ITT We honor Kyoani by celebrating the meme it gave us

ITT We honor Kyoani by celebrating the meme it gave us.
Use "forced ____" to any anime that are applicable.
Starting with the famous forced animation.

Attached: 1459484765204.webm (856x480, 1.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1552029081675.webm (854x480, 2.24M)

I thought forced animation was a meme what the hell am I watching

Bad character acting combined with sudden boost in production quality.

Why does forced animation make me cringe so much?

so, forced animation


y is she crying

Forced humor

Attached: 1464836001711.png (1280x738, 721K)

That's an amazing scene, and it wouldn't be the same without the exaggerated character animation.

Attached: 1455918003236.gif (699x494, 1.42M)

10/10 expect the dropping chopsticks into the ramen part
I guess this is supposed to be an intense eating battle? Pretty good. Like a porn ad but better.
What's the source?

ah yes, Yea Forums's version of Yea Forums's "artificial difficulty"

forced meme

Forced fire

Attached: img_660_442_1563588359aoba.jpg (610x442, 22K)

forced post

Every other instance of "forced x" should just wordfilter to this.

it should filter to "x I don't like"

This. When Akira does it, it's a masterpiece, when others do it... is forced.

Attached: akira.gif (500x281, 1.75M)

So I watched the movie and this scene wasn't as bad as the webm. It makes me think the webm was edited, but it's also possible I didn't notice during the movie

Except akira has substance behind it while kkyashit is just pretty colors and animation

>akira has substance
forced joke, user.

Attached: 77302-fate-kaleid-liner-prisma-illya-rin-and-luvia-epic-laughing.jpg (280x210, 13K)

Forced repetition

Attached: Endless-Eight-kyon-the-melancholy-of-haruhi-suzumiya-31617003-623-359.png (623x359, 419K)

rolling girls

Menopause kicking in.

This level of bait, embarrassing.