It's too late to change your hikikomori ways.
It's too late to change your hikikomori ways
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i went to a job interview today my first one ever
congrats dude
hopefully the mcdonalds calls you back soon
I'm in college for 7 years and counting. Should I kill myself?
I wish I could redo my life so bad.
good thing since this lifestyle allows me to fuck pre-teens
I wish I had a cute girl to save me. I wish I could turn back time...
>finish school and get good job that I don't hate
>have plenty of money life is going perfect on paper
>still feel exactly the same and spend my time off doing nothing
>literally a hikki except when I have to work or get food
It's ok I guess
i know
many regrets
How being a hikki allows you to fuck pre-teens?
>>literally a hikki except when I have to work or get food
So not a hikki at all?
That's okay. I work from home.
It was always too late
a wage slave or a hikki, both are the same. They're dead inside
I watched this and I didn't take the hint. I ended up failing worse than Satou. I hate myself every day of my life.
Why 7 years tho?
I can't. I'm the perfect idiot.
Dont rub salt. We call it being 'delayed' here and it's quite common for us especially in the engr dept. If we fail some of our subjects, we can't graduate. i failed my english writing subj like 5 times before finally passing it.
What's the solution for this?
Dont worry user. Try your hardest and succeed. Good things await at the end. I know people that have fucked up and kept going on and eventually prevailed. Don't stress urself too much and get through it with friends or comfy vibes :)
you daydream a lot
Now that you have settled with a job, you have a lot of options with ur life with a stable income :)
I lost them at my 4th year. That was also the year where I first failed a major subject. I never failed a subj before that except for english. It was hell afterwards.
Almost killed myself because I threw away a full ride at a state uni I went 2 years then just stopped going because of anxiety and depression. Moved away for a year and came back with more life experience and now I wish I could go back to school. Maybe one day, keep trying user.
>tfw officially older than Sato
I read the manga when I was his age and now I must be ten years older or so (he was 22-23 I think). Don't have to worry, everything goes better when you're older.
I've been rewatching clannad lately and just now am realizing how similar I am to tomoya. No friends, work exhausts me so much I don't do anything when I get done besides Yea Forums and sleep, no interaction with family even though I still live in moms basement.
Let me give you a little anecdote Yea Forums pals.
I was exactly like Sato for years. Infact, in my first year at University, I failed the year because I physically couldn't leave my flat in the daytime. I got the most insane anxiety attacks, and I'd go out at like 11pm to the Viet food place round the corner, and I'd let the boxes absolutely ROT in my room. When it came to the end of year exams, I tried to leave, got about 100 foot down the road, and turned round cause I was too scared.
Some shit happened, but I was able to beat back anxiety and graduate. I now have a job that I love, I make enough to live on my own, and I'm hoping to apply for an ESL job in October- which would literally be my dream job.
Let me say this: Don't waste your life on Yea Forums. I started using Yea Forums when I was 15, and I'm 30 now. My brain has become absolutely POLLUTED by Yea Forums culture and memes. I can't get a girlfriend because of all the redpill shit, and seeing how modern women are just absolute whores- who would jump on Chad's dick at the drop of a hat. I never reference them, but I always think of asinine Yea Forums memes at work.
The ONE friend I have is moving to a different country next week, so after that, I'm kinda on my own again. Don't waste the best years of your life on Yea Forums like I did. Get out there and live a life. Things have never been easier to enjoy yourself
Not if you stay a NEET it doesn't
So Yea Forums helped you to not become a disgusting normalfag carrying some random bitch all his life and you're somehow sour about it.
go to your major's dept and ask what you need tp do to graduate
You can't stay a NEET forever unless you're rich or you have really nice parents.
How did you make your one friend? Please teach me
You'll understand when you grow up.
We just met at college at 16. I think we were both playing Street Fighter 2 on PSP
he's gotta start somewhere
But I'm older than you?
>We just met at college
Fuck. Has anyone ever made a friend while not in school? Is it even possible?
I met friends at work and on mmos
You're not supposed to have "friends" when you're an adult.
I got a job and wanted to kill myself
I have no job and want to kill myself
doesn't matter what I do anymore, would just feel like shit no matter what I'm doing
Having a job doesn't cure depression, it just gives you money so you don't end in the streets. And that's pretty important too.
Of course. Spend time at any gathering or organisation relating to things you're interested in, that's where you'll find people you really click with.
I feel you. Seems like I'd be the eternal student if my uni wouldn't have given me a final deadline. If I can't get my shit together within the next year, all this time was in vain.
Yes, I know, stupid blogshit nobody cares about, but it's not like I can lose anything else at this point. Might as well an hero in the near future
I already started going to a boardgame night every week. It's fun but I haven't made any friends
Thanks Yea Forumsnon
As I said, this is quite normal for the students in my uni so ofc I know what to do. It's just that it's hard (at least for us).
