Where men cried

Where men cried

Attached: Violet Evergarden.png (648x568, 689K)

Other urls found in this thread:


damn 10 year olds look like that

Still gets me

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This moment. The sad violins reaching a swell. You know why he's staring into the camera.

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Fucking hell that episode destroyed me. I couldn't calm down until I picked up my phone and called my mother, shit was crazy.

I told my mom I loved her. Fuck, she'd probably do that, she'd guide me through my life with a series of well-written letters.


HOLY SHIT THIS. I literally couldn't stop crying. I got no sleep that night and the episode stuck with me for several months making me feel constantly depressed.

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Now I remember this episode. Fuck you OP

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VEGtards are mentally ill


t. never had a mother that loved him

Im sorry user, I hope you can be a great father one day

You really need some help, nobody makes this much out of a deal over a one episode, badly written, tearjerker with COTD.

You're mentally unstable and should really do something about it.

t. never had a mother that loved him

>wahh stop being moved by cartoons I don't like

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I wouldn't call this being moved.

How did you manage to watch more than the first episode?

>Guy has an emotional reaction to something

Serious question, all Yea Forums shitposting aside: do you have actual autism?

I would. Maybe that user lost his mother not too long before the episode aired, maybe the episode made him regret a lot of things; who knows.
You and I are in no position to tell him to not feel what he felt.

Not being a spic like you probably helps a lot.

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It was a good episode but only because of the ending. A show can only force so much sadnessporn.

Am I the only person who doesn't mind things being sad for the sake of being sad? I've never gotten the argument of "forced melodrama" Isn't all drama in any fictional medium forced? Anything that is sad is intended to be sad

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Define sad for the sake of being sad. It doesn't make any sense in the context of the OP.

that episode and the whole simple "I'm happy that you're alive" letter to that girls brother were the only things that actually got some waterworks out of me, not that some of the other moments weren't sad but i just didn't get very emotional. Really though i feel like the moment 3rd episode is so underrated probably because its so simple.

Whenever in a story a loved one is killed off or something of that nature, sorry for not being more clear.

I completely agree with you, ep3 hit me hard because of how simply it was


I see. How would you make Ann's story not sad for the sake of being sad by your definition?

>the writing and the characters doesn't matter. It has a relatable theme so I can project my own feelings into it
What a huge disservice to the anime and really shows your mental instability. I hope you get the help you need.

Do you know how writing works

>this strawman

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What a retarded question.

keep deflecting. I hope you get the help you need.

>You can only empathize with a character or a scenario as long as it meets cold, arbitrary criteria
No, seriously, you never answered me. Is it autism? Aspbergers?

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Nope, I'm saying you're to mentally unstable and basically enough that has the theme of sadness, no matter how badly written or how bland the characters are will get you very upset because you project your own sadness and misery towards it. Projecting and empathizing are two different things.

>Cry at sad scene

I'm just going to go out on a limb and say it's autism at this point. Seek help, or a Sonic game.

$5 on you being the guy who posted One Piece ITT. You wouldn't recognize good writing even if it sad on your face.

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>Cry at sad scene
That's not what these anons
did though making your point mote. They went hysteric.

Crying is by definition a moment of emotional hysteria you retard.

>literally pulling shit out of your ass
it's very different between crying for emphasizing and being unable to sleep and feel depressed for months over it.

Never read or watched it and not planning to. I'm too busy reading 20th Century Boys anyway.

They expressed an emotion you autistic weirdo. Besides, it isn't like there's a big book of things that says "You're only allowed to cry to THESE SPECIFIC THINGS"
I cried once because I thought the moon was beautiful. Was I in the wrong?

>You can only feel emotions in this way
Dude just stop.

>literally doesn't know how to correctly use the word literally
I salute your fedora tipping though. I mean, how dare people you know nothing about be so affected by a tragic mother story right?

VEG brought a lot of newfags

Oh? How so?

Because I could swear it was another show that got the board to become unusable on weekends.

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that kind of shitposting was more genuine

And there's the excuse. That was easy.

You're literally arguing with an underaged kid.

I couldn't do that. But that's what Im saying. Some people don't think its good storytelling but I do

It's not good storytelling if you kill a character for no reason other than make people sad. If nobody in the story learns something from it and this event isn't part of a greater message then I'd call it bad even if the writing and execution were good to the point of making an audience give enough shit to cry about it.
And with that in mind I find Ann's mom and Aidan, the only episodic characters that die during their respective episodes, good storytelling.

