Shingeki no Kyojin

There are 4 persons here. Eren is holding Ymir (the baby with the eyelashes). Eren died and stayed in the Paths. The other part is Zeke holding his nephew.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want to mount the Mikasa!

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sex with Gabi

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Why does Eren keep making her cry?

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Is there any updated version?

What was so important about Mehmet-kun for Eren?

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Why does Zeke bully her?

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Did everyone forget about the "To you, 2000 years in the future".

I assume every King/Queen got to live 13 years and then passed the FT to next succesor so 145 * 13 = 1885. The Walls were created in the year 743. As for chapter 119 we are in the year 854. So 111 years passed from that moment.

Now we add 111 years to 1885 and we get number 1996.

Next we have to remember when Eren received FT and AT from his father, it was in 845. Adding 13 years to that date we get information that curse of Ymir will activate in 858.

858 (Year of Eren curse mark) - 854 (Current year) equals 4. We add 4 to 1996 and we get 2000.
Meaning exactly 2000 years will pass since Ymir died.

What does it mean in the context of the new chapter?

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Eren is a turkish name
t. turk whose name is also Eren

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Her mother is a whore that seduced his otouto.

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I want Zeke to rape me

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best ship

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Yumiru Reiss Yeager, please be my wife.

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stop this meme

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>Lets go to the next memory, Zeke. Its time for you to see how I impregnated Historia

>isayama still can't get basic human anatomy right

YOU are based

Why is Eren Eren's mother?

What if it's
>To you, 2000 years from now... you are free
And it's Ymir sending a message to herself? Maybe Eren freed her by taking her place or something

Because GODke raped him

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>Abundance of baby Ereh pics
Isayama must be swimming in Abe's money with his wife right now.

Si Dios nos separó en continentes por algo sería

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If EH becomes Canon, what will you do?

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Masturbate because my ship became canon.


Enjoy uncle Zeke memes


Celebrate? Live my life happily? Buy several copies of each volumes?

Feel happy for a week and then go straight into depression because i spent the best years of my life caring for a fictional ship and arguing with degenerates on an anime board.

>AApedo projecting

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I'll ponder about it for a day and get over it

Stop reading SnK manga cause that will possible be the last chapter reveal.

Celebrate and shitpost

>the pic is cute
>seething so much with Eren you can't even see the manlet

Fuck off fishmonger bastard.

I don't care about this shit.

Don't lewd the baby

If 'farmer is the father' becomes Canon, what will you do?

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Seethe and drop it

I want to say it was more fun back then but it really wasn't.

As an AAchad it is my duty to remind that Isayama dislikes both AM and EM pairings. Childhood friends hooking up is disgusting.

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AMchads won

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>4 season will be an NHK show
It all makes sense now.

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Post my EH drawings

>growing taller than mikasa


So AMfags sperg against EM but conviently forget that it faces the same issues as AM?

I dont think it will be the final chapter, its very likely next ch since they are going through all the fragments of the memories, one of which was historia crying.

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That mean everything gonna be censored like s3 part 2 ?

Nothing? It's just a manga

Watch the shitposting with annoyance and hope it will stop at least for the last chapter.

Celebrate and start reread the manga again.

>zero Zeke doujins

>they are going through all the fragments of the memories
No they likely aren't. They will most likely only go through the memories relevant to the discussion at hand : the ones that prove Eren wasn't loved (already 90% proven false) and is manipulated (still 0% proven false).

Women hate incels


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I'm still waiting

If we only went through two fragments in one chapter, it would take forever to get through them all. Not to mention the AU fragment.

But Zeke is too hot

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She is literally his slave

There might've been some that never were scanned.

Why is Armin standing on top a box?

When snk ends how will japanese population be affected?

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I had forgotten about this page, kind of interesting to see that Historia was a love child.
Was it ever explained why exactly Alma was such an irredeemable cunt? Rod clearly saw more than just a sexual attraction for the domestic servant so clearly she had some good qualities.
Wouldn’t that be interesting if she was already married and farmer turned out to be the legitimate kid she had with her real husband, Historia’s half brother?
She hated Historia, because she’s a product of an affair that took her away from her real family.
Could be part of the reason why Historia doesn’t seem to get along with him very much, despite apparently being trustworthy enough to put up a front so Zeke or the military doesn’t sniff out Eren, and also his familiarity with her.
Historia’s disposition toward her half-brother (if he is) would mirror Eren’s toward his own in this case.

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>Childhood friends hooking up is disgusting.
Then why does he love FG so much?

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Buy myself some popcorn and enjoy the inevitable Hall of Anal Devastation that will follow. Also pour myself a drink and celebrate because beyond the seething it causes, I've considered EH as a good pair ever since Uprising.

Shitpost one day after the reveal and then hope every shipfag will give up and leave.

That would be weird kek, but I'm curious about farmer's face, why hide it so much

I'm more interested in how was she able to to see Rod's memories.

They also need to go through the memories that would demonstrate the faultiness in Zeke's ideology, which is based on the fact that existence as an Eldian isn't worth experience due to the inevitable pain and suffering it will cause for oneself and for others, and that part isn't limited to Zeke's daddy issues, as fun as it might be to meme about.
Eren's own memories (or rather apecific ones) are they key, imo.

Mine tumblr salt for the next Hall of Anal Devastation.

They are hypocrites that argue that EM makes no sense because Eren doesn't have any romantic feelings for Mikasa but ignore that AM have never shown romantic feelings for each other either.

Royals have the privilege to trigger the titan powers of other people just by touching them.
Rod was a titan and she was in contact with him during his death.

Don't know about the letter bullshit in the anime, though.

You might be looking too deep into it, methinks. From what I gathered from that chapter, the point was for Historia settle the score with her father and get rid of her daddy issues by putting an end to him and getting the opportunity to see the kind of life he led and what brought him to this point. It also served to introduced the idea of royal blooded folks as PATHS/memories wizards.

