One Punch Man

New manga chapter is out!

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for fubs

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Where can I watch the new anime season for free?


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Just download it
What are you, a filthy data-capped mobile user?

It's not even worth watching for free.

Look at how they massacred my boy.

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How strong would Suiryu become if he ate one of the monster cells?

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I don't understand
They must have completely redrawn the entire sequence, otherwise there wouldn't be much of a difference
Why do the characters look so different?
Who did this?

Probably GS level

stronger than bakuzan, weaker than gouketsu

Could Sonic have beaten Suiryu?

Key animation isn't the same as the actual animation.

yeah probably

Now that's a good question
I'd probably put my money on Suiryu, simply because Sonic is a glass cannon

He's a slacker, if he powers up he'll still be a slacker. Gouketsu was always seeking greater heights so he naturally powered up more.


JC staff. One of the freelancers talked about how JC made so many corrections to their stuff and would get made when they post their full drafts on their twitter. He also said how they reduced the cuts from 22 to mere 15 and did others the same way.

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not a chance, Swiryu is at least stronger than Genos.

Was this an Aoki cut?

Evil Natural Water finally makes its appearance. Is that the last of the MA Dragon levels?

no, it was someone from studiolan

Nyan and Rover still haven't got their fights set up. Though Rover's was a lot later in the webcomic, and Nyan is a wild card.

Gouketsu explicitly said that Suiryu was stronger than him in a human form

when was that

>Suiryu stronger than Genos

Jesus, are you fucking high?

Bakuzan said that

Ye, the dragon roundup is done.

On the day of the tournament, he objectively was.

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Don't worry anons, I made the tier list that actually matters.

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When is someone going to trace and color those keyframes for us?

>not even potential
What are you fucking gay?

how do you figure that

Nyan had his time with puri and saitama, next time he shows up I hope hes used in a short comedic scene or is just straight up murdered


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don't be retarded
even original genos could probably beat him, let alone G4 genos

You are a delusional spreedreading faggot. Moving on.

Genos got one-shotted by Goketsu while Suiryu took much more damage and kept going.

He's an executive, not any other monster. He'll probably get a real fight, especially because he's only gotten comedy scenes.

you forgot

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I like the nameless HA-member who's really into muscles


>HA executive slut that was lusting over darkshine
>definite wife material
how about no

He probably will join Sperm with being a survivor. His ability to slip through cracks might allow him to survive the base uplift and watch the battle since he didn't care for it that much.
Gouketsu played around with suryui and kept egging him to get up while Geno's he snuck up and on shotted

Genos struggled with Demon level monsters at his introduction. Suiryu handled Choze a lot better than any real fight Genos has had. Just because you retards hate Suiryu it doesn't make him weak.

Isn't Lin Lin underage as well?

what bout this milf

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gouketsu was out to kill genos, he just didn't because genos is a cyborg and just barely survived it. he was trying to get suiryu to join him and the monster association, not kill him. that's why he took more hits. actually braindead, my god

Alternatively Nyan keeps running into people that scare him, and in the end survives the arc.

Imagine being this much of a delusional Garoufag

well not enough to tank his blasters directly, you doof, but Suiryu definitely would compensate any shortcomings with his martial arts.

Does this mean Atomic Samurai could stand a chance against Evil Natural Water?

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The real question is: will Bomb get to kill any named monster? Will he even get a fight or does he get sucker punched like in the webcomic?

now I remember they cut that out of the anime
why do they keep cutting out the best parts?

>Zenko asks fem bat for another autograph from sweetmask
>Fem bat cries realizes she'll have to get mating pressed to get her little sis the autograph

In the webcomic he was weakened because of Bug God piercing his leg.

I think the Rover fight will be extended for even more Bang/Bomb wank. That must be why Genos was taken out of it.

>Gouketsu played around with suryui and kept egging him to get up while Geno's he snuck up and on shotted
Suiryu also got fucking belted by Bakuzan multiple times
Was he playing around?

>water? oh no! we can't cut water!
>our biggest weakness
just slice through it like you always do?

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I think they're just assuming he'd have a technique for it.

She was the only one who appreciated Darkshine's pec pops and is hot, thats all it takes

I mean, in general S-Class can hold their own against Dragon opponents, and the top of the S-Class poses a legitimate threat.

Maybe, maybe not. Evil Natural Water doesn't really have a limit to its regen. It came back real fucking quick after Tatsumaki blew it away, and only took half a day to recover after Saitama punched it with the intent to kill.

Fem metal bat would fuck mask to death

???? did you somehow reply to the wrong comment 4 times?

