That fucking hair didnt get bullied in highschool

>that fucking hair didnt get bullied in highschool

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dr. Stone - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.09_[2019.08.11_08.07.10].jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd bully you if you tried to pick on the turbo-genius who could build you a robot you can fuck.

He has a sense of humor and probably regularly pranked teachers and students. I doubt he'd be a target of bullying.

What a CHAD

This. The smart yet comical types are the ones bullies want to be friends with.

That's a Yugioh style hair.

>tfw too intelligent to get bullied

>wanting to bully a kid who makes bombs in gym class

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Why is it so green?
It wasn’t that green in the manga.

You are a fucking idiot. You can't bully him since his friend is literally the class's white knight.

anime studios seem to have regressed when it comes to color theory. just look at how much better the lighting in fma 2003 was compared to broho

Pretty sure the show showed that some attempted to bully him, but his Chad friend protected his ass.

>bullying anyone that can make rocket fuel and shove it up your ass and ignite it

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It looks like an onion.

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they did show him get bullied

he was bullied, he build a Tesla coil

Attached: school shooting 10 billion percent.png (890x324, 236K)

a tesla coil pointed at you and discharged would fucking hurt


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Help, you guys, Dr. Stone art is growing on me. I think I'm devolving into an ape creature.

Senku is a pretty charismatic guy, he's hardly without people skills.
He got bullied when he was kids once but Taiju protected him. And also

Tsukasa agrees with you considering he even imagined Senku getting bullied when thinking of how things would be like if he had met him before.

Just marathoned the first episode. How factually true it is that almost all trace of humanity is gone after just 3700 years?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dr. Stone - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.03_[2019.08.11_08.39.47].jpg (1280x720, 145K)

Pretty good. Especially if you include natural disasters.

all of humanity was turned into statues so yes, nature rusted everything and it all turned to dust for the most part. It would only take hundreds of years in fact for it to revert, maybe up to 1k years.

>marathoned the first episode
Was it really THAT bad for you?

very, our stuff isn't built to last
even plastic, as big a deal as it's made out to be, decomposes after only 1000 years
nearly 4000 and all of civilization would pretty much be dust

>you will never live in an alternate reality where mega tarzan amd mega stupid protected you from bullies
It hurts.

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I think this is a bit outdated, but still mostly accurate

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Thanks, user. That's so much better. Beautiful.

It wouldn't take long for humanity's stuff, if not properly maintained, to deteriorate and be overtaken by nature.

Nice. We left marks for at least up to two million years after we're gone.

watch this

>tsukasa with them
>stone marks
>school uniforms
Both confusing and cute.

>he thinks every country has a big bully culture like his burgerland does
you know in actual first world countries kids would just laugh at him

>implying japan doesn't have a bully culture

>tfw you realize everyone in US is buried under mountains of ash because Yellowstone erupted at some point in the 3700 years
Honestly most people should be buried deeply after 3700 years, just from normal weather

I want to see that moment in the anime.

i dunno, senku seems to have been at least a bit of a hit with the ladies at school (or they just wanted to fuck his dad)

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>Humanity died
>1 million years later
>Some ayy lmao open doors of nuclear waste
Take that space nigger, the final fuck you of humanity.


Just being the son of an astronaut shoud give him plenty of popularity points


i wonder if i could be an astronaut

>attractive, nice, single, hot teacher/astronaut dad
They def wanted his dad.

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Reminder from one of the manga threads

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3700 years of evolution

C.. cute!..?

Isn't it actually believed that our eyes will grow larger and we'll go bald?

Megalithic structures like the pyramids are pretty much the only man-made things capable of surving millenia. But even those are in an arid region that doesn't often suffer natural disasters.

fucking zoomers

They're pretty buried in the series too. A lot of the statues we see are probably there because of all the tectonic activity in Japan.

>Teacher that high
I didn't know anyone that wanted to be a teacher when I was growing up

evolution barely applies to humans anymore.
what you'll see is an explosion in a variety of different traits, not all of which are good. Some people becoming more hairy, some people becoming less hairy.