>Falco's memories when Ymir was rebuilding his body

Party all night and post screenshot of anti-EH fags

What I still don't understand is why the fuck the ruler of the walls wasn't allowed to have a bastard child.

They were the Eldian royal family and a bunch of nobles descended from Karl's foreign buddies. Rod didn't have any religious or moral obligation to stay faithful to his wife.

>These threads get worse with every chapter
>Even the fake previews are resulting in shipfaggotry of all types
>There’s going to be a complete meltdown on all sides when the father is revealed, regardless of whether it's Eren or Farmer

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This, Isayama changed when his wife showed her basement to him. AM is perfect and soon to be canon

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>I had forgotten about this page, kind of interesting to see that Historia was a love child.

We already knew Historia was the result of an affair.

>Was it ever explained why exactly Alma was such an irredeemable cunt? Rod clearly saw more than just a sexual attraction for the domestic servant so clearly she had some good qualities.

Well Rod basically raped her because the massive power imbalance in their relationship meant refusing his advances was impossible. Having Historia basically ruined her life cause she had to stay on the farm and could never leave.

>Wouldn’t that be interesting if she was already married and farmer turned out to be the legitimate kid she had with her real husband, Historia’s half brother?

Farmer didn't understand as a child why Historia could never leave her farm. Surely he would know why, if his own mother were also being kept there. The farm was also owned by Historia's grandparents and thus Alma's parents, who would presumably know if she had other children.

>Could be part of the reason why Historia doesn’t seem to get along with him very much, despite apparently being trustworthy enough to put up a front so Zeke or the military doesn’t sniff out Eren, and also his familiarity with her.

Farmer worked at Historia's farm because he felt indebted to her. If they were related, that surely would have been brought up by him at some point. Not to mention Historia hooking up with her half brother would be a giant red flag even independent of the other suspicious circumstances.

I also don't see how any of this would lead to Historia resenting him. She knows better than to blame someone else for how Alma treated her.


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Didn't Alma have Rod's child in the hopes that that would make her part of the royal family or something? But she was ostracized instead

Based, now change stupid expression Armin has

We already have Zeke and Frieda for the older half sibling parallel.


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That’s cringe papa

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Most doujinshis are made by fujos. Zeke can't be paired wit someone popular.
ZE is incest and weird and ZL gets too much hate with all the ErwLfujos seething over it.

>Arminfags thought that he'd grow to become tall and manly looking

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>ZE is incest and weird
Even with that it raises fewer red flags than LE does.

>tfw Huntertards are trying to create a war and don't even read the manga

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You want out of the paths or not?

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I admit I thought so too. But now I'm glad that he is still a twink. Makes my favorite ship more appealing.

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Nothing wrong with incest

True Arminchads like him the way he is now

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Even though it fucked them over in the end anyway, I imagine the aristocratic elite wanted all royal blooded individuals to be controlled and accounted for as official members of the Reiss family, and a Reissman fucking everything in a skirt would pop out a bunch of royal blooded Eldian bastards outside of the inner circle.
Could be also that Royal Eldians are as inbred as the Habsburgs inorder to keep their blood as pure as possible so that the Founding Titan is still usable, which is why their pedigree is so tightly controlled.

>I admit I thought so too
Why would you think that when the anime gave him such a girly voice?

Good, now make Armin like half a head shorter than Mikasa and done

>only if you torture the uncle

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On it.

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Genocide Power Couple

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Why does Hisu have her arm like that?

(He is so cool and so cute)

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>Hisu standing on manlet's box

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>Scrooge had a partner named Marley

>Zeke is wearing his clothes from Marley

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Because she has to rape him to provide an heir, Eren only loves Gabi


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>p-please talk about my loli
Fuck off Gabopedo

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Sometimes the girly characters grow up to be more manly. I thought it would be a nice way to troll the fandom.

Is this merch? It's pretty cute

Luckily the turkroaches got assraped. But why is that muzzie getting attention from Eren. He is a literally who that I don't even remember anymore


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Maybe he was a mini spy.

If anyone is a turk it would be Kruger.

Has Falco jerked off to Gabi yet?
If so, how many times?

Sorry, wrong image.

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Why do people believe Levi will be a cripple in a wheelchair when the Ackermen are shown to recover much more quickly after injuries? Hell it took Mikasa a week to fully recover after having her ribs crushed.

Eren is a turkish name, so the MC is a turk. Accept it, user.

Would be kino desu

Oops, used another wrong one

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>big eyes
>gently sloping forehead and nose
>high cheekbones
>lush, long dark hair
>messy eyebrows add an imperfect stunningness
Why is Eren so BEAUTIFUL?!?!?!

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She is feeling his boner against her underwear in this page

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>This was all just a ruse so Frieda could spend eternity in the paths dimension with her husbando

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Did you see how cute she looks like that? I too would make her cry as much as I can if I were Eren.

Most people here hate him and want him out of the manga.
I do believe he will heal. Hell, Hanji can even inject him with titan serum and then we can finally find out if Ackermans can turn into titans or not.

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But he was named after an entirely different character. If LH named a child after Onyankopon it wouldn't suddenly turn their kid black.

If Isayama wanted he could go full Abe with these two


>implying Hisu didn't, on several occasions at least, order the MPs to kidnap Eren, tie him down to a bed, gag him, undress him, and make sure he didn't escape while she mercilessly rode his BIG ELDIAN DICK over his pleas to let him go

Reminder that EH were classmates too.

I bet Falco has a huge dick

Why is Zeke so tsundere? If he wanted he could just eat Eren just after that but instead he still wants his otouto

I hope he tells her he drank the wine and nothing happened.
Also hating him is a meme. Plenty of people here like him, you should have seen those character tier lists when they were being posted.

When did she cry in the first image? I don't remember.

Classmates =/= childhood. They barely talked and they started to get closer in their teens


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I don't think you understand the meaning of the word. Zeke has never hidden how much he loves his brother.

