There is no god, only duck

There is no god, only duck.

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Other urls found in this thread:

tips field cap

real talk, the duck's anime design is the most innovative of any character of the past 5 years


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Super hyped for the fact the Restaurant spin-off implied Tanya in the episode where Visha thinks about her marriage partner.

If there is no god, there is no reason not to rape the duck.

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atheists btfo'd

Someone post the rotating Tanya gif

Guessing you mean the Movie PV.

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She says that while being an unwilling puppet to a deity.

I for one welcome my billed mouth overlord.

Well yeah, that's the whole unwilling part about it. Also her eyes aren't yellow in the pic, so she's in control.

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>arguing with a demiurge of all beings
She should come and find salvation in Jesus Christ.

So she has to eventually become the fuhrer after the defeat of the empire right?

She does a better job for her people than that faggot jebus.
>bro bro humans maaaaaan


>There is no god, only d*ck.

it's called a piruet

Depending on how closely Carlo sticks to the WN (I'm kinda less inclined he's sticking close to it than others seem to be), she becomes Big Boss and has her own military.

It's called a pirouette. Which is why I had to guess what he meant.



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I just finished volume 3 and got past the anime ending bros.
Degurechaff is so good she impressed Rommel with her frog killing maneuvers in North Africa. This is the kind of overpowered isekai character I always needed.

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Came here to post this

Good luck little duck

I've made the last 3 threads and even in the ones before that I've been the one to post it, so I'm glad y'all picked it up. Let's me dump more of the new art I've been dropping in this one.

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good luck little duck

I haven't read the manga or LN, just watched the anime. I really liked it, but I just can't see it ending. Seriously, how is it even going to end?

>Tanya accepts being X as God and comes to the faith
That would be a very weak, cop-out ending and completely undermine the entire premise of the series: the conflict between Tanya and Being X. It would be akin to Sasuka killing millions and being let off the hook with just a "yeah.. sorry".

>Tanya defeats and slays God exactly? I know Tanya doesn't acknowledge being X as God but being X is at the very least a supernatural entity. Explain to me how an ordinary human defeats a being that is beyond time and space itself.

>Tanya "defeats" God by showing a world can be built where people disbelieve despite their suffering
It would at least come full circle (with Tanya proving being X wrong on the very reason why she was isekai'd in the first place) but that's hard to write properly without feeling like the author is writing the LN with one hand while tipping his fedora with the other.

With a lot of anime/manga/LN I can imagine ways it could end, with Youjo Senki I just cannot.

I probably should start reading too.
Is it translated?
good quack little duck

Being X isn't the only divine being in the LN, and LN Tanya is ... a bit different. Mostly she's more moral and less willing to sabotage her own side for her benefit than in manga/anime. Also the mind control is far more heinous in the LN.
The thing to keep in mind is that this is not a physical battle in terms of needing to defeat them, but a philosophical one. You can win by proving them wrong.

6th Translated LN volume just came out.
Manga is super slow and basically at anime pace(and a different animal from the LN in lots of ways)
And there's a... uuuuh.... spinoff Manga about food. For some reason.

that is so fucking ugly, who likes this?

Thread theme:

>There is not god
He’s right here, chief

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In the afterward of the first book the author basically says "If you're expecting happy ending, you probably shouldn't read this."

Thanks, user, I will check it out.

It's really quite good, if you liked the anime I'd recommend reading the LN. And I usually drop LNs out of boredom myself, this one kept me hooked.
Hearing Tanya's thoughts makes every little action and discussion take on whole new light. So far, I don't think Tanya really has an evil bone in her body. She's a supreme humanist that regrets every shot fired, as long as the enemy isn't a fanatical animal.

The anime has one of my favorite art styles from any recent show, in terms of 2017 shows the art style was only really beaten by SSR if you ask me.

Word of warning, the LN author is a massive autist. If you want action, go with the anime/manga. The manga kind of does its own things neither the LN nor anime do. Really, every adaptation kind of does its own things the others don't. But the author recommends you stay away from the LN if it's just action you want. He goes on rants. He talks about history and philosophy. The Stanford Prison Experiment comes up on page 3.

Yeah, the LN certainly plays a lot more with misunderstandings and differences in perception. Such as Tanya _despising_ war maniacs, but Van Lergen seeing her as one.

>Word of warning, the LN author is a massive autist. If you want action, go with the anime/manga
I'm an Overlordfag. I think it will be fine.

Isn't she a man? how can you guys fuck a man

I'm still shook from that, honestly. It felt like a thread. Like he was going to make you care for this character and at the end of it all make you say "It would have been better for her to die than to end like this." with what he's going to do to her.
But maybe it's mostly my own imagination of what he might do killing me like that.

Who cares about manga? Its not canon and have shitty art on top of it.

Biologically female is all that matters to me.

Ass, pussy and mouth. Several other places if you're creative enough.

Superior duck

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Well she was a man in previous incarnation she remembered. She could have been man, women, animal, fish, bird 1000 times before just don't remember it. The fuck does it matter? Are you that narrow minded?

>Who cares about manga?
People who want to continue the story where it left off in the anime but hate reading walls of text on a computer screen?

Just admit you hate reading, since its a physical book.

The manga is super slow and mostly slows itself down further by adding a bunch of stuff that isn't in the LN, but not having a lot of stuff from the LN. "The Story" also IS the LN, basically. Unless you wanna grab the WN, and you can read it in physical book form, shockingly.

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Quads of open mindedness

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Good luck little duck

>She's not a nazi it takes place in WII
>France trampled and made into a puppet state
>Tank war in Northern Africa with Erwin Rommel
>Warring against Communist Russia/USSR

The most obvious end is that neither wins. Tanya remains herself, a devout atheist, but remains the plaything of a cosmic deity; and God's plan to restore and reinstill faith in people fails.

Her defeat of Mary Sue is already a kind of victory over Being X in a sense, anyway.

> Virgin Mary vs Chad Duck

Fak Yu Apophis, please.

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Well you wont be able to continue it reading the manga because it goes a completely different route.

It's a first world war that turns into the second.
And Swedish faggots started the war over Denmark.

Alright, what the fuck? Why would you make a manga adaptation and then go in a completely different direction from the source material?

