So how many of you named your children after anime characters?

So how many of you named your children after anime characters?

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>Ah, my son, Naruto, your brother Gintama is missing! Help me look for him while your mother watches over Bocchi!
Yeah, fuck no

I named my kid Shinji Ikari because he was a mistake

Konosuba Smith would be a hell of a name

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My sister is called Sakura, we are from Japan though

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I named my dog Kino

>Yea Forumsnons
>breeding anything other than their hand or an onahole

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I would name my son Excalibur

I doubt I'll even have kids but I like the name Hana or some variant (Hanna, Hannah etc.) I like that it's not immediately identifiable as a weeb name and you can pass it off as biblical in a pinch.

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Sakura in Japan is the same thing as John in America or Yusuf in France

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>Yea Forumsnons breeding their onahole
That's kind of hot.

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My sister's name is Aya, but it's a normal name here.

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I've never had children because the only one I want to have kids with IS an anime character.

No, I'm not retarded and I don't want to make the lives of my future children worse. The only passable option is this one , Hana is a normal name where I live.

Daughter's middle name is Rin since I thought it was cute

It's definitely cute

You want her to date old men for money?

Not me but I know a girl who named her daughter after the girl from Gosick and her son after Johan from Monster (who she calls Jojo).

That's my mom's name.


Oh you.

>Why yes, my son, I named you after a sociopathic mass murderer.
At least it's a normal name, so people can't immediately tell. Not sure if the same applies to the poor girl.

To be fair, Victorica doesn't sound that bad.

I thought it was "Victorique".

Yeah its pretty weird. But Johan IS relatively normal name here so you wouldnt guess it right away yeah. I only know because she told me of the influence.
It sounds pretty damn weird over here, its not a typical name at all. I think she has been bullshitting people that its a swedish name?

You're right, I haven't seen it in a long time and only remember the name from that retard MC screaming it out loud.

Victorique sounds like a black girl name.

It sounds like some Nip combined European syllables to get an European sounding name. You are right, it really makes me think of Shaniquas, Laquishas and the like. Black people like that "qu" sound for some reason.

I wish I had twins.
>Rem & Ram
>Mion & Shion

They both sound like black names.