You guys told me this was good, why did you lie to me?

You guys told me this was good, why did you lie to me?

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Other urls found in this thread: evergarden&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=DlGkOq-iU6hXYM%3A%2Cbt0J522JGZkSKM%2C%2Fg%2F11bxfwv8b7&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTjpLDw4MOqU70_ox-RL7dw435Nmg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjksfea5PbjAhVnzqYKHZb5AeIQ_B0wEnoECAcQAw#imgrc=DlGkOq-iU6hXYM:

it's better than every isekai and shounen shit you trash your palate with

It's kind of the same level. Completely empty of good writing and anything of substance.

>It's kind of the same leve
nope. like I said, your minds been fried by your shit taste, detox yourself and abstain from anime for a few years

Violet Evergarden is cold garbage. No need to be so upset over it.

You're thinking of the shounen copy paste you lap up every season, no need to get upset about your shit taste

I don't watch shonen though. Most shonen are almost as bad as VEG after all.

It's just very detailed.

This is your brain on isekai and shounen worship

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No need to be so upset.

Don't you mean HOT garbage?

Nope, cold as in nobody gives a shit about it and garbage as it's literally garbage.

most everyone on Yea Forums will agree VEG is beautiful but boring, who are the "you guys" you are referring to?

Except it's not. Evergarbage is even more soulless and vapid than any shonen airing right now, because those at least try and pretend to give the extended cast some form of characterization and drive, whereas everyone in the former not named Violet (who had a different set of problems) might as well been a bunch of cardboard cutouts. Also, the melodrama was embarrassing. Mexican soap opera tier if not worse.

>most everyone on Yea Forums will agree VEG
Most on Yea Forums will agree VEG use too many shitty filters and lack substance.


no one can help if you have shit tastes

Agreed. Imagine unironically thinking VEG is anything but the definition of a polished turd. Perish the thought.

It's just the one retarded guy that shills it to death.
Most of Yea Forums thinks it's boring and fucking cliche.

Funny how his thread got deleted.

I’d say it’s very cluttered. Detail is too positive a word when all of the imagery totally fails to build a convincing world. It’s all generic pretty European backdrops, despite the fact that it’s mostly in a country ravaged by a war that ended mere months ago, with no coherent sense of culture or technology or anything. GochiUsa has the same aesthetic and even it, as a plotless CGDCT, manages to capture more of a sense of place.

Should have watched Madoka Magica.

Search for OP's filename in the archives.

Literally search on google for Violet Evergarden and that's the first pic that comes up with that filename. You're retarded.

Even better.


Watch it first retard.

Yeah sorry, its great

it quite possibly has the worst directing of the decade

You're supposed to watch it dubbed in German. Try again.

visually pleasing, otherwise meeh

Gotta troll someone right?
actual retard coping with all his strength

You should have watched Sora Yori more Tooi Basho instead.

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The story and characters are average but since the visuals are so good it kinda make the contrast between them and the generic anime plot more abrupt.

You have shit taste thats why.

Not only OP has garbage taste but he's also a nigger.

They spend so much money on the animation they couldn’t afford a good writer.

The kyonaus fanboys are the most dedicated shitposters here. If you see a kyoanus thread shilling their garbage be careful, analyze it, check for opinions on different sites and make your own opinion whether to watch it or not.
When a certain anime is bad it usually has no threads or dies quickly, kyoanus garbage is different, their fanboys think anything kyoanus does is amazing and should be watched by everyone even if it sucks ass hard(nichijou,veg, Knk...) so they will spam threads praising those turds just because they were made by burnt retards.

I’d say Madoka fans are by far worse but that’s just from what I’ve seen.

If you dont think the writing is good you literally have autism

It just wasn’t exciting or interesting to most people. It’s almost like a sol with almost no comedy and a few action scenes thrown in. I actually have trouble thinking of a more boring anime off the top of my head. Maybe Soul Eater Not?

Do you have any idea how hard this show is put on a pedestal? Do you?
Why use words you don't know the meaning of to begin with.

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I say most people because in this series threads about 50-60% of them claim the show is boring. I’d assume there’s some truth to it if that’s the case.

But it flopped

I personally thought it was really interesting. I also like a bunch of other shows that don't have really big plots or huge conflicts, so the more personal story is much better for my taste

Classical music alone tends to be enough to repel loitering teens.

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You mean basic Miyazaki orchestra music? Surly you meant that instead of classical.

not than user but the music isn't necessarily classical. It borrows some elements sure but it's actually pretty original

We didn't, you just have bad taste, go watch naruto or something

I mean to me it sounds like basic music you’d see in almost any Miyazaki movie.

There are A LOT of great """not exciting""" shows, like Mushishi. VEG is just plain bad on most aspects.

The soundtrack from Inuyasha is better done to me than the soundtrack from Evergarden. I honestly think the music is quality in Evergarden but it’s just bland and has been done a million times before where as you listen to Inuyasha, Madoka or Ghost in the Shell music etc it’s very clear that that music belongs to that show.

