Comfiest anime you've ever seen? Samurai Champloo for me hands down

Comfiest anime you've ever seen? Samurai Champloo for me hands down.

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Only came here to agree. I could never skip the intro/outro. Watanabe's works always had great music selections.

Kino no Tabi for me

Doesn't get comfier than this

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oh, yeah?

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Yu yu hakusho

Azumanga Daioh/Cromartie High School

I don’t like watching comfy shows because as much as I’m having fun, I don’t like the feeling of emptiness gnawing at me every 3 minutes

Haibane Renmei for me. Also tokyo godfathers at christmas

NNB is the godfather of comfy anime, It would take a near perfect show to top it.

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I walk ten thousand miles
Ten thousand miles to see you

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you can't out-comfy this

+ Lucky Star & Hyouka are damn fine choices.

It's a damn fine Christmas movie

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yuru camp has it down to a t
although kino is a special kind of comfy

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>me hands down.
Why would I raise my hand for your personal experience?

Trigun is the correct answer lads

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Oh I forgot Yuru Camp. Incidentally, I had JUST started doing the same as a hobby. It came at a perfect time.

Minami-ke will always be my choice

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Holy cow this

>X The Animation
that's hentai, isn't it

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post the edit

Came here to say this

i wish

it's Aria, 10 seconds of google and you can know what that is