Oob soon
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
Enter CHADren.
>Bejita-sama... This lowly saiyan humbly begs his one and only prince to please kiss his wife. I know she is not as perfect as Bulma, but this lowly saiyan hopes the great Bejita-sama will find some way to enjoy it nontheless. Chichi told me that if she does not receive a kiss from you, there will be no food for me. Please, your royal highness Bejita-sama, find some mercy in your heart and rid my wife's lips of their virginity for me!
Exit JOBren.
kek, based. reminder that our prince is undefeated against this loser.
What is a prince to an EMPEROR?
>samefagging already
So, does that mean we're finally going past the time skip?
Post-EoZ is probably going to be a new series entirely, I think it was already said that Super was leading to EoZ. Who the fuck knows how long they're going to drag out Super though.
>End of Super is just End of Z but with scenes of what the rest of the cast (Pilaf's gang, Beerus, Broly) was doing during the tournament
>goku's rape face
>both threads are mangashit garbage
Looks like I'm out for the day.
Jobbing to what? Chodeku? Hardly. Jiren is 4-0 against him after all.
Well we know that the last time Goku and Vegeta saw each other was 5 years before End of Z.
I really should read the manga one of these days. Dragon Ball turned out to be a massive disappointment, but for some reason I'm still curious about what's done with it.
I vaguely remember reading the first volume, it was basically the same thing as the movie and anime with some minor differences, is the entire manga that way?
Does the artist improve in any way, I'd sometimes take a peak at a chapter when the Future Trunks saga was still going on but it didn't look all that good to me.
V-vegetabros... i don't get this post... are godku posters really this smart? P-please help...
Fucking BASED. Reminder that the idiot Doglycopes think Zoroastrianism (which Jiren embodies many concepts of) is a fucking Islamic religion. Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest religions in existence, predating Islam by an enormous margin. It is both a heterodox and orthopraxic faith centered in a dualistic cosmology of good and evil and an eschatology predicting the ultimate conquest of evil with theological elements of henotheism, monotheism/monism, and polytheism.
Since I'm positive you have absolutely no idea what any of that means, I'll break it down for your sand-addled camel mind. "Heterodoxy" refers to any opinions or doctrines at variance with an official position. This underscores Jiren's unconventional methods of seeking justice by completely isolating himself from close bonds. "Orthopraxy" roughly means correct conduct, referring to Jiren's staunch refusal to participate in a tournament of death and mayhem even under pain of his entire universe being deleted. Dualism in cosmology is the belief that two fundamental concepts exist, often in direct contrast to each other, in this case good and evil, the thing Jiren fights against. Eschatology is concerned with the ultimate destiny of humankind, and in this case refers to Jiren's self-doubt and hidden surety that evil will triumph, a symptom of his PTSD over the Makaioshin that killed his parents and master. Henotheism/monotheism is the worship of a single god while at the same time NOT denying the possible existence of other gods, shown by Jiren being subservient to Belmod--despite being stronger--and acknowledging the other GoDs as his social superiors. Monism attributes oneness to a concept--in this case, Jiren's ultimate quest for the cultivation of pure, true inner strength represents monism. Polytheism is the belief in multiple deities, which again fits as there is a large pantheon of deities in the Dragon Universe.
>b-but muh hedonism/monotheism
COPE before CHADchad cha CHAD.
this will never not be great
The future trunks arc is the best. The manga is pretty good overall.
That was the last time they had a good time together (pic related), not the last time they saw each other
>Post-EoZ is probably going to be a new series entirely
We aren't going beyond EoZ.
The Black arc is waaaay more different, and makes way more sense (eg no time paradox retardation). Also the Black arc has the best DBS fight overall
What do you mean, Juan? Every single thread has been manga since March of the previous year when the anime was canned
Factual and irrefutable antagonist ranking (canon only)
>Merged Zamasu
>Goku Black
>OG Freeza
>Ginyu Force
>King Piccolo
>Mercenary Tao
>Imperfect Cell
>Android 18
>Android 17
>Super Buu
>Golden Freeza
>Kid Buu
>Fat Buu
>Super Buu (absorptions)
>Perfect Cell
>Semi-Perfect Cell
>Pilaf Gang
>RR Army
>Android 20
>Android 19
True. Goku vs fused zamasu is the only z tier fight in super.
A manga-centric thread dies in two hours with 14 or 15 posts. Cope.
>says this while posting the shitnga
Yeah that's DBS still has threads nowadays, huh? The coping is real
D-Dragon Chads... W-Why don't we have any Harvard-published papers about our series...? I thought the Jirenbros were scholars... I thought we were smart... Dragon Chads... I don't feel so good...
Can you mention one better fight in your canceled fanfic? No, you can't.
Why wouldn't he post the manga when talking about the manga, Juanito?
>implying again
Post a thread about the new shitnga chapter when it comes out and watch it flounder. Meanwhile the chadnime threads would hit 2000 posts or more when a new episode aired.
See above and cry. Weep, whimper, wail, and whine. ULULATE.
Shut up moefag. Do i have to teach you a lesson again?
Okay, so I've solidified some things about the Dragon Ball GT Marathon stream for all who are interested
>It will be hosted on cytube
>the main series will be run from the 18th to the 24th, 13 episodes a day with the final day only having 12, meaning each stream will be ~5 hours
>on the 24th, the GT Special, A Hero's Legacy and a special movie will be played starting probably at 4pm to 6pm, the even will likely last 3.5 hours
>it will be hosted on cytu DOT be/r/Chads_of_A
Make sure you install the google drive userscript and on next Sunday I will be doing a test stream of the DBGT Extras, which include some trailers for the thing and the DBZ NEP for GT.
>Goku vs Beerus
>Vegito vs Merged Zamasu
>Goku vs Great Saiyaman
>MUI Goku vs Chadren
OHHHHHHH what now? you just got blown the FUCKING FUCK out.
>wanting to talk about the promo book
Wait, but there could easily be stronger fighters than Goku in U7.
The only reason we've never seen them is because Whiss left the job of finding strong fighters for the ToP up to Goku and he chose those he was familiar with.
He left Uub, despite him being stronger than 1/2 of the team.
He never scouted the universe for high power levels and he believed that Monaka was strong, because Beerus told him so.
This means that we can easily get another villain from a planet even Frieza would be scared to screw around with. A planet filled with mortals who wanted to stay off Beerus' radar and/or were plotting to overthrow the GoD's and Zeno from the start and decided to keep their planet hidden like Wonder Woman's Island.
A planet(s) filled with magic users who can create barriers to shield the fighters with their enormous power levels.
At least 5 of the 28 planets can be like this. Frieza wasn't the emperor of the universe at all.
For starters, he wasn't the emperor of Namek even though Namek was canon fodder.
We could have more rivaling empires and planets.
Similar to how Earth has had several empires coexisting and warring with each other.