It's not a completely different direction, but it has her character be somewhat less moral than the LN is (same as the anime did) and it throws in A TON of slice of life stuff (and some nudity...) that the LN doesn't do, while at the same time not having the autistic ramblings that the LN has, because they're not really something meant for a visual medium, which however takes away from Tanya's moral nature and complex thoughts.

Eventually you get used to it and become aware of how cute Tanya is.

Yeah, what adaptation would ever make major changes from the source material?

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Here, let me share some of the nightmare scenario endings I can think of based on Carlo Zen's words form the Afterword with you guys, so we can suffer together:

Version A, based on the WTN War Reports:
The news guys in the present finally get there. They find Van Lergen/Rerugen. He tells them. They ask where Tanya is. He's unusually quiet about it, and guides them to Visha, instead.
Accompanied by Visha, they visit a quiet little rural nunnery, which Visha has been going to every week since the end of the war. There, Tanya is an oblivious, deeply devout nun who remembers nothing of the war, only loves god, and has permanently yellow eyes, hardly speaking a whole sentence without prayer or praising god.

Variant B, based on the "everyone wants to kill the devil" mentality from the enemy forces:
The Empire is suing for peace, trying to be allowed to capitulate. Enemy Command agrees if they serve them the devil, but not in a way where anyone will ever know about what happened to her (thus redactions in the war reports). The Empire agrees to safe itself in exchange for Tanya, and sends her false reports and orders over the radio, luring her, and only her, with the exception of Visha, since they always fly duo since the Rhine, to what should presumably be a fight, but ends up being a place unsupported by Empire forces, where the enemy has prepared an ambush entirely to quash Tanya. Hard-pressed, she tries to pray and use the Type 95, and it fails. They gun her down, and she dies in Visha's arms.

That's what I would do if I was Carlo Zen and wanted to hurt my audience, like he seemingly promised to.

>There, Tanya is an oblivious, deeply devout nun who remembers nothing of the war, only loves god, and has permanently yellow eyes, hardly speaking a whole sentence without prayer or praising god.
That's really disturbing. I could see that happening.

Japanese Duck.

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The second one is pretty cliched, but it could work. The first one is horrifying and the stuff of nightmares; I am very impressed by it. Well done, user.

Imagine if Tanya got captured

Depends on who captures her.

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Her laugh there is pretty great.
Super happy about beating god.

Is piece of his collar transparent on the last frame at the bottom?

If Tanya does not think Being X is God, then what the hell is he to Tanya? I mean the dude is a reality warping, omnipresent fellow. I don't really believe in God either, but if I met a person like that I would at least reconsider things.

I didn't know I needed this

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Some powerful supernatural being that she don't know anything about? All this death and rebirth might as well be just a simulation started by some mind fucking mutant that ran away from some laboratory. Or it is for real but that being is not god, just pretends to be one for unknown reasons. She have no info on him to confirm this is god.

She thinks he doesn't live up to the hype, so she refuses to praise it or recognize it as a god. Actually, she's leaning towards it being the Devil rather than God because of how much of an asshole it is to her.

I really hope there is more to it. Why would a god struggle so hard to obtain praise from just a single human? I trough his hands was full already as stated in the first episode.

In the novels, he's pretty hands off about it. Tanya is his little experiment to try to raise the faith of the world he sent her to, and by all accounts he succeeded.

Because he's a petty faggot.

Does he feeds of faith or something?

We don't know. It may just be his job, or he could feel like humans are unappreciative of his hard work at reincarnating them if they're not faithful. In general, Being X dislikes atheism. Which is fair. How would you like being told you don't exist?

This is a pretty childish behavior for such a powerful being. He could have revealed how world works to humans so they would believe in him clearly seeing that there is more planes of existence than one and some being is helping them reincarnate. I hope his goals is something more entertaining.

If you've ever played a game of Sims, you'll quickly see how petty your experiments on your subjects become. For all we know, Being X is a kid with a computer in the year 3000 and he's just dicking around with AI sims. Tanya may be the only sentient one and the rest are just programs he uses to prod her.

Being X is an overworked mid-level bureaucrat. Ironically literally the same position as Salaryman. Of course he's portrayed as petty and childish, that's the entire theme of the series.


Ah yes, I remember WW2...that was the one with flying lolis armed with lasers.

It's funny that while not canon, these two get along so well in part because he is so up front about what he is.

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I still feel like Kazuma was wasted with how little he did in the series.


Carlo Zen mentioned on Twitter on one of the fanart postings how the three of them are good at abusing the letter of the law in spite of it's meaning.
Kazuma already being from a comedy does't have as much to gain in a separate comedy series.
The other three shows get a unique outlet to blow off a little steam from their serious powerlevel wankings.

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Konosuba was really stale and boring. Glad there wasn't as much of it as I trough there would be.

Why did Beria have such good taste?

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post yfw you are THE JINGOS

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Good luck, little duck.


>inevitably loses to america
baka when will krauts ever learn

man, I this seriously is one of those series where you have to read the damn novels to get a clear understanding of the entire war situation and everything going on, isn't it?

holy shit


Gib nut
Want nut

There is no fraternization, only copulation without conversation.

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When those who preach can actually teach, it's a reach.

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That face

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Mary a cute!

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Zdravstvuyte tovarishchi! I would like to report that I have made great progress in retraining Tanya so that she may better serve the workers of the world.

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Stop bluffing Beria, we know you are full of shit.

> he likes reading poorly written and badly translated illustrated books for teens who dislike actual literature
Nah I'd rather had something an actual artist got to interpret in some interesting way.

I want to join the duck army, where do I sign?

Good luck little ente

But I am not, tovarishch.

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There's a pretty good moment where Kazuma looks at them in turn and goes "One of my classmates is a little girl, and another one is a devil." and either could apply to Tanya.

My little Jingoist can't be this cute.

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Good luck, Little Duck.

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Honestly took a while for the OP to grow on me.
The ED is absolutely amazing, obviously. But the OP came on a bit aggressive at first. Now I actually go listen to it from time to time.

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Blessed NUT

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>powerlevel wankings
Nice buzzwords, retard. There is no "powerlevel wanking" in YS or Overlord whatsoever. At least learn what buzzwords mean before puking them out you dumb nigger.

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One of the characters is kind of a Mary Sue.

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Post rare Tanyas.

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I just post what i have.

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Can't wait to get this in a couple weeks.