According to who, contrarians on Yea Forums?
The production committee certainly doesn't seem to care about what part of Yea Forums says given how the studio responsible for it has been giving it their full attention since late 2016.

It's the opposite though. Only autists like think it has good writing

It has nothing to do with Kyoani fanboys though, it's just one schizo and probably his friends from discord that are new to anime, a Kyoani Fanboy wouldn't put Violet Evergarden even in a top 20 list of Kyoani shows. If you see him spamming just report and filter every image/webm that he posts, most Kyoani fanboys are just the average Yea Forums poster or just chill.

A dumpster fire that was responsible for the kyoani fire

>no true scotsman

I've only watched a couple of those so you might be right. But I just remember the ost of VEG a lot better than any from Miyazaki films

Well maybe not every Kyoani fanboy because teenagers are a thing so you are right.

Fuck off faggot, Violet is beauty a dirty nigger like you wouldn't recognise

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VEG is Gunslinger Girl done wrong.

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I at least didn't drop this one, unlike VEG. Wish at least one of them had frozen to death or something though, would have made it more interesting.

thanks Yea Forums, you can go back now

>VEG haters are mentally ill
oh I'm so surprised

retards evergarden&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=DlGkOq-iU6hXYM%3A%2Cbt0J522JGZkSKM%2C%2Fg%2F11bxfwv8b7&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTjpLDw4MOqU70_ox-RL7dw435Nmg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjksfea5PbjAhVnzqYKHZb5AeIQ_B0wEnoECAcQAw#imgrc=DlGkOq-iU6hXYM:

Ok, OP.


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Keep being assmad.

Good times.

Yeah, nowadays people just either ignore VEG or see it for the garbage it really is.

VEG is like 70 per cent good, 30 per cent trash. The melodrama is actually the best part about the show - it really compliments the kyoani narrative motif of 'being comfortable with who you are' and 'supporting people who are a bit weird'. The action scenes in the last two or three episodes fucked with the vibe tho.

Cliche? Nigga it's a show about an autistic 14 year old girl who writes letters and her struggle with PTSD from her stint as a world war 1 veteran where she was a cyborg killing machine.

That's the bad excuse of a plot, in the end is just a generic
>broken human dealing with cliche episodic stories
and not even done well.

Thank God I'm not this jaded yet.

People hyped this up for years because it was the thing the jews at kyoanus finally had to give the prize money to or face becoming a joke and then it turned out to be crap.
But a handful of people decided that they didn't want to have wasted their lives hyping it up for those years so they doubled down and decided to go door to door like mormons evangelizing how it was a masterpiece that you just didn't understand. Because that's how you escape wasting your time on earth.

A turd is a turd no matter how much you try to polish it with mental gymnastics.

Why are you talking about your favorite anime here?
It's off-topic you know. Do the sensible thing and join the underage poster above you in the 'anus LOL' shitposting.

I'll give you that the episodic narratives were often cliche. But that suited the overall drama... in my subjective opinion.

>literally a no u reply
I guess you must have the mentality of a young teenager to like VEG I suppose

You sure love to tip that fedora huh. God you're so smart, be my fren please.

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It amazes me how nothing makes anybody hate something on here quite like that thing being generally liked outside of here. God fucking forbid you form an opinion that isn't slavishly beholden to being the inverse of leddit or MAL or whatever the current boogeyman is.

You're just embarrassing.

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>this amount of projection
Stop being a contrarian towards what people like and hate here. Most people otherside of shitposters don't give a literal shit about what other places think of anime.

You're not fooling anyone. Hell you're probably the OP.
Where did the Violetto touch you user?

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it's pretty boring, people like to delude themselves thinking slow pace and mundane female character drama is actually good. This show is utter trash.

The only slice of life ish I've tolerated is House of Five leaves, simply because it's well directed, the art is actually original and the dialogue and story are top notch.

Sadly most slice of life animes have standard generic anime art style.

i'd tell you why i hate it but it's hard to make out whats happening, it's to blurry

>none of the pictures shares my filename

Another garbage can thread of VEG, how original. Can you at least put Violet Evergarden or VEG in the title so I can filter you please?

Again, you're not fooling anyone. Surely the universe has conspired to make that particular image surface on Yea Forums for the first time just as these anti-VEG bait threads started popping up again.

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I really enjoyed the show myself, but I totally understand why it wouldn't work for everyone. It's slow, it's kind of melodramatic and it's focused on the emotional development of a character that barely expresses any for the majority of the show's runtime.
You know, you can dislike things without declaring them impossibly shithouse because your taste is perfect, and similarly you can like things without deciding that all who dislike them are retarded.

>damage controlling

>every isekai
Not really, Slime Isekai is billion of times better than VEG, and that's just one example.
>every shounen
Kimetsu no Yaiba and Fire Force are better. Taking in count the only good part of VEG are its visuals I can even say that VEG is as good as any other shounen out there, hell, even Naruto have better animation than VEG.

>falseflagging this badly

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>it's a falseflag
Shounentard please.

How is that a falseflag? Naruto/Boruto got some pretty damn good animation when it wants, way better than anything you can see in VEG.