What's the most famous anime you haven't watched? But really, no judging

What's the most famous anime you haven't watched? But really, no judging.

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Other urls found in this thread:


1. Detective Conan
2. Any Evangelion except the 1st one
3. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, because apparently it's fucking famous
4. Just like Shingeki no Kyojin, which literally does not translate to "Attack on Titan"
5. Any Gundam anime except the one about a Burning or Shining finger, I can't remember
6. Does it count if I've seen, like, 10 episodes combined of any of the Dragonball animes?
7. I stopped watching Pokemon after the first season.
8. Remember Tiger & Bunny? Because I remember I've never, ever, ever seen it.
9. I've seen 2 episode of Azumanga Daioh...I think?
10. What's that one with the blue cartoon character with a collar and a bell? I haven't seen that either.

Thanks for making a thread where everyone can blogpost in!

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You should watch Azumanga. Wtf man

The only anime I have watched are Naruto, Bleach, Freezing, Monster Musume and Psycho Pass.

No problem, user; it was my pleasure.

Oh also Yu Gi Oh, Bakugan, Shaman King and Duel Masters I guess, but it was just sporadic late night viewing on the TV, so it doesn't count.

one piece

I haven't read Bersek, mostly because I don't like the art.

Naruto I guess, unless watching half of Evangelion and getting bored doesn't count as watching it

I bait on the HxH threads but I haven't seen it yet.

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JoJo, although i have watched a flew clips and I refuse to watch it because it reminds me of "so random xxDD" humor

for example:

Probably the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I don't really care for Slice of Life as a genre, despite continually trying to get in to it. I watched Azumanga Daioh and read (Most of) Yotsuba, and those are both fun enough, but when it comes to other stuff I just get bored and switch it off. I made it through 15 episodes of Dragon Maid, 10 episodes of Lucky Star, and only 4 episodes of K-On! The last one in particular is extremely boring, IMO. Overall KyoAni SoL is a strange genre to me. It has elements of both a comedy and some drama, but it doesn't make me laugh and I don't care enough about the characters to get invested in the drama.

Regardless I feel like having not watched Haruhi is a black mark on my record as a fan.

> which literally does not translate to "Attack on Titan"
When I first heard that title I thought it was a science fiction show.

Why? I've read it. Before it was made an anime.
In 2002.

It's not 2003 anymore user

Cowboy Bebop
One day I happened to catch the movie on TV but I didn't finish it cause Ed's voice is fucking annoying

Same. I didn't think it was actually related to the manga that was getting popular, and that it was some space war anime.

FMA probably. I saw maybe an episode on Adult Swim at one point but I don't remember if it was 2003 or Brotherhood. It was probably 2003. I haven't watched or read a lot of what's popular on Yea Forums either but FMA is probably the biggest one I haven't bothered with.


Nah, that's ok. Just download the OST and you've got the best of the entire show. I mean, it's not a bad anime, it's really good, but if you listen to the soundtrack on car trips to work or something, you'll probably enjoy the best part.

Define famous.
Yea Forums famous or normalfag famous?
From the usual names that get through around I have seen Evangelion, Bebop and Gurren Lagann.
So most famous I have not seen would probably then be Dragon Ball, if that doesn't count then one of the shonens.

Evangelion, JoJo, Berserk.

Out of all le epic random funny moments you could've chosen user. Shit example.

>most famous anime
I mean, holy shit. "Famous" is already so fuckin' broad by global standards now, there's, like, 300 "most famous" Japanese cartoons before even getting into anything else. That's just, like, dubs.

And then there's movies, tv shows, OAV, who knows what. And "haven't watched" can start disqualifying for seeing even a clip of a scene of an episode of a 40-year-old series. And then there are remakes, and remakes of remakes, and live-actions or maybe mangas some think count and and and. These threads are retarded.

I haven't watched that anime from that one gif where a sword (?) gets cut in half by another sword. I still don't know what all the fuss is about and why it's supposed to generate infinite replies, nor am I interested in finding out.

>15 episodes of Dragon Maid
But it only has 13 episodes...