When Eren had his breakdown in the cave

Why would Hange inject him? Even as a pure titan he'd be hugely less effective. No point doing it to save his life either since without a nearby shifter to sacrifice it's effectively the same as dying.

So like AA?

He was being suicidal at the moment and she felt bad for him

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And I hope both sides get btfo somehow

Uprising arc in the cave with Eren

I've been here for two years and all I saw was people wanting him dead.
Guess the only ones who don't hate him are shippers.

He's a hopeless brocon

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They didn't grow up as childhood friends like EMA, though. Heck, they weren't even friends at all until they were over 15.

There's still a chance!

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This is just a theory. But if we assume that Ackermans are just titans in human form, then they can also regenerate. That's why she should inject him.

We are on the same boat my friend

Do you like this translation more than the first one? I liked the
>I'm going to save the world... with you

that "EAT ME" has to be one of the most cringest lines he's ever said. someone needs to make a compilation of all the cringy lines though

>those dots in the second image
Was she actually trembling, there?

It's unironically more dead than EM

True. At first I was upset he was still a manlet but now I'm glad AA doesn't have such a creepily wide height gap like BA does.

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He won't heal in time to be useful

True but I think deep inside he was to be saved and Eren represents one of his reasons to live because he probably has been having fantasies about him saving him many times

He said himself that he won't abandon his little brother. He might be a deranged and emotionally stunted individual but his familial duty is clearly serious business for him.

They're both great and very "endgame brothers right here"

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Im going through the entire series again and its really sad how mishandled Mikasa is after Clash. After that kiss rejection, she should've had her separation arc start so she could start being her own character like Eren and Armin. Also would make the eventual EH shift later on feel more natural. People say Ymir got fucked over by Isayama but Mikasa takes the cake

I think so

AA is creepy and I'm not a BAfag

I know I like the newer translation more

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Kek nobody said you were, user

>Gets away with it

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He's talking about classmates in the interview.

It's an EZ arc.

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t. Speedreader

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>Isayama thinks the yummiecurries are weird because they were classmates
I'm so done with this lesbophobic piece of shit author. Just when I thought he couldn't insult us YHtranssisters any more.

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It's gonna be a horrible ending for them, right?

He fucked up the development of everyone but Eren, Armin and Reiner desu.

Attached: so this is what hizuru's cousins do on their free time.png (2100x1324, 1.82M)

He is awful, even Jean is better

Buy some Blu-rays


Why are EHfags so obsessed with YHfags? I didn't even mention them nor do I ship them.


Will Araki kill himself after the reveal?

Eren and Historia were hight schoolers when they become friends. They didn't grow up together.

Is that Eren?

Endgame right here brothers.

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But she got some development in Uprising. I even started liking her again. She was separated from Eren most of the time and the Ackerman plot seemed promising.
She was kinda mishandled in RtS in my opinion. And of course after the time skip.

Yes, I think the artist is implying that Gabi would have passed him on the street at some point.


Falseflagging. EH shippers don't care about a dead ship.

Who was talking about EH?

Damn I fell you fellow EHbro

Place your bets on who's holding her at the end.

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They are afraid Historia really had feelings for Ymir

More like why you Armongfags are so obsessed with EHfags. I don't even hate YH but you rather eat all the falseflags and sperg behind other posters

Well farmer’s identity being obscured alongside everything else surrounding Historia right now is interesting. As noted when he first appeared, his uncommon familiarity in addressing Historia made people think he was more than an attendant. Him apparently being her fiancé made sense in that regard, but since the meta narrative points to him not being that, then that leaves old friends and an actual family member.
Since her paternal family is dead, that would leave Historia’s maternal family, who we don’t know anything about.

>Farmer didn't understand as a child why Historia could never leave her farm. Surely he would know why, if his own mother were also being kept there. The farm was also owned by Historia's grandparents and thus Alma's parents, who would presumably know if she had other children.
>Farmer worked at Historia's farm because he felt indebted to her. If they were related, that surely would have been brought up by him at some point. Not to mention Historia hooking up with her half brother would be a giant red flag even independent of the other suspicious circumstances.

Well considering nobody is supposed to know the Reiss’ are the actual royal family, I imagine confidently is paramount on their estates so perhaps no one knew shit.
Again, his identity is being obscured somewhat, so if farmer is Historia’s brother we wouldn’t know even if he is.
And if he knew as a child, why wouldn’t he throw rocks at her?

Accelerated growth Gabo

Why are you so obsessed with EHfags? I didn't mention them nor do I ship them.

I a gree about the timeskip but rts?

But that applies to your ship too AAtard

I think the question is what will shippers do when Edgeren dies a virgin.

But why? It's in the past. She's dead.

Where my ELsisters at?

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Stop generalizing retard

At least that faggot who thinks Ymir is a black male and everyone who doesn't hate Ymir is one person is gone (for now)


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EH can't happen Eren wouldn't just plow her until she was. She got pregant by farmer-kun is more realiably than Eren fucking her one time and leaving. Plus there were spies watching them.

You mean Allahfag? That hates everyone


Sad they didn't get more post timeskip moments

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That wouldn't change EH

yeah he shouldve pulled out major character development over the 5 day or whatever span of uprising and RtS

Hisu is FLAT

>Wedding ring

Who said he fucked her only 1 time ?
The theory that imply they just fucked one time is the accidental pregnacy theory.

Fuck, the heat is killing my brain. I was thinking about the end of Uprising where she interrupted EH with her jealousy.
But yeah, she was great in RtS. Finally showed how much she cares about Armin.

Basically all the posts I'm quoting are from the spic goblino creatura numale Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie aka Benhmed aka Mrs Braun.

>"B-B-BUT IM NOT BENJI!" screams the Redditor who also got quoted

It doesn't matter. Benji = soulless husk / NPC. You = soulless husk / NPC. Even if you have different shells on top of different devices, you are all shells without ghosts. You are soulless bug 'people' / automatons / golems for your Judea overlords.

