Well Yea Forums? How does their taste compare to ours?

Well Yea Forums? How does their taste compare to ours?

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>care about Reddit.

Of fucking course le science meme anime is number 1

>Reddit mobile screenshot
Deserves a public ban

What the fuck, I love reddit now!

Well get the fuck out then fag

This and only this.

You guys weren't kidding when you said Dr. Stone is reddit.

I hate Brazilians so much.

Considering half of modern Yea Forums uses reddit, I'd say it's about a 70% match.

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Fuck off newfaggot scum.

Bit pissed that Tejina is even on the list, I was hoping against hope it would be left alone for the most part.


No we don't, and you need to go back.

>Dr Stoned that high

Why? Also, nice to see Carol and Tuesday failing. FUCK NETFLIX and FUCK LIBERALS

>implying projection

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Why did you abandon your last thread OP

>Considering half of modern Yea Forums uses reddit
Speak for yourself and also leave

How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

You really think the majority of Yea Forums isn't on reddit? Are you blind to the state of Yea Forums over the past few years? Are you really this blind and retarded?

Also, how does me saying that imply that I use it? Sounds like you're just trying to fit in instead of face facts.

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of course fucking doctor reddit is number 1

Where's AOTS Maou-sama Retry and Uchinomusume?

Yea Forums and r/anime are truly the 'twin peaks' of the modern anime community. Yea Forums represents the women and homosexuals, advancing the cause of yuri, yaoi, otome isekai and their newest acquistion, CGDCT. Meanwhile, reddit represents the normalfag audience. And this is a recent development, surprisingly. But they represent the normalfag audience, who are mainly interested in shounen faire, with a hint of normalfag-adjacent otaku shows. But, then, the question is who represents then the harembros, the most persecuted and bravest of the anime community? I will never tell you the answer to that one, I'm afraid.

Ingest cyanide, moron.

>Cop Craft that low
fucking shit taste

I've never once considered using reddit. Neither should anyone here.

>Yea Forums represents the women and homosexuals, advancing the cause of yuri, yaoi, otome isekai and their newest acquistion, CGDCT
How new would you have to be to say that CGDCT is a "new aquisition"? Stop embarassing yourself

>thread still up

Well, CGDCT used to be aligned with harem anime, and the male otaku audience. As was certain yuri, to an extent. But, now they largely belong to women and homosexuals, with harembros now having to stand alone

A lot of people in that thread are seething that Dr. Stone is above their favourite cartoon. I guess those same people complain about it on Yea Forums too.

>Well Yea Forums? How does their taste compare to ours?
Where is the difference at this point?

you need to go back

There used to be a time when Reddit was never even mentioned on Yea Forums. Of course, crossboarders from Yea Forums spread their boogeyman here, over time. I honestly do not give a single fuck about Reddit or what they like, just shut the fuck up about it.