What is the most disturbing manga you ever read?

What is the most disturbing manga you ever read?

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You're soft there's tons more manga that's more disturbing than this and op pic is not even manga so fuck off

The one about your life.

The Holy Bible

Meh, the elves one, it's pretty disgusting desu

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The one where that weird old guy breaks into that girl's house.

Definitely Plastic Memories (mostly anime, but manga is the same). It's not just "cute girls dying cute deaths", it's basically anime Tuskegee, just worse. Arigato Doga Kobo.

is there an Asanagi one?

I read this doujin once about a nun that chops a choir boy's penis then fucks him with his own severed penis. So probably that.

a story about kid sold to some dude and get fucked everyday
if they not use her , they put it on box

"Adult attack" is the most disturbing shit in manga.

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I don't dare go outside after I read this, I could literally happen to me

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I don't really know, Bradherley no Basha was shocking but Sore wa Tada no Senpai no Chinko was really more disturbing.

Bocc was pretty fucc'd up.

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>inb4 Mai-chan's Daily Life (or anything by Uzagi)
>inb4 Mon Seul

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>dumb retard makes dumb decisions: the manga

why does everyone cry over this shit again?

I just read that one this morning.
For me has to be any of the Cement Girl adaptations, just to think how far some people can go it's kind of fuck up, that one hit me because happened in real life, and could bet that the Box Girl one also is happening somewhere in this world.

*Ding* *Dong*

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Sorry that not everyone is CONSERVATIVE

Really? Nobody mentioned schoolgirl in concrete?

Besides shit like Emergency and Geiger Counter, what are some other dispair dounjinsh?

any decently intelligent girl her age would already have noticed the warning signs by the time the guy slipped fucking drugs in her mouth by the first chapter. then already by the second chapter she starts willingly going out with fishy, suspicious old men.

Drainage City.

Probably The World Is Mine and Ichi the killer.
Both for different reasons
Ichi was a lot more enjoyable since it treats every character like a piece of shit while World is a lot more vile

You made my pp mad.

Source please.

i read a doujin where a girl was killed then cooked and eaten after getting fucked.
it amazes me that's the one that's stuck with me the most after way too long though.

Probably Castrato

Yea Forums is a reddit/discord board

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>Sorry that not everyone is CONSERVATIVE
>Not being a literal crack whore makes someone conservative

Nah conservatism is hating unfortunate people. Conservatives are those who look down and say "too bad you weren't born lucky, now you deserve to suffer"

>Mon Seul
By Kizuki Akira?, this one isn't so bad, mate.
seeBased but not red pilled.

The weak should be culled.


Beastars is disturbing in a low key kind of way and it keeps getting better. Paru has really surprised me in her storytelling and worldbuilding.

Sorry but not everyone is CONSERVATIVE. That's why they got fucked up when they read emergence. You guys are devoid of empathy

Sorry to blue-ball you user but I can't remember the name. I've been searching for it for ages ever since I stumbled upon it a few years back and I bring it up every so often to see if anyone knows it.

but she's not unfortunate, she's just a fucking idiot

Once someone on here posted a doujin where a girl gets kidnapped and a jar of cockroaches shoved inside her. I only saw two or three pages before leaving the thread but it was quite cruel.

Probably Gyo I guess.

Not this one. there's one much worse than this where a guys wife gets constantly raped (once by a tramp, then gangbanged). it's fairly awful and NTR she then begs her husband to fuck her as shes leaking cum from the main "ntr" ugly guy... fucking brutal.
Emegence was bad but the one mentioned above and one where the girl basically prostitutes her self to buy silence hit me worse. simply from the emotional damage, it caused me

You have no soul.

You have soul

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Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest

Failing to empathise with someone who is terminally stupid in the most cliched story imaginable is not being CONSERVATIVE, it's being an adult with critical thinking skills

Brain Eater.
Most disturbing anime I've seen is Sword Art Online though. How can that shit get three seasons?

The one where a girl lets guys beat the shit out of her. the toilet brush

> Seeing all these kids thinking emergence and geiger counter are disturbing doujins when mai-chan's daily life eclipses them so hard they become the Care Bears comic books and the author's other doujins are even more sick

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World's End Harem.
I never knew the true depths a man could go to not have sex and how bad a manga could get.

Wasn't that the one with the baby in the blender?