I am not quoting one person, I am quoting NO person.

I bet YHfags will love to eat Gabopedo's bait

Delusional. Pic related makes more sense now.

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Waiting for emotional reunion.

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literally autism

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Where is Zeke's hand


on Levi's PP

The problem was that manlet because so fucking popular that he started hogging all the spotlight when it was time to have an overpowered 3DMG user, the only exception was when Mikasa got to help Eren in the WHT fight and even then she did nothing special other than surprise slice Porco.

RTS was an arc focused on the veterans at first and then on EH, while RTS was an arc focused on EAr with some smaller stuff for Erwin and Bert after the timeskip AMJSC became so irrelevant in the large scheme of things that the story could have easily ended with them stuck in prison until Eren rumbles the world.

>this kills the pedo

gas all gabipedos.

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Mikasa needing Armin to destroy Pieck is ridiculous after we saw what manlet can do.

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Armin should have just shifted and started stomping around instead of pretending that he is any capable at using the 3DMG.

Yep. That's what people mean when they say EHfags are obsessed with Ymir/YHfags

I remember this old poll

How the fuck don't they know whether that baby has got a penis or not?

Did Historia (Christa) actually ever interacted with Eren (Edgy preteen Eren) in the trainee camps?
They ironically didn't even exchange a glance in the Christa Kidnapping OVA.
I'm pretty sure their first interaction was post Utgardt, which is also around the time Isayama realized that he wanted to fuck Historia and stopped self inserting as Ymir.


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Too bad I tried to defend them once from that obsessed Sneed faggot but it seems they prefer to believe him so they can still hate others.

>focused on EH

Why does Eren like making her cry?

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We tried talking to them in one thread but as you said, this is what they want. Too bad Ymir has such a bad fans. YH wasn't even bad, but they falseflagger to keep hating then so be it

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Sorry, meant Uprising first.


>Eren had plenty of time to fall in love with Hisu in 4 years
>Armin getting any better in 3DMG in 4 years? No way

There is a continuation of this garbage?

They prefer the falseflaggers*


Funnily enough the same goes for EHfags

Who the fuck was talking about EH?

The whole conversation was about EH and it's usually EHfags who accuse others of being a certain character- or shipfag whenever someone doubts EH.

I'm not an Arminfag either. How did you even came to that conclusion?

Damn for a moment I thought this is LM.

Thank you for confirming what I said retard.

It's just a comparison.

I don't fall for any falseflag. If you want to talk, then talk
Yes, because no one insult EHfags or call EHfags to post that has nothing to do with EH

>AU fragment
Which? Don't remember seeing one.


>the state of this thread

Attached: 1556541771614.jpg (500x880, 134K)

Birth rate will rise coz EH, which was isayama's keikaku from the very start.

>I don't fall for any falseflag.
Maybe you don't, but others do. Or rather they want to fall for it.

Because you EHcucks and hongoloids with their retarded theory are the ones ruining these threads?
You are obsessed with Armin, at least he is better than your chuuni or your DETECTIVE HONGO XD

Zeke that nigga who tries to keep a 10 meter distance from females at all times.


Attached: EBcGLaaU0AArKCr.jpg (750x505, 51K)

>they want to fall for it.
They want
Look at the replies, don't waste your time with them, they want to complain and need to complain just like feminists need to believe every man is evil

Leave Historia to me Eren. I will take care of her.

Attached: 4320.farmer.jpg (377x250, 43K)

There's always flashbacks

Attached: D-ZmoIwU8AA-o0b.jpg (1200x1191, 261K)

>Armin should have just shifted and started stomping around
Preatty useless since he wouldn't be able to shift again (basically wasting a nuke) ,cause mostly problems to his allies(since the titans are destroing marley army and JC rekted reiner hard) and be completly useless against piek since his titan is low as a shit while her titan is literally the faster of the 9 titans

>As far as Eren knows, Zeke killed manlet to escape from him
>He still doesn't give a shit and actually seems to care for Zeke
Based Isayama shitting on all fujos


You mean the flashbacks that focused on Eren interacting with everyone else except for manlet while manlet spent his whole time with Hanji?

The top left corner

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>Don't even know your baby's gender
So Mikasa is dreaming?

>shitting on all fujos
Not on all, ZL is the winner
LE was always ugly

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Woa true, my shit quality manga page had me again, i totally looked like an idiot, thanks user.

Do Mikasa's headaches mean anything yet?

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LHbros, they'll see their granddaughter, Ymir, right?

Attached: 1565308249865.jpg (712x996, 174K)

No, I mean the flashbacks where they were alone together while enjoying each others company

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They'll come play with her every Sunday.

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Grandpa Levi! Granma Hange!

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Post your face when Zeke gets away with everything

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Based Uncle Zekebro

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Mehmet is Armin's wife's son and Armin is one of LH kids so you're not wrong.

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why are the scans of the official translation so badly cropped?

Looks like Eren told her to get pregnant, or that Historia wanted Eren to be the father but he rejected her.

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>Looks like Eren told her to get pregnant
For what purpose, brainlet-kun?


LM soon

Zeke deserves happiness

Attached: RQ4l-atrhsk.jpg (667x584, 55K)

Yes, EHfags want to bury this theory because it's too dangerous for them. I'm risking myself just by bringing this up.

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But I'm an EHchad and I talked about Mikasa's headaches

So she wouldn't eat Zeke you dumb EHfat

Why would she eat Zeke when Zeke would just scream the moment he sees he is going to be killed? He didn't even know Historia was pregnant

>Another ALL CAPS theory with nothing to back it up.

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God, this people. Are they trying to make Mikasa special again? We don't even know if Ackermans can access PATHS.

Zeke and Yelena have planned all this shit for years, brainlet. Historia wasn't a part of their plan.

How many times did Eren have to glop Historia until she got pregnant?

Attached: 1565192444747.jpg (1931x1450, 233K)

BlastIta_ >>>>>>>>>> your regular twitter attention whore

They spent an entire week locked inside her room

>Another ALL CAPS theory with nothing to back it up.

