Is it gay to like a girl that has a guy's personality?
Is it gay to like a girl that has a guy's personality?
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Tomboys are the superior fetish
No, best of both worlds
Is this a stealth tomboy thread?
The answer is no, regardless.
This was supossed to be a Boogiepop Thread but I guess it can be both
It works since the series has produced two godlike tomboys
bubble a best
t. takeda
Are you thinking of the male's personality penis, or what?
Would it be weird for Boogie to suddenly take over Touka during sex?
This season is so shit
I want winter and boogiepop back
Shit thread.
No, it’s patrician taste
Finished this 2 days ago, I really liked it but one question what was exactly imaginator’s endgame?
yes. you're emotionally gay.
also gay.
if a girl starts thinking masculine enough, she grows a psychic brain penis that she can mind fuck you with.
it's gay.
snow in april
Would you?
Boogiepop Phanton>>>Boogiepop no Warawanai
You mean, like this?
Does boogiepop even has a gender?
>not being smugsexual
>she grows a psychic brain penis that she can mind fuck you with.
I liked both of them
if you can impregnate someone it isn't gay you faggot
Boogiepop is just an alternate personality of Touka. The whole speech about being an entity incarnating on her was a lie.
I want to hug and fug the smug.
bully president-chan
Is a gentleman duty to fuck tomboys until they become slutty princesses.
The same rule as with Tanya applies: it's not gay if it's Yuuki Aoi.
no, that's just a tomboy
>she grows a psychic brain penis that she can mind fuck you with.
Holy shit user
For mankind to have the ability of collectively coming to terms with their eventual deaths is what I assume it is.
>if a girl starts thinking masculine enough, she grows a psychic brain penis that she can mind fuck you with.
Man now I'm excited for the season finale of Symphogear even more.
For mankind's future we need more girls with a masculine attitude. The spartans had the right idea, feminine body stoic mindset.
>she grows a psychic brain penis that she can mind fuck you with.
>if a girl starts thinking masculine enough, she grows a psychic brain penis that she can mind fuck you with.
That's Hot
no, isn't but its gay to being a man who exists
tomboys are great
Liking the perfect woman is the straightest thing you could do.