Yeah. But Mai-chan was so over the top it's not really disturbing. Uziga's stuff is visually disturbing but you can tell that he's doing it to be edgy and is having fun with it. Schoolgirl in Concrete was infinitely more disturbing because it actually happened.

yare yare

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fuck this manga man

failing to empathise with somebody who is basically pushed into falling and when she finally tries to stop and save herself is basically kicked to death seems fairly indicative of how Most conservatives view poor people.


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But this one is good

Any of Matsumoto Jiro's anthologies

I dunno, while the "I can regenerate from being transformed into chunks of meat" is not something that can happen in real life, it's not impossible to imagine that there are some sick fucks in real life that would also do some "baby fuck". Or that keep girl's like Mai as slaves to impregnate and them kill the baby immediately after they are born.

no thats shit
Emergence is great because it's a actual character arc. Because she get's her life ruined only because she wanted to become a more liked person.

Doujin stories are shit when the main heroine doesn't do anything but get raped.

The fuck is this?

Sweet Summer child, if you don't know what this is, don't search for it. This is a book by the same guy who made this thing.

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>failing to empathise with somebody who is basically pushed into falling
Wrong, she ends up in a bad situation due to nothing more than stupidity
>and when she finally tries to stop and save herself
By continuing to make the same idiotic decisions
>is basically kicked to death
Like I said, the most cliched story imaginable
>seems fairly indicative of how Most conservatives view poor people.
She becomes destitute by failing to learn from her mistakes

Is it a good story? maybe but its a tragic one. It's traumatising though. the literal plot is if you fall you die. Have you seen Junkies OD? Tell you something once persons " good time" can fuck you over for life. for life. its been basically 25 years now and it's still fucking traumatic. so If you don't think emergence is bad okay fine woohoo. Personally, there's worse out there like the ones mentioned.
oh for your second point she does try to resist but it uses the old I have naughty pictures now so don't resist ( she tries n fails obviously). though from the ending the husband knew she was getting fucked and only confronted her in the end and got the response stated.
why people claim NTR shit ios wholesome Ill never know. don't push your trash tier fetishes of rape/ cuckolding and/or degradation on others

>trying to argue with somebody without any empathy...
have you ever made a stupid mistake user?

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>not the one where sumireko-chan is transformed into a churrasco in some brazilian restaurant

This is the only correct answer

>this got a live-action movie
how does that even work

Bokurano and Shadow Star makes you feel batman.
>hidden rec thread

>same guy who made Mai-chan
What? Waita Uziga did Mai-chan. Harasaki did the Sumireko doujin. Two different people And Harasaki is a girl

I don't know which one I would specifically choose, but probably something by Waita Uziga or Eto.

No he hasn't. Conservatives are sociopaths

Based Josuke will fix that girl

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wouldn't say all of them are, honestly. that guy maybe.

Mai-chan's daily life is so out there, both in premise and execution, that it goes around to being funny.

This. A lot of Uziga's stuff has horrific gore but the way everyone acts and the premises, even his art style, make it obvious it's all a black comedy.

good fap

honestly, don't know how anybody can fap to dujins desu

Everything bad that happened was her own doing. It's like watching Downfall and empathising with Hitler because of all the bad decisions he made leading up to his suicide. They're stories of descent, you're not supposed to empathise.

fpbp. i want reddit to leave

Entertaining manga desu

>comparing saki to Hitler
Jesus Christ, how is that remotely comparable?

Getting raped by her father and kicked out by her mother wasn't her fault.

don't he thinks saki is Hitler 2.0

What? Really? Well, fuck, i need to watch out when confusing the doujin circle with the authors.

The main idea is that their undoing was their own fault and its not good to empathise with that. You could empathise with someone born into a shitty situation but you shouldn't empathise someone who deliberately puts themselves in a shitty situation. For example, you feel bad for the kid raised by shitty parents, not the parents that dropped out of school to smoke meth all day.

She was raped by her own father and then her mom blamed her and kicked her out. How was that her fault?

Not disturbing, but Punpun fucked me up at the time, especially because I was also going through dark times back then

What led to them smoking meth that's the question you should ask. Saki never had a chance. she was fucking bullied into everything. wtf is wrong with you?

While we are at this, why is Geiger Counter considered so disturbing anyway? I've seem plenty of doujins were the girl doesn't end up "aceepting" the rape and keeps screaming the whole time, even asking for the guy to not cum inside her out of fear of getting pregnant, and is still crying after the sex ends. The only difference i see is that an actual sick fuck tried to use the method in the doujin to rape a girl in Japan, but was stopped before anything happened.

