I already lost interest in fireforce, accelerator, and copcraft this season :DDD

I already lost interest in fireforce, accelerator, and copcraft this season :DDD

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read the source then nigger

fire force is kino tho
good fights in the last ep

kino isn't a replacement word for good animation

Good for you.

Accelerator source is trash though. Not a huge fan of the anime either but it's a big improvement still

>wahhh my animation quality

Disgusting. If you can only appreciate a single aspect of a piece of media, you're a filthy casual.

I love cop craft I just wish it had more budget

watch dr. bazinga. its fun

This. What's with so many shows this season looking like they were scraped together with about 500 yen? Is the entire industry in dire straights?

japan virtue signaled this years budget into the kyoani fund

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Is that even a word?

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you're a filthy casual if you don't notice shit like that after watching countless other anime.

i wounder where will all that money end up

yep, totally kino and a fun watch, although the plot is rather.. whatever.

Quantity over quality has been the method for the last few years.

least you still have yaiba
episode that just aired was great

I'm about to watch it ftw

Well get the fuck off Yea Forums before you get spoilt, it's incredible

Well friend what did you think?

So watch "have sex" the anime

Attached: HAVE_SEX.png (566x720, 298K)

9/10 rewatching now