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Work on having stuff, then.

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More misused buzzwords to prove my point even more. Actually kill yourself.

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Best comedy post ITT

>prove my point
When you show your mom this post, it's she going to give you one gold star or two?

it's meant to be ugly so moefags and lolicons don't waifu her

>hired a lolicon as the LN artist

There's a character literally names Mary Sue, user

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That’s cute, my heart

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Movie subs fucking when ree

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>Good luck little duck

A really good one pic


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would tanya murder all the animals or make friends with them


improper conduct of a superior officer, should be court martialed

Good luck little duck

Well fuck, now I'm thinking Youjo Senki with Code Geas art style would be a significant improvement.

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turn them into her beloved subordinates obviously

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that would be fucking awesome.

blessed NUT

there is no god
there is no jesus
there is no -ALLA

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Blessed NUT

>that numbers
Blessed NUT

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More cute Tanya!

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There is no god. Only the Imperial Truth.

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She only kills because of the situation doesn't she? If she wasn't in a war I don't think she'd be a murderer.

>A really good one pic
It's from the artist who does the LN artwork, but looks closer to anime style. Has the legbrace for flying and the big box for it, but still no worn Elinium.

Nigga you gay as fuck like damn

Good luck little duck!
It's spelled "covefe"

If you're good at editing you can fix it.

Checking that check

fuck Tania

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One of the better illustrations for the movie promotion.

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Why doesn't Tanya ever wear for dress uniform and adorn it will all the medals she's earned?

The Mary version.

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Literally a LN cover. Though one of the ones I can't find clean, full art without the title for.

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mental homo

Getting uniforms in her size is already a difficult task, she travels too much to drag it around, and when she has the Silver Wings Assault Badge, what's the point of wearing any others?

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>wearing dress uniform during war
even during peacetime you wouldn't wear the dress uniform outside of an official event that requires it.
real question is wheres bunnysuit tanya?

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I just think it would be funny to see her look like this
Considering all the battles she has taken part in due to her quick deployment

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I got you.

Might be difficult canonically having to make a timeline for her history, then make meaningful medals, and get them all on there in order, and then have to keep record of it for the future.
Then do the same for all her subordinates (faceless or otherwise).

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Finally vol 6 arrived

The first one is great.

That artpiece also is one of the ones that seems to go back and forth on the whole "where is the computation orb" thing. In the LN they seem to be strictly held in the hand, and Tanya uses the Type 97 while keepign the Type 95 in her pocket, but in the anime its attached to the collar and only the Type 95. In that cover art she's also wearing one on the collar, but generally in LN art, she's not, regardless which uniform she's in.

an excel spreadsheet could track all that easily enough. shed probably only get medals for performance/valor and major operations because theyre a convert unit

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They don't seem to operate as a covert unit. Only the V-code for the creation of the unit was covert. Covert units usually don't make radio declarations to enemy boats asking for official procedure.

I want to eat out Tanya and make cute undignified noises come out of her.

The cross is the four core Type-95.
Her subordinates have the single core Type-97 like in the anime.

She uses the Type 97 in the LN as soon as she gets it. The Type 95 she keeps as an emergency back-up she avoids using as much as possible, because the mind control and memory loss in the LN is far, far worse.

Good luck little duck.
Honestly, I just want the coffe.

Also the cross is just part of the Empire's iconography. Even in the anime everyone has it. The 95 is merely round, while the others are rectangular.

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This better be hentai.

The doujinshi with the best art is the one full of guro.....

It is. It's one of the rape doujin. It's the one with the best art. It's also the one with guro/torture as the payoff.

When you live your life in the trenches, you learn to duck.

I would like to know more

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It's guro

No, they treat her with all due respect of a captured PoW in accordance to Geneva.

Worms. The Treaty of Worms, as brought up in the LN and I think Anime? It's a town in Germany and historically correct.

Pic related.

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I know too much

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mental pedo

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If you want a nice, non-H doujin, you can look up Youjo Konki 1 and 2. However, it does not cater to Tanya x Visha.

The ending makes up for it.

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It's true the ending has high quality pyjama Tanya and Being X shittalk, but even the people doing the TL and scans put in a page going
>tfw finally a doujin with decent art
>tfw suddenly guro

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it was still really hot desu

There's two Japanese only ones that don't have terrible art. One Tanya x Visha, one Tanya x Zettour/Multiple.

she is so fucking ugly in the anime

Can I get the titles?

(C93) [ Hibari (Yukimi)] Youjo Funtou-ki 3
[Fishbone (Hujinon)] M.P. Vol. 14 (Youjo Senki)

What if Tanya were reborn in the time of the dinosaurs?

Thanks a lot, user.

No need for guro.

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'Blessed NUT'

When is the movie coming out on disc for the west

In that case why even make her a loli? Why not use an old disfigured man? The author is a hack.

The only release mentioned in for Japan.

>Hottest part of the whole thing is like one fucking panel
Could've been the entire doujin, such a waste.

Violation of the NAP which would justify immediately retaliation via a high-explosive spell

Basically needs a sequel working from that ending where Tanya is in control.

Too bad there is only one tanya daki and its long gone

She would turn the island into a mega corporation where she would act as president for the company and ruller of the island. Their main export would be death

>only one
I think only one official one and it wasn't even good? There's tons on Mandarake.

If we're bringing up doujin, I liked the non-H two-parter where she seduces Rerugan desu. The ulterior motives only make it cuter somehow.

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tanya belongs to the slav and the slav only

40.000.000 little russians, cute little babies were killed by one german MG. Can you imagine that?

I want to see Tanya get captured by not!Beria.

life is struggle
if art is not struggle, even in aspects like drawing a loli and then trying to prevent lolifags from waifuing her, it would come off as disingenuous

>Mother russia stronk!
Until zergrush fails then tovarisch begs for food.

Attached: failedzergrush.jpg (768x550, 295K)

It works well for Tanya, but Visha looking like a bugman was just a weird design choice.

>It works well for Tanya
this isn't a shitty opinions thread

You're already here so too late for that.

Yeah it was pretty cute, and it's in character. Did the artist make anymore of those?

The LN artist is a lolicon and major touhoufag, though. And the manga artist draws her naked all the time. It either seems odd that Carlo wouldn't say something about that first, or the anime crew was his last resort to ask for it.

This is not homo, it's love.

