Case Files

Gray a cute

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Other urls found in this thread:

How would Mordred react towards Gray?

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She really is.

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Which one?

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what a woman

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Autistic anger, seing as she has the fuck you lance, and knowing deep down that daddy dearest would totally approve of her.

Shes like younger versions of saber she calls Lily "angel father"

Reposting the full stitches.

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Glad the UBW extra episode stuff wasn't a one off

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Spoil me, Fatefags. Will Waver be able to summon DUDE again?


If he could would Alexander remember him?

>Shisigou warns about not letting the ghost of the past bind you
>repeats that theme again this episode
I'm no fatefag, but I feel like the narrative is telling us something.

No, he'd never risk involving himself in another Holy Grail War. He considers them deathtraps now.
Randomly decided by the author. He could have absolutely nothing, he could have a vague premonition of 'knowing this person', or he could have his precise memories of the 4th War. It varies completely freely.

It's honestly kind of sad, Waver has come so far as both a person and a mage since meeting Iskander that that in itself should be enough.

The most beautiful thing about Gray are her lips

No, and no.
Guys, seriously Waver isn't even in the 5th holy grail war, which is the one in Stay Night. It's also the last one ever, regardless of the route you take.
And Alexander wouldn't remember him as he is a complete heroic spirit. Only copies of the spirit are summoned to earth, not the individual itself.
Saber is different because she still hasn't ascended to a heroic spirit yet, because reasons.
I swear to god, you filthy secondaries need to read the fucking VN.

He *should* remember nothing but especially with Grand Order they play fast and loose with that rule for fanservice. Servants are in theory a copy of the record the Throne of Heroes has, you summon one you get the record up to that point, if someone else summons the servant they are just pulling up that record, the one you get either is erased upon death or is reincarnated via the grail

Because his entire thing in Apocrypha was getting his daughter back but found a sort of solace in mordred


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But user, I can self-insert into the uninteresting, blank slate, rice gruel of a character like Sieg who everybody sucks the cock of, I can't do that with Mordred.

Trips of Truth who knew some dumb necromancer is a better father than the king of England.

>no group photo from George CG

Literally a waifu show.

By old lore he shouldn't but it's FGO time so he 100% would for fanservice reasons.

Waver is best waifu, followed by his sister do the novels ever reveal her true feelings if any about him

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Reines is just trolling Waver. Contrary to the memes in the threads, she doesn't see Waver that way at all.

So does that mean they finally make this guy be Waver?

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And it's perfect. I only wish they didn't talk about Holy Grail trash every episode.

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For the last time, that's not and never will be Waver.

>let’s add in some random chink who looks irrly suspicious to Waver
>um actually guys he’s Ching wang Han not waver also it looks like Waver because lol

Imagine a full show like this. Nothing but Fate girls having fun magic adventures.

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This really is a dawning age of Luvia. She gets more and more popular and more and more screentime as the years go by, while Rin gets less and less.

All asian people look the same

Saberface is a canon thing in this shitty franchise. It's all about fanservice at this point. It's ridiculous how shit FGO writing is yet people eat that garbage anyways.

Top Cute.

Emiya Gohan needs a S2 so Rider's sisters can show up kotominefags get NOTHING

technically only Jeanne, Astolfo and maybe some homunculi give any fuck about him. Others dont. Some dont even know he exists. The only reason Karna cares that much about him is because he wants a fight with Siegfried

It WAS always about fanservice. Takeuchi suggested Nasu should change up his original idea and in the end they became what they are today. Fate would not the juggernaut it is if they didn’t pander to waifufags.

Is there enough material from the manga for a second season?

People always hold this argument but I really want to see the full idea of Prototype. They wrote a fucking prequel for it yet they still leave it hanging Prototype Gilgamesh would print cash in FGO but they don’t attempt it.

There is a big difference between making hot characters like Saber and going full retard micro bikini swimsuit archer shit.

I want to do naughty things to that maid golem.

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Please do not stick your dick in the homonculus

Original Saber had one of the most realistic female armors in anime. Or more like all fantasy really.

Now you have Tamamo Cat or Santa Lily 4th wall breaking every 5 minutes and toilet humor.

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Don't do that. It does not end well.
t. Emperor Qin

Are you kidding original Rin was a lot hotter than the current Rhino we have.

I don't know but how hard is it to just make a recipe and center it around cute goings on with any number of FSN characters, servants or otherwise, fucking spaghetti and meatballs with True Assassin, that's the episode.

This. Say what you want about FSN and it's seafood eroge origins, but Seibah's design is legit great. It's fucking sad that in FGO, dumb Mash is designed with the usual dumb fantasy breast plating armour.

Prototype Rin is literally Scathach

Ishtar is literally her body in 10x sluttier clothes.

Don't listen to this guy, he's a fake

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Type moons humor is even worse it’s that “Haha we are inside joke haha self deprecating humor”

>Contrary to the memes in the threads, she doesn't see Waver that way at all.
I figured, but I was also curious if she thinks of Waver as a better brother than her deceased blood relation

>>normal grail war (4th and 5th)
>>proto grail war (prototype, silver fragment, labyrinth)
>>magical girl+ servant henshin (prisma illya)
>>fake grail war in another country (strange fake)
vs 7 (apocrypha)
>>tournament style (EXTRA)
>>time traveling (grand order)
Alright, guys. I think after grand order Fate will be done. They cant come up with any more new ideas about summoning dead people for a cup, r-right?

This, I seriously can't believe people like this garbage. I'm forcing myself to play FGO for two months now and it's unbelievably shitty even for phone game standards.

>time traveling (grand order)
We've been done with time travelling for a while now. It's about fighting alternate universes with alien shenanigans.

Battle Royale HGW 100 servants, 100 Masters, 1 Avenger, 1 Ruler.

Rin was never hot.

Type moon had that humor before FGO though.

Reines actually liked Kayneth and warned him not to go since he's going to die. She also admits he was a nicer person that her. Reines is unironically evil and enjoys watching people suffer.

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Team Daddy Issues was the only good thing in Apocrypha. It's not fair that they lost.
Fucking selfinsertfags won again

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Its kinda like EXTRA

There is that one in far future where everybody can summon servants with apps.

Early TM humor is fine. It's FGO that swings to full pathetic. Riyo event is seriously the worst.
>haha fuck gacha, am i rite?
>but seriously, keep whaling anyway

Just read the Turas Realta manga plus watch youtube for the main story.

I’m happy case files added a cameo at least

>expecting FM to actually put any effort

>She also admits he was a nicer person that her.
lolwut. fucking hell


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It started at Carnival Phantasm and if they make season 4 next year expect FGO influences

You know Waver's English, right?

Come on Yea Forums, I thought you were better than /fgog/ or /alter/. Why are you discussing FGO? Isn't this the Case Files thread?

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He sure fools me.

Kayneth legitimately loved Sola and didn’t want to just pump and dump her. He also forced Lancer to kill himself jist for her and gave up his retarded obsession with the root for her.

Fuck Waver

>Gray a cute
Best girls always are.

I'm trying, I really am

Everything boils down to F/GO eventually. It's inescapable.

It’s case files + fate lore. These threads have discussed more FGO lore than those generals combined.

The good bits of Apoc are the bits where they never bothered to focus
>Jack going all slasher horror on random magus
Would have made for at least a neat chapter or episode as a survival horror situation with magus trying to escape some weirdass mysterious mist with some unknown entity lurking withing
>Kairi and Mordred being bros
>Amakusa's gang
I have a soft spot for antagonists that actually get along well with each other or at least chill with each other
>some more focus on Darnic's history would help to flesh out the apoc verse as well

He didn't torture people just for fun. She does.

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That’s really sad actually

>really loved a THOT

Even in anime "nice" guys are stupid I guess.

>Implying /alter/ isn't already here.
Do you really need someone to post a Liz picture to clue you in?

Rin has a ridiculous amount of screentime already. Luvia could get an anime of her own and it probably still wouldn't measure up to Rin's exposure level.

If you count their copied forms, like Ishtar and Eresh, then Rin skyrockets even higher.

If Ishtar has her body, what does Ereshkigal have?

Kayneth was really prideful and quick to anger, but as far as Magi go he was a pretty swell guy

Do you guys think Kayneth would have had a chance at winning (or at least surviving) if Waver hadn't stolen Iskandar's cape?

This talk shit about FGO all you want but at least we are not the generals.

>To speak frankly, I have a bad personality.
>I smile when I see other people suffer. Even more so if they are a straight-forward, honest person. When someone who by all rights should have been walking a path overflowing with light is forced to step off the correct path due to some meaningless mistake, it fills me with pleasure.
>If this had been some sort of result of my upbringing, or maybe an effect of some childhood trauma, then maybe I could be excused.
>Unfortunately, I was just born this way. In that respect you might have thought it was something I inherited from my parents, or my ancestors. In reality though, there was no one in my family who could sympathize with my feelings.