Bleach, Dragon Maid and Magi.


I haven't seen the show that gif is from either but the "joke" is that it's a katana cutting a broadsword in half because of superior nippon 1000 times folded katana.

Boku no Pico Academia

I shit on HxH and have no idea what the shows even about

Mobile Suit Gundam

Most of what I know of that show I learned from Super Robot Wars.

Been watching anime at least 15 years but have never seen Akira.
>Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Honestly don't feel bad about it; I would argue it is AOTD for the 00's (Bakemono or Kaiba as alternates when viewed retroactively but Haruhi was fucking hueg at the time) if you consider popularity and influence but it hasn't aged well. Disappearance was breddy gud but not good enough to be worth your time if the show wasn't catching you.
You really aren't missing anything special.

Naruto Shippuden
One Piece
Any mecha trash
The the disappearance of haruhi suzumiya (I did watch the tv series though)


You don't need parenthetical around joke because it is literally a joke. Japanese iron is from completely awfully tainted mines or drawn from miles upon miles of sand and is so terribly inconsistent it has to be forged so many fucking times it will literally break instantly, and if even 1 single folding is done at an incorrect temperature or struck out with poor technique, it also completely eradicates the effectiveness of the blade's sturdiness. All inside a very long, very thin, 1 inch wide blade.

Something even poor blacksmiths from any western nation can completely obliterate with its steel and something dozens of arabian nations had already completely perfected with its style of steel refinement. Because Japanese steel is fucking terrible and everyone knows it.

>at least 15 years
>since 2004
Are you...bragging?

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Most of the anime aired after 2010. Also One Piece.
I think I've seen majority of the worthwhile shows from the 00s and a little bit from the 90s. Any 2010+ must-haves I should watch? I mean except Jojo, not gonna watch it no matter what.

Unless someone is talking about mailing VHSs around it isn't bragging just context.

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Death Note
I just feel like it's not my thing

One Piece. Hate the art style and the fact that the MCs power is rubber is boring as fuck.

What difference does that make?

> Been watching anime at least 15 years but have never seen Akira.
This is sick dude, I wasn't even born yet.
Oh wait, actually I was, but I was only 2 years old. It's still impressive. You are light years ahead of me in terms of being anime pro.

Dab a yeet child. Sorry for posting cringe.

I dunno, man. DVDs were already invented by the late 90s, there were entire chain stores for sharing VHS tapes through - never mind the local shops, cable television was generating more than 100 different channels of entertainment for licensed anime to air on, and international sale for 70s, 80s, & 90s cartoons was readily available. You see, people used to actually read magazines before the internet! And newspapers for local news/social events.

Anime existed before the digital age of human technology.

>the best bait in the thread has no replies
Bless you all

your favorite

>Burning or shining finger, I can't remember
The dude gets his gundam's burning finger move upgraded to shining finger.

I have never watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes simply because I don't know what release to download.

Dragonball, or indeed any of the other big name fightan shonen outside of some JoJo. Nor any of the Toonami-era standards like Bebop or Champloo.

Naruto and DBZ I guess

Code Geass
Darker than Black

Gundam, Macross, Love Live, The iDOLM@STER, Haikyuu, Mushishi, Natsume Yuujinchou or Hajime no Ippo.

>any ghibli movie
>hajime no ippo
is pretty much all i can think of. i would prefer reading the manga for these anyways, if they have one. i don't watch anime anymore


the better translation would have been "Advancing Titan" but isayama thought "it sounds cool"

good luck finding anime stuff outside of major cities

Aot after the first 12 episodes, got bored of the terrible characters and i dropped it

Bleach, Steins;gate... any Fate.
SAO doesn't count because I've seen one random episode with a friend.

everything after 2007 basically

Doraemon, Mobile Suit Gundam, Madoka, Index/Railgun, Gintama. I don't know which are the most famous.

you're 17?

it does doe

m8... underage b&.

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Violet evergarden, One Piece, Saw some of bleach the first season or two

>tfw I've been watching anime for 25 years already

Hokuto no Ken
Code geass
Saint Seiya
most Ghibli shit

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One Piece.