Why do people like this?
Why do people like this?
>non degenerate
>non offensive
>love story
Meme tier sakuga and love story with time travel
It's shit because it appeals to the masses.
The sakuga wasnt the best, but I sure do like sunsets and mountains
A Silent Voice is better.
You're right
>Meme tier
>I don't know enough words so I'll toss in the word meme
sasuga kentucky user?
>can't disprove anons post
>better make fun of his vocab
This, my friends, is the intelligence of the average shillkai watcher
because fun things are fun
That stupid as fuck plot twist ruined the movie so hard for me.
>lol they are actually 3 years apart but they never noticed because calendar doesn't exist
Had something of a Second Impact in its own right. Made more money than any other anime in history. Shinkai does it again. zomg so epic.
It's a piece of shit.
I’ve put this off for years and I keep hearing more and more of the plot and it sounds so fucking stupid. Now apparently there’s time travel? Fuck off.
I accept your concession brainlet
i didn't watch it , would u guys recommend this to a shonenCHAD
Because it's heartwarming in a genuine way.
Normally I'm extremely cynical towards everything, specially romantic love, but while watching this film I forgot all of that. It sounds corny as hell, I know, but this film made me reconnect, even if for a brief moment, with a part of me that I thought was long dead.
It's a nice movie but 4chinz is full of retards being contrarian for the sake of it so just watch it and see for yourself
it doesn't have fights so it's boring af
Reminder that Yea Forums used to jerk off Shinkai more than any place else before this movie came out and everyone and their grandmother watched it. Yea Forums contrarianism at its peak.
"why dont you like this shit it's popular you know!"
Thats not what I said. Can you read?
Are you a dog?
Its pretty much what you said.
Place where I said " Yea Forums should like it"? All I said was Yea Forums needs to stop pretending to hate Shinkai so much.
No we're all little girls here.
You respond to someone not liking it calling them contrarian
dunno dude i watched it high
this was great
You're wrong
Silent voice and garden of word is popular and good, but this is just shit
Maybe the movie was shit?
Perhaps the movie does not matchup with his previous works?
fucking nigger iq
A silent voice and garden of words aren't popular.
Garden of words is good.
A silent voice is melodramtic garbage, and the butchering of a 6/10 manga for a 3/10 film.
ok we get it
you don't like it
no need to be autistic about it
>tens of millions of dollars in box office
>not popular
ShonenCHAD here, I liked it. But you should watch it anyway and form your own opinion.
I like to use sweet cheesy love stories to escape from my shitty excuse of a life even if just for a moment.
Bullshit, Yea Forums has always shit on shikai. Not saying it was warranted, but it has always been there.
cute girl
pretty colours
wish fulfillment romance
A Silent Voice was a hundred times better than Your Name, deal with it
Because everyone wants to be a teenage girl. I mean imagine..
> you are a teenage girl
>you are with friends at the mall
> you start have started to develop breasts. >A small itch starts around the nipple, you excuse yourself from the conversation.
>you go to a bathroom, and slowly pull your bra off, and a worrying feeling comes over
> a small dollop of white liquid is on the tip, you place one finger cautiously and move up.
> the nipple springs, each movement makes you feel slight shocks in your groin.
> a small amount of white liquid is on your finger you cautiously move it towards your nose.
> suddenly the smell and memories of breakfast hit your brain
> you slowly old be the finger into your mouth
> a tangy but sweet taste rolls on your tongue as you play with the liquid
> you slowly sallow, it moves down your throat and you feel a warmth inside groin.
> the warmth turns to a tingle like a feather teasing your stomach.
> you can't take it anymore and hastily pull off your jeans and feel a great heat coming from your crotch. A small nub poking out begs to be touched as it's covered by its silky prison.
it has no fights or hot-blooded speeches
so no
Because is really simple and easy to understand. Doesn’t defy any status quo, and love is the end and not the medium, people love that type of stories.
Maybe it was right time, right place. Fukushima wasn't too recent for making people uncomfortable but not too long ago for not be relevant anymore except for the inmediate victims. Starcrossed lovers sell everywhere and Japan is specially fond of the concept. Just mix everything and you get a huge hit
Why is Shinkai a Libertarian pig?