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Are you sure what your seeing are dakis? I havent seen a tanya daki on there in quite some time and ive been looking on and off for a couple months now

Doesn't look like it.
Spiritually homo.

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>Spiritually homo.
There's nothing homo about it since Tanya essentially functions as an attack helicopter.

Dont die tanya thread I need more of the qt duck

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Why would you do that? I would never hurt Tanya!

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>yfw you realize the uncensored version exists on the artist's computer

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I wanna lewd the duck but don't want to lumped in with that shitbag Beria. What do?

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t. user jealous he can't lewd 400 lolis like Beria

Wait for her to grow up

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n-no thanks...

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Good luck little duck!

Excuse me? How am I a 'shitbag'? I am a hero of the Soviet people!
I didn't lewd any lolis. I only helped train them so that they could better serve the workers of the world.

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I wish you weren't dead so I could kill you myself.

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>executed as a traitor
commi logic everyone

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Spoken like a true capitalist rapist.
>Murdered by Zhukov and Khrushchev = executed as traitor

how dare you. My relationship with Tanya is consensual.

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Quick question. How many anons ITT knew about this guy before reading or watching Youjo Senki?

Sounds mighty rapeable

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What the fuck, he's actually in this? I haven't got that far into the story. I just started talking about liberating Tanya and then people started bringing up Beria so I ran with it, because I knew of his history.

Beria was no traitor. In fact, he was one of the only men actually loyal to Stalin. Khrushchev destroyed the USSR.

Anyone who watched Death of Stalin knew about him.

Forgot pic

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ITT: Vatnik defense force

Consensual relationships cannot exist in capitalist systems. I will liberate Tanya from that system.

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vaguely. never bothered to remember names, but was aware of his position and events attributed to him and his predecessors . being a lolicon is what makes him stick out now

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But comrade, capitalism is based on the consensual transfer of monetary value. How can consensual relationships not exist in such a system?

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Tanya is cute


>Consensual transfer of monetary value can exist in a society where capitalist elites can use their wealth and connections to get what they want
How can you protect Tanya when you think silly things like this? Tanya is only safe with me, Lavrentiy Beria.


Good luck little duck

You are a good poster.

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Spasibo tovarishch


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Carlo said he didn't want to make Tanya a loli but his editor told him to
In exchange, Carlo wrote her as the most uncute loli of all time, deliberately giving her "dead fish eyes"

that explains his title Youjo Senki, translated as "War Diary of a Little Girl" very well.

then why is she so cute? checkmate.

Was that editor already in charge of the WN or something? Because as far as I know she was always loli, and its consistent with Being X completely swapping Tanya's living situation around. You got any sources?

Nah, Afterword in the first volume basically has him saying "I slapped the title on there like I was drunk and they actually printed it."

>Nah, Afterword in the first volume basically has him saying "I slapped the title on there like I was drunk and they actually printed it."
Yes. In reference to Enterbrains offical English title being "Saga of Tanya the Evil". Please note that Youjo Senki does not directly translate to that.

Yeah I'm well aware that the Saga is a shitty title, not just because its a mouthful but also because it mischaracterizes Tanya, and I know what Youjo Senki translates to, but him naming it that still seems like he wasn't too bothered by her being "youjo".

>"Saga of Tanya the Evil"
Is this the most egregious localization fuck up since 4Kids died?

b-but germans
the nazis
i bet you voted for trump
i can't even

>Why yes, I voted for Trump. How did you know?

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One thing I actually know is confirmed is that Carlo really fucking hates it when people call her loli hitler because she's clearly not a fascist, the Empire's not fascist, and he hates fascists.
Oddly enough doesn't object to the loli part of it.

its almost like Tanya is a literal loli?

It was there before any localization.

Yeah but the point is people keep arguing that he in various ways disapproves of it, either by being forced to make her one, or interfering in her art design (but strangely, only for the anime, while hiring a lolicon to draw the LN) and the like.

But the empire is fascist! Don't worry though, The Russy Federation will liberate Tanya from them!

Visha is gay for her commander.

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He doesn't like Youjo Senki as a whole due to him becoming popularity over what he calls a joke work.

It's just a shitty mischaracterized title they gave so the stupid baka gaijin could understand, assuming they probably wouldn't be able to understand the moral nuance anyway and just see her as evil.
Personally I have never called it anything but Youjo Senki.

come get it again

Sounds more like a comment about her inorganic eyes. She does call her a vampire, as do some people, early on.
The Restaurant spin-off manga kind of ships them, though, especially when Visha thinks about future marriage.

He put in a lot of his personal autism for it to be a joke work. Though I'd like to see how his Cao Cao book turns out. I can see him writing him quite well and not that dissimilar from Tanya, given his historically accurate improvements to the economics and education of China.
Can you source any of the stuff you're saying, though?

>turns to guro

sigh, guess I'll fap to something else...


Yes, interviews with him. No, I don't have links to the exact moments he made off comments. Find them yourself or lurk more.

Blessed nut

So, no then.

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Turns out loli is justice.

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>Tanya's ass
yes please

I just gave you the source. It's really not my problem if you are incapable of finding his interviews.


Yes, it's been posted.
Calm the fuck down.

Think he's trying to get people to bump it. One day he'll have to make a zip.


Why do I have to wait so long for the movie?

Pretty sure the WN end in a relative happy notes, Tanya alive and migrates to US, Mary Sue literally gunned down to pieces by her own allies,Tanya got bored of peaceful life she yearned for so she became mercenaries for fun.

Mary happens pretty early. Empire loses due to attrition because their Interior Lines Strategy collapses because they make so many territorial gains through Tanya's actions that that doctrine can't support well with supplies, but Tanya gets scooped up by the CIA in Operation Paperclip (historically when the US took all the German scientists, like Von Braun), sticks with them for a while, then becomes a literal Big Boss, ex-CIA, Army Without Borders thing.

Almost there little buddy.
Sucks you won't enjoy the cinematic pleasure of the sound design.

Mary's beamspam is the best.

Of course this was all in the WN, and the LN has some changes. For example, Visha's entire existence. Thus her featuring in both "nightmare scenarios" from

You guys maybe want to start spoilering your shit?

I wish it had gotten better cinematic release across Europe.
If you were there, did you get the soundtrack CD? Can you tell about it a little? Everywhere I look it just says 48 tracks, but little about them. Are there vocal tracks? AmiAmi has it on back-order right now and I'm considering.