I doubt anyone on this site has the skill and experience required to rewrite Ann's story without affecting the overall messages of the overarching story negatively.

It's a short story, dude, she dies to teach Violet and Anne a lesson.

From a structuring perspective that much is obvious. Why are you telling me this?


I don't cry to anime because I'm not a faggot.

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I thought most of VEG was pretty meh, but this one episode hit so hard.

I agree with you, I was trying to say something along those lines, but I believe the writing in VEG is good because all the stories teach something to either another character or Violet

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gib signed drawing

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KyoAni only gives signed drawings to based German citizens. They are the only studio that honors old alliances.


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I wish I fucking had a mom
I hate all of you

Everything is going to be daijoubu.

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thanks user

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Only time I ever cried from a tv show or anything like that.

The only episode where VEG was at it's highest point. Can't say the same for the rest of the show.

Where men really cried

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What the fuck is this shit

that arc is almost as solid as my peenus weanus ;) my peener weiner! Haha :) my weee :3 whee whee choo choo brojob haha



>What if mom ded?!
Fuck that shitty soap opera level writting. Oh, and then they cap it off with Violet going autistic over the whole thing.

You know you held back some tears.

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>Not thinking about that little girl all alone by herself

Zabuza and Haku dying next to eachother was way more tearjerking and kino


where boy actually become man

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>Sitting through 20 episodes of filler

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Holy shit kill yourself

This unironically made me cry

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this is was actually the most romantic thing I´ve seen in an Anime. You know, besides shigatsu

>"All I care about is you"

That´s the saddest part of all that series

>voilet from the incredibles has a better character arc


sabre > voilet

Okay, well, first off, you're fucking wrong.

>Canonically a man
>Ripoff of French lore

>Autistic and sweet
>Not a Frenchfag

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Why won't women dress like that anymore in the West?! I fucking hate this time period.

fuck frenchfags and fuck britfags

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>why won't women dress like 10 year olds

Tbh she'd make a cute Nazi

Violet has too much empathy to commit genocide.

*trump supporter

>implying she didn't commit genocide back in the war
It wouldn't even take a day to convince Violet to kill again.

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donald trump the zion don

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>Because I see a picture of 10 yo wearing dresses, dresses must be reserved to 10 yo!

thoughts on Violet's outfit?

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A rare instance where the protagonist is thematically justified in standing out from commoners.

Touch fluffy frills.

the one in the middle is wearing red dungarees

Nobody is touching shit, got it?

too late.

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Yeah, dungarees were pretty popular with adult women in the 90s

that's clearly a femanon

how can i get sauce for this girl? reverse image didn't work

>cries hysterically over anime
>do you have actual autism?

>he never experienced this level of catharsis while consuming art in his life
Sad life if I'm honest.

>tfw her fucking version of the opening
>tfw finding out why she is always running around full of energy

Just got goosebumps remembering that episode.
It was way sadder to me than the last episode to be honest.

resolution was great

I'm 28 yo dude with a gf and I cried like a little bitch on this episode. There are some wrong things with this series, but still I cried and I don't know why

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This could have been a quality thread but you fucks had to go and ruin this with your meager excuse of a discussion about muh feelings. Although OP is also at fault for putting a VEG image, which is sure to attract shitposters.

>can wish for anything
>wishes for an unfading picture-perfect memory of his deceased wife's face

Goddamn it, I did not expect an Isekai staring Putin, of all things, to make me tear up.

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Thank you. There are so many faggots in this thread (and elsewhere) acting like VEG was the best/worst thing to ever happen to anime, when it was pretty mediocre overall, but had some great moments. Episode 10 was one of those great moments. I just wish people could fuck off their respective love/hate bandwagons for two fucking seconds to talk about a show without bringing up how they feel about the fucking studio.


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Fuck. This episode destroyed me, easily the best in the series.

Yeah, this broke me. I kinda predicted it, but it broke me good.

>it is sad because her mother died
>and I also had a mother so I cried
Imagine being this basic.

Oh piss off. The execution was top tier and the character acting throughout was the most expressive in tv anime ever.

Watch more anime.

That's called empathy, user. We felt her pain since losing one's mother is something some of us here have already experienced, and most will be experiencing some time in the future. Also, all those letters her mother wrote that are to be sent to her daughter, even to her adulthood, shows just how deep a mother's love runs.

Attached: Message for you.webm (853x480, 372K)

Any retard can write a story about a mother dying, doesn't mean you have to cry to it every time.