Shinkai seems to have conservative views but I don't see how that make him a lolbertarian
I mean, he stole Yea Forums's work
I'm surprised the studio hasn't burned yet
Last I saw on TV, people liked the bright colors and the kandou bullshit. The landscapes and everything being pretty was the main draw.
I don't know I wasn't paying too much attention. There's some new one out by the same people that again I didn't really pay attention to because I don't give a fuck, but they were doing some sort of interview about it. Something about it setting new sales records for opening day. I don't know.
>kyoani film outsold by a watercolor movie having kickstarter funding
It's popular.
There's nothing to disprove. It's a garbled list of half-formed, half-borrowed opinions.
Both of them are shit
Pic related unironically shit on both of them
wtf i love shinkai now
>uhhuhhuh huhuhuh hey beavis
>mmhrmhrm hrmrmhrmrhm mmmhrm what
>uhhh, finds a way
>uhhuhhuhuhh hr,mhmmrhrmhrhm yeah KEIT AI yeah
It had interesting story arcs despite being a 2 hour long movie and it had a good mystery and good revelations and solutions.
Because it's an anime made for normalfags.
its one of the "anime films" people recommend on twitter even though theyve never seen it
without context you'd get lost they just assumed everybody read the manga m8,it's still an 8/10 they kept the best scene "you digest me!"
You have to stand in awe of what CoMix Wave can do.
I think people like it because Shinkai's name has achieved critical mass.
Shit film's like Howl's Moving Castle made bank despite being shit for the same reason.
Not really a pop romance in the same vein. It's good though.
>twitter screenshot
Go back to the board you belong.
i have only watched your name, what movies exemplify his politics?
This movie would be better as live action. Most anime should be live action now.
I agree this was the best movie of the year. Isn't an extended version supposed to come out? I guess they had to cut like 20% of the film for theatres
wtf do hormonal teen girls lactate or something
Can't wait for Marc Webb's adaptation to get an Oscar nod
>the state of kyoaniggers
Of course people enjoyed this. 10 Centimeters per Second, something do boring it out me to sleep countless times, Yea Forums still discusses this.
They cry about "muh cucked MC" so obviously lots of brainlets will "enjoy" Shinkai shit. A Silent Voice, I watched it recently and I lost half my brain cells.
Maybe now I might on the level to enjoy Shinkai, who knows.
Of course people enjoyed this. 10 Centimeters per Second, something so boring it put me to sleep countless times, Yea Forums still discusses this.
They cry about "muh cucked MC" so obviously lots of brainlets will "enjoy" Shinkai shit. A Silent Voice, I watched it recently and I lost half my brain cells.
Maybe now I might on the level to enjoy Shinkai, who knows.
A silent voice was way better than this pile of a movie. The only thing good about it was the animation in some parts. The plot was fucking stupid.
It's pretty af.
Has a neat story and """twist""" if you don't really think about it very hard.
Makes people feel smart because the twist is easy to figure out before the movie actually points it out.
because they did not watch Silent Voice yet
A lot of this. Most generic anime nowadays is too dirty I get fed up with sexual jokes and fanservice very quickly.
>kyoani is STILL dead
Fun, cute and heartwarming. You can do a lot with those three alone.
do you not? did you even watch it?
This is unironically my favorite movie. I listen to the soundtrack on a daily/weekly basis and rewatch the movie at least once every 3 months or so
Disagree. "Shinkai filter" is very much on the idealistic scale. Real scenes cant be beautiful like how they are portrayed in his movies.
Because it's generic and i unironically love that. More anime should strive to be generic.
imagine being this wrong
>Kyoanus cultists
I think it's the only movie I can watch countless times without getting bored of it.
I thought I'm gonna miss the prologue
I unironically would've left the theatre if I missed this shot.
Why is Yea Forums full of feminine men? This is obviously targeted towards teenage girls and if you've watched this you should probably consider HRT.
We're all little girls here user
haha almost like this show is different from his other works. yeah definitely not that.
your name is great for what is is - wish fulfillment romance with good animation. shinkaifags making it out to be the best anime movie ever are something else though.
>implying it's just retards posting it for shits and giggles
It's like posting Black Clover in an MHA thread, people do it just to take the piss now.
Why do you keep spamming?
>Why do you think so many people have come to see 'Your Name' in particular?