It came out well after the screening, but I have it at home.
Not sure on the track list, since I just listen to it online.

So are there vocal tracks or no? I find it strange they wouldn't advertise them if there are.

What about the thing itself? Any nice booklets? I know they seem to be packing the anime BDs with a lot of them and the movie ones even moreso. I think even some LN volumes came with a drama CD.

Since when is Yea Forums full of subhuman degenerates?

Since I came here six months ago

>implying Yea Forums wasn't always full of subhuman degenerates

Yep, very easy to spot you.

Because it wasn't. That kind of stuff is quite a big taboo in much of eastern europe and germany. No reason to ruin the thread for those anons and act like a savage.


Spotted the newfag.

Does anyone have cleaned cover arts (no title) for Plus Ultra, In Omnia Paratus, Viribus Unitis and Alea Iacta Est?

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Just a disk.

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At least if you put your dick on it you can pretend like she's grabbing it.

That thread was already purged from Yea Forums.

Los Los Los' s lyrics really do sound beautiful the way Y.Aoi sings them, while at the same time being so motivating.


is the movie on nyaa yet?

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Yay the thread isnt dead

Duck threads are more resilient than the bread in the General Staff Dining Room.

Blessed NUT

Still looking for

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I think the writer said he only made it an isekai and a loli twist because that's what is popular and gets sales in the current year. I don't mind since he is clearly putting effort into the actual story and characters, and it is a fun gimmick. The decision to change the character designs and artstyle was done by NUT. It makes them easier to animate, stand out more from the competition, and reduce porn which it definitely helped with. The manga in comparison looks like generic garbage with its moe designs, but the LN ones are cool if impossible to animate.

>I think the writer said he only made it an isekai and a loli twist because that's what is popular and gets sales in the current year.
He and the Overlord writer literally started at about the same time 2011/2012 on the same WN site, before all the isekai shit. He says loli protag is justice, quoted earlier in the thread, and his twitter handle is Sonzai X, so I doubt he resents the work.
>and reduce porn which it definitely helped with
But reducing porn doesn't help your IP, though.

The subtitle is needed. Nobody in the west would want to buy merch or BDs if the actual title was directly translated. You can bitch about muh purist elitism all you want but just look at the recent sadpanda scare, that shit is a bomb waiting to go off. But they really could have thought up a better subtitle.

I'm not saying he was against lolis, he just knew it would make it more popular. And I don't know why a studio would be against 3rd party porn, but that's what they wanted and they succeeded to some extent.

It doesn't sound like he did it out of popularity, it sounds like he did it because he wanted to and found it interesting, and its consistent with Being X's turning the conditions of Tanya's life upside down.

It's be more interested in this if it was actual alternative history instead of WW1/2 best hits and Germany loses lol.

she has to grow up

She visibly grows in the LN/on the LN covers. One of the more obvious changes is that only at her youngest does she just have short hair, while later she's got a ponytail.

>The subtitle is needed. Nobody in the west would want to buy merch or BDs if the actual title was directly translated.
Don't translate it. There's tons of nonsense titles that work just fine, or simple Japanese ones. Konosuba does fine being called Konosuba.

This. Youjo Senki sounds pretty good on top of that; it has a sense of foreboding (at least the Senki paer) the same way Konosuba sounds silly.

It also keeps the Youjo Shenki name for the spin-off alive. Unless you wanna call that The Shaga.

Carlo Zen:
On a gut level, I hate Nazis. It wouldn't do to write a story that shows Nazis doing cool things. If Nazis were in the story, it would make the question of which side is pure evil much more straightforward, but a story about a genocidal war would have to be handled with sensitivity. The Empire in this story is based on a what-if scenario where the German empire unified under the Großdeutsche Lösung ("Greater German solution"), so that all German-speaking peoples came together under one state. If peace had managed to continue throughout the 1910s and war broke out later, during the years between World War I and World War II, how would things be different? In that scenario, there wouldn't be any room for a demagogue like Hitler to come into power.

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who the fuck saved this retarded thread from the page number 15 and from oblivion

>hey dude have you seen The Poltergeist Report?
>yeah bro it's even better than Heavenly Piercing Crimson Face

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>hey dude have you seen the Poltergeist Report?
>yeah bro it's even better than Neon Genesis Evangelion Rebuild

It surprised me that there wasn't a biography of that one Japanese guy who was all talk that Carlo makes fun of all the time in the LN on the list.

He is probably included in regular japanese history and it never occurred to Carlo that others may not be so familiar with the guy.

>how would things be different?
Apparenly the world would have sprouted magic lolis.

I think it might have occured to him based on the footnotes he wrote about him.

Deus vult!

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The Fall of the Second Reich only grows more and more tragic by the day.

Good luck little duck

There could also just not be one book with enough dedicated to the guy, since he is apparently a joke after all.

Surprise, it's Christmas Duck.

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Surprise! It's me!

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I know you're just trying to force that meme but I don't hate it

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Does Tanya believes in saint Claus?

She'd probably follow most Japanese believes and holidays.
I hope she follows White Day. The Restaurant spin-off gives me hope it will feature in there, at least. And Visha loves chocolate.

Anime-onlyfag here, so Tanya reincarnated with memories of his past life and I'm assuming this isn't a normal thing, merely an exception for just this one time right?

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In what sense? In that generally people don't keep their memories? Yes.
In that there's no future reincarnations for Tanya at all if she dies? Also yes.
Thought the anime kind of got it across in the confrontation with Being X at the train station. If she had no memories then Being X couldn't "correct" her into being faithful from what she was like before to prove his point.

Yea, I'm just wondering what the big deal of "no reincarnations if you die" if you keep no memories anyway. Escaping the cycle and being free of Being X's meddling might even be a good thing.

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Depends on what happens to your soul after you die, though. If the options are "reincarnation with no memories, or nonexistence", sure, it doesn't matter much, but if it's something like "reincarnation, or purgatory/hell", you've got a good reason not to die.

Oh right, guess I didn't think of it that way. Being X could just send him to hell or give him the Diavolo treatment of endless deaths.