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>How to not end your days as a pregnant junkie whore who gets kicked to death
Go to a woman's refuge and enter a drug treatment program
>How to end your days as a pregnant junkie whore who gets kicked to death
Continue acting like a vacuous ignorant child

Homoculus by far I havent read many manga

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I think it's because Geiger Counter doesn't play the situation like a typical hentai and treats it realistically.

* accepting,

Do schools and parents not teach kids to say no? None of the bad shit would've happen if she turned down the dude at the store. She deliberately went along and took the drug he offered.

Not really disturbing, but anything by SEOOOOO, i just hate the unnecessary drama and never fails to make .e cringe at some point

>i haven't read any manga
Makes sense, homonculus was a good read.

Surely not the one in OP. You pussy.

>that doujin where the loli grows a bunch of nasty looking holes all over her body
that one is the worst thing I've ever looked at

costs money. the money she had and got taken from her, did you fucking read it?
have you ever been pressured into doing something stupid?

Some people are unironically dumber than average and have issues.
I used to work with youth in trouble and I saw the exact same thing happen except irl
Girl had adhd and the only way to feel good was with dangerous situations. Also iq of about 70 I mean seriously...
Used and abused, boy friend was a 45 year old gangster and so on. Lmao I know her life went to hell even without “evil” people killing her or whatever

also, my school basically said drugs were bad. but there was no more than that. also my parents were to busy with their own shit so II raised myself. while I never did drugs and saw how people fell very easily. It's not black and white, stop thinking it is. everyone is a hairsbreadth from destruction. Was attacked and I have tried to numb the pain with things( not dugs though) so you know I have more empathy for people like saki than people who bang on about things they have never seen or only see in polar bloody opposites to actual reality.

It's not just that though, seen geniuses with silver spoons in their mouths fall just as hard, worse even. and also seen people who had parental abuse become fantastic parents. some of it IS choice but also a fair amount are external factors you dont control.

I'm not a crack addict so no

>not manga
What do you think it is, genius?

>thinks that you can only do something stupid by taking drugs
you must be a robot then, no wonder you have no grasp on empathy.

Aryu the Kobito is up there.


> emergence
> disturbing

lmaoing at ur lyfe

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tokyo akazukin, anyone?

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Good times

>Schoolgirl in Concrete
That's what I was gonna put.

I read Holes the first time I visited /d/ when I was 15. That stuck with me.

Cement Girl is disturbing because it happened. Emergence is disturbing because it happens all the time.

oh look a person who gets it.

This one was hard to read because I cared what happen with the characters I love

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I mean, one of these is much, MUCH worse than the other. Also, what part of Emergence you mean that happens all the time? The forced incest? The "Dumb girl takes drugs n shit to become popular"? The "Girl gets pregnant because of a mistake, does an abortion and regrets it?"

i dont know whats the deal with cement girl i read it some time ago and thought it was hella gay id rather read any shindol shit over it

My life

You must be a crack addict, that explains why you have empathy for them

>Emergence is disturbing because it happens all the time

LMAO WTF? No it doesn't happen all the time you fucking retard, you confused it's grounded scenarios with "HAPPENING ALL THE TIME".

>happening somewhere in this world.
it's tradition in america, ask Epstein

How do you even draw this shit without feeling criminal man?
Like, I know it's just ink in paper but it also is a manifestation of subjacent desire isn't it, because when you read it, it is there, the space and objects are set. The artist has to try and ensemble it all in his/her head like a simulation. Also he chooses every single part of the path. Not to be a moralfag but aren't these people ticking time bombs? I know nothing about sick doujinshi artists.

forced incest happens, at least 4 kids in my classes were subjected to it, one actually became pregnant and was taken out of school.
dumb girl doing drugs is fairly commonplace.

the first time, weirdos came to school and offered kids drugs was in 5th grade... so like 8 years old?

the abortion thing, abortions are so common here it really doesn't register, some retards want to impose restrictions on them, but unless a total cunt gets in power it's not likely to happen in the next 8 years.

Magical Girl Next Door made me angry.

if Crack is Gyaru manga then yeah. My sympathy comes from being human not whatever the hell you are.

>forced incest happens, at least 4 kids in my classes were subjected to it

What kind of shithole do you live in for this to occur so commonly?