Hell, Frieza could then be the laughing stock of them all because his empire is on the brink of extinction and because he was defeated by mere monkeys.
They could mock him, because Frieza believed that he was born with the right to rule and felt no need to train because of his natural strength but was forced to after he had his ass handed to him, while the other empires did nothing but value training.
Cold knew about Beerus (the other emperors as well) but we've all seen that Cold was a conniving coward.
Easily the weakest of them all and it would explain why Frieza is so "evil", it's because of shame.
And his obsession with the Saiyans was simply his way of having fun, to distract from the reality that he's worthless compared to the rest and he would kill everybody to keep this a secret.
Enter: Dragon Ball Next!
>no Harvard-published papers
Looks like Evafags are just smarter. Kek.
>promo book
Nobody is talking about the Heroes manga, Juan, we talk about the canon continuation of DB.
>Do I have to teach you that I have no idea what I'm talking about again?
Nah, that's still pretty obvious.
No one cares.
>we talk about the canon continuation
>Toyopedro is a spic
Imagine my shock.
>literally conceding
>posts a pic from the CHADnime
Good boy.
I doubt many people here have actually seen GT and only know it for the memes about it being bad. It's pretty heartwarming at times.
And don't worry, the special movie on the 24th has nothing to do with GT.
Kek. Good to know.
It's actually because Evangelion actually has themes to be analyzed, whereas Dragon Ball is a shallow, entry-level series for kids and manchildren. You could only attempt to write a paper on it by overanalyzing everything like a fucking retard. Case in point:
Based Chadku's putting the Prince of No One in his place!
>still can't explain why Evafags are Harvard graduates with published papers on Evangelion while nothing similar exists for Shitgon Ball
Ok gohanfag. I will be there!
We can have empires vs empires, wars, political intrigue, actual reflections of reality.
We can have planets with actual bad guys and badasses without dumb (repetitive) gimmicks like in Blerghoes or the ToP.
The enemies in the ToP were kind of wack when it concerned powers.
The best fights were between those who didn't have wacky powers (prove me wrong).
The only ningens we can't bring back are Saiyans, because Whiss made it clear that there were only a handful of Saiyans in the BotG
As long as Toriyama doesn't make gimmicky planets (like a pirate planet, a cowboy planet and other retarded shit) we may look at a real gold mine.
We can make it so that the other emperors claimed that they needed to conquer/unite the universe to end Beerus, because Beerus took countless other planets on which they had nakama.
The Cold clan on the other hand was trying to get on Beerus' good side in the hopes of being spared, because king Cold is a cunniving little shit.
So, in the end they get the Super Dragon balls as a comprimise to wish the erased planets back and then we'll have countless other planets with strong(er) fighters.
This could include planet Vegeta, because they were destroyed by Freeza but on Beerus' order which ultimately makes him responsible.
And it would be Legendary.
The introduction of Cooler:
Cooler gets Frieza to battle the other emperors (yonkous) for supremacy, but Earth's quadrant gets dragged into the battle so the Saiyans join Frieza to protect the Earth and to fight strong enemies.
>exposing himself as an actual pedro
Cope you dog.
These are official leaks btw
>n-n-no u
I'll see you there then.
Z wasn't canceled. Sadly, i can't say the same for your fanfiction though.
Hey, if you want to shower everyone in your idiocy again, be my guest, champ. Just don't think it'll be news to me.
W-where am I? What happened?
>moving the goalposts
Another concession! I'll gladly accept it.
Kek. From where does this headcanon come from? Show me those harvard papers then.
These threads are literally the exact same thing every single time. Do you retards not get tired of it?
I'm gonna need you to cope and apologize to your victorious superior at ONCE.
D...DRAGON CHAD?!?!?!?
No. I don't get tired of winning.
What would you anons rather?
Cell, returns and ends up like, Frieza (overused and predictable) or would you rather, Cell returns as the final antagonist.
Thus bringing an end to DB series, ending it on a good not.
Autists gonna aut, I guess.
>and makes way more sense
>This is what Toyospics actually believe.
I'd rather stop rehashing shit you fucking spic.
Imagine if Frieza had won that fight
Yeah you're right, MZ merging with the multiverse because he's mad makes way more sense. You fucking retard. Go kill yourself.
Dragon Chads what the FUCK is this... I thought we were scholars...
Man, zamasu with muscles looks great
I'd rather you kill yourself, bugfag.
I mean, some of it changed.
There's the Gohanpedo now, the guy who made the copypasta for where to get the best versions of everything that matters and the Gohanfag (big difference) in this thread making the GT stream
>this retard implying that throwing some words on a page and getting some retard's stamp of approval means you're an "intellectual"
Dragon Chads don't concern themselves with such paltry things, content as they are with their intellectual superiority.
Freeza was a fucking retard so that would've never happened.
I'd rather they stopped milking shit. Dragon Ball ended back in 1996.
Super is canon. Cope. Cry.
Post more DB kino. We had some good ones last time lads.
>I'd rather stop rehashing shit you fucking
But it's not "rehashing" it's a "final" and last return of, Cell.
>n-no, but Hakai is supposed to be this super sekrit technique that nobody can use but the GoDs because that's what my headcanon says so
>What? Being able to make yourself 20x stronger all of sudden and traveling millions of light-years instantly with the power of the mind? That does not seem absurd at all to me.
MZ making clones of himself out of literally nowhere makes much more sense lmao you dumb spic.
Okay toeijuan, you have 1 (one, "uno" in your language) chance to explain how is impossible for Goku to learn that technique he literally discussed with Beerus, but without your pathetic headcanon or anime-only shit.
I'm waiting.
>not understanding, Cell's return is final.
Except Goku trained to be able to do those things, Miguel.
Correct, Juan, correct. An immortal cloning himself makes perfect sense.
>Cell returning isn't a rehash
Shut the fuck up.
>deafening silence composed of many copes in the wake of my staggering victory
Anyway, i asked you to show me some of those graduates you talk about and all i got is some papers writed by someone overthinking a series. (Not strange, since moefags tend to think of themselves as the greatest for watching girls doing "muh cute face") Also, let's remember that hideaki anno (creator of that trash) hates the series. (Makes sense since it's just moeshit) in the end, you and your "uhuuu kawaiii!" Weren't match for any of us. Now, concede.
>still hiding behind other characters
gokupussies are by far the most pathetic lot I've ever encountered.
>Goku didn't train Hakai
Source for your headcanon?