It's an interesting thing to address considering Tanya's previous atheism. She certainly doesn't believe being X to be god, but has been given proof that divine beings exist, even if she's more viewing him like a devil or nuisance. So the atheism is probably out the window and something like a worse existence (hell, whatever) might indeed be the impetus. Though frankly it just seems like stubbornness.

Oh, yeah, I've always taken Tanya's reason for going against Being X as something of a combination of stubbornness, pride, and autism rather than trying to avoid some kind of afterlife punishment, but I'm sure she's factoring in the possibility of some kind of shitty afterlife, too.

Alternatively, if you believe there is no afterlife, the one run you've got right now matters a whole lot. Tanya could easily have been that attached to her life when she got pushed in front of a train, then had it revealed to her that actually there's second chances, but oh no wait, you actually don't get any, and it's back to square one where you get one shot at life and you cling to it.


Tanya probably refuses to believe in Being X as God because she cannot imagine that any real God would run the world in the way that it is. Not just problem of evil, but God's general hands off approach to religion and belief. Bad businessman.

In the LN it's Being X that starts talking about quotas and business stuff FIRST during their encounter, and he's also not the only divine being (they have a meeting discussing uhh... business strategy, at a later point), so really the whole lecturing them on how to better their management style to how the world has progressed isn't that off beat, and it might just get lost in translation when you adapt into anime.

what would tanya look like an an adult?

ill be disappointed regardless

That polish Opera chick I guess.

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Hopefully a badass cripple.

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If anything you'll probably have to rely on the LN for that.
Testing the Type 95 does almost cripple her hand, plus there's the meth.

I like this one
Reminds me of Nanoha's age up

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>I am, uuuhhh, a japanese duckuringu

>plus there is the meth
wuh wah?

Blessed NUT!

Soldiers on all sides used amphetamines during the wars.
In Tanya just gets to use magic for the same effect.

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Blessed NUT

February 8th.

When does the movie come out on blue ray so I can watch it? Who is the main leader of the "Germans" side? Why do they all have to write dumb reports and why can't she do what she wanted to prevent "France" from jumping to "Africa"?

>blue ray
probably april of next year

pew, pew, pew

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try it before you hate on it


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April of next year is somehow in less than two weeks?

I'm just tired of people asking.

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Most irrelevant quartet
Literally had to be carried

Factually wrong.

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the undisputed quartet leader

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might actually take till april for subs even with a US theatrical release.
ainz was. goddess oneshot with basic turn undead. inb4

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And it might come out on Crunchyroll the same day.
There's less evidence and sense to your theory.

>The jar jar binks scene from star wars where he manages to beat the whole enemy army just by being a retard.
>Now just imagine Aqua instead of jar jar binks

>actually tries to make me remember jar jar binks
t. sonzai x


crunchyroll didn't do the us release for the movie. i posted the twitter link, an english sub isnt mentioned from what i saw. its entirely possible to take months to get a translation up for download

I like this adult one much better than the loli one to be honest. The loli one made me eventually drop the anime.

Good luck little duck!

It could be a tragedy user.


He's lying, she fucks off to america as traitor leaving the reich to die against the allies.

Crunchyroll was partnered in the US release.
They had some annoying guy doing an intro and then an interview after the credits.

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is this some sort if devious trick to get my hopes up for an early release devil-san?
didn't know that. i thought it was just the event organizers you bought tickets through. i didn't get to see it in theaters cause im outside the country

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do it now because it always gets deleted by the time i see them

Because WN authors are usually terrible writers

You mean Darth JarJar ?

Good luck little duck

>wuh wah?
LN she talks about it early on when she talks about how mages gt fed. They get high-caloric diets due to the exhaustion from flight, but they also make her take Pervitin, which was Meth used as a drug handed out to soldiers by WW2 Germany to combat the bad conditions and long hours and energize them. The action that earns her the silver wings, before she has Type 95, is entirely drug-fueled. Later on she mentions it occasionally, like complaining about Weiss being too fired up even though she didn't give him any Meth.
Disregard , the only advantage being a mage has with it is that it doesn't affect her mental capacity to take it, since she can essentially quarantine her mind from the effects while still boosting her body.

>since she can essentially quarantine her mind from the effects while still boosting her body.
But meth literally only affects the mind?

Essentially, it safeguards her rational thinking.

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>getting in a semantics fight with a being that controls reality over whether god is the appropriate term to address them as
Is Tanya actually autistic?

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Yeah, figured it was more against psychedelic effects...

Well, Tanya *IS* the reincarnation of a Japanese Salaryman who worked in HR. So the answer should be obvious.

Tanya just thought that being a ruthless salaryman will surely bring her comfy, and when the comfy failed she got too butthurt to reason.

It's the whole mind vs. brain thing. Of course it affects her "brain" in the sense that it releases all the chemicals into the body and all that, but her "mind" is unaffected.

In the LN it's Being X who starts talking about quotas and shit, honestly.
Also in Volume 2 of the LN Tanya basically says "I've realized that I'm the kind of person that lives to work.". In comparison the manga does some dumb shit like Being X taunting her with the family life she could have had and "oh that job was important to me because it was meant to support my family", not because Tanya is a workaholic like in the LN.

L E S S T H A N 2 W E E K S

I blew all my money ordering figs of Tanya instead of the Limited Edition BD. Hoping to see what all the booklets are about and maybe pick them off Manda.

Tanya is Cute!

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I live in constant fear that a different anime studio will adapt another season and change the designs, what if they were to get rid of the duck? I do not want the duck to die

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I don't think there's a reason NUT wouldn't be available or why Kadokawa wouldn't give it to them again.
I'm more worried at the pace of the LN translations, especially since the same TL also does the manga and it seems like that's just slowing everything down.

They didn't change it for the movie and I don't think they will change it for season 2.
The duck design became somewhat of a staple for the anime

Movie sub/dub when?
It's been fucking months

user, this might surprise you, but physical tiredness is mostly a mental thing.
On meth you can work your body until it breaks, whereas a healthy normal person will start feeling tired and need to rest before any damage is done

August 23rd
Soon my dude, soon

It’s intentional so they don’t lewd the German loli

Still never really found verifiable sources on this.
Also odd stance to take when you name yourself Studio NUT.

I still don't know how this happened.

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>Ugar lives through the war, at least in the manga, and reaches the rank of Lieutenant General
Good for him. Good luck duck did well for him.

