos in charge of having basic immune systems

Attached: 1506329586583.gif (500x281, 743K)

come the fuck on, this shit is so stupid

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-11 at 1.21.30 PM.png (2550x1564, 1.16M)

fuck do they really fall to the troupe of
>MC easily kills trained professional killers with ease to demonstrate his badassedness despite that being fucking retarded

You don't even FUCKING KNOW what those episodes is gonna cover.

Either say what chapter of the manga you THINK they will adapt or stfu

She deserved better damnit!!!

If your best criticism is duel wielding dagger and ditching the whole show, you can stop now. Your opinion is worthless.


>He has his fathers blood in him
this part is true
>and has been trained by one of the best swordsmen in the world
this part is false. Askelaad never, ever fucking trained Thorfinn. The only time he gave him any advice was in the middle of the fight with Thorkell. Everything else Thorfinn was forced to learn on his own and through battle

Does the cute village girl get viking'd?



Ok i'm out, Vinland saga threads are ruined.

Idk how you look at this imagie, and not instantly cringe, if i photoshop and headband it's fucking over.
And this is just the start, i'm sure his gonna be doing more boy wonder bullshit as the story goes along

Did the anime make this the moment he gets his second dagger or was he already dual wielding before this?

Attached: thorfinn second dagger.jpg (1920x1080, 763K)

But it does. You are just a fuckng adhd faggot.

It's pretty damn obvious where the anime is going to end, user.

I'm not ditching the whole show, but I wasn't expecting dual weilding ninja child killing fully grown trained soliders as he just around.

That is NOt the impression i got from mangafags at all

>A manga published in the Weekly Shounen Magazine shows that it certainly is shounen.
What the fuck did you expect?

Fighting Askelaad is his training.
Does this look like he's just chilling in the backyard having a couple beers?

Attached: 1551882896672.jpg (1920x1080, 309K)

I don't remember that from the manga.

Do you have the attention span of a goldfish?

You are kidding right?

I could swear episode 7 was gonna be teen Thorfinn already. And I know better than to trust Yea Forums


Only the best MC's can do it

Attached: 1538937601526.jpg (222x249, 6K)

Try getting a cold 1000 years ago.

Wait why does he have identical daggers now?

I thought it was silly as hell that thorfinn's dad was a moralfag that didn't own slaves. "Human rights" as a concept didn't even exist back then, there was no reason for him to do that.

New scenes mangababies


You don't know shit about Thors

Wait I don't get it, which year is it?
I thought England was free from vikings after the loss of the great heathen army? it's over 1000 and danes still have a war with england, wtf?

Outliers exist in every age. Everyone else thought he was a dumbass.

If you paid attention to the OPENING you would already know you fucking faggot

you are the kind that would read berserk and go like WHOA BIG SWORD???? I THOUGHT THIS WAS A SEINEN MANGA

I would say it would end before Farmland begins. Around 54 episodes then.

I hope so


>Around 54 episodes then.
Do you mean chapters?

People learned how to handle common colds over 1000 years ago; so long as you weren't dumb and let pneumonia set it you just got over it. It was flu that would fuck you to death.

Perfect episode. I love this show

This is an 18+ website. Read the rules and fuck off

You are aware that during the middle ages there were also people who were criticizing knight tournaments?

So far the anime is barely more gorey than, say, Saint Seiya, and less gorey than Hokuto no Ken.
It's not excruciatingly gruesome.

Attached: 1304922754567.png (377x378, 38K)

Not a trap, just a bishonen.

"Free from the vikings" is a little bit oversimplification, idiot. Read more history.

The show is in the early 1000s.

>what is the Danelaw?
England wasn't rid of the Danes until 1085.


Attached: thorfinn blush2.jpg (1920x1080, 857K)

Thors has his own morals you npc.

I thought cold and flu was the same thing.

Not american by the way.

>dude morals didnt exist before the renaissance lmao

to be fair he gets confused for a woman

Attached: 1540463674148.png (377x378, 106K)

Similar viruses that attack the upper respiratory system, but not the same virus, and flu is much harsher in impact.

Imagine having this poor understanding of history and the world in general. You should genuinely be ashamed

Couldn't stand half of one episode. A pity, because as you say, it looks nice.

>Baltic sea
jrpg party begins, garm, a fucking troll, out of place humor. It's getting the berserk treatment.

I’m surprised the backgrounds look so nice, one of my biggest criticisms of aot were the terrible backgrounds

Kinda bummed they didn't include the line about Thorfinn's sleep talking sounding like weird spells and curses.