>Jobs to a grasshopper
>Jobs to two androids in the future
>Flees to RST with daddy in present
>Jobs to Frieza forces and has to be put back into shape by his real dad (Piccolo)
>Has two dads
>Has his green dad killed
>Couldn't save his gf when he being cucked and she was being POLED by a Pole on steroids
>Gets weaker between the Cell games and the Buu saga
>Calls pink Bubblegum monster a retard, is immediately absorbed
>Refuses to fight in the U6 Tournament
>His daughter owns him
>Almost jobs to a furry
>Jobs to Krillin in recruitment arc
>Jobs to Gokek
>Team leader in ToP, because nobody cared
>Nobody listens to the 'team leader' except the Jobber force
>Jobs to a Lizzard and a Bunny
>Replaced by Uub as his dad's favorite
>Likes to eat ice cream when he's alone in the park
>Literally called the biggest disappointment of DBs by the fandom
>Coolest introduction in the show (second to maybe Goku Black)
>No dads
>Killed the Androids
>Killed Cell
>Killed Buu
>Killed Dabura
>Killed Frieza
>Killed king Cold
>Killed dozens Frieza soldiers
>Informs this timeline of the androids (only reason it still exists)
>Saves Cuckhans dad by giving him medicine
>Unlocks new form
>SS2 on par with Goku's SS3
>First Saiyan Time patroller
>Tried to kill Goku, because he thought he was Black
>Saves weak Cuckhan from emotional damage by lying about the danger his world is in
>Has better waifu, Mirai Mai
>Waifu isn't useless like Videl (who is the literal spawn of Mexican Satan)
>Godnks kills a God not even vegito was able to defeat
>Chadnks used the sword of Hope, which neckbeards confuse with a 'Spirit sword' (which is Vegito's technique)
>Flees with his waifu to a good timeline (instead of staying with his dad whom he has already bonded with), because he wants to uphold the promise he made to Shithan
>Badass in every movie he's in
>Has cool ass sword with interesting backstory and its own movie
Vegeta 3 - Goku 0
The truth people aren’t willing to accept is that Vegeta has never been defeated in the entire manga.
He would sometimes do tactical retreats, which count as victories for him.
>throws a fit for not being capable of surpassing CHADku
>retarded Dragon Cope babbling about "overthinking" when shit like this exists
Like father like son
>some papers writed by someone
>weren't match for any of us
>still has no idea what "moe" is
Jesus fuck just give up
>Goku is more based than his son
>Jobgeta is less based than "his" son
Prove that he did.
I suggest you rewatch the entirety of the DB series.
Vegeta is mostly renown for being defeated.
Burden of proof, Juan. You stated Goku trained for Kaioken and IT, but not for Hakai, therefore you have to prove your claim.
Burden of proof is on you to explain why he became able to even use this technique prior to fighting Zamasu despite there being no prior indication of him doing so.
See We know he trained for Kaioken and IT because that's what is literally told/shown to us. Now try and provide evidence that he did the same for Hakai. I'll wait.
>moefags can't read
Not surprising. I said that those papers were filled with overthinking, logical fallacies, ad hominems etc... not that they didn't count. unlike moefags, we don't need to get inside a university, a place filled with marxism and that only serves for you being brainwashed to believe thing like "COMMUNISIM GOOD". We already know how smart we are and for that same reason, we don't need a paper to be arrogant about it. We already show how far our argumentative skills can go in these threads. Unlike you moeshits, that can only make shitposting and porn of your non-sensical series. Case closed. We, dragon CHADS, are the smartest and most handsome anons in this moepedo filled board. Don't ever debate with any of the dragon CHADS here if you don't want to be MINDBROKEN from the pure intelligence irradiated in these threads. You are warned.
>I said that those papers were filled with overthinking, logical fallacies, ad hominems
KEK, stop pretending like you even attempted to read them.
>a bunch of retarded babble
Harvard graduates with published papers are smarter and more successful than you bunch of smelly NEETs. COPE.
>kills Goku's used goods
>jobs for the rest of the arc
>jobs when Black arrives
>is reduced to healslut status in his Super arc
>gets his entire world obliterated by his own incompetence and misbehavior
>cries like a cuck because he's jealous of Chadhan and his family
Burden of proof is on you, spico.
>no u!
Thought so. You have conceded defeat.
>A paper submitted to a website by a Harvard student means that all the EVAfags are from Harvard.
I have papers on Academia.edu too
20 entries
3 entries
University of Valencia
Is this based or cringe?
You are addressing a CHADza poster. Tread carefully.
>w-w-we're too INTELEKSHUAL for uni
Top fucking kek
Are you literally too stupid to understand how burden of proof works? YOU claimed something so YOU are supposed to prove it. You can't? You lost.
Remember to post it again the day you do it in case someone forgets.
Except there's literally not a single thing that says he shouldn't be able to learn it, Juan, only your headcanon.
>there being no prior indication of him doing so
Wrong, dog, Goku and Beerus had an on-panel conversation about using Hakai, that's why Goku literally apologizes to Beerus before using it ("I'm sorry I called this dangerous before, lord Beerus, but I have to use it now!")
You wasted your chance.
>ad hominem
You just can't compare to us.
>ignores post only because is in spanish
Holy shit. And you are harvard graduates?
How will moepedos ever recover?
>inb4 they decide to ignore the post and start babbling about spics.
Typical of them.
I won't be doing any reminders until the Saturday before.
On the Sunday will be the test stream, and for the week I will try to leave a copypasta in every thread.
Here's more info by the way on the stream
>Japanese Broadcast Audio w/English sub + Karaoke subs for OPs and EDs
>NEPs will be played, and you will like it
And given the way the stream is laid out, the arcs will be as follows
The first 13 Episodes of the Black Star Dragon Balls arc
The last 13 Episodes of the Black Star Dragon Balls arc + the first 4 Episodes of the Baby arc
I may make it 14 episodes for this day so the Baby arc ends on this day. If not, then
The final episode of the Baby arc, all 7 episodes of Super #17, and the first 5 episodes of the Evil Dragons arc
The final 12 episodes of the Evil Dragons arc
A Hero's Legacy and the special movie.
Discarded. Cope.
>spic thinks he's worth mentioning
Discarded. Cope.
>focusing on a single paper and ignoring the other two
Typical. You lose
It actually isn't. You could have called it an ad hominem, but I doubt you know what that is.
>Ad hominem
There are more Latin speaking university graduates and people than there are English, retard.
It's no more than logical that most papers are written in Spanish.
This the author of one of the Dragon ball papers.
He writes in English and Spanish and he co-authors papers in Chinese and Japanese.
Also, 3 papers vs 20...
Always a good day to see Toeishills getting utterly btfo. Keep at it Toyobros
>Huntercucks misbehaving again
>b-b-but muh Spanish...
>quantity over quality
Discarded. Cope.
No, my only claim is that Goku trained for Kaioken and IT, either you or some other greasy spic claimed that he trained for Hakai too and that it makes sense for him to be able to do it. I asked for you and/or the other spic to provide proof of such a thing, and so far you have failed to do so. Once again, you concede defeat to your betters.
>Except there's literally not a single thing that says he shouldn't be able to learn it, Juan, only your headcanon.
And I'm asking you to prove how he could know it in a way that makes sense within the confines of the narrative.