I actually like suriyu, but he's in no way a match for even genos' original incarnation, who could annihilate massive swathes of terrain with ease
awakened mosquito girl was much more powerful than choze

if you break her hymen does that count as 'damage taken' and give her a power up?

What does Garou have to do with anything I said.
Because rushing and not giving a shit.
Bakuzan wasn't like Gouketsu plus we saw their difference in power.

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I stand by my estimate that powered up Mosquito Girl was dragon level.

no, tough sukeban girls are tender and submissive in bed, this is fact

have you checked that fact?

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>fem metal bat will never say this

>mating press time with FemMB only getting horny every orgasm

why would she say that

>awakened mosquito girl was much more powerful than choze
And Genos couldn't beat her. Genos struggled with Demon levels up until the MA invasion.

This is fucking stupid

So is pig god's stomach an endless void?
If he ate black sperm would he endlessly multiply?

Maybe it's something similar to how he cut the smoke cloud. Someone unfamiliar would produce no effect whatsoever.

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no, if that were the case he'd never get any bigger when he ate something

Not really he just can fit a lot of stuff in his stomach and he expands.
Okamatachi knows the air slash but it doesn't look to be strong like Atomic's as devil long hair could block it.

more likely that they're talking about his focused atomic slash

I love Tatsumaki!

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Gouketsu said he had potential to be an Executive. So pretty fucking strong. I wish Murata played around with "what if" concepts and showed demon designs of Sonic and Suiryu.

Messy bed hair tats is kind of adorable.

Shit it was supposed to be Josuke's ball quote

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How much longer until the next chapter?
Another 2 weeks?


Pig God is damn scary.

For a second there I thought ENW took off Iaian's remaining arm.

They'll make ryona and guro with do-s but no regular doujins, damn the Japanese

>Ilian loses another arm.
>Because he's stubborn and has pride he uses his teeth
Too cruel

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jesus what a horrible typeset

He could split apart hydrogen bonds of the H2O.

would femsonic be a good mother?

well, she'd be fast and strong enough to protect her child no matter what was threatening them

He could replace his arms with swords.

Its here.I think he does something like that in the web when atomic needed another sword. Though couldn't tell because of the art.

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>Caring (as shown with ino)
>Great Cook
I'd say so.

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job god btfo soon


he could vore you

For the its here comment or the Atomic one?

why did you reply to my post you idiotic tripfag

Sonic would win

Namefag actually, also mistake and just went with it.

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fuck off then, tripfag

Why are all male characters improved as women? Provided the personality and motives remain the same.

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From you? Thats fine, from the board nah.

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kill yourself

Finally we got to see Blast in action

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Because you're very, very lonely.

just fucking die already, fuck

Are you actually that stupid?

Not to defend him, but I didn't even notice his name variant until anons kept harping on it. Perhaps you're looking for a fight where there is none.

inb4 him. Here have a cute image

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Not all of them

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>dude haha namefags are great
go back

that faggot has been spamming OPM threads with pointless manga pages for months, and now for whatever reason it decided to remove it's tripname so we can't even filter it anymore
it's annoying, so it should kill itself

Who's more reviled in opm threads, mungus or smurf? I'd say mungus because smurf at least provides some content sometimes.

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Waitress Fubuki would get my entire wallet of Tips

tripfags and nameniggers are scum
drawfags, even autistic ones, are better than those literal wastes of space

it's because it was brought up a few threads ago. though at this point it doesn't matter whether or not he keeps it because anyone will be able to tell who it is by his posting style and image spam

Wonder if were getting flash meeting Saitama next or more of ENW

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Garou may be the only one. ONE does crossdressing all too sparingly.

>archive post
>literally doesn't sleep
How does a bot even spam?

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King could, AS can't.

I really want the former

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>Call the namefags
>All of them, my lord?
>Well we only have the one

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I do remember fem Geno's he did and the Cinderella thing.

Shit chapter. As usual.

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Doubt we'll be getting more ENW right now. I expect the next time it appears will be when CE arrives, and the fight will already be over, with ENW being a lot bigger.

Hopefully because its a while before we get back to the surface with so much stuff still happening in the base. Plus one of my personal highlights of the base arc.

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It's not that long. Just going by the webcomic it's about 5 chapters, from where we are to that. Things will probably get expanded, but it's not really a lot.

He didn't. Actually, I'm pretty sure Suiryu told Saitama that Gouketsu was a more skilled fighter than himself to begin with, in addition to his monstrous strength.

>Cinderella thing
Was it from a twitter post? I havn't been keeping up.

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Plain Dragon level

Well I meant more in update time and expansions we got. Though yeah it shouldn't be too far chapter wise.I think it was a play thing or that was romeo and Juliet I got confused. Murata drew king and saitama in dresses as Tats yelled at them for not cleaning and playing video games.