Is he pooping?


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.29_[2019.08.11_13.27.39].jpg (1280x720, 57K)

Are shota nips illegal?

webm of granny disappearing?

Illegally sexy.

They honestly removed many lines, not just from this episode but the entire flashback arc.

>a fucking troll
what the hell was that anyways? couldn't thorkell just get a dog instead

Why is the OP so shit?

Hopefully soon. The way the japanese talk doesn't really fit the setting.

Because you're shit lol

Garm was cute after he was defeated.

Because you're shit

So how is Thorfinn so strong? How is this possible if he doesn't have any teacher and just runs with some fucking dagger?

Yeah. Also when Ylva was celebrating getting the first hit on the whale. They completely removed the mention that it meant they got the best cuts.


>hating on SSTP

Attached: 1564197949118.jpg (651x756, 96K)

It's OK if the souls get lost. Japanese soul & meaning doesn't fit with scandi/anglo bodies & setting .

Fuck you and everyone begging for remakes. Berserk already had an anime and it was more than good enough. Good studios are a scarce commodity and they should be working on new things and original productions, not rehashing the same old stuff over and over.

And if you're talking about current Berserk that's even worse. Berserk has been dead for over a decade, it's time to move on with your life.

tell me then

Studio Bamboo are. Background art is practically always outsourced to a specialized studio, Kyoani being the notable exception.

They removed alot of Ylva lines from the first 3 episodes, she was a lot more funny in the manga.

Watch the episode

OH MY GOD THE TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I believe they could've written it in English as a subtitle.

But they are acting the characters, the writers and the VA's know more about them, funimation doesn't give a fuck about anything.

What should I see?
>he kills a soldier when he's young
>then he grows up as a great dagger warrior under askeelad's fleet

I agree it's shit.

Somewhere in between that baiter-kun

So you tell me he's been trained but they didn't show that?

>trolls mad thorfinn is strong
Seethe more reddit

His first kills are clumsy as hell, he basically just gets lucky and charges straight into the enemy. He gradually begins to use his small frame and speed to his advantage and gets better at quickly hitting vital points. It's not that impossible.

He levels up everytime he stabs someone. Also there was a time lapse montage of sorts.

> -> /his/

I doubt they'll even finish the frankish fort chapters in episode 7 alone. The first chapter was 90 pages long.

Thorkell will probably make his debut in episode 9.

Does your brain work?

Attached: 1545490284237.png (543x672, 351K)

@ this r8 i say ate

Maybe if it's the end of 8

No it's all action so it won't take long

Let's learn!

Attached: 1559075801452.png (213x366, 142K)


Why is he so smug?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.20_[2019.08.11_13.38.18].jpg (1280x720, 137K)

>"Human rights" as a concept didn't even exist back then
Ok, you're just fucking retarded

His sons name is Snorri lol

>Just caught up to the anime. This looks so good. Why can't Berserk & Kingdom have this kind of adaptation?
But the 97 version of Berserk does have nice backgrounds?

Attached: OLAt3OT.jpg (2121x1026, 836K)

Because he knows he's the best.

Maybe someone else can dub it

I hate that this blonde viking saga anime is attracting so many single digit IQ /pol/tards
go back

I understand Askeelad is the antagonist but I think he's really cool
I hope he'll be alright, he's my favorite character so far.

Leave if you don't want spoilers.

I can see your point. The manga has definitely reduced in quality, at least the stories and character, and fallen back on a lot of overused annoying manga tropes, but at least the art has remained great.

Makoto Yukimura
>SayĹŤnara ga Chikai node
>Vinland Saga
No wonder it looked so familiar

You haven't seen anything yet. He's based as hell.

Don't ever listen to mangafags. I made the mistake of giving the benefit of the doubt to some fucks who recommended this to me years ago. Of course, they compared it to the good arc of Berserk "but more realistic." Even the anime, which is trying to be more adult oriented from the start, opened with a bunch of superhuman bullshit.

Maybe you go back if you don't like it.

Author said that manga for kids.

He has the blood of Thors, who is canonically, the strongest warrior to ever live in the North Sea. That plus his rage over his father's death makes him strong. It's fiction user, it's gotta compromise a bit of reality. Wait until you see him fight a 7 foot monster lol

Wow, Guts sure isn't superhuman!


someone cap this for the mandatory post-season thread

He literally said the exact opposite, why are you lying?

