the cutest couple ever to be posted on /a
i wonder how will they get to the next steps
The cutest couple ever to be posted on /a
Aoba just needs to get a Wakaba mask when they make love, though we all know Kou will be railing Akane anyway.
me x my favorite loli
There. I posted the cutest couple ever on Yea Forums
What? (show)
The 2nd choice can never be a part of the cutest couple.
MIX: A Meisei Story
I love how subtle Adachi romances are.
"Subtle" as in "something happens between the main couple once in 15 episodes"?
When it does happen, it's always a home run.
Should I watch Touch or Crossgame?
Maison Ikkoku, actually
Watch both, faggot.
No, better: read Touch, Cross Game and Rough.
Subtle as in the couple are confident to their own relationship, making it oblivious to the rest of the cast, avoiding such shitty drama like other romcoms.
No, best reading order should be : Touch > Rough > Cross Game > Katsu > H2 before reading MIX
H2 spoiled everything i read after cuz it has almost everything that makes Adachi manga enjoyable : dry humor, romance development, team work and camaraderie, family love, blatant fanservice, shameless self-advertising, meta jokes and 4th wall breaking/retcons. Also,shitty adults and dirty players are more prevalent in H2 than other series.
Is it faster to read the manga of touch? The anime is like over 100 episodes.
Wrong, Sakura and Shaoran has it beat
It's always faster to read manga, but the Touch anime is really well done. Dunno why anyone would recommend the manga over it.
It was faster for me but I honestly dont like Touch (particularly Tatsuya and Minami). I havent watched the anime because of Adachi's early artstyle, Who knows, watching the anime might let you hold better opinions of the characters than the manga.
hard pass
I'm all for bullying people who ask for recommendations but that's going a little too far.
>all that buildup over 40+ episodes
>really understated 3 minute payoff
I dunno what I was expecting but I felt underwhelmed to be honest
Eh, I didn't like H2.
The beginning is pretty good, but at some point the love square becomes so repetitive that it spoiled all the fun for me.
There arent tho, only cumulative doubts and lingering attachments that over time become a bigger issue than they should be. But such is drama in young love. It doesnt happen overnight and thats how most drama issues should be.
If you take note of those moments, you will likely see the developments heading to both positive and negative directions, and the manga ends with a logical conclusion for both pairings. A pity most childhood friend fags dont realize that.
Still, heartwarming moments are always between bros.
>the cutest couple ever
> No chihiro x keima
what's wrong with you user?
full page spread vs animation.
the full page is better than any animated moment