Continues on with what Senku was doing before Taiju awoke. Then Senku is finally revived and Taiju and Yuzuriha are sent to act as spies in Tsukasa's army. Then Senku uses a pulley to save the primitive girl. Really excited to see what Senku does with his new tribal friends next episode.
Dr. Stone Episode 6 Discussion
Maybe now all of these firefags and hunter tards will shut up about the e=mc2 as we finally get the explanation
After he meets them and gets homely they start on a science project
The ending sequence is really cool, isn't it?
It makes me want to scream 'Science is amazing' like an idiot too.
Pretty sure that's just you. The pulley is elementary school-tier. You shouldn't be this awed unless you're a literal caveman like the gorilla he saved
No, it's me and my wife Kohaku, being awe at how a pulley can make a man looks so cool.
Taiju, you're supposed to be washing Tsukasas dick right now, what are you doing here?
is his dick dirty or something?
>Dr Reddit
we already have threads on this subject.
Staying clean is important for survival, Senkuu said this in ep2. They have the most basic stuff in Tsukasa empire, the ones Senkuu demonstrated to Tsukasa in ep 2.anything beyond that is taboo
Taiju you need to *burp* revive me *burp*
>someone spent their time on this pic
>ever shutting up
Not gonna happen in a million years. They'll just find something new to bitch about.
Why do all shounens gotta waste the first two minutes with a recap?
also the new female has retard eyes.
There was no recap this week, it went straight to the point. Even the ED was changed to fit everything in
Where is my new Kohaku's fanart?
I guess I haven't thought about it in a while, but I think the contents of this episode were meant to be a serious hint about the nature of the petrification. Since it a) acts like cryogenic freezing, and b) heals humans when unpetrified, it would make sense if it was supposed to be some kind of defensive measure against a threat and/or stalling for time until an answer to the threat was found.
For example, suppose there were some kind of slow-killing epidemic that had been spread around the world by airplanes and such, so it was too late to contain it. Or maybe it's spread by swallows?
Very good.
The pulley thing was a neat idea, but why didn't he just dig her out from beneath?
because that wouldn't be as fun to watch
basically a lot of the weird decisions on the show are done this way for spectacle.
later on he goes thru a lot of headaches to create a vacuum tube, when creating an npn transistor would've been much easier.
I'm very tempted to start the manga instead of wait a week for another episode. What do?
Diggable dirt doesn't have giant cracks in it.
definitely read the manga. the art is to good to pass up on, and theres a lot of little details that the anime skims over
Pacing aside it has been a decent adaptation so far
I just we had Eyeshield 21 tier music
Why did he need gunpowder for the pully????
When do they start repopulating?
He didn't. He said that if she couldn't hold on he was going to gamble on using the gunpowder to free her. But she said she was okay so he got her out the long way which involved building the pully system.
It looks like he used some gunpowder to expand a hole in the center of the wheels.
>Dr. Cringe
So is Taiju and Yuzuriha's mission just a convenient way to write them out of the plot or does it actually keep up with what they're doing?
They got kicked out and never get a insight of what they are doing until is time to attack Tsubaka.
The first one. I'm hoping that they show bits and pieces of them in the anime, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
T-too lewd, user.
It's not like they never show up again, but it'll be a while.
Well they need to pretend that Senku is definitely dead and Yuzuriha actually has a spylike task to do in the Tsukasa camp.
Just letting you know I appreciate your intelligent insight user
I'm glad that now the real fun begins. Only autism and DIY technology from now till the cows come home.
I'm thinking maybe it was an attempt at a global panacea that got out of control.
>you will never impress sexy stone age girls with your intelligence
it's not fair bros
Senku's waifu is science. He's too autistic to breed.
>no chapter this week.
Goddammit, I wanted to see what based Ryusui was going to do.
So Kohaku's kokakus are bigger than Yuzuriha's yuzurihas
Both Kohaku and her sister are stacked.
That was always the case, Kohaku and Ruri always had the biggest bust of all the girls so far.
It's not fucking fair
>Chrome will have vanilla sex with Ruri while it will be rough sex between Kohaku and Senku
I demand reproduction now.
He main festure is her face, specially when she is "shocked by romance" as it creates a hilarious contrast with her usual serious expression. She doesn't need bug boobs.
Quantitty > quality
I just realize that the only way for her to hold that many pouches on her chest is she must be flat as a cutting board.
That makes her even more adorable, teasing her about it would be extremely effective considering her vulnerability to romance.
except no one cares about her flat chest.
To this day we still don't know is kicking yuru and Taiju out for effectively a year was planned or forced by the editors.
Seems forced, I doubt Senku was supposed to die and get revived this early.
Nah, it's a way to kick Tsukasa out too.
Senku dying and revive is like the end of the prologue and the start of the new story. It was appropriate and I wish it had happened earlier.
why didn't he just roll the tree off her?
I still believe that pic related would have survived if they kicked everyone else out and made her the actual MC like it happened with Senku.
You think is easy to push a one ton tree?
Inagaki would probably never say, but it seems planned. He tends to introduce new characters when the plot needs their skills for something. Later on that's because they intentionally seek them out to revive/recruit, but at this point the village conveniently provided a lot of stuff Senku needed to oppose Tsukasa (manpower, Chrome's stash, the stories, various skills). It's possible the prologue was sped up and some plans were skipped that we'll never know about, but the village was definitely going to happen from the start.
I didn't really care about Ziga but when I saw pic related I felt bad for this series. Well you only has the author to blame.
I want to Tsukasa Tsukasa's Tsukasas
Why does Kohaku have a severe case of early moe anime UGUU face? It's so jarring when compared to Yuzuriha. Small mouth, huge eyes, odd spacing of facial features, and s o on.
Thousands of years of inbreeding