That girl with the freckles ended up getting gangraped, didn't see?

kids can handle animated violence


Hopefully. English slags are good for it.

he deleted it himself

>other thread deleted
>this bait op thread left alone

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.46.830.jpg (1280x720, 372K)

Dw, he gets a nice little farm in Wales where he rejoins his childhood sweetheart and he grows old with her and they have a big happy family.

hope this kid gets divine punishment in future for being too retarded to listen to his father

>He has the blood of Thors
user, I have the blood of my father who was a chad, get laid who knows many times, lost virginity at 15 or 16, married and cheated couple of women, was a communist officer in the past.
And I'm a mentally ill 27 virgin with social anxiety who can't do anything.
So the blood doesn't matter.


>It's fiction

>father was a communist officer in the past.
>son is mentally ill
You have his blood alright.

You're mothers blood was stronger than your fathers


I wonder why

you beat me to it

I don't get the hate for Fire Force, it's decent and better than the 90% of seasonal anime.
Damn poor obaasan, I felt bad for her.

What part of "it's fiction" do you not understand?
Do you go into DragonBall threads and ask why Goku can create energy bombs from thin air?

I know you're trying to justify it but, I don't think berserk is mature at all, it's essentially battle shonen shit, so you're not really saving yourself by saying


What does MUKANJYO mean?


Attached: moefinn.jpg (833x452, 84K)

Its blood*


Attached: archer face.png (810x652, 595K)

At least until Baltic Sea arc.

user was asking for this

Attached: 1545721214148.webm (720x404, 232K)

>great animation
I didn't like them so much, I hope they get better with the BluRays, especially the drawing

No hot, no cold; a place of equilibrium.

What happened there? Did she die? Where's her body?

Damn Vikings would rape even an overweight old lady.

Attached: 1552364499228.png (1605x895, 1.19M)

They're the sexiest.

Lol the green guy is the same model.

What's that strange dark stuff on peoples faces? I've been watching anime for 3 years now and have never seen so much dark stuff on peoples faces

Attached: 1556059319299.jpg (374x347, 39K)

>perfect OST
It's mediocre. It's not bad, but doesn't really stand out so far.
The OP is one of the worst things I've ever had the misfortune of hearing.

Is that a shadow joke, Nihei?

delete this now before you unleash hell upon us

Got an example?

You're a misfortune


Attached: tenor.gif (244x160, 1.11M)

The band from the OP is so fucking cool.

The OP song is just horrible.

It was probably a anglo/spic mod that got offended


There are beautiful backgrounds in this episode?

Attached: 115258747569.png (147x158, 46K)

But vikings talking modern English totally does.

Every episode.

>actually getting banned for
>implying you have power over me
Come on mod, stop being such a fucking nigger and have sex.

Attached: bait dance 2.gif (500x500, 61K)

Eat shit.

Imagine thinking that some gayboy core band sounds good.
Delete yourself from existence please.

Attached: 1564587562404.jpg (761x663, 85K)

don't anger the mods, they might attack innocent bystanders too

I'm talking about the soldiers

That's why i'm here.

Attached: cinegrid_VS_ep_6.jpg (5760x3240, 1.89M)

>being so dumb that you can't realize he was talking about the background music
That shit was perfect

man you must be an underage b& if you think this shit is good. this is like a step below crabcore
The video is kinda cringe but the song is too good.
I only like this song from them

youre gonna sic the mods on all of us faggot
On a side note janny is a tranny, fuck mods as well as minorities

Attached: Madumin.png (170x188, 70K)

generic screaming jrock band might as well have a bump of chicken opening while you're at it

Alright, that is fine. I agree with you on that point, all this shitposting is making me assume everyone is dicking around

Bitch, the Japanese resurrected metalcore. Get some taste of your own, Yea Forums.

Attached: 1560377063376.jpg (670x503, 31K)

Always beautiful

The one and only cinegrid maker


Attached: 1549590170539.jpg (234x237, 30K)

Based kinogrid user.

>background music
he was talking about the OP

>tfw no danish folk as the OP


Attached: shitpost.png (947x528, 592K)

Vinland Saga threads are sacred tho

>that low-poly wheat on the top left
user what the fuck are you doing?

I was talking about everything

Do you know any cool japanese rock bands?

I it just my internet or is Yea Forums slow as shit?

Attached: thorfinn_rain.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)

Yes, everything is trash. The sfx are garage too

if you think thats good metalcore youre either an expired mallgoth or a fucking tween

Attached: 1286765089954.png (1200x900, 701K)

That chorus is fucking kino to the ears

Maybe I just notice it more but sound design in general hasn't been great lately.