>Goku and Beerus had an on-panel conversation about using Hakai, that's why Goku literally apologizes to Beerus before using it ("I'm sorry I called this dangerous before, lord Beerus, but I have to use it now!")
All that proves is that he knows ABOUT the technique, not that he knows how to use it. That's like saying because a lot of characters know about Goku's Kaioken or Spirit Bomb, they should be able to use that too. You're literally scraping the bottom of the barrel to defend the indefensible, Pedro. Just admit that the manga is irredeemable trash and move on with your life.
>logical fallacy
>ad hominem
>ad verecundiam
See? I didn't want this to happen but you had to misbehave. I hope that the other moefags learn before this happen to them too.
>buzzword soup
I always win so easily against you clowns.
Thought so. Thank you for admitting defeat, Pedro. We're done here.
>haven't even read the papers
Do you ever get tired of posting this in every thread? Is this a bot or what?
>No, my only claim is that Goku trained for Kaioken and IT
>literally lying on the internet
user said Goku learned Hakai just like he learned IT and Kaioken, and you said "except Goku trained to be able to do those things" You said there was no training for Hakai and you can't defend your claim now, you lost.
>still only focusing on one single paper from the ones I provided
You lose.
Can someone explain how having Goku's cells makes Cell be able to use his techniques?
Regeneration and Zenkai make sense, since those are biological traits.
>kills Goku's used goods
Jobhan jobs (future Jobhan is dead)
>jobs for the rest of the arc
Jobhan runs until forced to fight (future Jobhan is still dead)
>jobs when Black arrives
Jobhan was too weak to pick up the fight (still no future Jobhan)
>is reduced to healslut status in his Super arc
Jobhan still nowhere to be seen (future Jobhans is still pushing Daisies)
>gets his entire world obliterated by his own incompetence and misbehavior
>misbehavior (kek)
Jobhan is so weak that trunks decides to not inform him of the battle, because Jobhan would get in the way or just get killed like future Jobhan
>cries like a cuck because he's jealous of Chadhan and his family
Weak Jobhan is unable to see that his buddy is going through one of the most troubling events in his life (some friend he is).
Trunks vows to to give his all for the future (in which Jobhan's already dead btw)
Look at the disgust in Goku's and Vegeta's eyes.
>n-no u...
Using your masters arguments doesn't work when you're losing the debate. Didn't they teach you this in harvard?
>no apostrophe
ESL detected.
There is no debate. Dragon Shitters are Mexicans who write garbage papers about nothing. Evafags are Harvard graduates with published papers passed by an actual scholar. There's nothing to debate. I'm simply stating facts, and you are seething and spouting the same tired, predictable shitposts that you usually do.
>You said there was no training for Hakai
>Literally lying on the Internet
I never made any such claim, but nice cope.
I didn't. YOU moefags are the one doing that when that fellow blackbro shared his papers relating to dragon ball. Aren't you going to say why is he wrong? Or are you going to babble more nonsense?
The cell arc is the worst z arc. There's your answer.
Why do you assume I'd waste my time reading Spanish drivel? I have far more pressing matters to attend, such as a guest lecture at the local university on quantum theory and its possible relation to the Higgs-Boson.
>inb4 I don't know what that is
I know you don't.
Your claim wasn't that they were good papers, you tried to post about the fact that they were written by Harvard graduates, which they weren't.
One was written by a student from Harvard.
The other papers are irrelevant to your claim that they were all written by Harvard graduates.
>Spanish speaking universities don't count!
You lose.
>spics don't count
Indeed, I'm glad you're finally catching on, you fucking wetspic beanerback.
>there's no debate
What are you doing here then? What are you trying to prove with all of this? Are you thinking that having the last word means that you won?
I'm reminding you retards that you're actually dumb as sand.
If you have more matters to attend what are you doing here? Also:
>i didn't read it
How can you know we aren't smart? Or did you mean to say that you didn't UNDERSTAND what was in those papers? Don't worry, i can explain it to you if you want.
I don't speak the inferior spic language, Pedro. Putting forth the effort to learn such a coarse and unrefined series of grunts and apelike babbles would be doing my mighty mind a disservice. Now COPE.
Defend this Toyopups
>And I'm asking you to prove how he could know it in a way that makes sense within the confines of the narrative
You would know if you had a functional brain, they lived with Beerus for a year and Beerus is someone that literally Hakais eggs for fun, he could just see Beerus using it.
No, Manolo, I'm not stating he learned it that way, just that he could, that's how it works, if you want to prove something is impossible (Goku learning Hakai) you must prove it's impossible. I don't need to know the exact event, just that it's something that can happen (and according to the author, happened). Can Goku know Hakai? Yes.
So you are full of shit. Period.
>all that proves is that he knows about the technique
And that's literally all you need narrative-wise, you braindead retard.
>MC lives with other character for a long time
>someday MC learns about a certain technique the other character has
>later MC and the other character discuss the technique on panel so the reader is aware MC knows about the technique
>later MC uses the technique
Literally nothing inconsistent with this unless you push your retarded headcanons like "I'm 100% sure Goku didn't know about Hakai before", "Hakai can only be used by a GoD", "Goku should need thousands years of training before being able to use Hakai" etc etc
For your claim? Yes, they didn't
>Ignorance and racism
Ask me how I know you're a burger with high blood pressure
T. European without obesitas
>literal concession
Good boy. Your master is pleased by your subservience.
>Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, typically refers to a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.
This is from wikipedia. Is basic stuff guys. How are you being like this if you meofags are so smart?
>Having pride in the fact that he doesn't speak multiple languages
Why are burgers so retarded?
You lose. Cope. Discarded. Next. Done. Over. Concluded. Finalized. Kneel, dog.
/int/ thread already has already proven you're a camelfucker
I speak plenty of other languages, just not inferior ones like Spic.
>b-b-but we're smart too we can copy-paste from Wikipedia
avatar or signature use.
This picture is powerful, because it shows where Gokek rightfully belongs. Beneath his royal Highness' feet, BEJITA-SAMA.
>Burger logic
No wonder you guys are turning into Africa
This is my wife, Bulla. Say something nice about her.
Are you sure you didn't confuse me with a brolyfag?
>more strawman arguments
Another easy victory. Cope.
>I speak plenty of other languages, just not inferior ones like Spic.
Saying "kawaii, ohaiyo, nande" and other shit you copied from anime does not mean that you speak another language.
>ANOTHER strawman
Holy shit, I just can't stop BTFOing you.
>ESL shitter playing dumb
The battle got paused because of Vegeta’s sudden death and then resumed in RoF, where Vegeta won
Cell got defeated by saiyans. Vegeta, being their ruler, is responsible for theor victory
In a way, Vegeta defeated Cell by sending his minions to kill him
>Another easy victory. Cope.
You find losing a victory because you're clearly a masochist.
That's my point. If even wikipedia has an article explaining this why aren't you guys acting in a more mature and logical way? You told me you were smart after all.