You can find evidence of this in the increase of children born with allergies in first world countries. Anywhere else they would already have died from an allergic reaction.

Don't we constantly evolve, even though it's a slow, steady process, gradually getting rid of unnecessary traits?

Fuck e-celeb "influencers."

The primary mechanism of evolution is death.
"getting rid of unnecessary traits" means dying because those traits were so bad that you didn't live long enough to breed.

there wouldn't be e-celeb "influencers" if the internet was unprofitable through eliminating ad revenue and rampant piracy.

I think that other user ment mutations which can happen suddenly, but only carry forward if that new mutation also forwards their genes to the next generation.

i love this pic

Mutations are a constant, but rarely relevant enough to have a significant impact.
Again, only mutations bad enough to prevent something from living long enough to breed are purged.
While you might personally find male pattern balding to be a "bad trait", from an evolutionary perspective, it simply wasn't bad enough to prevent someone from breeding.

Mankind's mark on the geological record will probably remain until the end of the Earth, nuclear weapon testing alone will ensure that. I feel sorry for the poor saps who will try to piece it all together in 500 million years.

But he did get bullied in his childhood, speedwatcher

If yellowstone errupted it's not just the US that gets buried under mountains of ash.

Oh that's just zoomers. They'll grow out of it.

I hope. Or else the US is doomed.

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but not for his haircut

I find this...cute, is my brain fucked up?

i mean, it's got all of those standard "cute" traits like big, low set eyes and a large forehead and all that so i'd say you're fine


>Marathoned the first episode


I think user means he skipped scenes.

The fuck kind of marathon are you running where you get to skip sections to get to the end?

>no healthcare representation
Consider me surprised.

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This show is as cringe as Spock saying he likes science.

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>t. Boichi on his break

Unlike what the media would have you believe people who get bullied heavily have major personality flaws
He mostly seems like a good guy.

Is watching anything less than a full season even a marathon?

Lurk more.

He’ll probably be wearing a radiation suit anyway

did you not watch the show? there are a few scenes where he's literally bullied.


You're a retard spreading shitty Yea Forumseddit memes, you're the one who needs to lurk more.

No, but we all will be darker except for the rich.

How does he keep his hair like that in a STONE WORLDO? Has he created hair mousse and dye?

The US has been doomed since FDR

Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve you faggots.

steve wouldn't have fallen for some dumb apple shit retard

I mean what future does humanity have with just two dudes?
I’m binge watching the first episode right now and commenting in this thread every time I get tired to take a break

Wtf els-kun? At least watch 2 ep.

Do you think he’s got what it takes after marathoning one episode?

God can make Eve out of some rib bones, then God can pull a child out of Steve's ass

Who cares. Now Senku has a waifu that can protect him the bigger bullies.

I'm not watching this anime exactly because of that yugioh tier hair

No, it's a self defence mechanism and you think they will not bully you if you show submission.

So by making nuclear power plants, humanity has created a dead-mans switch

He’s not that arrogant desu. I mean he is smug but he’s also very close to failure all the time. He’s not really insufferable because he knows pain. I just binge watched the first episode. You can trust me

So is there any point in watching further than one episode? He seems to have solved the biggest issue already. They can literally fix the entire world. Senkuu doesn’t even have to do it himself,

No there's no point, it's basically over. everything after is just filler really

Was it the authors plan to end things so quick?

But yugioh hairs are beautiful

If you're that curious then continue on your own instead of waiting for a real answer here.

Someone gives this guy the Why-man page.

>fix the entire world
Why would you though?

To bring back civilisation

Look! A message from an ancient culture!
>takes 20 years to decipher.
"We at Xydfmltz Institute of Extra Terristial Sciences have decoded an ancient message from a planet that once housed intelligent life"
Ahs and oohs.
"Cough cough, 'Take that space nigger, the final fuck you of humanity'. We believe the term space nigger is a high form of praise from these species, and this vat of green liquid is a gift from them to us. "
Clapping from audience.
"As such, keeping the promise of the ancient civilization, we here at Xydfmltz Institute of Extra Terristial Sciences hereby give you this Green Gift, as a token of that civilization and share in their saying 'Fuck you, space niggers.'
Loud roars and applause as nuclear waste is handed out on masse.