>Hey Zeke we hate you, prepare to be eaten by the Queen/a random
THE ABSOLUTE LEVEL OF SNKTARDS, even my dog can see this through this """""""""""""""""""mystery""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Attached: CL_R6hhUcAAnUXJ.jpg (400x400, 22K)

Are you gonna deny that they weren't friends until Uprising?

Do expect Isayama to know how pregnancy works? If they slept with each other she immediately got pregnant.

It's a shounen. They had fucked ones and then, oops, "Eren, I'm pregnant. What should we do?"

>such good art for such a bad ship
A shame.

Go back to hunterxhunter thread and call your other EHfats (4 people) to go back lol fuck off. Can't even give me a reason why Eren the father fuck off.

It happens with teenagers in the real live too.

Attached: oops.jpg (1032x750, 414K)

Yes, he's a married man so he knows.
Have sex btw.

shit that hunterxhunter aka EHfag got btfo

How did he do it lads? How did he cure her taste for pussy?

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The hunterfag is not even an EHfag, brainlet. Stop failing for baits

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She never had one. It was one-sided from Ymir.

so who is really controlling the paths?

Is eren in the backseat, but he knows zeke will change his mind when in memory land? or is zeke in the backseat and thinks he is in the frontseat as eren is mindfucking him?

Volume 30 cover right here


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He didn't, that's why she's crying

That looks like the Climax

Attached: Jeanbo.png (682x708, 483K)

>never interacted much less bonded with Krista because he found her fake and creepy
>ragecries as if his fucking wife was taken away when he finds out she got kidnapped
>disregards orders and plans to go back into a blizzard when he realises she went missing
Those additions were fucking weird, man.

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This thing.

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Can I have a link for the hq scans please?

Gab eternal evolved into pathgab

Does Eren know the girl is in reality? It seems Zeke just assumes she is Ymir

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>Historia wanted Eren to be the father but he rejected her
Are you a nip or something? They're all spouting this shit these days.

Sex is gross.

Attached: 6zYVbG8RfGk.jpg (800x800, 55K)

She's Chista. That's for sure.


I don't remember that first scene, what is happening in there?

All the above.

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I don't get it

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He's married while you're probably still a kissless virgin posting on an anime board.

Hisu was kidnapped by bandits

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ok and who is ymir allied with? jesus you retards can never give a straight answer.

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Ymir is about to become a strong independent woman who answers to no one.


Roll credits

>massacres entire survey corps and several innocent villages
>"but muh daddy was mean to me"


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You can't make sense from a cucks actions user

>Ymir will steal Mikasa's character arc of going from slavery to independence and freedom

They look so lifeless lmao

It really does depend entirely on if Isa is still going for an ending that channels the feeling of The Mist.

Right now it could turn out very well for them while sticking to the series themes in a positive way by showing how to counteract what they critique, or it could go full tilt into reaffirming the toxicity of the subject matter by having it prevail.

Eren is either going to break the cycle of revenge by rejecting it or try to end it by "winning" and just become another victim. If he goes for the rumbling they're doomed.

ok but who is she currently working for?

i assume you think eren is in control and will free her.

>ok but who is she currently working for?
read slower. she doesn't work for anyone.

Chadren's dick is that powerful

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You how when you're jerking off to something crazy and then you cum and you have that moment of lucidity where you come to your senses and realize how silly you look? That's basically what's happening right there for Zeke

Still can't get over the fact how ugly WIT drew him.

Care to expand on that?

>kill person
>tell them it's their parents' fault

Attached: Zeke dab.jpg (1464x2047, 880K)


>Historia steals her being a princess revelation with her pregnancy
>manlet gets all the ackerhax cool moments
>now Ymir steals this

Zeke is sort of a cunt user. It's sympathetic in the sense you can understand how he got to be the way he is and it's not really his fault his upbringing was bad, but that's not meant to make you forgive him.

His "redeeming" traits are his self-loathing, desire to protect his family, and that his ultimate wish is for peace and to end suffering for his people. Not that he's got a rough childhood justifying how casually cruel he can be.

You're supposed to pity the kid he used to be and wish he could be a better man than he is now because he has potential to be. But he's still a cunt.

You take that back

Attached: AngryAcceptableCoelacanth-small.gif (500x210, 638K)

You're reading way too deep into things. He refers to her with familiarity because they are familiar. They interact every day, and outside of the occasional doctor, soldier, or government official, they are probably the only people they're interacting with at all.

>Well considering nobody is supposed to know the Reiss’ are the actual royal family, I imagine confidently is paramount on their estates so perhaps no one knew shit.

That doesn't matter because if he was Alma's son he wouldn't be a royal. The government looked into his background and found nothing suspicious about him. They should have been able to find out who his parents are. Historia likely chose him to pose as her lover because of his devotion to her and because he's a normal dude with nothing to hide.

Her situation is not meant to parallel Eren's, it's meant to parallel Alma's by her being saddled with a child she didn't want.


I like Zeke for the memes but he absolutely does not deserve redemption


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but thats clearly false. eren used the coordinate to control the titans, which means ymir was listening to erens wishes at the time. ymir is clearly still observant of the covenant made between her and the devil, and infact eren and zeke both hold a piece of her soul inside them, so yeah not that independent. cant you just admit you dont know shit?

tick tock, zecuck

Attached: this is my human form.png (700x1000, 352K)

Fuck off redditfag you don't even believe the twitter "theory"

No, I was saying exactly that?

Does every town have a convenient large rock laying around?

i dont like his voice actor to be desu. doesn't fit him at all

*Dies in two months*

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Its loving Mikasa hours.

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i guess i should have mentioned that i wasn't the user you were arguing with. how does any of what you said disprove that she doesn't work for anyone? no one is above her pulling the strings.