>literally prostrating himself before his master and hard evidence
>You would know if you had a functional brain, they lived with Beerus for a year and Beerus is someone that literally Hakais eggs for fun, he could just see Beerus using it.
So basically nothing but your own unfounded headcanon made in your tiny little spic brain and no actual concrete proof. Gotcha.
>just that he could
Ergo, headcanon. What you're saying essentially amounts to "Cell can do the Kaioken. As I said, we know for a fact that Goku trained for Kaioken and IT, we do not know that he did the same for Hakai, and until we do, everything you say is nothing more than your own headcanon that holds no actual weight whatsoever.
>And that's literally all you need narrative-wise, you braindead retard.
No, it isn't. By your retarded spic logic, everyone should know the Mafuba, everyone should know the Kaioken, everyone should know the Death Beam, everyone should know Hit's time manipulation techniques - just because "durrr they know about it hurr durr". That's stupid and a desperate attempt to save your pathetic argument and you fucking know it.
>n-no you actually LOST hehe
>b-b-but Wikipedia
stop avatarfagging
>I just can't stop BTFOing you
You get an A for effort, but an F for performance.
>even a squid girl gets it
>just babbling incoherently now
Accept your defeat with grace and move on.
Same gif/ same user. Duh.
Just report.
You're all retarded and I'm based
But I'm the smartest here.
I lose again. Was there any doubt? I'm so FUCKING bad at this, holy shit.
user, you are just being childish now. Just admit that you lost and let's move on
I'm not
t. retardkufags
I lost.
>Damage control
>Pet showing its lack of critical thinking faculties
No I lost. I cope.
>t. Me
Can we just ban this avatarfagging retard?
user, you aren't that cowardly right?
>trying to ban me
Meh. I didn't have any hope for you moefags but have surpassed yourselves in being pathetic today. Sad!
As Dragon Ball fans what are your opinions on Dragon Quest?
Read again, toeijuan, that's not how it works. You tried to prove Goku couldn't learn Hakai and I proved he could, you lose and I win.
>we don't know that he did the same for Hakai
That's exactly why you are full of shit, because every single thing you can use to shit on Goku's Hakai is always headcanon. Goku never trained for it? We don't know, so headcanon. Only GoDs can use it? Never stated, headcanon. Too hard for Goku? Same, just headcanon.
There's not a single thing in canon that goes against Goku's Hakai, that's why you will always be wrong, because you are unironically saying tha if we don't know the answer to something the answer is an inconsistency.
Try again.
>everyone should
No, Manolito, they COULD, not "should", it's like if Chaozu used the Mafuba, he could easily learn it from Tenshinhan and had years to master it, so if the author wanted him to use it he could just use it and it would make perfect sense, even if you don't like it.
>everyone should know Hit's time manipulation techniques
We don't know if Hit's abilities are supposed to be exclusive to his race or something like that, Juan, and I already told you Hakai being exclusive to X characters is just your dumb headcanon. Why are you like this? It's so sad
We should all avatarfag for an hour
Holy shit, I'm retarded and love sucking huge nigger cock!
>Dragon Quest
literal bottom of the barrel as far as rpgs go
also back to you faggot
I heard it's very generic. Is that true? Maybe i'll play it.
What are Roshi and kid Gohan doing there?
You'd have less health problems if you stopped eating all those hamburgers
I have never lost an argument in my ENTIRE LIFE.
>t. Goku clone (pic related)
Cope fag.
toriyama's fault is that his art is so distinguishable it's lazy when applied to anything that isnt dbz
It's only 50% as based as Dragon Ball, which already makes it pretty based.
Based Vegetabro, but Goku is not black.
Can't lose if you keep running away
>literal bottom of the barrel as far as rpgs go
nah those rpgs full of little anime girls waifu creatures are far worse
What is this then?
I like it
where'd you get this scan from
I have lost again, how can this be? HOLY FUCK I'm stupid at this
You know what to do, gentlemen.
>copying the original
Eh. As if you were capable of reaching this level of CHADNESS.
Don't worry jirenbro just check your jiren porn fodder and you will feel better, it's the same that happened to me when I lost yesterday, GokuxJirne always cheers me up
The only site that i found with good dragon ball scans.
based user
it gave us pilaf arc yamcha in smash, so its based
>hating on digitposting
I know what to do now.
basked gokuGOD
>*my life*
>basked gokuGOD
What did he mean by this?
>You tried to prove Goku couldn't learn Hakai
No, I didn't, Pablo. All I did was say that it was already pre-established that he did learn other techniques because that's what the story outright told us, but it never did the same for Hakai, and thus asked you to provide the missing link that the manga never gave us. Again, you have completely failed to do so.
>because every single thing you can use to shit on Goku's Hakai is always headcanon. Goku never trained for it? We don't know, so headcanon. Only GoDs can use it? Never stated, headcanon. Too hard for Goku? Same, just headcanon.
Yes, and there's a reason for that, Pablo, a reason that I already stated - unless the manga provides us with a SHRED of evidence as to how he acquired the Hakai technique, then the reasons you give for how he got it are LITERALLY headcanon because you're making them up to justify what happened in the manga.
Nice cope lmao
>No, Manolito, they COULD, not "should"
Again, the semantics make no difference here. Saying that a character can or should be able to do XYZ technique in theory does not equate to them actually being able to do it in practice. It's like how Piccolo and co could, in theory, know how to use the same abilities King Kai taught Goku because they lived with him as well, but we never saw or heard about him teaching them such techniques, and wouldn't you know it, they've never displayed said techniques.
>and I already told you Hakai being exclusive to X characters is just your dumb headcanon.
Again, I never said Hakai was exclusive to anyone. You are literally making up arguments to counter because you know you can't counter the actual arguments that I gave you. Pathetic, Pablo. Pathetic.
>i won
like always. These moefags never stood a chance against me. (And i never get tired of posting GODku anyway)
>G-Goku just asspulled a fucking Hakai on my beloved fanfic? Uhmmm.. Y-yeah well hakai is easy lol anyone can replicate it by just seeing it haha.
>SSG unintentionally powered down to SS3 on my promo book?? W-well t-they h-have to be directly related then h-haha Goku said fourth transformation so yeah now SSG is canonically called SS4
>Gohan training with fucking Piccolo for a while after years of inactivity beat up a fusion? Same fusion that was made up with Kale who was above SSB? On my beloved comic book? W-Well I'm a Gohanspic so yayy
>Roshi who is weaker than Tien just styled a character that didn't even need to pay attention to fend off Goku+Hit? Well uhm... Yeah martial arts bro lol
>those quads
You still didn't prove that Whis didn't teach Goku the Hakai. I'm waiting.
>posts deleted
>>those quads
Holy shit bros, how do we do it? I guess it's true what they say, we really are the chads of Yea Forums.
