Is this poor man's Violet Evergarden?

Is this poor man's Violet Evergarden?

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No because it's actually good

this isn't a Hxh thread

and thank the lord for that.

>Implying doll can into purifying

Aesthetically mesmerizing art whose creators understood the strengths of the medium they are working with.

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vs. juvenile instagram shit produced by an autistic child who's just pirated Adobe Aftereffects and is desperately trying to figure out how much they can try to emulate photography until it starts looking bad. Unfortunately for them: They've crossed a line a long time ago.

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what? it's a completely different type of show. Did you even watch either one?

ya one is dr house but not formulaic and the other is like female fma postman

>off-topic reply that has no relevance
This your first week on Yea Forums?

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How can you compare the two?

How do people fall for such shitty bait?

VEG is dogshit compared to it.

it's a mushishi thread dude, relax and enjoy

>ya one is dr house but not formulaic
Maybe the anime is different but the manga felt pretty formulaic to me. Maybe not in the sense that it was easy to predict what was going to happen in a chapter but it got pretty tiring with Ginko strolling into some village with weird shit happening, him immediately (not in all cases) knowing what mushi was causing it and how to get rid of it, and then him going through the steps to get rid of it. I get that he's a professional but it still got old after a while.

I liked Mushishi until I found out it was written by a woman.

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If you want a Mushishi thread then make a proper one. This is just going to be filled with shitposting.

I liked HxH until I found out it was written by a Dragonquestfag.

which DQ though

>Huntercucks are sexists

Now this is shitposting.

Yeah, a lot of gays are uncomfortable around women... stick to HxH, you will be surrounded with your beloved faggots and shotas.

Get the fuck out

>comparing mushishi to violet evergarden
I will take this a low a effort bait, doesn't deserve not even a (You).

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Piss off, tastelet. Violet Evergarden has vastly better audiovisuals than any other episodic drama. Stuff like Mushishit are cheap garbage by comparison. Evergarden is a character driven masterpiece, and is able to leave a strong emotional impression on the viewer with just single episodes. It's able to make you give a shit about character in just the time span of 20mins. It has the best characters and symbolism in any episodic drama et

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weak bait

Is this a Mushi thread?

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is that pic related? if so get your shit together

friendly reminder to put sage in all fields if you're going to reply in a painfully obvious bait thread