C96 Doujin Statistics

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Hope it all gets scanned. GBF has at least one dedicated guy.

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Who give a shit? Fate is still the king and shitcolle beat the shit out of that bootleg chink crap

>most of it from mobage
>follow by idolshit

These fucks have ruined the doujin scene forever.

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It's the R18 ratio.

does that mean mods will delete cause "/h/"

>Bang Dream higher than Love Live

Pleb here cannot read either Japanese or Chinese.

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Is Touhou reclining?


Oh god finally.

1.Princess Connect! Re:Dive
2.Granblue Fantasy
3.Pretty Cure
5.Azur Lane
6.Girls' Frontline
9.Toubun no Hanayome

11.Kantai Collection
14.Go chūmon wa usagi desu ka?
17.Touhou Project
20.Uma Musume Pretty Derby
21.Kemono Friends

why is this so popular?

Wait is that Symphogear? Symphogear is popular in the doujinshi scene?

Why the fuck does it never get scanned or translated as much?

That's suprising.Didn't expect it to gain traction so soon.

>22% 東方Project

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I wasn't expecting Love live and bang dream to have so many non H doujins. What are they even about?


From reading a lot of them,99% of the time it's just the authors imagining the characters in various SoL situations.The remaining 1% is either yuri/het confessions without the sex,or plain weird shit.

>Series with five sisters that all have huge, fat tits is popular

Nigger 2hu porn is fucking shit


How does the Chinese guy think that's "sad news"?

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Touhou doujin are mostly sold during Reitaisai

Just waiting for my bi-annual rituals

>Tonari no Chinatsu-san
>Rider-san series
>Akiko-san series

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>touhou has declined dramatically in last years

w-what happened touhou chads? i thought our /girls/ were the number one in japan.

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>Most of the go toubun hentai will be about mikushit and the rest about mikushit

>1.Princess Connect! Re:Dive
>2.Granblue Fantasy
Holy fucking shit when will the gacha cancer stop killing this industry?

I read it for Nino

>GuP beating KanColle
GuP Strong

>Bang Dream higer than Love Live
Fuck I guess Love Live Really is dead

>Uma Musume Pretty Derby
I thought lewding the horses was banned


Are you ready for a whole thread of people who can't read the image and also won't read the thread before posting? I sure am.

>T-Touhou is d-d-dead
Look at the circle list that participated in the latest Reitaisai

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Does anybody know if there was even a single doujin for spec ops asuka?

It's just the ratio of R-18 to non-H. Touhou has always mostly been non-H you retards.
Also Touhou is still on top if you count Reitaisai numbers. OP is either baiting or retarded.

>mao lane that high

not like this KCbros....

I don't give a FUCK what series my smut belongs too, just bring me more lolibabas

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It's fucking high considering that the franchise enters on every single event

Actual non-bait image.
KC still has over 4x more than AL

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>Symphogear 58% H
And yet, they're all shit or never scanned.

Feels like some you guys are misunderstanding what op's image is about.

shut the fuck up with your dead game incel nigger faggot

So apparently rather than 2hu reclining, all of Comiket is reclining.

The image doesn't lie.
more like 90% of the thread are retarded EOPs

Fucking fujo

>Feels like some you guys are misunderstanding what op's image is about.
How about all?

The word you're looking for is declining.
And it's not, comiket always has more applicants than it has participants.

shut the fuck up i cant accept this

So you're saying the jews want more FGO shekels huh


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What the hell are you talking about?

T&B has a strong foothold there even after 8 years, a lot of the older established series backed by fujos are still there as well.

>9.Toubun no Hanayome
How? It's just a normal harem manga with anime adaptation. There are hundreds of others, and none turn up in this list.

what's 5? I can't into kanji

Touken Ranbu


Pls gib more XBC2 vanilla doujins.

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An user translated the list here >Fate
>Touken Ranbu
>Love Live
>Azur Lane
>Girls und Panzer
>Granblue Fantasy
>Yuri on Ice
>Tiger & Bunny
>Hypnosis Mic
>Bang Dream
>Kuroko no Basket
>Kemono Friends

I would prefer black bars instead of these normalfag smileys covering people's faces.

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Nope. When you calculate back to the actual number, KanColle got around 470 porn while GuP got 160.

Is there any individual event that have surpassed peak Reitaisai of 5000's circles?

If you take the percentage R18 as accurate, then top 3 would be

Fate 1.1k
KC 580
Either AL or Idols: 207 ish

>Precunny has the highest proportion of R18 doujins
What did the Japanese mean by this?

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Japan understands that underage girls are hot.

>when you realize a lot of doujin artists are playing this shit instead of drawing now

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Anyone know where this shit from? Tried following the comment chain, but it isn't on the artist's twitter.

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>it isn't on the artist's twitter.

Because they have the most characters.

Do you really expect something with 5 characters get as much doujins as something with 200?

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You people realize this is the % of R-18 doujins right?

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>imagine literally says R18
>people still misunderstand it
This is the kind of thing that happens when you overestimate user's intelligence.

fucking lol, the artist gives no shits about twitter loli ban

...what is that alpaca, what is the story behind it, and just... why are you doing this, my penis?

>Tiger & Bunny
I mean I liked the show (Movies not so much) but how the fuck does the fujo mentality keep a show that aired almost a decade ago in the top-20 for comiket releases

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What It is this?

Tiger & Bunny has a steady stream of multimedia side materials/projects and multiple manga series along with collaborations with brand name companies (usually clothes and jewelry etc along with the usual merch) in Japan so their fans are still enjoying it there.

based dantalian

Damn, someone remembered this?

Ahh I thought based on the convo of those user, that the doujin was Nanatsugumi's.

Thanks user.

Reminder that most of that shit never gest scanned. Someone should compare the catalog list with what's on sadpanda.

How much of it is even good?

anyone knows where to get those %s for past years? I'm interested in seeing the tendencies of a series getting non-h/h

I'm not sure if there's a complete database desu

0 sales confirmed