Seek 3K newfriend. Nothing outside of movies and ova's has character acting as expressive maintained throughout the entire show.

It was executed pretty well, especially with the letters at the end.

Then you obviously just need to watch more.

>being this obtuse
Not him. They can't animate and direct it as well as it's done in the show though. That made all the difference in drawing out my emotion.

Personally thought it was pretty stupid she decided to spend her last time alive writing letters instead of spending that time with her daughter in person.

Now I know you didn't even watch the episode. I refuse to believe that anybody is too much of a retard to not understand what the fuck the letters were for.

I know what the letters were, but it is still stupid. Because the show is trying to force this theme of the importance of letters.

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> mother sends letters to daughter
> daughter sends letters to mother

Both major tear jerkers from the same season

No, the letters were there for the daughter to have something to remember her mother by, and for the mom to give some advice and life lessons to her daughter. Since, you know, the mother would be too dead by then, and cramming a lifetimes worth of life lessons in a 9 yr old would much. Which is why the mom had those letters sent every year of her daughter's birthday.

Imagine being this stupid and wasting your time replying to somebody who clearly didn't watch VEG.
All you're doing is giving that nigger some ammo to shitpost later.

I like that you said
like you were refuting something I said.
>the letters were there for the daughter to have something to remember her mother by, and for the mom to give some advice and life lessons to her daughter
Because giving the daughter great memories to remember would clearly be less worthwhile, especially since those life lessons were incredibly basic.

Funny enough I knew a huge feminist that dressed like this. Shirts just like that, looking skirt and cableknit tights. She wasn't that pretty but at least she looked cute in her outfit. Other feminists dressed like slobs.


The distinction is between emotion and sentimentality. You can certainly write emotionally moving scenes, falling back to sentimentality is a kind of pandering however.

Violet Evergarden walks this line and occasionally wobbles on it a bit. Overall though its good work and it has something interesting to say about loss and moving on that a lot of emotionally weak western millennials would benefit from hearing.

If Violet had been a millennial, her response to the major's last orders would be "Its too hard and I'm not going to bother trying". End of show.

Violet is interesting because she is emotionally but not physically vulnerable. That clears a lot of ground.

>"First thing from daddy"

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What was sad about Liz, nothing much really happened at all?

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OP said men not boys.

>discussing chinese little girl cartoons on a mongolian basket weaving forum

Pick one


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Yeah, this was pretty sad and not to mention song is amazing and beautiful.

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that episode was too corny and predictable, same with the soldier episode.

The end of Madoka always gets me, seeing her jump through time to save all the other mahou shoujo always makes me tear up.

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I didn't really get anything from that, forgot it was a scene.

I wish I could've done the same, but I had to wait till the day after because it was 3 in the morning.

Just using Liz because I like the anime, didn't actually have anything to do with the argument.

Thread is over, goodbye everyone.

What's wrong with Madoka, other than the creators doing nothing good with it and just milking it with shitty mobile games since Rebellion?

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MagiReco is a fun game, there's no need to shit on it, it's enjoyable f2p.

Her show is bad and you should feel bad.

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No, the thread is NOW over because your stupid comment made me notice it and now I'm going to spam it with how GREAT and DIVINE Madoka is.
It was your fault.

Rebellion does not need a sequel, it is perfect as is. You just didn't understand Madoka.
Madoka is a disgrace, and I suspect that the CIA is behind it because they want you to think all of Madoka is trash like it so that your soul does not get saved by it. You do not understand Madoka.
You should kill yourself, in your ignorance, you have no chance of ever understanding Madoka. All hope is lost for you

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What a fucking hero goddamn

Oh fuck you're right- But wait, they showed her living a perfectly happy life, except for the moments she received her dead mom's letters, what an amazing way to traumatize your children!

Overdesigned LN shit.

I like it, it complements the impossibly externally pristine incredibly damaged goods thing it's going for.

You should probably assumed she struggled a lot in between each year she got a letter. It's only natural. Idk why you autists have such a hard time with this

I'm not sure I'd describe life as an orphan as 'perfectly happy' no matter how much you're smiling. Here's a wild concept too: sometimes people feel a net gain from things that hurt emotionally. Losing a loved one sucks too much for words, but people still make the conscious choice to enter into relationships with people. I swear to god, was NGE in one ear and out the other?

Yeah you probably still have your parents around. There's no way somebody that has experienced such a loss is this stupid.



All anime should have stick men instead.

Shit anime

simple skirt was better than that over complicated dress

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