Maid Dragon Thread

Official COOL drawings proves elma is a FAT PIG

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Preview image for the next Lucoa chapter makes me very happy. THERE'S NO WAY THEY CAN FIT IN THE KIDDY POOL THEY'RE BOTH TOO BIG.

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Remember when this series was about family?

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Jokes on you, that makes her even better to me.

it still is faggot

Best girl confirmed.

Try to stop being an anime secondary maybe

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Saikawa is still the best character

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Now I love her even more

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this is fat to weebs?

I'd pork that pig

Try to stop being a shithead


if you only watch the anime there is no point in being in these threads


LOL fuck no.
The anime totally destroyed it. It turned a comedy and slightly ecchi manga into a pedophile and slow paced moeshit.

Thanks nigga

cringe, the anime isn't better then the manga but it has alot of good scenes

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>The people who gave us this scene are dead.
It's nor fair

i hope season 2 has the same level of quality as the first season but it will probably be impossible without yasuhiro takemoto

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so iruru's are bigger than lucoa's

iruru's are big so she can store fire in them

You realize that Coolkyoushinja draws lolicon stuff right?

If anything the problem with the anime is that it's reddit tier babby's first loli shit.

When KyoAni grabbed it from Cool K's hands.

Delicious. Doesn't look as short as she normally does though which may lead to disappointment.

Holy fuck, Iruru is Eiken-tier here. Would literally submerge Shouta in boob.

She already does

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Do you know where I can read this raw? Translators take too fucking long on this manga

Elma is my slampig gf

Man, I really do like this manga but I feel sad it doesn't bring the more chill side of Lucoa out more.

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