Having a 'deadline' is the end for a lot of us students in my uni. I actually met a lot who graduated here in more than 9 years. Ofc the office are telling them what to do and all that shit but, yeah.
Anyways, good luck for both of us. I can't see anything good to a future without finishing my course (my parents will kill me and math is the only thing I'm good at) so I hope we finish this hell of being a student.
What exactly is a hikikomori?
Sounds like depression and I also have it. Talk to your doctor, user.
You're exactly what they want you to be. A soulless human who just works and has no true hobbies, passions, or interests.
Person past school age stuck home. Jobless, no extra education. Leeches off mom and dad.
Even the word "hobby" is used to kick passions to the curb in this day and age though.
Sounds like me, but I'm happy.
Friends can really be anyone and you can find them anywhere. Hobbies, School, Work, and just going outside and socializing helps
Your reverse psychology won't work on me!
School age person can still be hikki. Lots of school refusal in Nipland. Mari Okada was one of these people when she was in middle school
That explains a lot...
>just going outside and socializing helps
Yeah I know but after that year is the time that I knew that I always fail in socializing. Only a handful of people can tolerate my attitude.
Once they start to know me, most people would actually leave. And here I always blame the bullies and despised them when I was the one who's wrong for being bullied back in hs.
Now I can only be myself in Yea Forums
You've clearly never wagecucked. If you are an autistic wageslave it's the same life of social isolation except you are forced to spend 10-12 hours of your day on shit you would rather not be doing.
>Spend time at any gathering or organisation relating to things you're interested in, that's where you'll find people you really click with.
>go to one
>I never really click with anyone
>end up wishing I had stayed home
A lot of anime viewers have the same kind of personality. It's why her work is popular
>Now I can only be myself in Yea Forums
>current year
Being "myself" on here became shitty after all the tourists didn't fucking leave in 2014.
This but legitimately. Even if the mystical click happens it's usually only for a single interaction.
>Only a handful of people can tolerate my attitude.
Most likely your attitude is only tolerated here because anonymity stops us from realizing what you're like
I wish RE:Life pill was real
My buddy when he got out of Afghanistan went to college for 3 years on scholarships/benefits. He lived with his brother, maintained a 2.1 average, bought no course materials and just googled his way through his courses, and pocketed most of the money.
I'm pretty old though so this is back when you only got 36 months worth of payments. Honestly he could have winged his way to a bachelors in english if the feds just kept paying him. Maybe you should just wing it?
I never knew anything earlier than 2016. Yes, I'm what you call the newfags of the newfags so, yeah.
>You'll understand when you grow up.
Nah. I'm older than you.
Pinning for something that doesn't exist doesn't eventually make you wish you had something you know isn't what you wanted in the first place.
I wish too. I dropped high school when I was 17, but finished later sending letters to a supplementary program. Now I'm a hikki... for almost 4 years. Last time I left my home was in march, I think.
I'm supposed to do a entrance exam for college in november, but I didn't studied jack shit yet.
You don't need a home or a personal computer to Not persue Employment Education or Training. You can be a NEET untill you die. It won't be pleasant, but it's not like life is pleasant either way. The Author of Welcome to the NHK commented in the afterword of a reprint that he relapsed into NEET-dom and was using his booksales to sustain his living standards.
I have no fucking idea to most of what you said. No, I don't have any money issues or anything like that if that's what you're saying. In a third wold country like mine, my family is above middle class.
I also don't have any issues in studies. I got a lot of academic achievements back in grade and high school times. I used to top exams back in the early years of college.
Social shits is the reason I think why I stooped so low.
>I never knew anything earlier than 2016.
What led you here in the first place?
My professor led me here. He saw my rewrite vn wallpaper while in class then talked bout vn and stuff.
You guys are pathetic. I work 7 different jobs, one for each week day.
Extreme NEET. You literally dont go out from your house. The farthest you actually go is the bathroom in your house.
This is impossible if you dont have a lot of live savings or not leeching off someone's money though.
Bout to enter film school this fall. I'm a bit scared, but my wish to make movies is bigger than my anxiety, nervousness, social anxiety, low self esteem, anger issues, autism, crippling suicidal depression and etc.
Are you proud of me Yea Forums?
> tfw probably 2 or so years away from becoming a hiki when I finally give up on school entirely because of my depression/ not-meme autism
My years are slowly ticking up and I am getting nowhere closer to the mindsets of the normalfriends like this. While my anxieties were never bad, I just don't understand these desires people seem to hold. I can't even grasp the idea of a dream job. What the fuck does that even mean? Anything being a job just makes it suck by default. Having to do something is just horrible idea reagrdless of what it is.