>There's not just one reason; I can name a few. RADWIMPS' soundtrack, the visuals of the movie. Tanaka Masayoshi's character design, Masashi Andou's animation, or the background team's beautiful backgrounds.
>But perhaps the biggest reason is that 'the story resonated' with many people.
>'Your Name' could be roughly separated into two layers.
>On the surface, it's a 'boy-meets-girl' story. The boy meets a girl, and loses her, and gets to meet her again: that's the structure of it. This follows the traditional boy-meets-girl storyline. Japanese youth desire and demand such a straightforward boy-meets-girl story.
>But underneath the surface of 'Your Name' is a story where countless people were saved from disaster by a young girl's dreams of divine revelation. Ever since 2011, we Japanese have always wondered 'what if I were in your shoes ...'. To put it another way, the feeling of 'what if I was not the person I was back then [during the disaster (but in fact someone who died or got injured or someone who decided to go out and save people etc.)]'. 'What if at that time, at that place, I was there', or 'what if a huge disaster struck Tokyo tomorrow'. Rather than simply saying that we have become more sympathetic, it's more of an impression of the possibility that disaster could be thrust upon us at any moment which has deeply ingrained itself within our subconscious.
>'Your Name' is about a boy and a girl who have started swapping bodies. The story is initially about the heroine Miyamizu Mitsuha comically becoming a boy in Tokyo, but ultimately becomes a story about Tachibana Taki thinking 'what if I lived in that town that had disappeared ...'. Ever since 2011 we've always wondered 'what if I were in your shoes ...', and this impression is captured in the film. I think it is possible that this chain of thought unconsciously links the Japanese who watch the film.
>Director Shinkai, your works include 'Voices of a Distant Star' and '5 Centimetres a Second', etc. where in most of them the separated boy and girl never do end up meeting again. So why the happy ending in 'Your Name'?
>Of course, I think part of me has changed over the years. But I guess the 2011 earthquake was a really big trigger for me. Prior to 2011 we all thought that somehow 'Japanese society would just continue like that without issue'. Of course, our population was dropping and the size of our economy was shrinking etc. and we had the premonition that our society was slowly declining. But we thought that our 'never-changing everyday' would continue evermore without much disruption.
>In order for us to live in such a world, it is important that we are able to derive meaning from our unchanging everyday lives, whether it's a convenience store or being late for a train. I think that is important that from trivial things, we are able to derive the love that enables us to live on, as well as other deeply meaningful things.
>In such a climate, rather than a story like 'If I could just be with first love once more, I would have been happy', I felt that it was essential to depict a story in film where 'Despite losing my first love, I can continue to live on' by extracting meaning from loss as a way of life. However, from 2011 henceforth, I think this assumption fell apart completely.
>A town will not always be a town. It will disappear someday. Exactly as Taki stated in an interview in the film, 'We will never know when Tokyo might just someday disappear'. We live with that sentiment now. As for a story depicting that sentiment, it has to be one where one runs without giving up towards the future, and lives on to the very end. Indeed, I think that compared with prior to 2011, what everyone now seeks and desires has changed.
No idea, it was very generic
>Director Shinkai, if that's the current zeitgeist, do you feel the same way now?
>Yes, I suppose. I do think I feel the same way as well.
>By the way, when did planning for this movie start?
>After the 2011 quake. Our first proposal to Toho was in July, 2014. We spent roughly 2 weeks in June writing it.
>Did you have the disaster in mind right from the very beginning?
>We had already proposed that the comet would periodically bring disaster. And earthquakes are also periodic phenomenon. Since 2011, most Japanese should be aware that 'we live on ground that shakes periodically'. We never originally planned to use the earthquake as a motif, but as a story resulting from the 2011 quake, it naturally became a story about 'things that would periodically happen to us'.
>So it naturally became a story about living on [refer to TL note above] after a disaster?
>Yes, I suppose. That would be a really intuitive way of thinking about it. I can't really phrase it well in words, but at that point in 2014 I had a sense that 'from now onwards, I would make these kinds of stories'. There was no doubt as to its content. We spent a year working out the finer details, and after much confusion we assembled the story. But the core plot never changed.
Because it's a visually appealing film that has an unusual hook and tells a story that a lot of people find engaging, with characters that a lot of people find endearing.