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She is an asshole, but she admits that she's only fond of Gray and Waver

Personality and soul.

Rin (Extra).

Well damn I judged Kayneth all wrong
>Unfortunately, I was just born this way. In that respect you might have thought it was something I inherited from my parents, or my ancestors. In reality though, there was no one in my family who could sympathize with my feelings.
Awww, that's kind of sad in its own way.

She literally kidnaps Waver to interrogate him and threatens to torture him. She was what, five years old at the time?

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>Why are you discussing FGO?

Because it's fucking shit? Only good for porn.

Maybe they seem good just because there was no focus? Imagine if it went the other way around
>Jack's slasher horror is actually super boring
>Kairi and Mordred suddenly lack character development and continue with the same shtick till the end
>Amakusa is a one-note villain with a nonsensical plan
Then you'd be clamering about "wtf why didn't we focus on a skipped duel between a homunculus pseudo-servant and Karna"
the author is just shit

Based on personality, they wont go to anywhere. Kayneth is lucky enough Diarmuid is loyal so he can tolerate Kayneth's asshole attitude.

No, Iskandar wouldn't have taken any of his shit. Plus there's a wall known a Gilgamesh present, you'd need several servants to co-operate to take him down and Kayneth isn't the type to do that. Alone Iskandar doesn't stand a chance.

>yo b you don't have enough magic to sustain your servant so she needs your cum to survive

It was literally like those monster cards where all the monsters hunt men for their precious semen

Apocrypha needed more Achilles

She also pretty much drools remembering how she "paid back" everyone she didn't like after she won the head position.

No, their compatibility would have been ruinously bad.

Using semen and sex for magic rituals is old as human conciliation.

She doesn't until they decide to change it in order to pander at some point in the future and then you insufferable autists will be here in 5 years crying that they changed it

something about his design just pissed me off, i honestly hate it.

Why are riders and lancers always the best bros?

>get summer servants left and right
>STILL no Enkidu CE
kill me

In direct servant battles no but he would be able to kill all other masters if he was not a prideful idiot who thought he's doing servant pokemon battles.

His hair maybe? His armor was fine until that shit they added in FGO

The parallels between TM and the real world are pretty weird.
>Carnac is literally Harrods
>Which means, given the timeframe, Luvia is the TM equivalent of Mohamed Al-Fayed
So was she also involved in the death of Princess Diana? Was magecraft involved so it had to be covered up? So many questions that won't ever be answered.

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This. I don't think many people realize that a lot of the ancient texts are actually pretty damn kinky. Or rather, us modern folks tend to see sex as a more taboo/awkward thing to talk about openly or seriously, but in old pagan stuff, it's just... another thing, that's part of nature.

Maybe that's the guy that possesses waver in fgo

>you'll never summon Heroic Spirit Princess of Wales

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Why would a chinese guy be in iskander's army? They've never even met.

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Bro, what about Chiron?
>>handsome horseface
>>good relationship with his master
>>nice wish (fuck hero, fuck justice, I just want to be immortal again)
>>deliver best hand to hand fight in the franchise
>>noble phatasm is also cool (the bow is already in shooting stage from the start)
>>set up for his team to defeat 2 red servants ( hurt Achilles's ankle which makes him able to die by Atalanta arrows, make Achilles promise to give his team a noble phatasm, which results in Sieg winning against Karna)
Totally MVP of black team from the start to the end


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>Achilles actually standing up and saying the Amakusa takeover was bullshit
>fucking Karna

No. Surviving, maybe.

Gil jobs left and right.

look at this korean tokusatsu looking mofo

His army isn't solely the Greeks that marched with him. Anybody else that agrees to join his army and serve under him can also then be included in Ionioi Hetairoi, it self-updates.

It's the same sort of thing as how Archer can update UBW's record with things he never saw in life, by seeing them instead as a HS/CG.

Iskander can't beat Goldie.
With Kayneth as a master he can probably outlast Berserker and Saber, mobbing them to death under thousands of soldiers. Excalibur can fuxk their shit up tho.
If Caster summons the giant demon god they really can't do anything either
I actually give Volumen Hydrangea good odds agaist a handful of assassins, but they would probably take Sola as hostage or something like that, instead of fighting head on. Also, Iskander can kill any amount of 100 faces Hassan bodies.
They could try teaming up with someone, but aside from Kariya and maybe Waver (who would be his servant anyway? Zugue Liang?) if things got too dire.
Still, personality problems could also get in the way.

>muh Gilgamesh

Just summon Liz.

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>Anybody else that agrees to join his army and serve under him
>Zhuge Liang willing to serve anyone not Liu Bei
>willing to serve under some foreign invader
Listen to yourself. Do you not realize how dumb are the shit you're saying? Do you even know who Zhuge Liang is?

Not in Zero and to Iskandar he's essentially undefeatable

It makes some sort of sense if we go by the style F/SN went for, when you weren't supposed to know who the heroic spirit was from just a glance.

Like, lower body is easily Cu tier, and the upper body can pass for a Gilgamesh. With this you could have an Achilles reveal.

Could Achilles be a berserker? He was pissed off over his cousin dying and what he did to Hektor was in rage. That’s why he killed Atalanta he didn’t want his waifu to go down that path.

*AUO Castoffs*

Achiles should've been Berserker. There're few heroes who fit the Berserker class better than Achiles. Like, the very first word in the Illiad is "Rage" for God's sake. Also he had a spear that made unhealable wounds, but who cares.
Going crazy and killing thousands of men is the name of Achiles' game.

No, I'm a different user to and am solely commenting on the way Ionioi Hetairoi works.

>Could Achilles be a berserker?
Pretty much any of them can, if you add the right lines to the summoning chant.

That's Iskander's buttler/accountant/bodyguard/general. I forgot his name right now, but they used this same design for the character in one fgo manga. Also Iskander says Waver reminds him of the ancient Greek dude

Nice mall

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See Luvia was secretly an old arab the whole time.

Apocrypha had some shit Berserkers Spartacus is a retard and Frankenstein is shit. Hell they had to make the god damn Archer a berserker since the original 2 sucked that bad.

See In the original FSN you needed to be know for an episode of madness in your legend to qualify. Dunno how it works now

Berserkers were nerfed heavily in Apocrypha.

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To be fair they do realize their mistake, hence Fran and Spartacus are given second chance in London and LB3

Spartacus is yet another shafted Roman servant.


Apocrypha was never going to work.
Too many characters yet it was always going to be only 4 novels.
Getting rid of all Red masters except Shishigou was a smart move, but nowhere near enough.

Spartacus at least had his funny ranting, though I still wish he had done some cool shit, Fran was the blandest example of waifushit.

TO be fair, those are probably what an average Berserker looks like. We're biased because our first exposures where the uber rape machine that was Herc, and Sir Screamsalot.

Man, in Septem he still is a total retard.
Caligula was surprisingly endearing for a character that only exists to try to rape Nero. An NP that blocks skills and NPs could be interesting in a narrative. It's a very villain/bad guy power tho

Even the LN sucked only has a few standout parts the part where Shakespeare breaks Jeanne was ruined in the anime but having Saber Gilles get the COOOL Eyes was a nice touch.

Technically that NP exists, it's just that the one that has it is Florence Nightingale.

>Dunno how it works now
You add 2-3 lines to the summon chant. Mad Enhancement can vary depending on the Servant's life though.

Yeah but Atalanta gets the boar hide out (albeit the boar she kills in setting is some fuck huge crazy kaiju boar) and becomes a crazed slobbering berserker over some kids. Might just be the typical Greek wank Fate likes to do though.

It was a giant monster sent by Artemis, basically a Divine Beast, and pulled in dozens of heroes.

Why does that one lion have the face of one of the Bogdanoff brothers?

Fran was a complete waste of a character. In the original novel the creature had incredible intelligence and mastered something like five languages after being alive for about a year at most, having her spout nothing but BAHSAHKAH was fucking stupid, Mad Enhancement is basically a writing crutch to mitigate actual characterisation.
If they ever actually made a new version in another class she should be actually making smart moves and speaking eloquently, but I doubt they'll ever bother with that even if the contrast alone would garner fan attention.

That's just the writer being retard. They had to fix Atlante with her interlude in FGO where it's her going to London to put dead children to rest. You know, the opposite of Apoc where she's mad that Jannu is trying to put an end to dead children. Though I guess you argue that Apoc evil cat was mindbroken by Jack, hence why she's being retarded.

You just described Saber Fran.

Not like it would chnage anything. Frankenstein's monster as a servant is fucking stupid. You can get away with likely fictional but maybe not folk heroes, but Frankenstein is a 18th century book.

