Casca kisses Femto back

In the 2013 movie, Casca absolutely does kiss Femto back while being raped. The second kiss, the very last thing Guts sees with his right eye. She has her tounge out prior to the kiss. In my opinion, this simple fact makes this one of the most fucked up scenes in any movie ever.

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I've never had a kiss

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Honestly It is always so wierd when regular ass people (I'm avoiding the word "normie") gush about Berserk and recomend it left and right, when all the numerous rape scenes in it are absolutely, 100% pornographic in nature - it's like they are taken straight out of a "Monster rapes a girl until she goes crazy and does the aheago face" hentai

I mean, the only times rape is portraid as something disgusting and tragic in it, are the times when Guts and Griffith get molested

Not canon.

Why is this one scene the only part of this relatively long series Yea Forums is ever able to talk about?

the pages were the trolls rape the women are hot

all that shit you listed was waaay aftet berserk existed. so cut it some slack.

It wasn't rape though. Casca always wanted to fuck Griffith

Because NTR is the best fetish by far

Casca is hot

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But after all this time as potato is she still fit?

>rape isn't rape if they wanted to have sex with you

I wonder if this logic would hold up in court.

Because otherwise the spammers show up.

Because all the bag posters have left and aren't coming back.

u guys have really been investing urselves all these years in a story about a guy coping with the fact that he got cucked by dedicating his entire life to the girl he got cucked with. I can only laugh at how pathetic this shit looks.

u all should have dropped this shit right after this scene, like me and any man with healthy testosterone levels would

>all of Yea Forums
>all these years

I just watched the scene today for the first time and thought it was wild. I was blown away by the kiss at the end.

I googled it and found it's been discussed in the past. Most people think she didnt kiss him back and it's objectively wrong. I wanted to put my 2 cents. That's all.


Who knows what was going through her head at that point, the amount of trauma she experience her mind may have been broken already at that point and it may have just been a sort of reflex.

It may not be a kiss but here's a (You). Sleep tight kissless virgin user.

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Damaged goods

kissing is better than sex

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