I... I like Dragon Ball Super
Name 1 (ONE) character more handsome than Torankusu
>Not understanding that the comment about the digits was used to put an emphasis on the fact that the user had made an comment that blew the opposition out of the water
>Brainlet (and mods) think it's just digit posting with its feeble brains
Being a genius is hard when you're surrounded by oversensitive brainlets
>moefags delete based quads because "m-muh characterfag!"
Kek. Based me
>gokubro tells the truth for once
I guess there's a first time for everything.
>No, I didn't
Look, it's not funny if you are straight up lying, toeikek. You really have to try harder if you want to be worth of my time. No, you know what? This is really simple
>canon facts that make Goku's Hakai's impossible: Zero
So you lost, you thought Goku doing Hakai would be something impossible and Toriyama and Toyotaro destroyed your pathetic headcanon, now leave, shitposter.
Your argument was that Goku learned by himself by watching Beerus. Now you backpedal into Whis?
Go read the rules, newshitter.
Low quality bait, try harder if you want more (You)s from your superiors
Faith dictates that there must be truth in these statements.
Let's look at their mini threads...
Yup, those tards were eternally BTFO'd
>can't refute ANYTHING
The subject of a get post, is the get.
I was replying to the fact that the statement of the user was given more validity (it was already correct) because of the get.
One has the get as the subject and the other the statement.
Report harder, fag
You should get a ban for false flagging
>still off topic and digit posting
>Replying to a post about papers published about Dragon ball is now off topic
Man, it sure will be funny when we get another movie where Goku never uses SSBKK and Vegeta never use SSBE.
>Look, it's not funny if you are straight up lying, toeikek. You really have to try harder if you want to be worth of my time. No, you know what? This is really simple
But I literally, unironically didn't, though. You are fabricating arguments to defeat because you know you cannot defeat mine. I honestly can't even tell if you realise this or if you're just doing it subconsciously out of instinct because you're just so used to losing arguments at this point.
>So you lost, you thought Goku doing Hakai would be something impossible and Toriyama and Toyotaro destroyed your pathetic headcanon, now leave, shitposter.
No, Pablo. I asserted that there is no established fact, be it feat or dialogue, that explains how and why Goku knows how to do Hakai like he knows how to do other techniques. You contested that, so I asked you to provide these facts that justify Goku knowing how to use Hakai, and you've done nothing but post your deluded headcanon to compensate for the fact that you have literally nothing for me.
>vegetafag is a moefag
First jiren, and now this?! Sad...
Someone post the image showing trunks CHAD chin.
>503 days after anime's cancelation
>Manolo, Juan Pablo and Alejandro still seething
How does he do it, lads? Toriyama's chosen successor is just unstoppable
>You post a Vegeta picture so you must be a Vegeta fag
I would have expected nothing less from a Fagkufag
Nor CSSB, or gama burst, or hakai haha.
>you're all this one guy
Mind broken.
Who needs 'em, eh?
Nothing in the entire manga was as epic as KA KA KA KA KACHIDAZE
Jichad the fucking ren.
Literally invincible in an all-out situation. Incredible.
>Cell got defeated by saiyans. Vegeta, being their ruler, is responsible for theor victory
>In a way, Vegeta defeated Cell by sending his minions to kill him
Never before, have I seen such cope.
The dullest anime episode was more hype than an entire irrelevantnga arc.
God I could write an essay about his facial expression.
>still lying
Jesus christ Juan
>proves me right
No, you've proved me right.
I finally understand that you're a Gokufag, because you both have brain damage
Me? I would just list all of the synonyms of "bland"
>With all arguments defeated, this is the best Pablo can muster now
Jobs to a cube
Of course, you're a Keklycuck.
>Jihad the fucking ren
Without using thesaurus? Doubt it.
Not an argument.
>Based Vegetafag has Shitkuslippers to keep his lowly vassal in his place
No I will be using one, can you give me some links Jobrenbro? I'm sure you know quite a few.
>spamming avatarfaggot Tardkufag BTFO and all his trash deleted
>The battle got paused because of Vegeta’s sudden death and then resumed in RoF, where Vegeta won
That's one of the funniest lines I've seen in these threads. Vegetafags are my new friends now.
what a serious case of mental illness, hope she's gotten better
>not even trying anymore
Okay Juan, I will be a good master and read your previous reply and BTFO one last time, you should be grateful
>there is no established fact, be it feat or dialogue, that explains how and why Goku knows how to do Hakai
And that means nothing because as far there's nothing contradicing Goku learning Hakai, there's nothing with Goku learning Hakai. I know you are clinically retarded but I'm sure you can understand this I you focus: For scenes/statements/facts to be inconsistent there should be previous information contradicting the new one.
Nothing contradicts Goku's Hakai so there's nothing wrong with Goku's Hakai, period. Demand an explanation for something that we know that can happen without contradictions with previous info (like Trunks knowing Final Flash in the anime) is futile, you literally have zero arguments, it's like demand an explanation for Videl's hair to be shorter in Super when we know she can just cut it.
Enjoy your master's reply and fuck off now, you wasted enough of my time.
>Avatarspic got BTFO
>Gocuck posts deleted
And keep coping
>Celebrating censorship
You cannot seriously allow, Vegeta to take every morsel of credit, for every single victory overseen and carried out by Goku and everyone else (99.9% Goku)?
That is the embodiment of coping.
>t. Me
Why does Beerus look after her? What does he see in her?
Enter Kefla
Read the rules. Newshit.
>caring about the rules
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Fuck off
i like the designs, but it's the most boring big JRPG franchise in existence. can't believe japs were playing DQ1, DQ2 and the mediocre early FFs instead of Sega's far superior Phantasy Star 1 back in the late 80s, the beggining of DQ7 drags so much i even dropped the game entirely
DQ8 and DQ5 (remake) are good, but even these are 2nd tier jarpigs
based gaykubro
Exit Crapla
Gohan is so lucky
How boring it is and why?
Normies please leave
Lewd. And i don't think that mother and son can bond in that way user.
your disapproval doesn't change reality
Jiren the Gray vs. Broly
Infinite Strength vs. Limited Potential
The Strongest vs. The Strong
10% Body Fat
Calm vs. Aggressive
Stoical vs. Hyperemotional
Intelligent vs. Unintelligent
Rugged Masculinity vs. Femininity
Heterosexual vs. Homosexual
A Scholar vs. A Brute
Tall vs. Small
Natty vs. Juicehead
Stronger than Gogeta vs. Weaker than Gogeta
Never forgot about his Family/Master vs. Forgot about his loving Father
Most beloved character in the franchise vs. A shitty remake of OG Broly
the best part about the toeishill still mad about Hakai is that he doesn't know Beerus outright stated it was part of Goku's training anyway when Goku asked "why didn't you tell me this technique couldn't destroy an immortal?"
Why do the u6 saiyans have all the cute girls?
