When does it get good?

When does it get good?
this feels like a massive step down from part 3

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When Rohan shows up.

>a massive step down from part 3
Part 3 wasn't good though

It doesn't. Skip to Part 5.

Just skip to the episodes with Kira. You're literally not missing anything.

Missed potential: the part. Imagine if Araki actually remembered the past josuke.

He never planned that.

Part 5 is the worst until the last 7 chapters or so. Maybe 5.

OP keep watching, part 4 gets comfy fast

>Skip Part 5

When are you going to stop making these threads? Watch it or don't, nobody gives a shit

4 was shit lol. Kira was the worst villain next to Part 1 Dio

I'm not saying it's good, I'm saying it gets comfy.

>another thread to talk shit about DiU
Cringe. It's the second best part and has the best villain.

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Shut the fuck up.


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vatards have arrived, abandon thread

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really hoping this joke isnt lost on everyone but it probably will be

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Not trying to be funny, I don't know another word that conveys the same as comfy

Learn to read.


> a massive step down from part 3
it is.

What is the best part?
Im curious of your plebian tastes.

Part 4 never gets good. Most of the characters are annoying as hell. Going from Caesar, Lisa Lisa, Kakyoin and Polnareff to Koichi, Yukako and Shigechi was painful.

Kira is a horrible villain. It's impossible to take him seriously when he blew his own cover because he was retarded enough to carry a severed woman's hand in his pocket and actually take it out several times. The image of a man carrying something like that around is certainly creepy, but it's still incredibly stupid of him. His introductory arc is literally him getting himself into a series of situations because of his own stupidity. It wasn't because Jotaro and Josuke and the others were smart enough to track him down, he was just really, really dumb. Kira has a powerful Stand, but he was a serious idiot - convenient that the main characters are mostly even bigger idiots.

>part 5
Nah, 5 and 6 both suck
If you're planning on skipping Part 4, you may as well just jump straight to Steel Ball Run.

Part 2 obviously.

Based and josephpilled

For me all parts are bad, some more than others. I still didn't watched part 5 and didn't read 6 and above, but so far, I would say that 2 > 4 > 3 > 1.

What JoJo really has is good characters.

>When does it get good?
as usual, when the main antagonist arrive
we'r still waiting in part 8

Jobin arrived like 50 chapters ago

then kira's dad comes to make the story shittier

Stands and Villains of the Week ruined Jojo.

episode 21 I believe, when Kira shows up

Guy you responded to here. 2 > 4 > 1 >~ 3 > 5

Yet stands>hamon and the villains are better

Good taste


It's better depending on your taste. If you want the P3 formula of "battle of the weak vs minions of mr big boss!" skip to P5. If you dont like cozy feels and goofing off, basically Arakis take on a SoL type shounen, you wont enjoy P4.

Part 4 is more like daily hyginks.
If you're into a more standard shounen fare, part 3 is your best one, other than arguably part 7, but that's something...

Part 4 is hardly anime. It's more like a western cartoon.

I can only guess as to what you want from your shows, but my best guess is that you prefer shounen battle action with world ending stakes and over the top emotions compared to little town of pranks with a shadow of doom all self contained.