If it's gonna be like that then let me summon Conan the Barbarian

You got Eric for that

The summer servants are just the regular ones with altered saint graphs, she isn't actually significantly more eloquent or intelligent than her Berserker version because she technically is the same version.

The excuse is that it was "real" and just happened to inspire a book, or something. Same with Dracula and Sherlock Holmes.

Victor Frankenstein is an actual guy in Fate. Just like how Faust is also an actual guy in Fate.
>You can get away with likely fictional but maybe not folk heroes
We also already have plenty of folk heroes in Fate now. Also, part of the point of Fate has always been summoning famous fictional figures.

She’s just really retarded for kids and felt like she needed to do something even if that something was going insane and being pissed the fuck off. That’s why Achilles intervened he knows what happens when you kill in rage.

jekll and hyde, mephistopholes, edmond dantes
>Dracula and Sherlock Holmes.
dracula didn't actually exist though and Sherlock is weird

Remember when FSN made a big deal over Kojiro never actually being a real person and the Grail just improvising by grabbing the nearest equivalent? There's no point in worrying about fiction vs history at this point.

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Fate has always been a mix of things. Real life (at least what's real in their world) mixed with public perception.

>dracula didn't actually exist though
Vlad has his legend which inspired the book, meanwhile in the Tsukihime worldlines Wallachia provided the inspiration (in Fate Zepia never goes full Wallachia and just chills at Atlas, IIRC).

Berserkers could also only speak in growls back then, and assassins could only be Hassans

Things change

How is she so smug?

Magazine scan

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>but Frankenstein is a 18th century book
FGO confirms that Victor Frankenstein existed

I also remember FSN making a big deal about how servants had to be ancient heroes from human history summoned by a master and then broke that rule like 4 times in one route

Fate lore is built on exceptions to the supposed rule

With Kojiro at least there was the fact that the Grail went and picked the closest sod to fill the spot, same with Manjew. The rest are ripped out straight out of their stories with their backstories being the real deal. A similar thing with all the shameless genderbends.

God, I'll never forgive them for Attila.

Money matters more to Nasu than in-universe consistency and quality writing.

There was this cool thing the artist of Columbus posted on Twitter where he made a happier friendly version of Columbus the version in Fate is based on his real life one while it could be an interesting concept where servants are different based on their myths and real life Counter parts.

Imagine what she would have looked like before being saberfaced

She just is

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Because she knows she’s Best Girl

>The rest are ripped out straight out of their stories with their backstories being the real deal. A similar thing with all the shameless genderbends.
The thing is, most of the mythical heroes are also totally made up. Arthur has a very loose grounding in history but basically all the knights, Merlin and most of the other characters were literally fanfiction tacked onto simple Welsh historical accounts centuries after the fact, and the fact that it's made up bullshit has also been known for centuries.

What is and isn't actual history in TM functionally doesn't matter because it's pure fantasy.

Still pretty Saber-like since she’s a descendant of Seiba

A pretty large amount of people believe Arthur and the roundtable was all real which is what matters.

Is that Olga I see?

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Yes that's her

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That's just how the Brits roll.

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Would Reines have actually gone through with it if Waver had said yes to her babymaking joke?

>A pretty large amount of people believe Arthur and the roundtable was all real
No they don't. It's a known myth. Even fucking Monmouth's accounts were known to be made up nonsense by around the 16th century.
The only historically viable accounts vaguely mention a Roman general sticking around in Britain to help fight off the Saxons, everything else is just a fantasy. There's a reason it's called a legend and not "the historical accounts of the actual Briton King Arthur who totally existed".

I think you're vastly overestimating people's historical knowledge user.

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Yes, Stay Night timeline Olga, Goetia's plan will never happen as Lev kills himself to prevent Flauros taking over his body.

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Sabah the umpteenth, a cute

I'd like to think people know better than to interpret tales featuring magic, mythical creatures and the Welsh being a military power as actual history. But maybe I'm just naive.

I never played extella or CCC but why are there 2 versions of Charlemagne and why does Saber look like Gudao?

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I mean it's very probable that British people know it's all bullshit, but I would be very shocked if people from other nations really knew anything in detail about the Arthur legends other than some various bits and pieces. For most people, it's just that there was some king who pulled a sword out of a rock and some knights and shit. Oh yeah and there was that Merlin guy.

Waver actually refused to have sex with this fine piece of liquid metal

That Macedonian dick must be something real special.

>Why dunit......

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And Reines. And probably a bunch of other girls.
Because we all know Waver has eyes for only one person.

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Wouldn't that be mercury poisoning to a lethal degree?

>Oh yeah and there was that Merlin guy.
But he's a wizard, probably the most famous one. Like, that's straight up fucking magic shit. Why would you think that was ever real?

The young, handsome Saber is the version from the fictional stories.
Who knows.
The old fart Ruler is the guy from real history (minus the fact that he was fat).

Fuck it all, Shirou should have won.

It's like the bible. You don't think the magic/miracle shit is real, but the person probably existed (like Jesus or whatever).

You've passed the fucking line, buddy...

it's too bad her biggest chance to become more popular turned her into a gorilla

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I guess I oppressed him

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Yeah, but Jesus had corroborating evidence and accounts (Roman ones) to indicate he was real. Whilst Merlin was a fabrication of Monmouth's with no backing whatsoever.
Again, Arthur's tales are universally called legends for very good reason. But I guess it's just not as well-known as I thought.

>>Roman general
Ah, I see. Make sense

King Arthur is real, I've even seen video footage of him getting arrested by the britbong police.

I really hate the fact that she has saber hair.

Maybe I'm just completely wrong and am projecting too much. I mean I didn't know jackshit about Arthur until reading F/SN and doing research later.

Without it do you think people will realize she has saberface?

>Even in Case Files/FSN timeline Marisbilly still doesn't care about Olga
Welp. Anyway in Case Files novel, it keeps saying Olga is the successor so maybe 1/Kirsch is FGO-only or 2/Marisbilly hasn't found Kirsch's talent at that point yet i guess.

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I mean the only accurate adaptation of Lancelot is in Fate and Monty Python

Why is waver's anime so bad?
It's fucking garbage
An reines needs to die in a fire

For Case Files, they should have Takeuchi draw just Gray and that's it. Everyone has the same art style, only Gray is by Takeuchi.

Not to give Fate Nero's saberface factor any credibility, but yeah. If there ever was a King Arthur he was probably a Roman (or Briton-Roman) leader of some kind. There's even a few fictional accounts that Arthur was descended from the Roman emperors, but I really, really doubt TM staff knew or cared about that shit when deciding on making Nero a saberface.

You may be right, I probably only know most of this shit because I'm a bonglander. I hadn't even heard of Cu until Fate/SMT and all my Irish friends knew about him since they were kids, so I guess it's all relative.

Honestly looks like her own character with the hood up and I legit hadn't looked up anything about her so when she dropped the hood in that one episode I was like "goddammit".

Is the why dunit stuff supposed to genuinely sound cool or are they in on the joke

I want to fire inside of Reines if you know what I mean

Does reines ever get properly BTFO?

She gets used as a catalyst, does that count

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She is afraid of Touko and Lord Valualeta at least.

Wait a fucking minute, that's the girl that says "Rin pleases old men for money" and "ohohoho"?
Shock desu

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you slow as fuck

"howai dunnito" doesn't sound cool to you?

Get the fuck back to /vg/ you filthy casual

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Go read the VN

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lmao volumen would anihilate touko

Read LN vol 2&3

in the FGO Zero event, he realize what Adult Waver was doing and went along with it. He pretended to be dumb but by the end he confronted Waver about it and let it go. Kayneth wasn't evil, and actually was a good person. He was prideful and arrogant at times but he didn't hurt innocent people and cared about his allies

I see you've never watched/read KnK

Forgot about this scene, was nice

Attached: FSN UBW e25.png (1920x1080, 1.51M)

but if he played the game on /vg/ he'd know that already. He's just false-flagging for (You)s!

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Have you seen the posts on /vg/? That's not even the dumbest type of post that you can find there.

remember when fate and type moon in general was more about autistic teenagers with magic powers and not a cast roll of "hey how about this guy I found on wikipedia"

Speaking of Touko, I like the fact that they make her a protagonist in KnK and antagonist in Mahou Tsukai. Really make you realize a character can play different roles in different stories. Shinji is still a scum in every timeline though

which female magus would be the best match for waver?

the chuuni

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what if shirou meets grey and ntrs rin with her because she looks like saber?

detective novels often use "Who done it, How done it, Why done it". Nips being chuunis of course take it to the 11th degree and of course spell it wrong. As they use vowels differently

>I think sir is still a virgin
Waver btfo
what's her name anyway?