Castrato? If you want something more fucked up go for "Nuts Eater"

the uk

this thread stinks of reddit

is that girls und panzer?
can you tell me the source?

yep. Usually Asian Kids being forced to marry their cousins.
Shipped off at ~15 for a year long holiday to visit the home country. Returning home pregnant with a 30 year old husband who's their cousin/uncle and a kid so they can't run off and abandon the family.

Happens with the guys too. but at least they get a chance to say no the first time.

Well, think about it. It's a manifestation aabout the creator's inner desires. They have this kind off fetish not because they went after it, but because they simply are like that. You don't read a lot loli doujin and think "Man, now i feel like kidnaping some young girls to keep in my basement!", it's simply something they have in them.

The difference is whether you keep these fantasies in fiction and imagination, where they should be, or if you become a sick fuck and actually act upon these desires on innocent people. Just ask any doujin starts you see out there. Most of them are completely normal people that just so happen to draw these things. Sure, some of you might argue that things wouldn't be pretty if they were given free reign with no consequences to act upon their inner desires, but them the same thing would be for 10% of the world's population.

>Gyaru manga
Is that your code word for cocaine? Nice to know I can empathise with most people except for you.

Well, think about it. It's a manifestation aabout the creator's inner desires. They have this kind of fetish not because they went after it, but because they simply are like that. You don't read a lot loli doujin and think "Man, now i feel like kidnaping some young girls to keep in my basement!", it's simply something they have in them.

The difference is whether you keep these fantasies in fiction and imagination, where they should be, or if you become a sick fuck and actually act upon these desires on innocent people. Just ask any doujin artists you see out there. Most of them are completely normal people that just so happen to draw these things. Sure, some of you might argue that things wouldn't be pretty if they were given free reign with no consequences to act upon their inner desires, but them the same thing would be valid for about 10% of the world's population.

It was about a village inwhich women shitted babies and gave birth to shit.

didn’t your mother ever tell you?

unironically go back

> you cant empathise with anybody and is unable to read.so tries to read in cryptic messages because It is stuck in some sort of program loop.
no surprises from you. maybe whoever built you should scrap you and go back to the design board.
also NO it's literally Gyaru Manga. also, drugs are expensive so fuck that. I can have 5 volumes of manga for the average price of one hit here.

FPBP. I hate these people so goddamn much.

can you not open a second tab on a mobile device to make yourself better robot user

they were white, one was an Irish traveller though.

Were you high when you wrote that? Crawl back to whatever crack den you came from.

Curious, user. Do you remember anything else about it?

didn't shindo make a page where all of this ended up being part of a movie or it was fanart?

> replays the same insult over again
why? to make the robot stop having his logic problem?

name 10 faggot

he did. but it's not canon, he's made it clear she dies in the end

Good taste.

Honestly the whole emergence popularity is like a fad. Shindol can only draw one same face and it’s all for boring ass shock value. Boring, been there, done that. Now try writing a good story.

It’s shock value with zero substance unlike Ichi the Killer or Berserk. You are a dumb jabroni if you honestly think this is more than just shock value hentai and I’ll laugh till the cows come home if you were ‘moved’ by it.

>Dumb girl gets shit kicked out of her and raped by homeless men
>”this hentai has a deep message. oh s-so sad....zzzzzz”

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Based dubs.

Do you have the page? I never saw it

>he doesn't know

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Don't sorry. also its fairly NSFW

Shindol later said she dies, that's just a made-up thing, like the dream sequence being the true end.

You can still judge it for being a boring read. On topic, the London scene in hellsing is up there.

Thank you user very cool

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really? if we're talking about disturbing any of the works from the guy who did the spiral stuff, or the people going into like worms is far more ... unnerving than this.

underrated post, holy shit

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maybe for little girls afraid of future

That one with twins who end having a threesome with their dad. They are male twins inside their mother’s womb and they somehow fuck each other and then when their dad fucks his pregnant wife they manage to fuck with the dad

It's not a mango, but if you count anime games in this DepraviA would definitely be in the top 10.

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This one or Geiger Counter
They get too real with the rape

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That's it. Thanks user. Finally have the name of my second favourite doujin, after Chitsu Hakai-kei Joshi of course. Just read Nuts Eater. Jesus, what the fuck was even the point of making black bars? It covers next to nothing

Aight come on you gotta source a nigga up with the first one please.

>Bradherley no Basha
Holy fuck why are you the only one to mention this manga. Some of the short stories by Matsumoto Jiro are also pretty bad.

