Does Yea Forums have good taste in anime?
Does Yea Forums have good taste in anime?
Yea Forums appreciates a good comedy. Which is more than Japan ever does.
Yea Forums is a Kill Me Baby board
Only I do, everyone else's taste is shit.
no, also don't take recommendations from nu/a/ residents.
I watched a couple episodes of Zetsubou-sensei, and I'm just very distracted by the art quality.
Not at all but at least its better than Japan
How do you distinguish them?
by looking in the general direction, you'll see a lot of them.
just don't watch seasonal anime and you'll realise it a lot quicker (not that I'm saying you do)
No but I have good taste in anime and that's all that counts.
Only the best.
Everyone but me has shit taste
Except you, you're my nigga
I'm happy that we Yea Forumsnons can count on you.
>Ai mai mii
>Kill me baby
Stop me if you can, Yea Forums!
Okay, thanks. I don't tend to watch seasonal anime; all airing shows I've watched were sequels to series I had watched beforehand. Right now I'm trying to become familiar with the old and mostly ignoring the new unless it peaks my interest; my pool of reference isn't current anime, so put it another way.
Considering half the catalog are shounen threads where mexicans are spamming the same copy-paste posts over and over? No.
Trying to put it another way, is subjective since it can vary from others perceptions, the best the way to put it in my opinion is how much and how many people tend to talk about it, less people talking about a certain anime in a thread usually ends being better than most others since it's not of current interest, not that this is a correct outlook but my way of seeing things since the recent shows that I've seen that have little to no discussion about them but are incredible, it's usually because there's nothing left to discuss about it then it ends up just being waifufagging about who's best, if not then it either pops up every once to twice (or thrice on the rare occasion) and gets little to no replies since there's (like I said) nothing left to discuss.
but hey what do I know, I like cute girls doing cute things
Yea Forums has great taste in anime and manga!
I liked Usakame!
I don't know about the rest of these mongrels, but I have exquisite taste.
>I like cute girls doing cute things
See? Yea Forums does have good taste.
only for manga
>muh seasonals when every anime was at on point airing as a seasonal
Kill yourself Yea Forumsermin