John Boyega reveals his favorite anime

5-Attack on Titan
3-The Seven Deadly Sins
2-Hunter X Hunter

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Literally who



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>Literally who
Also, shit taste

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So did he watch the Bleach fillers too?

Black weebs can't into anime that is deeper than shonen shit.

Find me a black anime fan who's favorite anime is Mushishi or something like that, and I'll have a heart attack from being impressed.

>all shitty series and bleach
Also fuck this nigger ruined Pacific rim

>published March 5, 2018

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Niggers are simple minded.
Color me surprised.

Generic black people taste.


>5-Attack on Titan
Good taste.

>Find me a black anime fan
You're assuming Whites, Asians, etc like Mushishit

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>5 cancer out of 5
>only shounenshit
Sasuga shit taste from a literally who.

Here comes the moetards acting like they're any better.

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Based, we now have confirmation for Onyakopon.

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Here comes the underage shounen shittard.

Attack on Titan is a soft seinen

Going into this thread, I knew people would call him out for liking shonenshit. But I always see people name the same generic seinenshit as if it's supposed to be better.
Never change Yea Forums, never change.

as expected of a nigger/shounentard

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Nigger, your average anime fan has that sort of taste.
Most people just watch whatever flavor of the month pops up on their social media feeds.

I'm white and I hate Mushishi

Casual as fuck

HxH is a seinen

You would have said that about literally any A-Level anime I posted. Don't pretend you aren't a faggot.

>Ulquiorra was a literal representation of nihilism
>Mocks materialistic desires and says how futile they are as a means to keep living.
>Gets defeated by those same desires turning into a mindless monster, showing him the importance of them and changing his outlook on humans.
>The page is ulquiorra (utter emptiness) or what he thought he was with his last conscious thoughts being about the same desires he reject before ironically turning into nothing.
>One of the best character growths in manga
>The culmination of said growth so perfect that a single world on a white page is enough to convey the emotion perfectly in a visual medium.

Is Bleach too deep for Yea Forums to understand?

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I know this site doesn't like John for some stupid reason but I love him and I hope he can produce and star in a Naruto series of movies.

I dropped and stopped caring about Bleach long before da heart so I don't give a shit.

Nah, you're just a faggot who thinks understand nihilism.

>pretentious faggots
Post your watched list and let us judge your shit taste.

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Let me guess, you like Lain and Texhnolyze for being "deep" and "philosophical", regardless of the poorly handled, needlessly complex plot? Granted, I used to like them too back when I was a teen, then I realized that it's no better than shonenshit. The only divide autists like you can come up with is:
>published in shonen = bad
>published in seinen = good
If any of the anime he had listed were published in a seinen magazine, you'd probably defend it.

>frogposting jojonigger

shonen is based.

>changing the subject bec he knows he has shit taste

Breaking news!
Lite R Allywho has revealed his top 5 anime:
5. Blade braver
4. Gachi Rangers
3. Detective Kunkun
2. Kujibiki Unbalance
1. Mirakurun

Battle Programmer Shirase
Saiber Marrionette J
Key the Metal Idol

Why don't you take shitskin dick up your ass next you retard faggot

Go back

Why would you ever care what some literally-who nigger's favorite shit is?

Go back to

>published in shonen = bad
nah, just popular battle manga anyone who experienced a wide variety of shows should of grown out of like fucking Bleach.
if that's his favorites, that's his favorites, it's whatever, but I virtually never seen anyone with a high power level have fucking Bleach as their number 1. Just saying.

>You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums:
enjoy your break

Only metal waifus are pure

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I find it amusing how no one is literally just ignoring this thread and reporting. They just got to go in here just scream nigger to look cool.

Sasuga, niggers

>Color me

>Yeah, you?
>What do you like

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Kill yourself newfag

You can't get more retarded than you already are.

Yeah, some of the shonen he named are pretty bad especially Bleach, what the actual fuck, but disliking something for being popular is still a bit petty. For instance some of the stuff I like is well known, but I have favorites that are never talked about, even on Yea Forums.

Jesus fucking Christ, this post.

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>no One Piece
opinion discarded

Reminder that Pharrell is one of us.

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bleach. The plot is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the symbolism will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Ulquiorra’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The true fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these details, to realise that they’re not just badass- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Bleach truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the tragedy in Orihime’s existential catchphrase “Kurosaki-kun,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Tite Kubo’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rukia tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

I have no idea who this man is but he looks too 3DPD to be Yea Forums related.


This might be more relevant if I had any idea who that is. Shit taste, though.

>2-Hunter X Hunter
That he didn't specify 1999 or 2011 makes me think it's 2011 (and he's never read the manga).
Also ...
Yeah, no. Just no.

>Saiber Marrionette J
>Not Saber Marionette R
Get outta here.

What the heck did I ever do to you?

>Underage shounenshittard is mad

>Most of Yea Forums watch and enjoy shows like Love Live, Eromanga Sensei, Umaru Chan etc
>REEE about the taste of a normie

What irony.

Holy hell, the very definition of SHIT taste.