Bradherley's Coach isn't disturbing. It's edgy but I don't know who would be psychologically scarred by it. It also tries a little too hard to be edgy so you end up feeling nothing, kind of like with Emergence where at a certain point it's all so overly miserable you can't take it seriously.

Oh. I thought you meant the Philippines. I volunteered there a few years back as a missionary. Family rape is a frighteningly common case there.

you know as you asked nicely its Married woman Koyoko ( or something similar ) its probably fairly mild for NTR fans but it hit me badly for some reason.

>have you ever been pressured into doing something stupid?
No. I've done countless stupid things, but none because some stranger pressured me into them.

alright, give you that. though when you are starved for affection Its easier to give in if that stranger is nice to you... unfortunately

I was gonna say Matsumoto Jiro too, but I couldn't think of anything specific by him that really disturbed me, Becchin to Mandara was great though.

>he thinks the opinions of the author matter

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This probably. It doesn't help he steals some stuff from movies, so the entire ride is a collection of really interesting scenes. The stuff was really fucking heavy even though the story is pretty mild on the gore-scale of gory shit. And I enjoyed every moment of the shit.

Hopefully someone translated the rest of the Kancolle WWII. It's heavy in a totally different way but an entertaining read nevertheless.

there is nothing in his patreon about this you fucking liars

try reading interviews or you know watching them, before slandering people. but if it makes you feel safer that its all a movie go for it

Korean NTR manhwa

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im talking about the picture dumbass

It was some meme mangaka like the one that made Gyo and that story about the "drrr drrr" hole. But not the same. I don't think at least.
I remember another story about pregnant dead women used for a race on a river. Lotsa crazy shit.

he is just seething at the guy who needs to lurk more don't even bother

nice... at least your preferable to the sociopathic retards
Think the picture was his but you know if I'm wrong I'm wrong.

shindol has a Patreon... like the devil needs a way to fund more darkness.

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>180 posts
>No Shintaro Kago


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>shintaro kago
if he's disturbing to you, you are the pleb

maybe hes a kid and it was his first?

based underage poster

Surely more than the generic hentai in OP.

No, i mean you:

I think it's rather sad than disturbing.

edgy tryhard containment thread

can confirm

dated a pinay here in the states and she was molested by her uncle when she was pretty young
(idfk what it is about catholics and kiddy diddling)

Kago is an absurdist genius.
If you consider him disturbing you have no right to call anyone a pleb, because you completely missed the point of his works.

This manga is weirdly disturbing to me. Partly because it's both a tragedy and a comedy.

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truly kino

I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now I realize it's a comedy.

And what about people disturbed by fap material?

as somebody who is, Honestly You don't have the right to bitch about what others find squeamish. though it's more a PTSD thing desu.

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I guess this is the real thread to complain about how underwhelming of a read the concrete girl was. The real case is so disgusting that I'm surprised you can turn a famous tragedy into cheap snuff with zero emotional investment. The story could have been literally anything but it's just so fucking cheap.

the where those two fugly oatkus with a minivan kidnap and rape a loli, then get away with it.

i honestly believe all loli-rape mangas should end badly for the rapist.

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>This is babby tier
>Ok so what's more hardcore
>S-shut up I'm real unlike you

Anything made by Oyster. The artist is truly fucked in the head.

He only can do 1 plot though.

>Being this much of a fucking normalfag
>w-well say something more fucked up then
I bet you want an nhentai link too you fucking retards, panda gets more disturbing shit daily than this fucking meme garbage that retards like you think is the peak of tragedy porn

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>Ok so what's more hardcore

>panda gets more disturbing shit daily
It doesn't anymore

>it's another "teenager thinks blood and doodoo is disturbing" episode

Don't worry, we all think you're cool and the supreme lord of the edge.

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This shit looks more like a black comedy than something disturbing.

Beastars reminds me of Meet the Feebles if it was done slightly more seriously but kept that disturbing factor.

Underwhelming? It literally shows what happened during the real case. They didn't omit or add anything extra. If don't think concrete girl is disgusting them the real-life case is disgusting. Get your facts straight.

Anyway have that link to a grandma fox spirit taking a massive shit and then having her grandchild fuck her asshole right after the shit. My old PC is gone and I need it

Fuck the guy in the first one makes me want to kill him

Azumanga Daioh.