What also is living life? What is there to do in life apart from just slacking off which would be desireable? All these feelings are just so foreign and it's kind of bothersome that I cannot square them on almost any level.
I don't need friends. You guys are my friends, anons!
> ignore me most of the time
> call me retarted when I say something stupid
yeah that sounds like my friends from high school alright
they literally told us in uni that most people will get delayed because it's so hard.
this is why i dropped out.
i'm going to take a programming classes instead. it's only for 2 years and i will go back to uni after that maybe.
Here you can fight back because 4chang is a freeze peach christian board.
I was on the same boat. Then I become a neet for several years. Eventually I went back to college, getting a fresh start and going for a different career path. My life experience made this second go an absolute cinch - anything was easier than neetdom and my attitude had completely changed. Four years later I started working as an electrical engineer in the oil sector and become a respected member of society. Of course I could only do this because I live in a country where you don't need to pay a cent if you are a good student and thanks to my parents' support. I could have been fucked for life so easily under even slightly different circumstances, so don't take any more chances, you'll only regret more with each passing year.
Children. Your instincts start screaming at you that there's something missing after a certain age. Some people can muffle those voices with childish hobbies, casual sex or pets, but after a while the depression sets in.
I used to think this way. Don't fall for the illusion Yea Forums provides, eventually it won't work anymore and you'll be lonelier than ever
Partially related, but I just discovered that the last chapters of this came out
I have and I do, but I don't think you can call yourself a hikki when you spend half of your day outside. I have heard of the concept "weekend hikki" but that sounds silly to me.
Well, maybe if your country gives you neetbux or something like that. I also heard the author had spent most of his money already, maybe he's dead at this point.
I fucking hate my life.I guess what you would call a rich NEET but that only came with me because I sacrificed my social life for my career. I'm so lonely...
I hate when my parents ask when they're going to have grandchildren but I don't think that will happen. Thanks Yea Forums for being my friend.
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Good to see you guys still having the guts to live life even after dropping college. I'll probably try not to kill myself too
Thank for reminder
hitori bocchi
No matter how shit you feel there's always a bigger piece of shit failure then you out there.
>tfw I talk to other people so rarely these days that I've developed a stutter
Last time i watched NHK i was depressed for a month
I thought it was Comedy. Turns out it was hit too close to home really hard...
dropping college is the least of my problems
My county pays me 450 every month because of my autism. I can live with that.
Now read the novel so you can see how much the anime lightened up most of the content.
NHK is one of these novels that is worth suggesting to everyone and not just anime faggots
Really nice book
t. neet
I'm really glad that I managed to snag myself a physical copy of it years ago.
Trips of good fortune, also me too
NHK is really eye opening if you're a paranoid psychotic hermit type hiki neet otaku. Which I am. See you on /sci/
Imagine being a normalfag with a loving wife, a well-paying job, and a social life haha ;_;
probably gonna reread the manga sometime soon
My dream is a remake of of the novel as a movie and also super mario sunshine remaster on the switch or whatever
Sounds gay as fuck desu I'd rather be NEET. Normalfags can go die in a fire.
>third year of college
>two years behind
It's not even fair man, i feel you so hard.
What's so good about it (besides the well-paying)?
I don't have a social life, I do whatever I like all the time. If I want to watch a movie I just watch it, if I feel like fapping I fap, when I'm not working I'm absolutely free. People with social life can't do shit, they are always complaining about how they can only play videogames one hour late at night because it's the only moment they have for themselves.
Just think about it, rationally, do you want that life?
Yes. Do you realize that those people are only complaining because it gives them something to talk about? If they truly wanted to play video games more than they wanted to have a social life they could easily do it, but they don't. Games, anime, etc are fun in moderation but there's a limit to how long you can do the same thing over and over again before you get bored of it. Humans are biologically hardwired to want a family and a social life and no amount of escapism can change that.
This series changed my life when I was 14.
Made me realize I should try to achieve my dream which is simple , be productive and successful. I go to navy bootcamp in 2 days at age 25 after hating where I am at right now going nowhere.
Hopefully this changes my ways for good.
That's just determinism. I see most of those people and they aren't happy. They argue all the time, they are irritable. Even sometimes, in private and if they really trust you, they can tell you how much they regreet having kids.
I don't mean everyone's like that, but you need to know yourself and follow your own path. You're not gonna find happiness just doing what everyone does, because "nature", "culture" or whatever. I know for sure I will be unhappy following the normalfag path.
Sometimes the social faillures have a terrible habit of idealizing the normalfags, believing in romantic love and all that bullshit, and that can harm them terribly.