ITT: Pseudo-intellectual moments

ITT: Pseudo-intellectual moments

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Too lazy to edit

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le hedgehog's dilemma

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Explain what makes it psudointellectual.

I'd need to know what that is first.


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that's not a webm of the entire series, though

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Wait wtf thats not right...

Haha is this the thread where people in their 20s feel the urge to state their intellectual superiority to shows made for 14 year olds?

This is intellectual honesty at it's best

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Pretty sure the first replies and the OP are not aimed at teenagers.

I'll have you know that I turned 30 this year

Dragon Ball Z, one of the most pretentious 2deep4u psuedo-intellectual anime of all time.

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Did you get wizard powers or is that just a myth?

its a pretty basic part of how you interact with other people

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Ah but you see I learned about the hedgehogs dilemma in my psych introductory class, that means I have single-handedly defeated Anno in the zero-sum game of wits that he was so clearly challenging the world to with his show.
I'll have you know that i once went on a walk and saw thousands of trees but not a single forest.

i find it bizarre how so many people identified with dragonball z despite it being so far removed from real life. you got aliens, golden space monkeys, flying cars, flying golden alien space monkeys, firebeam laserbeams, an alien living on top of world acting as god who lives with a talking cat who farms magical beans, with magic wishgranting spheres that summon a chinese myth dragon that blots out the sun, in a world totally unlike our own.

it is existential Picasso yet people look up to goku like they can be just like him.

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That's not pseudo-intellectual because the show doesn't pretend it's something super deep. Fans just over-praise it.

itt: moments i don't like/or am too dumb to understand properly

>i find it bizarre how so many people identified with (something) despite it being so far removed from real life
I don't think realism is that important for people to connect with media. Some people have an imagination, being in tune with the abstract world. They can connect with not only the present world but also hypothetical ones. Not saying DBZ is a good empathic series but if you're wondering why people connect with other fantasy series, there are reasons.

you are a pleb OP.
that sequence was very similar to the world of ideas Plato described.

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