I mean, did you look at him? A specimen like timeskip Eren would make even the most hardened dyke question her sexuality. Seducing an already sexually confused girl like Historia would be a walk in the park, especially when she doesn't have an equally strong bond with anyone else who's still alive.

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She and GODvi will survive for their granddaughter!

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Eren really had him going there for a minute calling him "brother". Zeke even had a flashback of playing baseball with Xaver. When Eren drops the ball Zeke realizes that it would be silly to blindly assume that Eren is on-board with his plan because Eren didn't have the same experience Zeke did with Xaver. Zeke imagines that Eren has been brainwashed by his father and as much as he would like to believe that Eren understands him, he can't be sure.

>forgets baby's gender
classic 3/10 wits

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You've never done that? Some nights you go on the panda just sorting of roaming the uploads aimlessly while edging yourself looking for something to bust to properly, and you stumble across something weird like a doujin where a dude tries to rape a hooker to satiate himself but she's actually a dominatrix and beats him down before domming the shit out of him, and next thing you know your liking of femdom and rape has you stroking yourself as she pierces his nipples and drags him to the floor from the chair he's lying beaten on, and suddenly he's suffocating on her vulva and your breathing is getting heavy as you keep tapping for the next page, and finally he's caught between agony and ecstacy as she offers to take him as her slave if he asks her to crush his testicle with her stiletto heel and you're not able to believe the shit you're reading or how raw his face looks as he begs her through his tears and then it POPS and the heat surges from your groin up your shaft and out the tip of your dick and all over the floor at the sight of him so utterly broken as you fantasize about a strong woman making you submit so utterly to her just for the promise of getting to enjoy her attention while she abuses you and then suddenly your head clears up and you've got cum all over your fucking bedsheets and thighs and the only thing on your phonescreen is a poorly rendered bit of testicular gore with a lazy censor over the dick and you realise you just got off to ballbusting and basically fapped purely to another guy's cock and balls and feel ashamed at how weird that is and grossed out by the gore that just seconds ago represented an intense sexual fantasy you now feel gay for ever having liked.

That's what Zeke is feeling.

Hanji will never die.

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Krista was kidnapped during one of the 104th trainee missions in the third OVA for season 1.

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Season 4 part 2 poster. I assume part 1 will be Eren's declaration of war.

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So you're agreeing with me? Then why did you call me a speedreader?

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Sorry but if these two bond consider Hans pretty much dead (manlet has the scars)

I would kiss his lips until they were red. Also checked

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Wouldn't killing Hans be a bit too much? Manlet has suffered enough, t'd be sad to see him spending the rest of his days all alone haunted by his past until he dies

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Hanji is pretty much all manlet has left to lose

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It's Gabi holding the baby but Eren is with her through paths. Gabi will say "You are free" but we will see Eren in her shoes.

I miss tarderen and his hero complex

>Mina best girl
It's true. Mina - best girl, Rico - best woman.

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that's every hour of the day

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Never, EAcucks.

At least you didn't
>I-Isayama retconed this

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will zeke be snk's orochimaru?

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Explain yourself

He was fun alright but I've started appreciating more after he got rid of those post-Reiss cave chapters.

Anime made this scene way more brutal

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what the FUCK is this guy's problem

baby hands zeke

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>slow and painfully being torn apart
That was the worst way anyone died in the series.

>Heck, they weren't even friends at all until they were over 15.
>That's wrong
>Are you gonna deny that they weren't friends until Uprising?
>No, I was saying exactly that?
>So you're agreeing with me?

When will he smile again?

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Jiiku is for lewd

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I hope

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>implying Hange wouldn't give him the last order to live

I mean... wow

>muh daddy bad

When this happens.

Attached: 1563232817770.jpg (1361x5098, 3.65M)


bro honestly, I just cant wait for the reveal of who's the father, or rather I wanna see the thread that follows the reveal.


Attached: a29dc53e8c9e9a6eaea8a3b1066d58d9.png (800x740, 640K)

>Zeke: Eren please join me
>Eren: No
>Zeke: Eren please I love you I want you to be with me when I save the world
>Eren: No
>Eren: No
>Eren: No
>Zeke: But why?? Why are you doing this to me?
>Eren: Because I was born into this world

Attached: BMAVK_bkrmM.jpg (959x662, 116K)

user, fix your reading comprehension. Denying that they *weren't* friends until Uprising equates to saying that they *were* friends before Uprising started. If you're *not* denying this claim then you're agreeing with me that they weren't friends until then, at which point they were already 15 and then some. So I'll ask again, what part of the manga did I speedread according to you?

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Yes, but she still doesn't know how babies are made

Attached: trainingsquad6.jpg (360x897, 56K)

muh qween

this would have been more wholesome if Eren hadn't had his hands in pockets and no abs showing

I used to believe EH but after reading a post debunking it therefore i firmly believe Eren is not the father.

When Hisu smiles again

Attached: 107.png (478x399, 186K)


No, Eren need to be KAKKOI


link ?

>eren rumbles historia's world

Why does Eren looks 15 sometimes and sometimes 20

This smile heals me

There’s a yellow rose in Mitras,
that I am gonna see.
Nobody else could miss her,
not half as much as me.
She cried so when I left her,
it like to broke my heart.
And if I ever find her, we never more will part.

Attached: DBA1BAAE-F294-4712-AF77-A707355AF182.jpg (1239x567, 340K)

calm down, Jean.


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I disagreed that they weren't friends until they were over 15. They were. Eren was still 15 at the uprising and before that he clearly cared about her safety as a comrade. Call me an ESL brainlet but that's what I was trying to say.

These two unironically make a great duo.

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>tfw BRAfags absolutely in every sense of the word got BTFO

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Poor lolimir

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But Reinerfags are happy that he was one of the main focus of the exhibit and that he made it to the relevant characters cover

Attached: 120 cover.jpg (1080x1551, 319K)

Yeah Reiner is fine, I am talking about the BRAfags of old.