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Bizzarely enough, i hate that kid more than i hate the president in Mai-chan who literally raped a baby. At first i didn't realize why, until i understood that despite everything, the president was pure black comedy AND he had some actually funny lines. This kid is not only prick that starts begging for mercy the moment he is caught, he has no funny moments whatsoever (Unless you think a teenager beating a pregnant girl's belly is funny, of course)


I'm not sure you exactly got what I was trying to convey so let's try this again. The manga lacks any emotional impact as it's only focused around the torture. You get like one page of build up which means there's zero investment in the people who are presented as generic blank meat vessels for blood. There's nothing to feel when the author does a shit job at inviting you to be invested in his work. I'm not saying I'm wishing for a full-length character study but Jesus fuck.

And no, the manga actually omits shit, like the reaction of the kidnappers families and basically every detail of her life in captivity outside the present straightforward torture, all which make the story that much more fucked up, so no, you get your facts straight young boy or get schooled. And I can't believe you are actually claiming a fetish manga is a literal reproduction of the real event: that has to be the most retarded thing I've read on the thread. Your jumbled ESL logic which I assume goes "the manga is disgusting/ not disgusting -> the real event is disgusting/ not disgusting" isn't logically sound argument and heavily relies on the notion that this cheap lackluster piece of shit manga somehow manages to represent even the bare bones of the grim reality behind the case.

So yes it's a fucking underwhelming take on the crime.

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really old localized manga full of short stories about suicide and murder and picking scabs and weird edgy shit. Don't have it anymore because it was too weird

That manga is just porn not a documentary. "based on real events" doesn't make a masterpiece.

Mikakunin de shinkoukei

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The Magical Girl Next Door.
It's a doujin where Kyubey tortures Madoka by manipulating things so everyone around her abuses and rapes her in order to get her to break down and form a contract to escape the abuse. It's pretty horrible. Then you realize it's essentially a retelling of the book The Girl Next Door which was based on true events.

I dunno, i don't need to know that the girl had an actual family and life outside of the torture to find it disturbing. I mean it's kinda obvious how this works, and as i like to say, "some things are more disturbing in your imagination".

That being said, i can understand your point there. It's just that me, personally, found the doujin more disturbing than reading the real case on a website.

Also, i guess that they didn't add more details related to the girl's backstory is because her real-life family could end up discovering the doujin, connecting the dots, and creating a case in the court for sexualizing a real case of torture/rape.

Again, i kinda see why you didn't think it was disturbing or fucked up as some say. It was basically the same thing for me and a Serbian Film: Too much focus on torture and way too little on characterization to the point where it becomes saturated and dumb.

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I dunno, i don't need to know that the girl had an actual family and life outside of the torture to find it disturbing. I mean it's kinda obvious how this works, and as i like to say, "some things are more disturbing in your imagination".

That being said, i can understand your point there. It's just that me, personally, found the doujin more disturbing than reading the real case on a website.

Also, i guess the reason that they didn't add more details related to the girl's backstory is because her real-life family could end up discovering the doujin, connecting the dots, and creating a case in the court for sexualizing a real case of torture/rape.

Again, i kinda see why you didn't think it was disturbing or fucked up as some say. It was basically the same thing for me and a Serbian Film: Too much focus on torture and way too little on characterization to the point where it becomes saturated and dumb.


>Bradherley no Basha
Came here to post this

the one where girls get kidnapped/sold to a men's prison and get raped on a daily basis, with the only hope being some rumor that says if they endure X amount of days they'll be let out.
spoilers, it's not true

The disturbing part is that the translation stopped


it's too over the top comical to actually be that disturbing at the end of the day

That was the only part that wasn't comically unrealistic on the part of Saki. The doujin basically gives her the mental faculties of a 3 yr old. Even if her situation is realistic, that's not at all how someone would act.

but we're talking about porn, so it doesn't matter

4 chapters title about a birth and death of a man who didn't felt anything towards anyone.

This stuck with me a lot more than Emergence, despite being less graphic. Only reason I fapped to it was out of respect for the quality of the work, it was really too sad.

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I wouldn't consider this on disturbing at all, one or the ones I remember was of konata ordering 2 dolls of her self and fucking them, one was like a baby and the other was like a tod, was pretty fucked up

She was a socially inept middle schooler who never had a friend before, are you surprised that she's stupid?

baby blender

Oh god I had forgotten about this masterpiece, proof that exhentai wasn't only good for the porn


hey retard, exhentai has been back for a while

This was the first thing that came to my mind. Not many of the other slightly disturbing things I've read are depressing as well.