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Not sure it's the same guy. Imperial friend is called Uger in the LN, while I believe the guy at the Karelian Cathedral memorial service is Ugar. However, the Federal Republic would be the correct transition for post-war Germany, and the translator sometimes makes mistakes in the LN they fix in the manga.
If it is him then he is probably a major potential lead for the WTN people.

>If it is him then he is probably a major potential lead for the WTN people.
I doubt he'd be at liberty to say anything, just like everyone else. I could believe that he would be willing to give information on Tanya should she have a "good" end due to their relatively friendly relationship though.

He talks to her on the train after Arene and generally seems to be on her side, yeah, and she gave him the good advice of where to go.
Meanwhile the WTN chapter before Arene kind of paints Lergen/Rerugen as sort of a leak, though I'm still not sure why he would dump what reads like a diary page into the trash at the General Staff Office, or more like why he would write that stuff down in the first place.

If I finished the anime, and am still craving more roast duck, should I turn to the manga or the LN?

The manga is kind of devolving into its own thing, but the LN requires that you enjoy Carlo's autism.
You can also try the 4 chapters of the Restaurant spin-off manga I guess?
Also did you watch Youjo Shenki yet, the chibi short spin-off? It's part comedy, part little things from the LN the anime left out.

Did that doujinshi about Tanya falling in love with the officer guy and trying to marry and get herself out of the corps withh maternity leave get a continuation?

Youjo Konki has a part 1 and part 2 and part 2 finishes (with Fin, and all) really. She's also more calculating about it than that.
You can read the Restaurant spin-off if you want more cutesy stuff.

I hope we can find some more nice art next time we have a duck thread.
Still looking for clean cover art of some of the LNs.

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Being X was reading his mind and arguing with his subconscious.
Salaryman has no control over an arguement like that.
He realized as soon as it happened, but by then it was already too late.
Being X had already decided to punish him.

Maybe they would be cut if they didn't deliver the same product as the first season.
They're still a new studio, so they're probably still inexpensive and don't have much less expensive competition.

I haven't seen any clean ones, maybe missed them if they do actually appear.

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I'm honestly surprised there isn't a Season 2 announcement yet. I'm not aware of NUT doing anything else, there's enough material in the LNs, they got a spin-off manga, a bunch of figures and the movie BDs are selling, and the Overlord author is even pushing for Youjo Senki to have 3 seasons.
The only reasons I can think of that would be keeping them from it is that the lack of porn did somehow really hurt the value of the IP, or that Yuuki Aoi is just too busy to do the voice for another season right now.

Mostly looking for this:

I've only seen and have a few if you are looking for something like this.

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Nah that's the internal art from the LNs. I know where to get those and the color foldouts, but no covers cleaned of the title beyond those I already have the original art for.

>Imagine if Tanya got captured
See >Does he feeds of faith or something?
The novel pretty much confirms Angels in byblical sense as present in the story. If Sonzai X claims to be God then he probably is.

>Being X is an overworked mid-level bureaucrat.
I kinda skimmed over all most of the stuff that was dealt with in the anime. What makes you think X isn't the biblical God?

>she's clearly not a fascist, the Empire's not fascist, and he hates fascists.
Depiction does not equal endorsement

>What makes you think X isn't the biblical God?
The fact that in later volumes Sonzai X is part of the collective of "angels"

What says.
When she's testing the Type 95 several of the divine "Beings" have a meeting and continue to talk like middle-management employees, same way that Being X talks to Tanya in the LN at the train station. They're discussing how to best achieve their quotas and all that, and one of the other beings goes and curses the Type 95.

>and one of the other beings goes and curses the Type 95.
Tanya please.

The mind control and memory loss in the LN is no joke. It's a proper curse.

I came here to say, "good post," for Tutu poster.

I mean sure from Tanya's perspective it's cursed, but if I remember correctly they refer to it as a blessed relict or similiar.
Been a while since vol 1(?)

She can still do magic without the watch right?

The divines refer to it like that, yeah. A human that knew what it did would easily see it as a curse.


I expect to see something around the release of the bluray.
They're disproportionately aggressive with marketing and cross promotion when considering the series' general lack of popularity with the regular population.
When the movie came out, aside from billboards and book cover inserts, there were several cafes with Tanya stuff, some popup shops, and even a valentine's day cake promotion.
But only the first showing and one cafe were full.

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She's still a mage without it, and the Rifle & Computation Orb she calls the modern replacement for the Orb & Scepter of old or something. It's a lot more difficult and imprecise without the orbs, especially when it comes to affecting the threedimensional space of the world, but affecting herself seems reasonable.

I wish I could have gotten pop-up shop stuff.
The thing is their marketing is maybe aggressive in Japan but they really are doing a terrible job internationally.

Not really.
The orbs work like wands in Harry Potter.
The industrial revolution in Youjo Senki's world created a practical outlet for the world's magic.

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I'll look for the passage in the LN later, I'm busy right now.

I rember that scene. Which one of those Angels was Sonzai X? Cherubs and
Seraf were mentioned. But it wasn't really clear to me whether any of those was X.

I think Sonzai X was Cherub, Seraphim was mad about commies or the other way around

Because they don't care about the international market.
Goodsmile is probably the most involved with the western market and they don't do a bad job, but the nips just can't seem to get away from their national introvercy.
No matter how you wrap it, Youjo Senki just isn't that popular.
Take a look at the Isekai Quartet series on your language's Amazon store.
See how Tanya compares to the other three in sales. No level of marketing is going to bridge that gap.

>The divines refer to it like that, yeah. A human that knew what it did would easily see it as a curse.
A human that knew what it does would blow a nut. It's like a quantum computer finding its way into the 1950's.

>Cherub, Seraphim
I think those are generic types of angels. Described in the bible.

Those are his subordinates.
Sonsai X is basically the board chairman at the head of the executive table with the other major deities.

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That literally never happens in the LN, and don't even bring up the manga where all the angels look like greek gods

>Take a look at the Isekai Quartet series on your language's Amazon store.
>See how Tanya compares to the other three in sales.
The other three have better international exposure, that's why their numbers are higher, too.
Really, Youjo Senki could've used at least an English language version of its website or something like that.

Dunno in the LN but in the manga she seemed to be able to use her mage blade just fine without the orb.