It's not fucking rocket science. Breaking news, people like romance and drama.
>Director Shinkai, what sort of message did you wish to send to the audience for this film?
>From the very start I hoped that their 107 minute experience would be enjoyable. Since it's a movie and all, it might as well be pretty, with heart-throbbing [LITERALLY DOKI DOKI] music, with unpredictable developments, and filled with tears and laughter. I want them to think 'Ahhh, that was 107 minutes well spent'. My goal was to make them think 'That was truly entertaining'.
>It was with those strong feelings from the very beginning that I decided 'let's make something entertaining!' If they enjoy it, they'll be sufficiently happy, and my role will be fulfilled to a degree. On top of that, I guess I wanted them to be capable of imagining 'what if I were in their shoes'. It would be good if my work was able to stimulate their imagination in such a way.
>It's about communicating the feelings the Japanese had after the quake, isn't it.
>Yes, I suppose. Well, it doesn't necessarily have to link to The Quake per se. 'What if I were in their shoes', as well as all of 'consideration/thoughtfulness' has empathy as a base. Thinking that 'this must be really tough for them', we give to those whom we've never even met. We are able to shed tears for the plight of those whom we've never met.
>That is an even more fundamental element of entertainment than 'fun'. Through stories, we learn to sympathise. The empathy we cultivate in fiction can be used to save others in reality. I wanted to make a story which would make use of the ability to empathise. The most important ability that humans have is the capacity to imagine ourselves in the shoes of others.
>Feelings like 'It's fine if [through my efforts] the world only gets just a little bit better' are present within everyone. I too feel like I would like to better the world, however little, through my work.
>Even the making 'Your Name', caused me to wonder 'what if I weren't me'. For example, even though in the present 'Your Name' is in fact a big hit, there would be a parallel world where it wasn't a success. A me that isn't me is surely out there somewhere.
>With reference to 'Your Name' specifically, there was, after all, a world where Mitsuha didn't survive.
There's barely any romance
Made me smile and shed a tear. What more could a guy want out of a movie
Taki traveling and searching for Mitsuha after the incident is a big romantic gesture to me.
>What more could a guy want out of a movie
I dunno but I think you need some testosterone
Pacing that does not go to complete shit in the last 20 minutes.
Getting to drink Yotsuba's fermented drool.
Yes, but I think Your Name "stands out" the same way as ASV.
have sex
I can see why it's popular. Great visuals. Slotted in some cheesy love story but it's not perfect, the Director even said it himself, so I wouldn't treat this as the best thing ever.
>Dindu nuffin film
Actually I always thought Shinkai was absolute shit in any of his movies. "your name" was the first movie I can say I moderately found watchable.
Well considering Tenki no Ko is basically the same movie once again scene by scene, he must have either liked his work or just wanted easy bucks.
3D, but Russian Doll
It's not. It's seems that you consumed Kimi no Na wa really shallow. This movie is pretty deep but you need to understand Japanese culture, history and folklore. It's fucking great story. Unfortunately most of you ignorant normalfags are unable to understand it. You're only seeing the most obvious part of this movie without even trying to understand it. But that's expected if you're using translated titles.
I'm not saying that Koe no Katachi is bad, but it's not even close to Kimi no na wa.
what's the point of making a movie that only nips will understand
For nips to watch it.
Shinkai makes the same teen romance movie over and over again. It's boring and shallow. To be a true genius auteur, you have to experiment with different genres, tones and aesthetics like Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg did.
Open minded people will understand it, because they are open for expanding their horizons unlike to stereotypical burgers (usually dubfags as well).
Tons of things fit that description. I went into this movie expecting to at least see why it would be one of the highest rated things on MAL but I don't know what people see in this. The visuals don't do much to help it being boring throughout. Something like spirited away would be much more worthy of being the highest rated movie.
It's a Nip movie made by Nips for Nip consumers? It's not rocket science.
The fact that it also resonates with foreign audience just proves that different people still have more things in common than they expect.
Beats me. It's just a generic love story but I'm not entirely sure why people love it such. To each their own I guess.
Welcome to Yea Forums. You're no better than the rest of anons.
The VN version was better.
>What more could a guy want out of a movie
Sex scenes.
What's so nip about it?