>bullying a psycho
no wonder america has school shooters

It’s just the price they pay for the freedom to bully people. And I’ve heard that bullying is actually escalated when people realise that someone could crack. It’s like they want it to happen.

Surely there are people civilization would be better off without.


fuck im depressed now.
Thanks man.

This. Motherfucker synthesized gasoline from plastic. I ain't fucking around with his Snape potion master ass for fear of getting moused by a 'little accident'

That’s not what a lib like senku thinks

>teacher 2nd for China
>teacher 2nd for UK
>teacher 2nd for 'Merica
this is the real mystery, what the hell.

Teachers are in a position of power in school.
How many people aspire to be professors when in college? Same thing

hair in anime has long since turned entirely metaphorical

Teacher used to be a very male profession. I can sorta understand the ideal of wanting to mentor and inspire the next generation, but reality is really far from that ideal. Being a classroom teacher seems like hell, especially in highschool.

How could you not look up to people like this?

Who wouldn't want to be a YouTuber? It's basically like living the NEET-lifestyle with a higher income.


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Imagine being a nerd at the background. Being a bookworm with good grades is the only thing in your life you can be proud of, and then you see your genius classmate who gets A+ with zero efforts, and also good-looking, respected, and popular.

Recipe for a redemption arc?

i'd imagine senku being pretty shit at anything that's not science, and we've seen him put in his work towards that

this recent episode was comfy
>chad bullies grill
>muh dominance
>galaxy brain good guys appears
>decisively takes command
>engineers pull system
>saves big titty grill
>it seems ive taken quite a liking to you user
Oh my

I guess now humanity is filtering obessity feminism homosexual and transexual behaviurs rather physical traits becouse nowadays even a limped retard can have children and survive

not a single person brought up how his hair looks like a leek. fucks sake.


>i'd imagine senku being pretty shit at anything that's not science,
Like what? "Science" is such a broad term it can't be applied to pretty much anything. Sure, it's said he's not very good at crafting, yet he made a Tesla gun at the age of like 10.

like writing, literature, history maybe, definitely gym
i was talking about in school

>I can sorta understand the ideal of wanting to mentor and inspire the next generation, but reality is really far from that ideal.
that's why I was more than a little confused. Sure in theory it sounds great and it probably was back in the day, but the reality these days is that it looks like a lot of bullshit you don't get paid enough to do.

Average nerd is terrible in gym as well, but I give you literature and writing, here a bookworm might get some points over Senkuu.

cringe unbased and bluepilled also reddit

Charisma, intelligence, confidences all off the charts, he's top of the food chain, minus other amazing characters like the Tsukasa

I'd love to teach a kid with hair like that
>right class, today we're doing marine biology. Who here has heard of the cuttlefish? I need a volunteer
>right class, today we're painting watercolors. With our brushes please, not our skulls, you argument for unleaded petrol
>right class, today we're doing creative writing. "Twas pale at the root, with green deepening upwards. Its twelve leaves looked retarded, especially the droopy one." Am I describing a plant, or your classmate's hair?
>right class, to identify the chemical we use a flame test. If the flame turns red, it's Iron. If it turns yellow, it's sodium. If it looks like your classmate, it's fetal alcohol syndrome.
>right class, everyone bring their vegetables? No, Leekyboi, your hair doesn't count

>Bullying in highschool
Is this actually a thing? I was a nerd in school yet still got along with everyone, including the 'cool kids'

I turned myself into a faggot, morty!

depends on the country and school. Some places are still pretty bad for it while other places have next to none of it

You have the power to indoctrinate a new generation.

Who can be Envy?

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His hair doesn't actually look like that in-universe, it's normal spiky black. Characters with pink hair don't actually have pink hair in-universe unless stated clearly.

Has there been an envious character yet? Maybe Yo? I'm hard-pressed to think of a good example.

Magma is Envy, Yo is Pride.

They made a good dynamic. It’s a race against time though. Tsukasa has to hold senkuu back so they can’t dethrone him as king of the world.

its anime... oh you grew up on non crazy haired shounen?