>shitku poster gets one reply pointing at the fact that nobody takes him seriously
CHADren poster gets nine replies pointing towards his superiority in these threads and the superiority of his fellow Jirenscholars.
it's extremely old-school, repetitive even for JRPG standards and slow-paced, even DQ8 (one of the best of the series) has slow as fuck battles
it's a shame because Toriyama puts much more effort on his DQ designs than on his own DB designs
>4'10 sticcs
gross, fuck off.
still wonder what her canon design will be? that's if they ever age her up and she's not stuck like trunks and goten.
>implying you have to spell the name of the attack for it to work
B to the A to the S to the E to the D
Are you blind?
>And that means nothing because as far there's nothing contradicing Goku learning Hakai, there's nothing with Goku learning Hakai.
Nice goalpost moving there, Pablo. This entire argument has been about whether or not you can provide some concrete evidence as to how or why Goku is able to use Hakai. You've been pussyfutting and deflecting all this time, and now that you know you are unable to provide said evidence, you have decided to try and revise everything to "b-but it doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense because this or that!!". The fact that you would resort to this means that you acknowledge your defeat by me.
>Comparing something like ki techniques, some of which we know are only available to certain characters, to Videl cutting her hair
I know you were trying to be cute with the false equivalence but you just kinda fell flat on your face with it.
Cope. Seethe. Then kill yourself.
>Brolyfag keeps posting Broly's naked silicone-injected ass
>got banned from Yea Forums for posting a trap's bulge, she wasn't even naked
the absolute state of Yea Forums's mods, what a bunch of fags
I wish the Jirenscholars weren't so much smarter than me...
It'll be a miracle if we get back to the characters' EoZ designs, never mind going past them.
It's mainly just to mess with Vegeta.
You must be literally mentally handicapped if that's the case.
Just stop, Camelbros... It's over... They post stuff like this We post stuff like this It's disheartening to know that they're just THAT much more intelligent...
>gayku scared of a girl
Jobrentards just try so hard to be accepted here, they steal huntercucks' gimmicks and spend so much time in wiki and dictionaries just to try and impress the rest of us in the threads. They are pathetic creatures with so much free time on their hands.
Camelbro.. Shut the fuck up or you'll invite their intellectual wrath...
>How is this color? Isn't it beautiful? If I were to name it in your style, it would be... Rosé. Yes... 'Super Saiyan Rosé.'
It will be a while before they string something together from the dictionary don't worry.
You're going to get us all killed camelbro...
Stop annoying me, Jobrendog
Camelbro... Do you want them to rip us to bloody tatters with their unmatched lexicon again?
Who is in the best position here?
Unironically, will Broly come back? I thought yes at first because Goku wanted a rematch but then I remembered that, in Toriyama's version, Goku never even had a rematch with Hit, who he conceded to directly because he wanted a rematch. And Toriyama only created him on editorial mandate, and gave him a pretty fitting endgame. So there might just be no plans to use Broly again.
I want those gains.
>Jobren-dono... you jobbed your best
>Jobbo... I can finally see why you chose me as your best friend... We were always destined to job together, it's a shame I could only realize that at the very end
The editors will just force Toriyama to use Broly again
Fucking based best friendship. Not like that tsundere garbage from Keku and BEJITA SAMA.
Obviously Goku.
You feel that? The reality is shaking.
So you 50 keep making those threads these days?
B to the A to the S to the E to the D !
JI Mother Fucking REN !!
18> bulma > chichi > zangya
Change my mind
These threads are amazing and I'm glad they exist.
holy shit you're gay. seek sunlight and employment as soon as humanly possible.
I wonder how Sabat will ruin the SSBE scene today?
she's not a woman, she's just a thing
the hottest female in all Dragon Ball was pigtails Videl
honorable mentions: Launch, mermaid from Dragon Ball, Maron and Ranfan
>Fictional character good haha
You blindly swear allegiance to a group of nonsensical idiots.
Itll be called autonomous ascended blue
oh wait, I can already see how
Jiren bailandose un cumbion bien piola
no difference
based Incelrenbro!
Enjoy your skin cancer.
enough with the fucking pedoshit.
if uub DID get introduced proper, would that confirm that they are indeed retconning the entire EoZ arc? because until now i still thought WELL MAYBE they don't necessarily retcon it with super because it's not like anyone was going all out during the tournament and beerus could've just fucked off back to his planet during that time.
>if uub
Stopped reading right there.
What tier is ranfan?
Pedoshit aside, solid list. Get rid of this, move Mai and Kale tier down each and it's perfect.
Yeah, they already said that Super will lead to EoZ and nothing in EoZ contradicts Super, so there are no plotholes.
I think timelines don't match, we are four years before EoZ, and Vegeta and Goku see each other constantly, despite there being supposedly a 5 years gap between them meeting before EoZ,
>5 years was just an exaggeration [raughs]
Based Dr Gero. Tell 17 he's a faggot for me.
they can just retcon that from 5 to 4 years
CHADhan's age was changed in the beginning of DBZ and the androids from the future were introduced as 19 and 20
Senor Bejita por favor bese a mi esposa
You fucker copied even the filename
Why is SHITren so weak?
Dyspo Dyspo
Said nobody who knows proper English.
*Chadren, strong
Sorry, my hand slipped.
I'm sorry bros, these ideas are so good... its just Toriyama doesn't care about writing something good.
Is this actually what killed him?
"Because he’s the strongest. (laughs) Even including the TV anime, nobody exists in the world who’s stronger than Broli. I mean, even Vegeta, Prince of the Saiyans, was trembling in fear. (laughs) I felt that there’s no way that kind of mightiest being would die in a single outing. After all, there were kids who cried at Broly’s overwhelming strength when they saw ‘Burn Up!!’ at Shueisha’s preview screening. (laughs) It’s always difficult coming up with an enemy for Goku, because I’d constantly have to escalate their strength. So, he ended up appearing three times.”
No one in DBZ is stronger than OG Broly if he got his way, Toriyama just did it for him...
>confirming what SeththeCHAD already knew, that OG GODly is stronger than Janemba, Gogeta, Buu, and Vegito
>Shueisha’s preview screening
Kek, reminder that the obsessed Jobrentard thinks that Toei made NuBroly when in fact it was the CEO of the DB room, a Shueisha employee that asked Toriyama to make a movie about Broly.
Jiren copes hard after losing the ToP
The only thing confirmed is that Takao would make Broly stronger than them, chodrenbro.
Jiren grows immeasurably as a character after the ToP. I wouldn't expect an ESL camel like (You) to appreciate the subtle nuances of his philosophically-sound character arc.
Rent fucking free.