Oh shit, it's the same band.

good shit, do you have more?


This or late Bathory should have been the OP, fuck nip shit

Attached: spurdo screaming metal.png (600x471, 422K)

No sry, the band is in the description though

ゆらゆら帝国, Les Rallizes Denudes, Mainliner, Fushitsusha, Teengenerate, Blue Hearts, Thee Michelle Gun Elephant
that's a good primer for what japan has to offer in terms of rock
if you want more modern poppy stuff, i like GesuOtome and Ging Nang Boyz

Says the child who doesn't know what apostrophes are. Fuck off to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and idolshit, little girl.

Attached: 1558967640360.jpg (720x480, 35K)

Thanks user.

>muh apostrophes
try talking to me when you've listened to the complete merzbox

This is shit

I like Vikings and I like metal but thinking Vikings have any actual connection with metal is just pure cringe

It's kinda refreshing, I feel like the average anime would've made thorfinn try to stop the vikings, or divert them, but he just keeps murdering.


Just for your whiny ass.

Attached: cinegrid_VS_ep_6_v2.jpg (5760x3240, 1.91M)


Agreed. Wardruna is more like what I think they'd have been into, not so much Burzum.

Attached: 1554854449253.jpg (249x250, 6K)

Implying Sons of Odin isn't the best shit ever

Try to imagine a viking in the current year. He's presented with a boy singing like a girl with occasional shrieking that sound like women he raped and then full grown men who's music sound like Thor's lightning bolts talking about sagas, magic, gods, war, conquest and whatnot.

Yeah, nothing to do. Wew lad.
Agree on this, but not exactly OP material.
I didn't mention Burzum, that's pure black metal.

Attached: banter stops.jpg (602x709, 54K)

>but he just keeps murdering

Attached: 1527719689500.jpg (1920x1080, 193K)


Attached: 1539068302981.jpg (372x268, 6K)

>tfw no qt dane boy to cuddle with.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.30_[2019.08.11_20.57.59].jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

Next ep you dumbass.

They preparing viewers for farmland kino, so it's good. But if they gonna cut it in half, pace in first season would be a mistake.

They are starting with the England invasion retard. Did you even watch today's episode?

So? When it comes to modern songs about pirates I know more metal songs than any other genres. Does that mean pirates should be associated with metal music?

Did you even watch the preview?


It's just mental songs are more manly than some womanly, androgenic faggot singing to the microphone

Why is it so hard for some people to just search up the fucking preview, literally niggers saying nothing.

Arr rook the same

mods killed frogbro

>I like Vinland Saga

Attached: 1562973654943.png (1068x601, 299K)

Good. Fuck the Fr*nks.


Attached: monkee.jpg (2912x4030, 1.55M)

you faggots lied. Ep.6 was arguably the worst yet.

They showed a lot of battles, plus offscreen duels with Asekladd too?

>gets better and better with each episode

It's been so long since I watched a show like this

Asekladd said he wouldnt duel unless Thorfinn accomplished something great on the battlefield. Yet to see if anything he's done is "great" yet

It's better

Mob psycho didn't air that long ago.

It isn't, fag.

Good catch, fucking kek

Last arc was weak.

It is though. Japanese sounds very particular and the way they talk does not suit the characters.

Just look at this thread, there is nothing sacred.

It fits better than an English dub would.

>They preparing viewers for farmland kino, so it's good
Farmland will at earliest happen midway through S2 because if it starts with farmland people would be triggered the fuck out because it would feel even more jarring that it already does.

Attached: 1329474844862.png (320x287, 107K)


The director also didn't start with normanni,which would have gotten it alot of more viewers. He doesn't give a shit about normalfags.

Viking King Arthur

Only a LARP.

And he is so good at it.

If he's so good at it,why didn't he become the king of britannia? Huh,oh yeah he jobbed to a twink with a needle. Kek.

/pol/tards thinking communists and liberals are the same
stay strong betanon, even Stalin got a fucking disgrease as a son, and he was the Chadest

Don't do this user...

I just did,my nigga.

Did I say something strange?

Attached: 1563922773052.jpg (644x545, 63K)

just be careful if you don't want spoilers, friend.

FUCK now I understand, oh no no no no

Attached: 1563500767141.png (496x459, 259K)

chad enough to photoshop people who trigger him KEK

Mob was trash desu

does that mean Thorfinn is going to get yeeted by Injun arrows at the end?

It was pure kino,what are you talking about?

Because traitors deserve facebook, lmao