Best for him
Worst for him
OK for him

One of the good sides of expanding on the magus side of society is that he really highlghts kiritsugu's achievment of killing high tier magi like kayneth
especially when you take into account his mediocre magic circuits

Are you the same idiot who claimed she lost to Alba in the other thread? There can't be more than one, surely?
She fucking destroyed Alba, twice. And she only lost to Araya because he literally had total control of the space in the Ogawa apartment building and even then it's a "whoops, lost one of my bodies, never mind" job where she came back with a new box that could've beaten Araya by swallowing the entire building, Araya even acknowledges that much.
Also bear in mind that KnK was easily Touko's lowest point, she was much stronger in Mahoyo and gets much stronger again circa Case Files.

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I'd hope Shirou wouldn't be that superficial, besides when she fails to finish a 5 course meal and ask for seconds he'd know she wasn't really her

Yvette L. Lehrman

Found your problem.

Bring in the Taiga.

Why is Waver so fucking popular with the ladies?
>shitty magus
>shitty classes
>can't even win a shitty oriental ritual

It's what makes her one of the better characters. It's even better considering that her character arc in Mahoyo informs her character in KnK, where she's a better person for having moved on from her nastier qualities after losing to Aoko.

>both teachers
>Waver would absolutely get steamrolled by her assertive personality but at the same time intrigued
I'm for it
probably because he's easy to tease I bet

He is the Histoire dude?

too bad there isn't really any info on her yet it seems

Wait so it is real? Is it as fancy as the anime?

>which female magus
None of them.

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she got destryed by alba and araya
she's a good magus but not on their levels

ESL spotted

It's less interesting than that, really. Being a high born magus with the best circuits doesn't equate to being a combat powerhouse or genius. Kerry spent ages training to be able to fight conventional magi, so it's more like a professional hitman killing a politician who was known for his oratory skills. Yeah, Kayneth had his mystic code and other abilities with his high-born qualities, but that's kind of like if the politician had armed bodyguards and a really expensive gun of his own, that doesn't mean he's any good with it.

You'd be surprised to learn london is also a real city

If she tries to undo the hair or cut the ahoge, will it return to normal immediately?

I've never played any games, and this is the first time I meet her in anime outside of Yea Forums

why do you say that?

>she got destryed by alba
She wrecked him in the first fight and the second fight wasn't even a fight, he just died like a bitch. His only "victory" over her was literally Araya giving him her decapitated head to smash, which ironically activated her second body, so basically Alba fucked himself over three times.
Already explained
>she's a good magus but not on their levels
It was explained at length that quality of circuits/magus does not equate to being capable of winning in a fight. There is a good reason that Touko is feared even though she's nowhere near as destructively powerful as her sister. Fucking Prelati got killed numerous times by her for calling her the DR name and doesn't want to deal with her.

so ytou haven't watched UBW?

She made an appearance in UBW?

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You'd know if you weren't an ESL

same eepisode waver does

Shishigou should've been a Zero character.
Then again, Urobuchi was at his peak edge back then so he'd probably die as a trash anyway.

I want to FUCK Prela—
>Case Files
>not Symphogeah
I still want to FUCK Prelati.

I completely forgot about her
My bad

>Waver report whole conversation in detail including casual talk about his virginity

the script is pretty dumb

He's know for thoroughly explaining everything in detail. It's in character.

So does waver stay reines's lapdog?
please tell me he doesn't

She's pretty cute. If you can over the whole supremely evil and also TSF thing.

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I'd honestly like to see how it all sounded from Reines' perspective without the flashback footage, just Waver patiently explaining all the inane shit that happened in Babylon in unnecessary detail.
>So then I got thrown in prison and met this old friend of mine by pure coincidence
>And then we chanced our way out of the cell and then he asked me if I was still a virgin

So you're just shitposting got it
Fucking retard

2 > 4 > 3 > 1
I want to hug her.

>face of best anime girl of all time
>hair color of best anime girls of all time
My dick.

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That doesn't make someone ESL.
So yes you're just shitposting.

name 1 (one) human magus that can kill her

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>not knowing a common english is not a dead giveaway of an ESL
cope harder

I can think of 3 (three) likely contenders.
Lorelei. She's used to dealing with DA and their bullshit regeneration and immortality so she'd probably be able to figure out the trick to Touko's spare bodies and track them all down, plus she has the combat ability and firepower to reliably win in a fight every time.
Ciel for more or less the same reasons.
Aoko if she actually wanted her dead, really.


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No one remembers Canaan.

What's there to remember? The anime wasn't that memorable. It didn't go full retard so there's nothing much to meme about and neither is it some super special series.

The only thing I can think of is that the staff fell in love with tonjiro

I mean I'd choose Alex over any of the ladies and I'm not even Waver level gay


Lmao no way

>And Alexander wouldn't remember him as he is a complete heroic spirit.
I thought the heroes learn about what happened in the Grail war in a second had kind of way. I think the exact phrase was like "reading a book of events."They don't actually feel the experience as a memory, but they know about them.

*Bang* she ded

>>shitty classes
Eh? Old high prided traditionalists aside, most of the current younger generation that wants definite power/growth goes for his classes.

Intrigue, disgust, jealousy and then lust

You're thinking of counter guardians, like Emiya, not heroic spirits.

Yeah but that would only apply if you directly talked with the original heroic spirit in the throne, while summoned servants are all copies.

Why can't they just make a fun times at the tower clock with Shirou, Rin, Luvia and all the other fucks anime instead.

Because we cannot have any content of Shirou post-war because no canon route (Yes HF is the real ending that doesn't change anything here, if you made content happening after an ending, then you'd have other-route-fags demanding their own)

Of the F/SN cast only Rin gets any freedom because in all routes she goes to the Clocktower to be chewed up by based anti-weeb professor Charisma.

Cutest seiba.
She won my heart.

>spare body

>Amakusa is a one-note villain with a nonsensical plan.

I wish we would get an OVA that is all about Gray doing ordinary things while dressed in high-class frilly dresses!

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Trimmau doesn't appear to be toxic. She even prepares tea for Reines and Gray by forming part of her mass into a teapot to boil water.

His ability was literally DUDE LASERS FROM PAIN. No phantasm would have been better than that garbage.

I'm sorry bro, but your waifu will end up mad as a hatter from all the the mercury poisoning

The taxi driver was pretty memorable.

>Same with Dracula
Out of all the fictional ones, dracula made the most sense since not only was he real both in the fate timeline and the real world timeline, but his entire goal in the fucking grail war was to have his legend rewritten so that it doesn't get conflated with Vampirism and he's remembered as the Turk Impaler who saved Europe.

*Boom* C4

>(Yes HF is the real ending that doesn't change anything here, if you made content happening after an ending, then you'd have other-route-fags demanding their own)
>Literally free money
I mean they already decided to go with an ever expanding multiverse in order pump out more content. May as well use it to your advantage.

I hope for Gray vanilla Doujins.

Nah. I want reverse rape where Gray and Reiness rape Waver.

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Is The Clock Tower like the Hogwarts of TM?

Cause the whole "Concealment of the Mystics" code kinda makes me feel that way.

Of course, after all, what did you expect from a spin off where the current main work is one of the dullest franchises in the history of video games? Seriously each Singularity following the harem master and his servants from Chaldea as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Nasu vetoed the idea of Sakurai directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody? Just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his games. The Fate series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

a-at least the Visual Novels were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the VN was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character does something controversial, the author wrote instead that ''it cant be helped''

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Nasu's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Fate by the same Takashi Masada. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Type Moon at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Dies Irae." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Type Moon's works" you are, in fact, trained to read Dies Irae.

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Is there a single urban fantasy setting where keeping magic and the like hidden isn't near the top of the priority list? It's kind of 101 for the genre.

What do you think about Mage's Association (Clock Tower) mystic code ?

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Dresden Files. Nobody bothers hiding anything, muggles are just so retarded they ignore and deny everything. It's like all humans got a lobotomy.
"People don't want to know"

>Mystic Code
God Ihste FGO so much

Gudako is literally one of the sexiest things he ever designed

I'm pretty sure the Gudako using a school uniform is actually one of Shirou's school mates draw with Gudako's head

Gilgamesh remembered his previous summonings though


He didn't

But Hollow/Atarexia exists.

Well maybe it’s the translation then, but it’s very heavily implied
>The earth rumbled and clouds of sand were blown up as Ionian Hetairoi approached -
>Even before such an overwhelming spectacle, the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh did not move in the slightest.
>The only thing dwelling in those red eyes gazing at the magnificence was complete blood-colored joy. It was a feeling beyond the bounds of mundanity, known only to the king who had completely exhausted all the pleasures of this world.
>In truth, Archer was pleased.
>He was tired of how he would be invited till the end of time, repeatedly, to farces that were battles in name only. And now, he had finally obtained an opponent he could recognize as an 'enemy'.
>A challenge from that Rider was worth using his full strength to gain supremacy.

and they didn't even animated the first arc but still have this much luvia

you've seen fate/stay night, you tell me? offcourse not, the closes this show will get is isakandar's shadow, I mean fucking literally


>He doesn't know about Fate/Requiem where everyone has a servant, EVERYONE

does Waver at least pay off most of his debt?