It's time to let go user, just accept it.

exhentai has been back for like a week or two

>Matsumoto Jiro
He's considerably more weird than disturbing, I find, and his stories don't really evoke that as much as just them being really grimy.
He usually depicts some kind of squalor, but it's either too outlandish to get really disturbing, or too mundane to feel like that either. That said I don't think I've read absolutely everything that's scanlated from him.

Freesia I think


As much as I like him at least 90% of his stuff is comedy. While the fistula one and his contribution to Hell Season were slightly more graphic they still weren't that disturbing.

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Well, not the most disturbing, but it had its moments.

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Does this fucking thing exist as a proper non-censored version? Years ago you still couldn't find anything but the flipped garbage in English



? you trying to bait or something, just logged into it


I think what I find to be most disturbing is that I can read all those hentais while remaining bored and unfazed, then a chapter of mikakunin completely melts my heart. Also it's approaching /ss/ territory

Exhentai has been down for years now, right before Yea Forums got shut down.
Are you feeling alright, user-kun?

Yeah. There's a "service pack" made by some user on my hdd that adds missing and replaces censored pages. I guess there's a full release somewhere if you look hard, I didn't.

fuck off normalfag


Punpun became overtime an asshole that deserves almost everything that comes to him.

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Punpun became an asshole as time went on that deserved almost everything that happened to him.

So did Tomoko.
Honestly is there any character in those "I'm a loser" manga that isn't a stupid asshole?

Not user but as far as I know, it's a doujin/doujinshi. Manga is actually published and doujin is independent?

>Honestly is there any character in those "I'm a loser" manga that isn't a stupid asshole?
Pretty hard to come up with any. Just read Aku no Hana and despite the main character being a pretentious faggot, he pretty much got blackmailed into a bad place so I'd probably nominate him as non-asshole loser. Also Kaiji but it's a far fetch tonewise from Punpun.

Ichi the Killer was pretty gross

Aku no Hana is a relatively straightforward bildungsroman. He starts out a pretentious loser, gets more sucked up into his pretentiousness stemming from foolishness and immaturity, is forced to reflect on his immaturity and grows up. Punpun is just misery-porn.

Drainage City

doujinshi is just independently published manga. the word is as broad as "comics." the only functional distinction on 4channel is that one is allowed on the blue board and the other the red board.

Ichi makes the eclipse look like a bedtime story.


It's so easy to make disturbing hentai, whats the most disturbing manga WITHOUT graphic nudity or sex?


Some older (ero)guro/horror artists have some pretty depraved stuff without it getting completely explicit. Just really squalid and nasty, like Suehiro Maruo or Hideshi Hino. Hell, even Go Nagai gets pretty disgusting, but it's almost always a shock factor more than anything when talking about artists like this.
"Disturbing" is such a personal feeling that is hard to objectively quantify, but I guess there's a higher chance of finding something violent disturbing than something down to earth.

baby blender or that one guro kidnapping cannibalism doujin that got posted a ton on Yea Forums and Yea Forums

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crinkle crinkle

Jesus can't you stop sperging about OP's pic and post something good. We all know Emergence is shit, there's no need to give it this much attention.

I just started oyasumi punpun and Holy shit this Manga is disturbing.

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Deadtube. Unironically the most fucked up manga I've read.

Sorry Satan, this is a site only to humans

But she was just a porn actress in a movie user

Is it wrong if I find her hot?

>inb4 Mai-chan's Daily Life (or anything by Uzagi)
Fetishized mutilation is pretty fucked up. It's hard to think of anything worse than that.

. The one where a girl becomes friends with the new girl in school, who's weird and says that she's a mermaid and the dad kills her in the end

Can someone remind me what this manga was called

A lollipop or a bullet

never mind I just found it. I'd say this was the most fucked up manga I've read. Read it and don't look at the spoiler text

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Lots of manga go for shock value, I usually dont care for it, but damn, this one excels at it.

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What the fuck is this summer shit?

Pic related doesn't have the most disturbing story but it's execution makes it remarkable. .

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>the where those two fugly oatkus with a minivan kidnap and rape a loli, then get away with it.
thats based on a true story that was way worse, the 3d version was 2 americans that tortured and killed young teens

this looks familiar.


Panorama of Hell

What's that one where the dog eats the womans uterus?