There are very few of those now.
Now, just like in the story, Reinerfags tend to get supported by Bertfags (and vice versa, though on a lesser note), while Anniefags are usually off by themselves, only intersecting with Bertfags sometimes.

The state of these threads are so bad that I genuinely don't know whether or not this is someone trying to falseflag as a hunterfag, or if this is an actual hunterfag.

>No JC and Historia

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Why do people only point out Gabi's slut pose when Falco is also a complete slut here?


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to Zekecels to have sex

VERY important question:

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theres a possibillity that the devil is above her, the one who gave her the powers. that or the compact she is bound to holds her as has been made evident? im coming to the conclusion that this is a sub 100iq general

He has a point though

Zeke has cucked so many characters out of relevancy

10/10 pasta user. someone save that shit.

Thanks for making my post more visible. I'm still waiting for an answer or is your manga's plot too complicated for you?

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>Two hands = slut
>One hand = guy too awkward to just put his arms around someone

Serves them right, Bertfags were a disease during RtS and RBAfags in general would gang up on anyone even daring to talk about the Paradis cast during Marley. I still remember the times when LAME was a still a thing and Shitren would be used more often than Eren in your average thread. I'm glad those times are behind us, but I'm sad shipfaggotry has rotted so many posters' brains. Hopefully whatever reveal there is is right around the corner so /snk/ and the fanbase at large can finally implode.

>no Hange either

They are in those characters kokoros

>Shitren would be used more often than Eren
When and why this happened? I joined in his thread only after chapter 106

That's nothing compared to the BRAYHfags pretending that those characters had any reasons to be in any kind of alliance

They hated Paradis and since Eren was the MC he got the better part of the autistic rage.
It still happens but since Eren got developed more people started to like him so it balanced out.

Well Zeke was protected by the wine plot, and if Eren had known about it as the current theory goes, then there would be no use with her getting pregnant. This makes the "the pregnancy was an accident" meme the most likely scenario. Any other way would just be bad writing and wouldn't make sense.

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>Bertfags were a disease during RtS
Interesting. Can you tell us more?

>hunterfags are more sane than the average /snk/ shipper

Attached: raina.jpg (232x315, 31K)

Because Falco's other hand is clearly on Gabi's ass.

>hobo Eren now remains only in our hearts
It hurts

Delete this

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Poor Hisu deserves better.

Poor Hisu did nothing wrong. She deserves better.

Remember when people thought she'd be more relevant than ever when she became queen?

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Not that user but if you will allow me to do i will give you the answers.
Zeke was aware of the plan of "feeding him to historia" and he wasn't aware about the pregnacy status of the queen (even now he still don't anything about it eccept if eren would reveal it to him in the next chapter, since now is confirmed that in a way or other he was involved in it) so he planned the poison wine thing. The soldiers of Paradis didn't exspected this and trusted too much the volounters (even if pixis tryed to block them) mostly because of their inesperience in war and deception(at least in the high level) due being enclosed and mindweaped for like 100 years having only gigantic and stupid monsters as enemy.
Zeke knowed that (thanks also yelena's collaboration) so he used the poisoned wyne as way to submit at his will of the highest members of Paradis's leadership and complete his plan with Eren (he also given fake informations about "how infected people are paralizated" so no one could expect the wyne being poisoned with his spinal fluid.

Grew out his hair to cosplay Ymir. He looks like his mom anyway

P.s. if you have read some grammar mistake, this is mostly for my limitate knowledge of english (im an italian student yet) and the shitty celphone keyboard.

It's not really that difficult to follow, I don't know why /snk/ finds it so hard to understand. I guess that's just what shipfaggotry does to your brain. Not like /hxh/ is any better, though, the characterfaggotry surrounding Hisoka v. Chrollo was just as autistic.

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She was just a military puppet even then. If it weren't for dragging on the retarded semenbowl for so fucking long she could have been part of the Jaegerists plot.

Attached: Second Eldian Empire.jpg (1852x816, 265K)

Reading this felt like having a stroke

Check the archives for RtS threads . Pick any at random from around 2016, seriously. /snk/ was fucking Bert central until he got nommed and it was a pain.

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>Huntertard fell for the accident meme

He stole everything from her, even her hairstyle.

I remember when people thought Eren sold her out and she was titanized offscreen during the 1-year timeskip in chap 90. Funny how that turned out to be the exact contrary.

This dumb motherfucker is never gonna see her again, is he?

Attached: 1559382990472.png (452x1168, 676K)

No shut up! SHUT UP!!

I honestly never understood the obsession with him. Killing him just exposed most of its fags as people using him as a walking meme for some reason

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Do you have an explanation for why she got pregnant if it wasn't necessary, titancuck?

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Not him but as far as we know it’s the most probable outcome for now, especially with this chapter.

Oh wow. I picked up the manga at around ch 82, shame I didn't join the threads until much later. Bertfags's reaction to pic related manga counterpart must've been amazing.

Attached: 1559614453871.png (369x703, 324K)

People were too pissed about Armin surviving the serumbowl to care about Bert dying

That edit is from uprising. I made it.


I only meant Bertfags.

>People were too pissed about Armin surviving the serumbowl
Wrong, people were too pissed about Armin surviving the fall.

Nice. What's the context for original pic?

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Why do people always say he fell 50 meters when it was about 20-30 meters?

Whofags vs Berbist church. The "CT is a God" interview made Bertfags go into hyperdrive.

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There are many speedreaders here who don’t get that it’s intentional with Mikasa, did everyone miss that whole revelation Eren gave about Mikasa not being her “true self”? There was even a Lost Girls Ova about it.

Also I’m sick of hearing people complain about Ymir, it was heavily hinted at that she was going to die yet people are glossing over that, also who’s to say that Ymir is gone? Again with Path’s and the whole “possession” theory, we might see Ymir again through the Jaw Titan shifter.

It was closer to 44 meters based on the average height of a two floor house. And the fall is only part of the equation. There's the burns and the fact that he hit the roof hard enough to crack the stone coupled with the fall.