>shitty classes
try reading fate/strange fake and see what his former students have become

The male MC looks like one of the most generic thing that has crawled out of this franchise

>bland self-insert with barely any personality and zero agency looks bland and generic

holy secondary batman

>I swear to god, you filthy secondaries need to read the fucking VN.
Sorry, too busy reading good vn

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This episode needed Rin so that Luvia could make fun of her poverty and force her to do menial labor in the department store for spending money

>you filthy secondaries need to read the fucking VN.
No thanks. VNs are old and busted. Mobage is the future.

Attached: luvia.webm (640x360, 2.33M)

>I swear to god, you filthy secondaries need to read the fucking VN.

It's us. We are the secondaries now.

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It's refreshing to see something other than DI with these posts for the first time in a while.

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I'm sad Reines and Trimmau didn't contribute to the fighting.

We'll see them do something soon enough. I'm just glad we got to see more Luvia wrastling, even if it was mostly just stills.

>We'll see them do something soon enough.
But Rail Zeppelin adaption will start from the next episode...

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Is that going to take up all the remaining episodes? I hope not, I hope there's room for a final episode to bring a solid close to the anime and also for the slim hope that Touko will still get a cameo.

3 > 4 > 1 = 2


Them lips

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>it's not porn it's lore

This is the worst fucking post in this thread, fucking redditor

Almost every TM location is based on a real place, the Clock Tower is literally Big Ben and most of the background CGs in the VNs are photos with filters or at least traced straight from photos.

Attached: EBmuaBOUYAA7bj6.png (640x860, 585K)

Where is broke, indebted Reines getting the money to buy this overpriced clothing for Gray, eat in fancy restaurants and ride around in a limo? Waver must really be raking in the cash if they can afford to splurge on these luxuries.

Melvin's got it made and will keep Waver paid.
So long as Waver keeps up his end of the bargain.

she is probably used to saberfaces at this point

What currency do magi trade with? Do they use pounds at the Clock Tower? Does bongland's shit economy fuck them over like everyone else?
At least Arc and the Einzberns just casually have gold supplies and never run out of money, even if the Einzberns are cursed as a result.

no, but he met him the fate zero collabo event in fgo (written by the butcher himself) and Alex literally broke waver heart

harrods is one of the most famous places in fucking london

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her sister?

Is it wrong I can relate?

Other than a brief flashback there were no Japanese characters at all in this episode. Is Case Files the first Fate anime with no Japanese MCs?

I wish that were me.

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Read the LN, stupid secondary.

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>573 KB, 640x360

Attached: 1558902420530.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

Wow, fucking unwaifu'd. What a bitch.

what ethnicity is waver again?

Macedonian now.

Chinese in FGO.

Is this shopping center a real location? I remember there was some fuss about Saudis or Qataris buying out some shopping center that's been operating for fuck knows how long - is that a reference to it?

Yes it is

Attached: D5VEHpOUYAAqHZt.jpg (851x1200, 122K)

Attached: graysmug.jpg (1259x947, 62K)

[Spoiler]Last Case Files volume: Iskandar is summoned and reunites with Waver. Because he is now a Divine Spirit, he remembers their time together. Waver asks his king if he can join the army in his Noble Phantasm.[/spoiler]

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Pretty sure Harrods has been owned by middle easterners for along time already. It's a fancy upmarket department store.

Fucking tags

Gray's forced transformation to Artoria has progressed to her having streaks of blonde hair, a dragon heart, and increased regenerative abilities when the original gets summoned in the 5th Holy Grail War.

Attached: D6yuVmNUEAAloAE.jpg (1326x956, 118K)

Mordred's giving her a "God help me if you are Agravain's descendant" look right there

Now that I've thought on it. Can't her current instability and sociopathic tendencies, be explained by mercury poisoning? how long do people with trace amounts of mercury survive for

So what's the relationship between Ozy and Moses in Fgo? Is their tale similar to Prince of Egypt?

Ozy and Moses are supposedly good buddies, going by some of the dialogues in FGO.

Neat, and dare I say it, redpilled.

Chiron gave enough shit about Sieg that his final words with Achilles were to save Sieg. And Achilles gave Astolfo his bets NP to protect Sieg.

Maybe Im poisoned by my childhood with that animation movie, but Ozy being cool and badass while Moses is literally who in Fgo triggers me somehow

It's pretty obvious they're saving the big major characters for later chapters/when FGO is dying down and they need to make one last quick buck. A lot of the famous greco roman figures still aren't even in either all while rumours of nasu having plans for them are still happening.

Also, if you actually like the character, why the fuck would you even want them to be tainted by the gacha in the first place, faggot.

Gacha is shitty but it keeps Fate alive bro. To me gatcha doesnt mean shit as long as my favorite character is portrayed good. Actually Moses is only one of few characters Im disappointed with (maybe I have shit taste)

>as long as my favorite character is portrayed good
How many FGO characters are actually "portrayed good"? Most are either jokes or one-dimensional, relevent for a quick joke for 1 event and then irrelevant so that they can shill new characters. You should give a shit precisely if you actually care. FGO has been low effort shit with most of the servants.

Same could be said about many other characters from Extra, Apo etc.

Yeah, and last I checked Apoc is one of the most hated Fate title and Extra already has umu being controversial as fuck, among other things. Your point?

my point is that when you hate both FGO and other spinoffs why are you even here hoping for something better?
Tsukihime remake?
Even if Nasu completely stops working on FGO he will do nothing but Extra/Link/CCC since Alien and cyberworld things are his current thing.

Without Fgo Avicebron, Fran, Atalanta and Spartacus will be forgotten forever. Umu is still shit tho.

Hey Iskander's divinity is predicated on the hype of him being a son of Zeus. And as of LB5, Zeus either owns nanomachines or IS nanomachines to go with the whole idea of Olympian deities being robots.

So does that mean Iskander has been a giant bara cyborg all this time?

>spell it wrong
Those names in that exact spelling are literally subgenres of detective novels.

>will be forgotten forever
Literally all of those deserve to be forgotten forever.

She's not that much better. She's still a nasty piece of work.

Strange Fake is good. Narita actually knows and still care about creating a fun story with a fun cast. Case Files, which this thread was originally about, was good. Even Prisma has more effort placed into it and has some good moments. Melty Blood Nightmare was also enjoyable, albeit too short. Assuming you're the same faggot going on about muh Moses, then I'd say you're the one being a defeatist. Type Moon is more than just Nasu at this point and everyone who isn't delusional already accepts that he no longer gives a shit. It doesn't matter if Nasu is just going to coast off gacha bucks for the rest of his life as long as there are others that are still willing/capable of delivering some TM related stuff.

You were the one decided to drag in other spin offs when I was only criticizing FGO and it's ridiculous how you think they're fair point of comparisons. For all the mockery about Prisma, it still shows more depths in its characterizations than FGO.

Not really

Aozaki Aoko
Ilyasviel von Einzbern
Barthomeloi Lorelei
Wizard Marshall Zelretch
Makiri Zolgen (in his prime)
Zepia Eltnam Oberon
Bazett Fraga McRemitz
Kurogiri Satsuki


Yes. Yes really.

Apoc shitty writing doesnt mean writers shouldnt give them second chance. I dont think Fgo turns them into great characters, but at least Fgo makes them memorable

I will never stop finding it funny Nasu came up with Kiara simply because he played Bayonetta and wanted to make someone even lewder than Bayonetta

>doesn't even mention FAUST

She has several puppet bodies all over the world.

I still find it astounding what an insane fluke of an obscure character turned beloved fluffy boy Karna was. He started out as the rejected Gil character from FSN's older drafts and ended up as the guy who can beat galaxy busting pantheon fusions with the power of friendship.

Nah. Avicebron was great in LB1 and gave us a kaiju fight with Ivan's mammoth. Spartacus was surpringly great in LB3 too, guess having his original writer helped. Atalanta and Fran were pretty much the same but having more of a role is also good, especially for Fran who got killed too early in Apo.

someone please tell me who this girl is

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-11-22h14m12s995.png (1280x720, 980K)

Yvette L. Lehrman


He's only possessed by chinese in FGO.

>the power of friendship.
To be fair besides that and the power of Shiva + Vishnu, Karna had also trained in the hyperbolic time chamber with Ash before the final battle with God Arjuna.

Okay but hear me out: To make Avicebron great in LB1 they basically had to retcon a good side to him you would have never, ever, ever inferred from the original character as written. It's the same shit as Cursed Arm Hassan in Camelot: This is the voiceless menace that WILLINGLY HELPED ZOUKEN do EVERYTHING ZOUKEN DID especially in HF, without any sign of remorse of hesitation. And then FGO suddenly goes and makes him basically middle eastern Batman, and oh-so-sorry his career didn't give him enough time with the kids. What the fuck, he's effectively a different character.