Back during my newfag days I remember the newfag filters were the one doujin about the girl you got raped, burned alive and dump into a oil drum by some yakuza. The manga about the guy who was addicted to blowjobs, suck it i think was the title. Holes, And the girl who watched her mom get vivsected, and then the girl was given her moms parts to try to sell for meat.

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>anal birth

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Imagine being this sheltered.

1. You are a faggo
2. This isn't a manga
3. This is pussy shit compared with literally anything else done by this author
Go die in a fire normalfag nigger

because Geiger Counter plays it completely straight unlike the majority of rape hentai. the little girl doesn't end up liking it halfway through, she becomes traumatized and broken.

Friendly reminder that Shindol has done some very nice stuff too.

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They were just playing war war games

Mai-Chan's Daily Life comes to mind.

School Girl in Concrete is another, even worse because it was based off of a real life kidnapping, torture and murder of a young girl

I love this artist uwu

He will always be reminded for the "crackwhore gone wrong" meme.

Examples of the doujins you were describing

Not gonna lie

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Yeah, I'll second that. Rape's hot, mind break's not.

No? We just reserve the right to say 'no' to your dumb decisions and refuse to bail you out for them. Im sorry your parents never taught you to have some discipline and self reliance, but thats neither my job nor the govt to fix your shortcomings. Go be a marxist somewhere else

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the bible is pretty fucked up though

Anything with unbirth tag

He uses his more profitable stuff to fund his less popular vanilla stuff.

Well, must admit that the "snuff highschool" arc was quite fucked up.
But this is a trash manga (and i don't say that in a derogatory way) about sexy chicks and gore. If you find it disturbing it means you are taking it way too seriously.
But once again this thread start with porn, so...

Damn it. I just finished reading it. I want to fault her for being dumb enough to get involved with the guy and the prostitution, but at 14-15 years old and with such shitty parents, it doesn't seem like she was raised to be wary of those types of people. Also fuck her mom. You find out your husband is fucking your teenage daughter after he's been acting sketchy and laid off... and you don't immediately suspect rape? She didn't even bother to listen to her daughter. It's all too real. I feel so hollow. It's far from the most disturbing manga I've read, but the fact that it's pretty grounded in realism is enough to make it hurt.

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His Joshiraku doujin is one of my favorites

The scene at the end where shes watching Toy Story hurt so bad, I only read it the one time.

It's the lack of the characters morality that's the problem, not the content

>Im sorry your parents never taught you to have some discipline and self reliance

You almost had me, but I refuse to believe anyone who is depraved enough to be on this site in a thread about the most disturbing manga is capable of either of those things.

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Oh no. When she got scared by the doorbell sound at the end.

No one has said anything about that one Touhou doujin where one of them is shrunk and then raped by bugs as her friends wonder what happened to her.

>but the fact that it's pretty grounded in realism is enough to make it hurt.
This. Any story where the rape/snuff/whatever feels like something that could actually happen always makes me feel like shit.

When the fuck will people stop pretending "the Xth manga Shindol made about stupid girls becoming drug addicts and losing their babies" was anything of note ever?

That shitty doujin of Precure where they abort a baby really did a number to my sanity.

The memes never die.

For those that dont know, he made a Darkest Dungeon skinset

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Emergence is literally just a normal gyaru porn.

Junji ito
Hell ninja scroll was kinda gnarly

>baby's first doujin with "drugs" tag

Definitely not the one you posted.

Wtf i love shindol now

yeah, no way I read that


A good artist wasted on a bad game.


I came across a doujin about abortion and that was fucked up

Depends on what you mean by "disturbing". The word has different values depending on who you ask.
Theres Junji Ito's manga, who are tailored to be shocking with weirdness.
That is the most "disturbing" I've seen from manga.
Now if doujins counts, then I find the most disturbing the ones that involves babies or kids.
Like that one where the futa fucks the pregnant girl, and then she pulls out the fetus and cums over it. Or that one where the guy puts the baby in a blender.
Also when girls are turned into fuck nuggets, I hate that shit too.

You've got a weak stomach, those werent even close to being disturbing

Show something that you find disturbing

I cant, I dont get disturbed by much, I cant remember the last manga that made me flinch. maybe junji ito can be unsettling at times with imagery but not enough to be disturbing. I have become infuriated with a manga but not disturbed, it was the one where the retard rapes the girl from the train and gets away scott free.

Actually doing porn with a disabled protagonist, ( more than once) huh. Good on him.