That's when I managed to drop /snk/ for like 2 years, I should thank Isayama for that I guess.

Only for Bert to lose the CT to Armong a couple of months later

>Eren happened to get Historia pregnant by accident shortly after his meeting with Yelena
>These two events are unrelated in spite of it being explicitly stated as part of ZY's plan
>most probably outcome
>hurrr it wasn't necessary cause of da wine

>Ackerman plot seemed promising

That hasn’t been dropped, or did you forget the whole speech Eren gave to Mikasa about the Ackerman’s?

This was a long time before that.

I disagree that the cracks are from Armin's fall though. In the manga there were cracks where Armin wasn't laying and in the anime all cracks were removed.

Attached: attack-on-titan-season-3-armin-death-fan-reactions-episode-54-1172752-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 80K)

If they did this as you “claimed”, you would all just complain about the “pacing” just like all the other unpleasable a-holes.

SnK is already filled with convenient plot points, the pregnancy being an accident won't be any different.

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Maybe her butt hurts

>SnK has convenient plot points so my retarded speedreader theory wouldn't be that retarded

If you knew anything about construction, you would know that older types of concrete shatter, rather than break. Hence the cracks.

Guess you missed the part where Sasha helped fight against the Cart Titan, where Jean and Connie incapacitate Reiner in the last chapter, etc.

So was anime just lazy?

>So was anime just lazy?
Did you watch it? Season 3, in general, was lazy.

Kinda like that accident when the titan who ate Eren’s mom happened to be Grisha’s first wife? Yeah, whatever. It won’t be the biggest coincidence in the series by a long shot.

It has to do with the Ackerman lineage.


>These two events are unrelated in spite of it being explicitly stated as part of ZY's plan
Fucking brainlet, it wasn’t stated anywhere that it was a part of ZY plan.

Levi got one too, the same chapter Eren mentioned the connection.

I think it was more production issues on the bad parts rather than lazyness

>My explanation is the most probable even though it's entirely dependent on coincidence
>Speedreading 116
>He doesn't understand Zeke's plan
Read slower

To be fair, the manga hinted that Dina coming there wasn't *really* a coincidence. We'll probably never know for sure though.

Hand on head =/= headache

Poor production that leads to a lazy looking series is the same as production being lazy. Both result in sub-par end results.

Eh. Disregarding the uprising butchering I still think season 3 was great.

>Speedreading 116
Yelena never explicitly said that pregnancy was a planned event, in fact, she referred it as an lucky/fortunate occasion and never bothered to confirm her involvement. Stop citing your headcanons as manga facts.

Nobody is “truly” independent, did with birth ourselves? No. Do we make the air? No, the plants do.

Also it would go against Zeke's ideals to depend on a child like this it doesn't make sense

>Zeke needing much less forcing a royal child into this world when he literally considers that he's saving the kids who would have been born from the Eldians he killed
Yelena presenting the baby as a lucky event for Paradis doesn't in any way imply that it was part of Zeke's plans, the opposite actually considering the wording or the fact that it is technically unnecessary considering that pure titanization was always an option. You'll also have to explain why he asked Eren about his stance on the euthanasia plan if the latter already went through the trouble of convincing his Queen to get pregnant for the sake of the euthanasia plan, or why Yelena omitted the very relevant detail to the 104th but was honest about everything else.

Technically that village wasn’t massacred, it was just turned into Titans that got killed by the Survey Corps.

Also we’re not sure if Zeke’s sudden bouts of cruelty are done by himself or by the influence of the previous shifters, going by the whole Paths and possession theory.

My problem is that it does not make sense since, by logic, Historia would have a miscarriage.

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And Zeke himself had to ask Eren if he agreed with his plan which makes no sense since making Historia pregnant would signify that he’s on board with euthanasing eldians. Also a planned pregnancy isn’t going help him to convince Zeke, either.

That shit was all based on a bunch of vague interviews with shitty translations. He was planning on a "The Mist" ending for a while, but he's never stated if he changed his mind or not, just that he was conflicted. In one of the more recent ones he says he's going forward with the ending he has been planning since the beginning of serialization. Whether this is "The Mist" or something else is a mystery.

Sterilization wouldn't necessarily deprive her of her ability to give birth.

Each their own.

I think people have the MPs convo in 108 really stuck in their minds so they cannot consider any other outcome different than what was proposed there, even though the convo has already lost any value and almost everything talked there has been invalidated

You’re one of those black and white anons aren’t you?

She literally explains why it's necessary for the euthanasia plan.
>muh "luckily"

No, it’s just Trost.

Well, it was spammed to death in 2016 so I just used it to make my point about Bertposting clearer.

>Zeke/Yelena relying on some pregnancy when a simple titanization and keeping Historia as a mindless titan would be a much more viable option
user, I...

Which is the Anime’s problem, especially during season 1, where it exaggerated and exploited certain violent scenes and overplayed the acting, and would even add in random deaths that weren’t in the manga (like the preacher guy in episode 2 and that alleyway woman) for offensive and cheap shock value.

The anime overplayed it a bit.

Royal blood + FT is what was absolutely necessary and what Yelena presented as such, and both were in Paradis's possession in the form of Eren (and his future successors) and Historia. The baby is a bonus, not the necessity. Also using "muh" to dismiss an argument you can't explain won't help your point either.

>much more viable option
It would be much more difficult to contain her and much easier to kill her and you're leaving yourself no recourse if that happens.
The maintenance of the FT and the royal bloodline is absolutely necessary. Just Historia is not enough.
>His entire argument boils down to the use of the word "luckily" in the context of a pregnancy


>her weird choice of words
>never bothering to confirm her or Eren’s involvement in the pregnancy, which would also prove that the Queen herself supports the euthanasia plan
>her weird facial expression
>using pregnancy as any kind of necessity, which goes against her god’s ideology
>Zeke didn’t know if Eren would support his plan or not
This manga is not for you.

That’s really shallow.