Literally everything. Every concept, reference and symbolics was based on Japanese beliefs, old stories and their culture. This is what is making this movie special and really, really... Human? Dunno how to call it. The atmosphere and character interactions are so beautiful if you actually understand what's going on. Of course if you watched it without knowing anything you will find it shallow.
Would u drink hitoha's spit sake?
Call me crazy but I think you're pulling shit out your ass seeing something that isn't there and pretending to get it because you arrogantly think you're cultured
Meh.. Imagine if your calendar suddenly said 2016 instead of 2019 would you really pay it much thought? Especially when theres' much stranger things going on?
Nah. You're just ignorant. Nothing outstanding.
This movie will always have a special place in my heart because it made me desire love for the first time in my life. Also it introduced me to radwimps music which ignited my passion for singing.
Beats me. I wouldn't treat it as the best anime either and as I said I agree with Shinkai's own assessment. Not to mention there's so many problems with the love plot. Too many music videos that used up time which they could have used for development, absolutely retarded plan of meeting each other (they never bothered to write down the phone numbers or remembered it? Surely they would have received calls while in each other's body) and somehow we are suppose to believe they like each other based on little more than wanting to see each other and Mizuha pouting in some faux-anger tsundere act.
Local Distributor is going all out on this one. The movie is going to premiere everywhere including Hoyts Bankstown deadset in the middle of the Lebanese ethnic areas.
A Silent Voice shoved a entire manga into one movie and it showed. The pacing was off and they had one or two characters devoid of any characterisation or story arc.
The love story element of it is kind of the biggest point of friction for me. On the one hand I really buy the emotion of it, they handle that part well. On the other they don't really have enough direct interaction to sell the depth of their bond. I get that it's going for what's essentially a long distance relationship across time, and their first face-to-face meeting was great, but they knew each other's lives more than they knew each other up to that point.
>they knew each other's lives more than they knew each other up to that point
A reasonable explanation for the progress of their bond turning into something more than just platonic friendship I guess.
Of course people falling in love for different reasons, just that to me living in someone else's shoes helps me understand that person better, makes me feel like the distance between two worlds gets shorter and such.
Mitsuha's world is great even if it's a sheltered world.
normies like it
I guess my issue is that they're awfully sure of it for people that've never even had simultaneous communication. Never even been able to directly text each other or something. And I get that it's not entirely unreasonable from some angles, it's just something that doesn't quite rub me the right way. And the relationship itself is really nicely handled after that point, and I like their dynamic too, so I can live with it. It's not a big enough issue to ruin the film for me.
Yeah i guess it's up to personal preferences & experiences for people to enjoy this movie. You're not the only one having issues with the relationship progress. I've seen lots of anons in past threads over the years commenting on this movie's issues (in respectful manner) so I suppose most logic-based people dont really click with this movie. But that's okay as well. The movie isnt perfect.
Any issues with the premise and plotting aside, the emotional level of the film really connected with me and I think that's really the most important single part. That whole post-timeskip bit was like a series of punches in the gut right up until the final moment.
If the romance bothered you you should probably watch Tenki no Ko when it's out in your country because the romance is WAY more developed.
I'm down under so I'm going to get to see it around the 22nd, planning it with some friends right now.
O really want to see it but i gotta wait til early 2020 because of fucking dubs
You need to be seriously brain damaged if you're unironically watching the dubs.
No, They won't release it in the US until the dub is finished for some reason
The Australian distribute, Madman, is pushing it out near instantly subbed. Madman is pretty based.
The US distributor is waiting until it's dubbed.
read the movie was basically made to capture 2011 japanese society sentiment
the sound track
Hina is 1000000000000% better than mitsuha
I wonder why...
shounenCHAD here. koe no katachi was better, and is adapted from a shounen manga. though, the manga is still better than the movie.
I enjoyed shinkais previous works but I can't help but feel tenki no ko is gonna be fucking garbage.
Because most people are idiots with no taste unlike me and the rest of the cultured geniuses which browse this Peruvian alpaca breeding board to discuss their favorite Chinese cartoons for children
Neither are good
>no new ip
why is Shinkai lewding hina? was mitsuha ever lewded like this?
Not anime adaptation.
cute and comfy, catharsis for 5cm per second
Because he knows his characters are trash that must be milked like that.