>teacher getting cucked by Senkuu's dad
Byakuya truly is a mega Chad

Tsukasa, hes jelly boombooms have all the nice things

What a bright future ahead of us

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Every one, every single person on the planet has already pointed that out. Even the normie Youtuber gigguk.

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>dies in a mysterious scientific prank

even concrete buildings? I doubt it, it will take multiple earthquakes to properly swallow them up, but how many did we have in the past 2000 recorded years?

i am surprised healthcare isn't pushed as much as it should be
being a nurse is pretty much the only domain of professionals that will never be taken up by automation because it is almost by definition a human job.

Why do people complain so much about the hair when fucking Yugi oh exists on this earth?

idk why people complained about that hairstyle
how else do you know who's MC?

100%. people who were not on earth weren’t affected though.

>bully Senku
>he hospitalizes you with a tesla coil
10/10, great plan

Barring certain Roman roads and massive constructions in various locations worldwide like the pyramids or the Great Wall, most everything people built between 2000 BCE and 1900 AD has been destroyed or replaced by younger constructions. It's not hard to envision what 3700 years of zero maintenance would do to humanity's constructions.

>Complaining about based hair style

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can you not tell characters apart if they were bald?

It makes sense when Spock says it. He bailed on a future of diplomacy and psychic discipline at the VSA to pursue a science track in Starfleet, against his father's express wishes and the wishes of his Vulcan social superiors. When Spock says "I like science", he's really affirming his innate rebellion.

That's pretty funny user.

The waifu who just got her ass wrecked by Bear Grylls's Japanese genetic experiment? Bitches ain't shit, even in prehistoric conditions.

Zoomers who grew up with normal hair MC's
Dr.Stone is the certified boomer anime, they simply do not understand and that scares tbe zoomer

>implying he didn't pull puss

>bullying a galaxy brained superChad
Why would anyone do this, do you want to get killed?
Friendly reminder, Senkuu knows how to dispose of corpses.

>bullying a kid who knows how to make flamethrowers and other deadly weapons

So basically the astronauts probably starved to death though. Imagine a post apocalyptic world. What would you do for 3700 years?

Literally what they did, natural selection kicked in and killed off the inbred mutants leaving off semi-normal people.

Dr. Stoned

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>not black
>not carrying blunts
Try harder please

also the hair only looks awrful in the anime

Faggot was too scared to fight the mighty lioness so he ran away.

Tsukasa a pussy, lioness too stronk

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New art! Finally!

Found only 2 new pics, we need more episodes

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>Found only 2 new pics
If the main heroine barely gets new art, I might lose any hope for less relevant characters to get any love.

>Just marathoned the first episode

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You answer your own question.

You searched in twitter or pixiv?

A fucking lot?

You underestimate how much Gen fanart there is. And he didn't even appear yet. I. think we just need to give her time. From the comments I've read people want to see more of her character. Remember what happens next chapter.

Who is the artist? I see a "natt" but that is too generic and searches give anything.

Yes, only 1 new art of Kohaku on pixiv, don't know anyartists so just went with the drstone tag on reddit. I have more of her fanart, it's not new tho.

Here is your mistake, today all the new and hot stuff is on Twitter.

Some dude on instagram, randomly found it

I don't know any artists, the tag gives no art

3 new arts, forgot I saved this

Attached: EBk0rR3U8AAUkuQ.png (600x590, 309K)

>You underestimate how much Gen fanart there is.
I don't, he probably has more art than all other characters combined, Senkuu included. I'm worried about other characters like Chrome and Ginrou.

I want art of mommy Turquoise
>go on twitter
>try to find Kohaku art
>get this instead

Attached: EBsRW1jU4AAJd11.jpg (1638x2048, 355K)

Good sir, please delete this image right now or I'll have to arrest you.

Attached: EAf7b43UwAAoHl3.jpg (634x900, 91K)

Fuck off Gen, you have plenty of fanart.