No idea what you mean with Moses.

You said you want no new characters in FGO so of course you have to bring in other spinoffs otherwise the franchise will die.
Did FGO stop SF in any form from being great? Most of FGO is fanservice that explores older characters further or let them have new interaction with other characters. Introducing somebody in FGO does not make the character automatically shit or prevent them from being used somewhere else.

Yes Narita truly cares about the TMverse, but ironically he follows Nasu a bit to close for my taste, I like it when the autors don't wait for Nasu's approval for every single bit of their story.
So when you bring up Narita you automatically bring in Nasu, something you wanted to avoid in first place.
Liking spinoffs like Apo means getting away from Nasu.

Yeah, but she still does what she can to help the people she cares about. I mean, she could've just left Mikiya to die in the Ogawa Mansion, or not bothered picking up Shiki after she fell on Araya, but she did anyway.

>>in this moment, my legs rebel against gravity
>>if a tyrant star covers the sky, I will be the rebelious storm that covers the ground
God damn, Spartacus. He is literally Iron Giant of Fgo

Nanodivinity, son.

>Zeus either owns nanomachines or IS nanomachines
Wrong! Zeus was converted into a nanomachine suit of armor for the greatest trickster hero in all myth, Odysseus!

Attached: Nanomachine Son.jpg (1280x720, 458K)

I forced myself to forget about that
Becuse OF COURES it's not enough we literally have Arjuna Blanco and Karna Rojo, we had to run through ALL the dragonball memes

fuck she is a side character

>Ilyasviel von Einzbern
How? Without Berserker, what is she going to do?
>Makiri Zolgen (in his prime)
Based on?
>Zepia Eltnam Oberon
We don't really know what human Zepia can do, so that's pure speculation.
>Bazett Fraga McRemitz
That's like a maybe at best. Bazette isn't specced to fight someone like Touko and even if she gets a kill in she isn't surviving a second encounter because her runes and Fragerach aren't going to be much use.
>Kurogiri Satsuki
Maybe. Again, he'd have to survive the second encounter which may not work out.

The rest are all legit Casters (save Emiya) who are either AoG or legendary regardless, so that's basically cheating.
And heroic spirit Emiya is also cheating regardless.

You should reread HF again. Cursed Arm was a pretty decent guy, he was just obsessed on getting his name back from before he was a Hassan (which he does in Camelot by the way, which is nice). This mirrored Zouken who was also a decent guy who went insane from soul aids. The conversations Zouken and Cursed Arm had show that CA is just ready to do what it takes but that doesn't mean he enjoys it.

Avicebron is also obsessed with finishing his work and when he kills his master he does it out of desperation. He was never a bad guy at all.

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Now i remember that his name is in the hidden profiles of Corday and Jason too.
Btw Circe has a comment for him (and Medea, Medea Lily, Penelope, Asterios, Atalanta, Jason, Charlemagne/Astolfo/Roland/Bradamante) in her mats.

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Don't worry she is gonna get a good chunk of screentime in Rail Zeppelin case.

Ilya has absurd mana capacity and her Sorcery Trait is "Wish". Basically, as long as it's in her capacity to do so, she just has to wish for something to happen and it'll happen. She's the Lesser Grail. As long as it's withing the rules of orthodox thaumaturgy, she can do it. She's completely unfair in every way.
Makiri Zolgen was said to be so skilled that he could even defeat lesser Servants in his prime.
Vampires are magi too and in Fate, Zepia is still the head of the Atlas Institute. He's basically one of the greatest alchemists in the modern era. Even if he were human, he could easily build a weapon that could beat Touko.
Kurogiri just has to say things and they happen.

And if it's UBW Shirou, he basically has infinite numbers of missiles he could use. Even Rule Breaker alone would fuck up Touko's day.

>Makiri Zolgen (in his prime)
Prime Zouken is just a Pride while Touko is a Grand though ?

Talemt as a magus isn't the same as combat prowess. In his prime, Zolgen was Servant-tier. Even Da Vinci praised his talent.

Actually yeah, she could set her hair on fire and it would grow back into a seiba bun overnight.

Does Gray's Saber curse also affect her mind eventually, if its allowed to progress enough?

No. Though the original plan was to outright replace Gray's mind and soul with Saber's.

Yeah but Da Vinci praised him for his talent as a magus only though ? And she didn't consider him a genius either (there are only two or three people that are also geniuses in Da Vinci's opinion). You are still right about him being servant-tier anyway.
>Zouken in his prime (before joining with the Einzberns) was equal to 10 Gordolfs (where Gordolf equals average third-rate magus noble). He could put up a good fight against a Servant and even win if the conditions were in his favour. A Pride around lv70

Association ranks mean nothing anyway. Even if Shirou seriously joined, he probably wouldn't get past Frame even at his strongest, but he'd still be a top class magus killer.

only correct answer

>Ilya has absurd mana capacity and her Sorcery Trait is "Wish". Basically, as long as it's in her capacity to do so, she just has to wish for something to happen and it'll happen. She's the Lesser Grail. As long as it's withing the rules of orthodox thaumaturgy, she can do it. She's completely unfair in every way.
When has she ever demonstrated the ability to actually do this in a combat situation? When has it ever helped her in battle? How would it even manifest in combat? There's too many problems with this line of thinking to even run with it.
>Makiri Zolgen was said to be so skilled that he could even defeat lesser Servants in his prime.
Which doesn't really tell us anything about what he can actually do. Like, can he absolutely kill Touko ever single time no matter how many times she comes after him? Can he track down her bodies? It's not a clear or coherent metric.
>Vampires are magi too
Yeah, but they're not human. Which was the one actual requirement.
>Even if he were human, he could easily build a weapon that could beat Touko.
I doubt he could do that on the spot and even if it's theoretically possible there's no evidence of a "kills the person down to the soul for realsies" weapon that isn't either owned by the Church or an ability of a French edgelord.
>Kurogiri just has to say things and they happen.
No, the Unified Language can only manipulate humans, not anything else. He can probably stop Touko from breathing or her heart beat but he can't anticipate when her backup body will come and blindside him.
>And if it's UBW Shirou, he basically has infinite numbers of missiles he could use.
You do remember he could only do that with mana provided by Rin, right?
>Even Rule Breaker alone would fuck up Touko's day.
If he can do that without destroyed by Touko's familiars then good for him, I guess.


Bazett is stated to be able to defeat any magus. And it's her job to capture Sealing Designation magi, which Touko is. She definitely is in with a shot, a good one as well.

>I'd like to think people know better
Oh you poor bastard, most people can't find where Germany is on a map and you expect them to know whetever the Knights of the Round Table were fiction or not.

Man I love silver haired girls so much this color is way too rare, it's only common with guys but not girls. Plus points if the girl is a goth or dresses in black like here.

>When has she ever demonstrated the ability to actually do this in a combat situation? When has it ever helped her in battle? How would it even manifest in combat? There's too many problems with this line of thinking to even run with it.
Well it's not gonna be much help against Servants. She never actually fights other Masters. But still, she's basically near omnipotent as far as magi are concerned. Doesn't even need to use incantations.

>I doubt he could do that on the spot and even if it's theoretically possible there's no evidence of a "kills the person down to the soul for realsies" weapon that isn't either owned by the Church or an ability of a French edgelord.
He could shut down her consciousness with the Etherlight. As long as she's kept alive and unconscious, she can't transfer.

As for Shirou, a future Shirou in his prime who has mastered Unlimited Blade Works could beat her.

You seem to think very highly of Touko but you do know she's nowhere near the strongest, right? As far as actual combat skill goes, she's third rate.


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She would’ve been flustered but would try and go through with it regardless to keep her dignity

You're implying he even read the VN.

Not him but rank doesn't equal powerlevel. Just look at Darnic who was a shitter and managed to be Grand through politics.

Do we every see Gray before this whole transformation thing started? Her real face I mean.
>inb4 it's a Takeuchi face so she just looks the same as later and just as all other seibahfaces

>Bazett is stated to be able to defeat any magus.
First I've heard of this. And considering that Nasu stated that she couldn't beat Ciel, I'm not inclined to believe it.
>And it's her job to capture Sealing Designation magi, which Touko is.
And yet for all that time, no one managed to actually bring her in.

He's the only teacher in the cocktower actually doing his goddamn job.


So you’ve never read a detective novel huh

His actual rank is still Brand isn't it?

>was good
Wait it's finished? How many volumes are there? I think the anime starts with vol. 6 now IIRC so that sounds as if they would adapt the rest till the end.

No, Darnic in the Apocrypha timeline reached Grand in actual rank.