>weaker than Belmond (except brute force-wise)
>weaker than Quitela
>weaker than Beerus
>weaker than Goku
>weaker than Gogeta
>weaker than Vegetto
>weaker than Broly
>weaker than Moro
>weaker than Zamasu
>if you count Heroes, weaker than Cumber and Hearts too
>people discussing DBS
>indistinct tard moans coming from a corner
>only the word "Jiren" can be discerned being repeated over and over
>look over to see a drooling retard on a wheelchair wearing a sombrero with a Jiren voodoo doll on his hands
These threads are a riot.
>all this coping headcanon from the ESL sandfucker
>except brute force-wise)
>proceeds to spam his bait pic that says "by skill alone"
Imagine tripping over your shit bait.
It's an ESL Copelycamel, you can't expect much from riffraff like that.
No one cares about Jiren outside these threads. It's pathetic
I'm not gay
>Post says NOTHING on Nu-Dogly
>I-I-I-I-I-I-I know i-i-i-it's the Copelycamel
Don't let me catch you posting in MY fucking threads again, you hear me, you little promo taco?
Jobrencamels still salty for being exposed as pajeets lmao
Stop with the self-inserting, you goddamn larping Jirenfaggots.
Jiren will most likely never show up in DBS again, and if he does? He'll just get his ass kicked by the newest, "strongest" bad guy that gets introduced because plot.
I cannot, repeat, Cannot, let me be redundant, CANNOT BELIEVE how fucking, repeat, FUCKING based you are right now.
Lost to Goku
Lost to Vegeta
Lost to Freeza
Lost to 17
Lost to Freeza
Lost to Roshi
>Oneshotted Roshi
I knew Toyopups were revisionist little cucks, but holy shit.
Enter Cheelai.
>replies to OP
Look at this retarded newfag
JI motherfucking CHAD cha REN
Enter Cheelai again.
Nice headcanon Pacco
I want Jiren to join the Z fighters and all be friends :)
This. Once Jiren sees the Evil Doer, he's going to have a roaring PTSD and lose. The Evil Doer is potentially a bigger CHAD than Jiren.
would jiren be able to fly on nimbus?
> clones of himself out of literally nowhere
They explained how he is able to do that though.
Kneel before me.
Shitren is a joke, that devil is Tambourine level at best.
You know, I thought about his notion for a while, Jirenfags typically say that Jiren himself lives on a Brolyfags head 'rent free'. But what I say now that the only fans in these threads that places Jiren on their minds all day is Jirenfags themselves. In these type of threads, there are those who would want to place a figure for the masses to see, and if any person would want to conceive slander to that figure, then there are those who would reluctantly defend it. In these threads Jirenfags uses Jiren, a fictional character as their idol. They use Jiren as a way to escape reality before them. In the series, Jiren is a type of being that would fight alone and pushes others away. Once Jiren rejects friendship altogether after a cataclysmic childhood he chooses to fight for strength and the idea of friendship would only make him weaker. During the ToP, his ideals were shattered once he fought Goku. The idea of strength goes different between those two individuals. One is an idea of rejecting friendship, and another idea of strength is trusting and opening up to others. After the ToP, Jiren loses the tournament to learn a valuable lesson, and the person that would get him back on his feet is Toppo, a 'friend' of Jiren.
Jirenfags uses Jiren due to how Jiren encompasses the ideal of pushing away others for the benefit of yourself. Jirenfags would then use/make threads to talk about Jiren for most of the time, every thread is spammed to this character because Jiren lives on their head most of the time. Its quite vexing to know that they didn't learn to move on just like Jiren did after the ToP. I know there's going to be a lot Jirenfags that would disagree with me, but it doesn't matter to me in the slightest, they'll either use the same type of words they'll say, or make an civilized analysis on my thoughts, I don't care either way, they're worshiping a fictional character anyway, I don't think they can go lower than that...
Shut the fuck up retard
He is like 150kg of raw fucking muscles. So I doubt it.
>caught an exhausted Roshi off guard
Too bad he couldn't do it when face to face with Roshi, like a man.
>this pathetic damage control
>h-h-he was off-guard
That embarrassing oneshot was in direct response to PATHETICshi attacking CHRISTren again, you disingenuous, revisionist little ESL camelfucking Toyodog.
Broly gets to sniff this!??
>moving the goalposts
Anyone else?
Jirincels are truly pathetic
I have never lost an argument in my entire life
I have a ten inch penis
My girlfriend is a supermodel
I am both immensely financially and spiritually rich
Which DBS character is my favorite, anons?
>But what I say now that the only fans in these threads that places Jiren on their minds all day is Jirenfags themselves.
Stopped reading due to the egregious IESLB.
>complaining that people like fictional characters on a fucking dbs thread.
>implying that Jirenscholars didn't learn anything from Jichad the fucking Ren.
I can smell the steam from your seething under all that passive-aggressive diatribe.
Now FALL SILENT or experience intellectual wrath.
I have been out getting stoned and sucked off, nice to see you so obsessed with me, Shitrentards.
هابي عيد
Disgusting addict. Get the fuck out of MY threads.
Based Scholar, putting Coperencamels to their knees...
Beerus, naturally. ;)
I fucking look up to people like you.
>putting Coperencamels to their knees
Fucking based
I fucking love being a Jirenscholar.
>I am both immensely financially and spiritually rich
You just needed to say this BrolyGOD friend.
Fall. He exposed you. Here ye that his titanic wrath is unmatched before you, an unyielding being that strikes forth to partake of your flesh. Now go. Your master calls.
I specialize in Linguistics, Applied Mathematics, Quantum Computing, History and Feng Shui as a hobby.
Oh, did I mention I like JIGRAY THE RED?
>SHITrenscholar specialized in wiki cropps and coping
>all this pathetic samefagging
Absolutely abhorrent.
>Jobrentard samefagging
Based and cringepilled
Hail Satan!
> Samefag calling out samefagging in the regularly scheduled DBS samefagging thread
Do you think he cries out of shame when samefagging? Or do you think his retardation prevents him from feeling any sort of shame?
Based Scholaren bro. I specialize in computer information science (A.Sc.), history (B.A.), economics (B.Sc.), and international business (M.B.A.).
You KNOW I had to do it to them.
>seething babble
The ESL camels are too animalistic to be that self-aware.
HI my name is Jiren and I jack off to feet pics from strange women
He even said it.
Would you look at that? I lose yet AGAIN.
Sad life, Jobrentard
>2016 meme
>outed himself as a samefagging cuck
Discarded, kneel.
Did anti-Jiren manolos just get baited into samefagging?
They always have, and always will.
They got embarrassingly outmaneuvered by the peerless intellect of the Jirenscholars, yes.
I accept your concession
They will NEVER be BASED as us.
They're done. They're nothing.
Enjoy your ban
Hmm... Jirenbros? Are we just gonna let him BTFO us like that? I'm, like, LITERALLY shaking right now, I can't EVEN right now...
OUT of this den of intellectualism and manly CHADness. OUT.
I honestly kinda want to fuck Whis. He has such playful, teasing eyes hnnng.
>35 minutes up