Why can't it be real bros. Why am I stuck in THIS world and not the morals reversed one
Why can't it be real bros. Why am I stuck in THIS world and not the morals reversed one
So you can whore yourself out?
Ya bro just think about it. A world where girls pay YOU for sex! Where you could make money on twitch while playing video games just by merit of being a guy, you would not have to worry about "manning up" and getting a "real job" cus you could just go marry some chick and expect her to pay for everything!
yay super aids for everyone
your too fat and ugly, nobody would pay for you
The moral reversal world is exactly the same as our world. Boys are still expected to be protectors, look/act cool or have masculine interests, they're just more outwardly prudish.
So some of the stuff you say could be true, but certainly not all of it.
tell me more
how much its translated is it good outside the initial premise is there actual sex or just blueballing is the mc a faggot etc
OP if you kill yourself by having a truck run you over, there's a big chance you'll get isekai'd
Good luck
The original is a h-doujin following an isekaid horny boy to a horny girls world. If you still get blue balled, that's on you. This manga follows a female MC, relatively prude with prude boys.
Alas, though now I understand religions with an afterlife
oh I thought it was a LN
>female mc
Not by suicide. I don't remember a single isekai that started like that.
theres 18 chapters
I'll check it out and comeback to give my thoughts
yes but in that world you'd just be another passive guy annoyed at the sexual harassment and constant parading of buff guys in swimsuits
Based user wasting his time so we don't have to
I can't name a single Amahara work that was a waste of time
God I wish I was Ichikawa in this world.
The MC from the doujin recently arrived, and the latest chapter ended with him about to have sex with a friend of the MC.
>Shitty garbage got axed
Seethe harder hetcucks
>reversed gender ShindoL doujin ensues
I'm on chapter 13 now
so far its kinda cute but the humor is not great, pic related made me giggle but obviously a translation decision
Normalfag is apt if the original was Riajuu
where the fuck is the new chapter?
OP is a slut
It's all a matter of economics, user. Just make this thought-experiment by imagining a world where:
> all simping and white-knighting are gone.
> males have a better control over their sex-drive.
> males have more self-respect towards their own gender.
> males wouldn't ever put up with nagging and shit-tests.
In this scenario, all the Supply X Demand relations behind the sexual market would be drastically changed to something close as in Teisou Gyakuten Sekai.
Now it's time to see if the author has the balls to keep the story up. Let us have faith that s/he won't make this series fitting for purityfag worshippers.
It's really not so different, after all.
Yeah I've pretty much seen "Normies" used for it in the Oregairu radios.
Does the male MC ever get accused of being a slut?
He calls himself a slut because that's what he is.
Imagine only being able to fap once a day.
Imagine Kawashima being falsely accused of rape.
Slut shaming doesn't seem to exist... yet.
Delinquent girls called him slutty, the teacher also initially had mixed feelings. He just keeps a low profile, and because of that he avoided being ostracized.
My fap frequency was about that in my teens.
ok I'm done
>what is this manga about?
a girl gets sent to a world that is exactly like the normal world except women think about sex all the time while men are shy and timid when it comes to sex.
>any lewds?
you get to see titties but that's it, no erotic situations at all (yet), the MC is kinda cute though
>should I read it?
the first 15 chapters are terrible and absolutely nothing interesting happens but by chapter 16 the manga introduces a male into the story and the first thing he does is charge 30 bucks to a pervy girl for sex and she accepts so maybe the story will progress now.
for what it is right now, I dont recommend it
3/10 it has titts
At least read the hentai prototype, user.
how someone knows that this has not been axed ?
by the way any other manga with the same vibe?
idk, and I hope not.
>mangas with same vibe?
would like to know too
I want to catch Ichikawa's disease!
This was axed. The mangaka is seeking other publishers but nothing so far
When did this happen? Source?
You disgust me OP, fucking slut.
At first, I thought that was Beatrice from Umineko
I going through the artist's twitter and it seems like he has health issues but I'm no expert in nip so I might be wrong.