Smiles Yea Forums couldn't protect
Smiles Yea Forums couldn't protect
Why do the ugly bastards always win?
Is she dead yet?
Best girls never win
t-the feels
I still need to finish the manga. I'm like 10 chapters away.
It's still running. When we used to have manga threads I used to read it but I lost (and apparently Yea Forums collectively) interest shortly after the anime finished.
The computer AI thingy chapters were pretty boring.
Yea Forums still has threads whenever spoilers or chapter translations drop, but they're pretty dead sometimes. It's only like, two chapters away from ending, so there's no reason to drop it now.
I blame Yea Forums.
happiest girl
It hurts
>only died because punpun went full retard at the end
still mad to this day
Her death still makes me so fucking angry, even after all these years. Fuck Punpun, he's the one that should have died.
Chitanda's smile is intact and 100% operational. What are you talking about?
3D problems do not have any impact on the 2D world, user-kun. Please, fuck off.
>Feeling bad for a man who cucked himself
Oh god why...
Wait. She died?
mine desu, I was happy before
I'll never forget him...
good, she's sealed her fate when she killed Shoko
She died but then revived thanks to some asspull medicine I think. I don't know, it got a bit messy and I kind of lost track of the story
Kurumi was a goner the moment she donned a choker. More upsetting is the loss of Miki.
I like the art. Hopefully they make something new
Aaaaand now Im going to have to rewatch the last 4/5 episodes. Whisky and madoka make me cry like a bitch but feel somehome manly about it.
Not yet, but she hasn't smiled in quite a while.
I'll beat her ass up.
>Aaaaand now Im going to have to rewatch the last 4/5 episodes. Whisky and madoka make me cry like a bitch but feel somehome manly about it.
What the fuck?
Kurumis gonna be fine.
She literally did it to herself. The dumb cunt went playing with imperfect vampire magecraft behind the magus' back.
Cringe and dilate madokahater
Does that clear it up?
I was wondering where my crippling depression was. Thanks for finding it for me!!?!?!?!?!?!!!
anyone watch edens bowy? That show seemed to have a huge impact on me as a kid.
>inb4 frog and scorpion
Loved the ending
Best dykefu.
Shouko deserved it. Killing her should've brought Satou better karma.
>kill the unarguably best girl 20 minutes into the story
>majority of the og cast is, at least, slightly unlikable
Now that's what i call horror.
Perhaps. Her intentions were pure though.
I'm pretty sure it was /pol/ who was bullying him for being a luggage boy.
Jojo? idk what you're on about. But this character is from Zeppeli's Bizarre Adventure.
She's barely alive. But you can still kiss her (only if you're a girl though).
>they're pretty dead sometimes.
Too many hiatuses killed the series.
but she's alive, user
Daily reminder that AO completely disregarded both Eureka's and Renton's character arcs, and the entire message of the original series for the sake of pointless suffering, and an antagonist that makes literally no sense in The context of the previous show.
Google 'unluckiest character in the history of anime' and Sara Ringwalt is up there with Guts and Casca.
She deserved happiness and the retarded author took her from us fpr absolutely no reason after an autistic time skip of all things.
At least she managed to have a bit of revenge. Although it probably just exacerbated her ptsd.
Was the end also a total evil victory end? Like most of good characters dead, the remaining is permanently scarred and the antagonist just delayed for a bit.
Didn't that smile get pretty fucking protected in the end?
you think this will get a second season once it finishes?
She deserved it though
>4 years later
>only a shitty live action comes out
But I hope they don't delay the latest chapters for nothing.
Anyone has the full version?
So they're going for nuked end?
Yes, they literally died for nothing so all the anguish and regret they felt when approaching their end was for naught, at least they were together.
Maybe, they're really obnoxious. Feels like there's one every two chapters.
Everyone is going to die, right?