>they finally let Gray to use power of moeblob
How many died during watching this episode?

> she's basically near omnipotent as far as magi are concerned.
I mean, it sounds powerful, but it's so fucking vague that I don't see how we can know for sure how she can really do it. At least we know HOW Arc can utilize Marble Phantasm, Wish is just a theoretical thing as far as combat is concerned since it's not really clear what it would do. Fuck, if she could do something like that, why didn't she just remotely murder every master in Fuyuki at the start of the War? It's not like servants could stop it. There's so many holes in this principle that I don't see how it's viable as an argument until we know more about how it could actually be used.
>He could shut down her consciousness with the Etherlight
Yeah, but even if he's more capable than Sion, that doesn't mean he can actually tag Touko with it. We really don't know his combat ability, just that he's a genius alchemist.
>As for Shirou, a future Shirou in his prime who has mastered Unlimited Blade Works could beat her.
Well yeah, but at that point he's basically Emiya, so go figure.
>You seem to think very highly of Touko but you do know she's nowhere near the strongest, right? As far as actual combat skill goes, she's third rate.
She's weak compared to monsters like Aoko and Alice, which as modern magi go isn't really saying much. And again, KnK was really her lowest point, by Case Files she's already back on her game. She's not that powerful, but the problem with actually killing her is that she's ruthlessly cunning and her body system means you really need to be on point to succeed in putting her down for good, either by fucking up her soul, destroying all her bodies or something similar. That's why I suggested , since those three are pretty much sure to succeed given their experience, abilities and their personal strengths. If she was that easy to put down for good, Prelati wouldn't have had such a rough time with her.

I’m stealing this

I mean in Apoc, Darnic reached Grand because of political stuff. In other timelines he's just a Brand.

>Wait it's finished? How many volumes are there?
Yes it is, vol 10 is the last vol. The anime starts with vol 4 & 5, starting from ep 7 next week (ep 1 - 6 are anime original episodes except the first meeting between Reines and Waver).

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He's a Brand in some timelines, yes. His original rank is actually Pride. That's because Clock Tower ranks aren't solely about power, but about the internal politics of the Association, the number of magi, and various other factors. There's a shitload more that goes into it than power. The same is the case for Touko's achieving the Grand rank.

Waver is a Fes because it would in Association politics be unthinkable for Lord El-Melloi to not be at least that rank (Waver's actual power, heritage, and circuits don't warrant it, the rank is purely political). Doesn't change the fact that he's still a Fes, but trying to rank power levels like this is shonenshit is not the way to do it.

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>As far as actual combat skill goes, she's third rate.
Didn't she survive a battle against Faker and Heartless?

Why is 2 wearing such a slutty dress?

It's also worth noting that even though Darnic doesn't have Grand in achievement (not that Clock Tower achievement is something to be proud of, fucking wizards have no sense of right or wrong) but by politics, he would still win in a battle between magi:

>However, that doesn’t make Darnic weak; rather, it’s the exact opposite. Fiore also possesses noticeable talent, but she can’t compare to Darnic in terms of tenacity, talent and experience together as a whole. In a normal Holy Grail War or a battle between magi, Darnic would definitely be the winner. The Master of the Red Camp might be able to beat him if they cooperated together, but even that is an uncertainty.

>Faker and Heartless?
Just Faker though ? Also Case Files is when her Sealing Designation got revoked so Touko can do more bullshit stuff than in KnK by the way.

1 for showing off at fancy events.
2 for embarrassing her while lounging around the house.
3 for travelling.
4 for comfy and cuddling.

Ok, how story ends? I heard something about great setup for Dismantlement Grail War.

Will Mysterious Heroine X eventually put her down?

She's an Assassin.

I would've thought she'd have given up by this point, she already has two extra clones of herself.
The only way she can ever succeed is to break through the fourth wall and kill Takeuchi.

But she's a saber face

Aomeone should update that lic. We got a face to go with Moneysbill name

Well the way I see it, a truly first rate combat magus would be someone who mastered both spells as well as combat technique and tactics.

Nope. It ends with Waver and Reines gathering all the side characters and beating Waver's own Mortiary
Dismantling War is from a character material, and it's unlikely to ever be written, because it would require picking a route.

If Shirou had joined Waver's class, how would that work out?

>Luvia uses magic to influence people to buy shit
I know mages are dicks but surely this is some kind of ethics violation.

Touko can actually do all those things. It's never really brought up in detail, but Touko can actually use her rune magecraft in close quarters by engraving on her opponent's body, she just never has the chance to use it against Araya because of his unique barriers. Which indicates that even in a normal combat scenario she has the skill to do something like that.

Most magi don't even care about muggle laws or lives for that matter, extorting money is hardly the worst of it.

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That's just ability. I mean, like, mastering both the art of magic and the art of war. Being able to improvise on the fly, checking every single factor, taking the environment into account, using everything at your disposal to achieve victory.

You don't have to be as absurd as Cu Chulainn or Scathach, but they're what I imagine when I think of warrior magi.

Waver mind fucks a doctor into giving him confidential info in the novels.
Fuck ethics

I know that Dismantling War is from Character material, but I heard that that this series could serve as great prologue to that in it's conclusion. Is that truth? And if yes, how?
Anyway regarding it's a connection to FSN, how much it's events will even influence on it? Considering that all you need is Waver and Rin, would be picking route even necessary?

Last week someone mentioned Waver used a particular firing stance for his magicks. I like to think he was instinctively bracing himself for impact, like bending one's knees after dropping more than a short distance.

There's a big difference between Fate/UBW and HF True. Namely that Shirou's around in HF True.

Nasu seens to think so.
Waver could want to dismantle the Grail for Gray's sake. To keep Altria from being summoned again and subsuming her.
It's unlikely Sanda will write it tho.
I wish he would

Rider existing would need to be acnowledged too.
Still, you can pull a Melty Blood or a Strange Fake and pick a route that you just made up

>all this Touko wanking
Daily reminder that Touko couldn't even beat a possessed corpse.

Cu and Scat are just warriors who happen to use just enough magecraft to qualify as magi. Emiya would also kind of fall into that category.
Modern humans simply don't have that kind of ability save for anomalous individuals like Shirou (who gains performance boost from using traced NPs from the Realty Marble he developed from his fucked up life, ingrained principles and having an EX rank NP embedded in his body for ten years or more) and Ciel (who's just innately bullshit). In most cases the best you'll get are people like Rin, Luvia and Bazett.

In terms of actual strategy, Touko is about as good as it gets in terms of modern magi since her forte is generally outsmarting her opponent since she can rarely ever overpower them. Her fight with Alba is a pretty good example of that, since she managed to pull the wool over his eyes and fooled him into not attacking her in a way that would've put her at a disadvantage. Pity it was omitted from the anime.

Did Dismantling War even happened after HF? I heard that only after Fate/UBW?

Remember Touko lost to Alice despite knowing nearly every single one of her capacities, harrasing her for weeks, autistically prepping the whole day drawing runes everyfuckingwhere and instanly gaining the upperhand in the match.
She is strong, but far from OP.

Who knows? F/ha could only happen after Fate, UBW or an entirely different route. It can't happen after HF. So that means Bazett might be around depending on the route too.

>Daily reminder that Touko couldn't even beat a possessed corpse.
She had no equipment and KnK was literally her weakest point in her entire life.
Reminder that she killed Prelati 31 fucking times and only stopped because Prelati tattled on her to the Aozaki clan and begged them to stop her bullying her.

Imagine Dismantling War following UBW Good and Gray seeing this! How she would react?

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She would banish the spirit of the death that is preying in the humans' mana, of course. Do her duty as King Arthur's gravekeeper and put her in the grave again

Yeah, she lost to someone who was essentially a modern Nursery Rhyme who can summon thousand-year old fairy tales made from the bodies of gods. How could that of possibly happened, I have no idea.
Seriously, Alice would murk 90% of modern magi if not more, she's broken.

Yet Aoko destroyed the Flat Snark.
Fucking Aoko

You do know Saber would kick her ass, right?

Ok, now again, same situation, but both girls are pregnant with Shirou children.
How Gray would react?

Guess she'll have to get pregnant too.

How exactly? I doubt Saber can actually function as an Heroic Spirit without backup from the grail. Rin is good, but she isn't an nigh-endless mana source like Illya.
Let's be honest, that Rin isn't screaming and vomiting and passkng out every time Saber takes a step is proof enough that Saber isn't using Servant tier amouts of mana

Literally all Aoko is good for is fucking destroying shit, that's her whole deal save for Blue. And she's damn fucking good at it. Touko does not have and never will have her sister's firepower, very few modern magi could hope to manage it.
Even fucking Nrvnqsr thinks Aoko's capacity for destruction is messed up.

Saber just has to out-CQC her. Easy.

