Do you think Shimimaru writes these scenarios out of personal experience?

Do you think Shimimaru writes these scenarios out of personal experience?

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Shit, dasei is still going on?

>When you find out one of your favorite hentai artists is a girl and it somehow makes all their porn even hotter

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Truly magical

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Well, it does seem quite realistic sometimes
Especially how girls treat guys, hits close to home

Think of that scenario, for example. She wouldn't need to have experience going out at night with her friends and no bra on to know that shit hurts, just being at home with no bra and a coarse shirt would have taught her that.

So I guess, kinda?

>just being at home with no bra and a coarse shirt would have taught her that
So what you're saying is this is based on a true encounter

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what hurts? no bra hurts?

Supposedly, I ain't no girl mate

Rub your nipples through your shirt for a while.
I’m not sure this will help you understand, I just think more people should rub their nipples.

A mixture of wishful thinking and personal experience, yes.

Google "runner bleeding nipples"

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Ah my nipples, they hurt!!! They hurt when I twist them!!!

She drank a mug full of semen?

I know plenty. It means nothing when they dont coment on it.

God I hope so

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after a while, you can kinda tell.

One fact: Female writers/artists are, by far, more depraved.

Fucking Pochi and Shimimaru would be so hot

Same artist? That was a good h-manga.

Please tell me that's anal.

I remember the day I found Junk Land, what a nice load

It's anything you want to imagine, my dude

Please tell me that's vaginal.

That was squeezed out of her vagina. Don't forget that part.

She also had a dog lick her crotch.

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>ywn go drinking with Shimimaru

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She really is depraved

Isn't it great?


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>you will never see Shim's beef curtains

>Shimimaru writes dorky sexual situations
>Mama Cuvie essentially just draws jdramas with visible sexual encounters. That ballroom drama is the most undramatic comic from her since 2012
>Pochi basically just writes her shota fantasies with Lovecraftian elements just to make some misdirection. Chiyo is background passive character since 5.0.
>Q hayashida probably wants to write ranma level of rom com if it weren't for jer fns harassing her to stay on BLAME level seriousness.
>Maidoll only does comic related shit when comiket is near. Otherwise she shitposts about forza on twitter or specifically bullies Yea Forumstards on EDF
>shiruka bakaudon still makes edgy commentary using lolis, punching lolis and ugly hobo people like Comic salary depends on it

Yeah, female mangaka are something crazy. Like romance writers on meth.

what the fuck are you on about

dirty artistic girls that are also attractive are the hottest thing to exist

>shiruka bakaudon
Nah user, she's just fucked in the head. Maternal child abuse can do that to you.

nothing better than a "gross" girl

>in the Army
>shower time
>harass the dude who thought it was funny to take a piss in the middle of the communal shower and sock him in the arm for being disgusting
>tell Army wife about it
>she brings up an anecdote about how her women will shave each other's snatches in the shower and then they start pissing on each other because the warm water relaxes them too much
>she thinks it's perfectly normal to get pissed on

I mean don't get me wrong, now I get to use her as a toilet and all that, but that's fucking disgusting. Hair and piss everywhere...

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The new translations are kinda shitty, is the group that does the whole volumes at once not working anymore?

It's highly likely she's not cute to be honest. We all just really hope so

>Army wife
I get it, everyone has their own tastes. But that is pretty disgusting.

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Well, she's Japanese, so she's either legit cute, or ugly cute. Either is fine.

>When you find out your favorite loli doujinshi artist traced out a good portion of his scenes

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But Shimimaru is male.

I don't understand Twitter, what does this mean.

This is probably the lewdest sfw image ever conceived by man.


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>and he pussies out
fucking japs or not in this case

She wouldn't have done it, made fun of him, and then told the other two how virgin-like he acted.