>A human that knew what it does would blow a nut. It's like a quantum computer finding its way into the 1950's.
That's all the Orbs, though. The Type 97 is fucking nuts if you want to come from that perspective, too. The 95 is just basically a quad-core instead of a single core, however it technically doesn't function at all, and only does because of the divine intervention. Even when it does, using it is an absolutely arduous experience that would normally be intensely painful, but the curse overwrites it with religious ecstasy instead (Tanya describes the experience in detail, once). While at the same time in the LN, the mind control is complete enough to basically completely replace Tanya's character at times, plus wipe her memory of what she did. It's not nice.

The LN mostly talks about the Orbs facilitating the complex computations required to affect three-dimensional space detached from yourself accurately with formulas. Basically just random points in space that you aren't connected to, rather than things you can touch. That's what they do.

Ok, go a different route. In May, which is the last record of sales numbers that I checked, At $3.58 million, it comes in at about #30 on the Japan Yearly Box Office list for 2019. Unfortunately for Tanya, Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly ($12 million), City Hunter: Shinjuku Private Eyes ($11.9 million), and Code Geass: Lelouch of the Resurrection ($8 million) all came out either on the same day/weekend.

As much as we love the duck, we're lucky that she's getting as many releases as she has.
Two anime series, a move, two manga, and a LN is a lot for this ugly duckling.
A second season isn't guaranteed.

May 2019 mostly catches the very tail end of the JP movie release, though. The actual anime run is history. The other series are all active properties in some way.
At the end of the day I just feel like there's a lot of trash getting a season that's way worse or is basically gonna be way worse than what Youjo Senki has proven it can do, and you're already dealing with the lack of international marketing when it comes to those numbers.

>The 95 is just basically a quad-core instead of a single core, however it technically doesn't function at all, and only does because of the divine intervention. Even when it does, using it is an absolutely arduous experience that would normally be intensely painful, but the curse overwrites it with religious ecstasy instead

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No that really is what it is. It's four synchronized cores. It just doesn't work because they always desynchronize and go out of control, while also consuming way too much mana (more than the 4x you would expect, even). During testing it goes critical and almost cripples Tanya's hand (orbs are handheld in the novel). So it is a "miracle" to make it work, which is what Being X did, but it also got slapped with a curse.


You know, I'm trash at image editing, but I'm gonna try to fix the "coffe".

It's easy to sell a Rem or a Ram, some Papa Bones, and even some EXPLOSIONS and >imagine.
But transgender magical protonazi is a little harder to get people on board for.
Shit like doesn't really help either.

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I guess the other shows are better at hiding their non-normie-friendly stuff in the LN, while Youjo Senki mostly had to put it out there and people judging very superficially.

I did it friends. Grab your coffee for future use.

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>hurr durr fascism is a historial idea that only relates to Italy under Mussolini that has no presense in today's politics or in the Saga of Hitler the Cute.
Tanya is outright mortified by the disconnect between mainstraim nationalism in the politics of the Empire and public opninion (pro-tip the empire, while still somewhat inclusive is looking to be pretty fascist overal) and Tanya is pretty big on the whole "befehl ist befehl" mentality that's a common component of fascism

Errr "the disconnect between a) mainstraim nationalism in the politics of the Empire and public opninion and b) the military reality and any realistic political solutions to the ongoing war.

>the whole "befehl ist befehl" mentality that's a common component of fascism
That's a common component of literally every organized military in existence both past and present

>while still somewhat inclusive is looking to be pretty fascist overal
The government is literally not fascist at all.
It is for all intents and purposes WW1 germany with a monarch, an elected civil government and the military as its own seperate structure.
>Tanya is pretty big on the whole "befehl ist befehl" mentality that's a common component of fascism
It is literally impossible to have an effective military if you can't expect your orders to be carried out. The same in any fucking company.
The war will be over by christmas, welcome to the beginning of WW1.
Look up Burgfriedenspolitik
Only at the very tailend when the supply situation of the homefront became dire did the mood turn against war in the population.

Honestly I feel like there could have been a better point made about people's perception of the series by pointing out the first LN is called Deus lo vult.

>Deus lo Vult
>Plus Ultra
>The finest hour
>Dabit deus his quoque finem
>Abyssus Abyssum invocat
>Nil Admirari
I love the individual book titles

>There is no god, only duck.
Heil Tanya!!!

The best one is the "Omnes una manet nox" title/cover combo.

"I was just following orders, chief," really doesn't cut it when you're carpeting a densly populated city with artillery shells and doing your best to keep the entire population in so you can kill some insurgents faster.

>The government is literally not fascist at all.
Check out volume 5. The Military Police units that Tanya get under her command are indoctrinated to the point of being unable to fulfill their jobs. We don't get a full picture of the Empire's domestic politics, but every snapshot that we get indicates that it's moderatly fascist and and becoming more fascist at an increasing pace.

>The war will be over by christmas, welcome to the beginning of WW1.

The Empire is not fighting a war of choice. The British Empire could more or less stop fighting WOI whenever it wanted like the Russian Empire did in the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution provided it accepted the geostrategic consequences of the Austrian/German expansion.

>"I was just following orders, chief," really doesn't cut it when you're carpeting a densly populated city with artillery shells and doing your best to keep the entire population in so you can kill some insurgents faster.
She wasn't doing that, though. They confront the Republican Mages, then give the evacuation order and ask for prisoner release, then she radios for permission to lead rescue efforts for any captive Imperials. Their final order is to take out the last remainders of the enemy mages. She isn't firing the artillery.


>slaughter and enslave hundreds of thousands
No problemo, come as big scary skeleton man.
>freeze a world
Aww, what a cute little kitty.
>theorycraft law and logistics
Ban the Nazis!

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Honestly I don't mind there being no 3DPD Tanyas running around.

>Check out volume 5. The Military Police units that Tanya get under her command are indoctrinated to the point of being unable to fulfill their jobs.
They fell into the literal same trap that Tanya herself fell into, assuming the enemy soldiers are communists.
Tanya even explains it's because they are used to dealing with agitators at the homefront.

>Nazis getting full of themselves again
They never learn

>ywn be as hyped as Visha is in this picture

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Allow me to salute you, fellow duckfags, for reaching the bump limit.

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Some are pretty good.
Aoi Yuki even dressed as Tanya for an event.
Sucks they blanket ban the entire 203rd though.

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