Senku = Rick
Big Oaf = Morty
Yuzuriha = Summer

Why do you get so triggered sengenfag? Chill the fuck out

Taiju and Yuzu won't come back this season

What's wrong Genfag u mad?

Attached: illust_76208699_20190811_183141.jpg (2000x2000, 1.41M)

How could you bully someone as based and chad as Senku? Senku doesn't even seem like the type of person to let bullying affect him in anyway. The dude is a fountain of self confidence and self esteem, also we've seen him fight back if threatened or if he needs to do so. Remember when he fought that spear dude? He won with the power of SCIENCE, but yeah, Senku knows he can't win in a physical fight, but he uses his great intelligence and science to win. It's like the ultimate CHR/INT build on a character.

Attached: Senku.jpg (1280x749, 87K)


I've seen what happens when you bully the onion kid.

Attached: Give you my onions.jpg (383x550, 62K)

I can't wait until they get 3.6 roentgen'd from an old nuclear reactor!

Galo Sengen?

Modern construction can last a long time so long as it is taken care of. But once the concrete cracks and the rebar is exposed everything rusts and crumbles. Even skyscrapers would rust and fall in a few thousand years.

Japan, of all places. We're talking about Japan, and you think there probably wasn't all that much seismic activity there in the last 2000 years?
How about several thousand quakes a year?
How about a magnitude fucking 9 within the last decade?

But Chrome is Morty
I guess Gen is Summer?

All bullies got electrified or missing.

Senku did rid of them all. That's why school is almost empty.

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>t. Loser who peaked in High school

Yo wtf, why didnt Yea Forums tell me that this show was so fun? I've just binged the entirety that was released on watchcartoon. Fuck you a for not hokking me on this shit sooner.

She only showed up for a couple of minutes and jobbed, it's not really a surprise

yes, certain places are going to get swallowed uo
but not the entire earth
if there's that much activity over 2000 years, then there would have been literally no references to the old geography

Time to read the tidd... I mean seinen works of Boichi then

he's a white man, azns don't dare to pick of the ubermensch

Thats basically real life isnt it? Plenty of jocks end up smarter and more cultured than nerds because their parents could afford stuff like tutors, or are more educated and can expose them to much more about what life has to offer (such as traveling, the outdoors, etc).

Only cute girls get bullied in anime, until chad MC™ comes in and fucking dragon punches the shit out of throwaway character #1, 2, & 4

always check twitter with the japanese name

>all these deleted posts
What happened?! Also someone saved that cute Kohaku's fanart?

Notice it says at the bottom you can only select up to three answers. That selection of jobs is pretty shitty,

Read some books on natural selection. Richard Dawkins has some pretty good material.

Here you go

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>Just marathoned the first episode.

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Or did you mean this one?

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>Tsukasa punches out a lion when he wakes up
>Tsukasa punches out the lioness when she appears
He can't keep getting away with it

The entire series so far has taken place in japan, which is known to have a lot of seismic activity. So for all their buildings to disappear within 3,700 years is reasonable.

Sure some places would be less affected than others. But things would still be in ruins after 3,700 years. And who knows if the series will ever go to those places.

Tsukasa hates cats confirmed

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Kek. That actually seems like a nice hypothesis.

Yeah, sorry. I was being a retard.
Evolution isn't magic.

Its not the most intuitive subject. Quite the opposite actually. What your referring to is Lamarkism which was a competing theory for evolution back in the day so I wouldn't feel too bad. Plus with the recent advancements in epigentics its making somewhat of a return.

For the record, pretty sure this isn't true. Genetic drift and all that. Plus, you could just be more successful than competition and out-represent their genes 100 generations from now after everybody's fucked everybody.

>School poll featuring only 5 options, some of which being really weird for small kids to be interested in
>space travel hasn't been publically cared about for 40 years
>the youtube generation compared to a much more sterile, education-focused country
There are so many factors as to why this isn't surprising or a fair representation

I was thinking of evolutionary pressures and trying to use my little monkey brain to understand how, for examples, wings would come about.

> no comfy HS manga
wasted oportunity

There is one Dr.Stone fan HS series with Tsukasa as a girl. All the characters are in HS together.