I wasn't comparing them. Just bitching that Aoko destroyed Flat Snark, which was one of the coolest things Nasu ever came up with

It's just discount Nursery Rhyme.

Snark produces literally unlimited mana in his bounded field, and it sho happened that Aoko only quality as a magus is her insane capacity to absorb and use mana efficiently, that way she beat him is by controling more mana than him, something only she could've have done.
Also, as usual, Alice actually "helped" by willingly not hiding the moon, and the Snark got cocky-angry and went for a direct confrontation when he could've have waited a bit and sent giant lobster and breadmen with servant-tier body her way.
Also needed Shizuki's help.

>Arthuria out-CQCing Gray
>Arthuria has a 14 years old physical abilities
>Gray has a dragon mana reactor, can reinforce herself and can has an anti-spirit conceptual weapon.
>Gray also has the reach advantage
I'm not seeing it

Yeah, it was pretty fucking cool. I wish anything in modern TM could do something that neat, but what can you do.

True and yet what Nursery Rhyme actually demonstrates is usually pretty uninteresting in comparison. I mean Extra and her Interlude had some okay stuff but not really of the same caliber.

Saber also has a dragon reactor. You know that, right? And she can use mana burst, which is better than strengthening.

Nah, she was a sadist even as a little kid before she acquired Volumen/Trimmau

If Saber could just sustain herself and produce her own mana independently of Shirou and the Grail the entire plot of FSN wouldn't make any sense

Shirou can still be around in UBW or Fate. He'd just be be significantly weaker in the latter (since UBW takes 20 years total to develop without the benefits that UBWShirou has) and probably a non factor besides a cameo.

He goes seigi no mikataing in Fate and UBW. Rin leaves the Association a few years after too in order to be with Shirou.

Wait, shit. I guess that means the dismantling war can only happen after Fate.

Rin forming a contract with her kickstarted the reactor. Serva

The best magi are not combat oriented, they're research oriented (generally). Average tier combat magi like Enforcers would absolutely annihilate Kerry.

>actually does his job
>doesn't try to steal shit from his students or use them in experiments
>fairly young
>member of an established if impoverished family now

yes he does

I'd actually really like to see how something like Kerry vs Bazett would play out.

Bazett speedblitzes him and punches his face off.

He isn't a literally who. Ozy compared Excalibur to the moment Moses split the sea. If they want to, they could add him. He's voiced by Megumi Ogata in Fragments drama CD.

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I suppose so. There's nothing saying that while, Kayneth, was alive, Reines, ever had expose to the mercury mystic code he possessed.

his clairvoyance can be used to view previous summonings
he tried to do so in strange fake, but it got blocked by grail mud


Best human combat magi :
1.Zel (human)
2.Aoko (blue)
5.Alice (w/o Snark)
Special : Touko (might get a win in the end with bullshit unlimited bodies and demons and shit)

Magi are genrally shit at comabt, even the Sealing Designation unit got trashed by Aoko for the lulz.

Kerry laces her suit with arsenic or something

Too bad we wont have vol2/3 of case file animated soon. Touko does come out on top in a group fight against, Renies, gray, flat and svin.

>Touko has a series of suitcases, each o.e with a stronger familiar than the last one
So chunni

>Kiritusgu in that list at all
What the fuck are you doing

Shirou would be strong at his prime.

Sanda is interested in writing it though and Nasu doesn't seem against it. It would be an alternate timeline yet again but that's all.

Shirou should be there instead of Kerry, he can actually fight servants.

>kiritsugu above ciel
Poor bait

Tell me he has a speech impediment, it's adorable and also canon.

>Kiritsugu on that list at all

It'd have to be after Fate.

Sure, but they'd deny it being a "main work" since it would cement a route as canon.

Actually genuinely forgot about Shirou, yeah, might have him there instead of Kiritsugu, would put him above Ciel and Alice tho?
I could see Kerry sneak him a win on them with some bullshit but Shirou is pretty straightforward.

Ciel is legit servant tier and contrary to popular belief not weaker than F/Z Kirei, it's only possible for Kirei to stand a chance against her in his F/Z prime while in all other instances he'd be destroyed by her. She's probably on par with Lorelei and Kerry has no business being above her.

Ciel demolishes Shirou

I mean, it HAS to be after Fate. Rin leaves the Association after UBW and Shirou lives full time in Fuyuki after HF.

>contrary to popular belief
I thought everyone knew Ciel was OP as fuck. But I guess proves some people think otherwise.

She's hella strong, but could she really tank infinite AA+ NP thrown at her?

Hey now, I might have gone overboard with Kiri, but the one above her are Magicians whose magics are perfect for combat and Lorelei killed fucking DAA in Tsuki worldlines.

Seven gg lol

There is literally nothing Kerry can do to Ciel. Origin bullets are the only way to keep her down for good and even then there's nothing in her magecraft that makes it viable to use them on her.

There's always at least one faggot spamming the theory that Kirei is stronger than Ciel because of that one mistranslated quote, it pisses me off more than it should.

Shirou theoretically reaching his Emiya peak would probably win in the long run, but otherwise Ciel is just more experienced and really fucking hard to keep down.
If it's Roa-World cursed Ciel, she literally doesn't have to tank shit, she'll revive anyway. If it's Ciel going all out ala Meltan then it's hard to say beyond the fact that she can put down Arc before her back-up kicks in.

And those are reasonable.

1 - Shirou can't pull that off.
2 - depending on when in the story you pick Ciel, she could tank it because she's literally unkillable
3 - Shirou is never getting UBW off before Ciel murders him
4 - Shirou likely doesn't eniugh mojo to keep Ciel from just mindcontrolling him. Ciel is way above Rin in the raw magic power department.


the cutest


>If it's Roa-World cursed Ciel, she literally doesn't have to tank shit, she'll revive anyway
Oh, yeah, true. Freaking Ciel

Guess my final list would be Zel > Aoko > Lorelei > Ciel > Shirou > Alice.

He was able to shake off Illya.

Realistic speaking, would Shirou try using it?

I don't remember, was it ever stated if Shirou ever overcame his shit mana capacity issue in anyway? Or is it really only the counter force/servant state that allows Archer to pull that shit off?

That took time and Illya wasn't actively trying to murder him at the time.

>implying a dismantling war would not be the exact thing in most need of seigi no mikata

Probably the same way Shirou vs Bazett would end.

Mana transfer?

It could work on post-curse Ciel IF he can tag her with it. Cursed Ciel doesn't have conventional regeneration or even causality-reversal recovery like vampires, she's literally being brought back by the World itself, I don't think Herpe can overwrite the World's will unless it's demonstrated to be MEoDP tier in terms of finality.

Ciel wipes the floor with everybody on that list after Aoko.

Took him forever and Illya was barely trying. Issei could shake off Illya's mindfuckery in HA.

>Superhero Shirou
>not spending 90% of his lifetime in Africa and Iraq killing insurgents

>Ciel is way above Rin
Eh, not way above. Above, but not completely. Numbers wise, Ciel is 100, Rin is anywhere from 70-100 depending. That's a lot, but it's not a complete wipe.

Shirou is 10, 40 under special UBW conditions, though, so yeah, Shirou is going to get absolutely flattened by Ciel.

I'm not sure Ciel could really beat Lorelei easily. Remember that isn't even the strongest Burial Agency

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>Ciel could kill someone who beat CMB
>Ciel could asspull shit able to harm creatures with 1000 years of mysteries
>Ciel could easily kill the one magus that has multiple comfirmed solo kills on DAA
Yeah, no. Migtt beat them with favourable conditions, but wipe the floor? Come on now.


Why do they always draw Arabs with gold bangles and open shirts? Why are the women brown and the men white?

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Brown girls are hot.
Brown men are poop.

>Moses excaliblasted the sea
I know this isn't what your sentence mean but this too funny to not be canon.

Saberface Moses. Do it Takeuchi, I know you want to

>Bazette's eyes glisten like the freshly wet shell of a Galapagos tortoise
Gets me every time.

Imagine being forced to crossdress for Reines!

He would totally do it but Sakurai got to him first.

how come only 2 looks like saber while the others don't look that much like saber

>#1 pair of human beings you never want to engage in conversation simultaneously

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I was going to blame Prince of Persia.

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luvia isn't in the fsn VN tho

It's not drawn by Takeuchi

She's briefly mentioned.

it took me forever to understand why waver didn't like her face thanks to that

She is in HA, that also happens to be a VN.
So, go read the VN.

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That's just in magus capability, Ciel has AoG spells from Roa's memories and her physical abilities are servant tier.
Also Ciel's mana capacity is fucking obscene, it's greater that Shirou-Saber's.

Most of that is actually because Gray asked him to hate her face.
He had a strong reaction when he first saw her because he flashbacked to getting excaliblasted with Iskander.
Gray liked that someone else also hated her face and asked him to always hate her face