Fuck why does he have to make every monster girl so cute. The only non qt ones have been that weird tiny Orochi thing and the cat

No idea, but probably still weaker than Darkshine

>Gouketsu literally one shotted Genos
>toyed with Suiryu instead

He had no use for Genos. With Suiryu, he just wanted to fuck with him/force him to use the monster cells

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100% Suiryu would probably give a good fight with Bakuzan honestly

Maybe. He was able to break his toe, which I realized now the anime cut out Bakuzan telling suryui to grovel at his feet.

Garou is associated with a very masculine shape. Ultra wide shoulders, extremely defined muscles, sharp edges. To draw him in a genderbend and still make him look like his actual self you'd have to draw him manly anyway.

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Nyan is probably not dying
They showed him to have a very simplistic yet reasonable backstory, he didn't like humans forcing love up on him as a cat

From what I've seen the guy actually helps to keep the thread going and keeps up with discussions. The pages he posts are hardly pointless

Fubs will win the saitama bowl.

Well the artist who did this is a yaoi artist so maybe they could get the closest to a gender bend Garou.

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>make Metal Bat female
>don't make his imouto an outoto

I swear, that guy has some of the best opm art and then he also has Garou x Bang smut.

>that body

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How strong are Accel and raiden? Could they have beaten the MA by themselves?

Not into yaoi. I saw his OPm stuff. Its ok but I can't get over how feminine Saitama and Geno's look in his style.

you can't just say that and not post them user

I never really saved his art besides the Garou pics. I was too shocked form the yaoi stuff that I just dipped from his pixiv.

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I think it's the hair. It's a very masculine fitting style instead of generic spikes or a pixie cut. Longer or shorter, it's not fitting for a female frame. Some characters are easier than others, but for Garou, you would have to make him unrecognizable, defeating the purpose.

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Doesn't matter what that artist's shipping preferences are. The genderbend you posted for example is just another character with Garou's hair. The body is too soft. Garou's all muscle definition and sharp lines. That artist only draws him properly outside of genderbends.

From feats and general discussion i think that, at the beginning of the tournment arc, Genos, Sonic, Suiryu and Garou were all close to each other. Garou maybe had something more, but the differences amongs these 4 were thin in that moment

> that shit taste

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The back muscle are missing as well. That's his defining trait.

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>I swear, that guy has some of the best opm art and then he also has Garou x Bang smut
>garou x Bang
NOPE, no! I am out

I can't see Nyan dying, I think his fate in the webcomic is open ended
but he can slip through cracks which are at least 3mm wide so he might have survived and went away like those two ninja dudes, Gale wind and something with fire

Darkshine would be by far the worst to genderbend without make him look completely different. I've never seen his female counterpart, and i even doubt someone thought about this

>that gay opinion

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>fem Darkshine
the closest I've seen is Smurf doing Mizuki as black as him in a 3d model. But the thought of fem Darkshine worried me, it can't be done.
Dont worry I already dipped away from his art. These are the only two I had. I didn't even know about the bang x Garou though.

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Mizuki with dark shinny skin.

Don’t bother. It’s not worth it.

Big buff black bald woman. Not that complicated. Just not a popular waifu taste and therefore not drawn.

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Garou x anyone feels wrong to me, just leave him alone

I've seen Atomic Samurai x Iaian though
>is it okay to fuck your disciple? it shouldn't be

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Well, that was short as fuck.

Saldy Garou won't be left alone. Though its not as bad as Saitama x any males namely sonic or genos.

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This ruins the sonic. You have to make her lithe and fit.

pretty much the same as the last few chapters, 20-30

how to accomplish this and make more feminine than sonic already is?

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Murata spoiled us with those 100-150 page long chapters, I guess he's more busy nowadays with other stuff if he can only release 20-30 pages every couple of weeks
the quality is still at it's peak though, the Saitama vs Orochi fight was incredible

Probably saving up for the saitama vs garou fight. In the webcomic, saitama vs boros was only 24 pages, and saitama vs garou was 135. Saitama vs Boros in the manga is 76 pages, on the other hand.

manga Saitama vs Garou is gonna break my dick

Saitama v Orochi had some good spreads.
Didn't he say he wanted to make the Garou v Saitama fight more destructive?

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That's a really old pic. I havn't browsed the genderbent tag on pixiv in years, but you could put him in a dress and it just works.

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Murata drew that illustration a year ago for some OPM festival.
I would love an extra chapter about these guys as high schoolers.

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Tatsumaki > Golden Sperm = Orochi > Silver Fang > Evil Water > Overgrown Roger > Atomic Samurai > Homeless King > Emperor Kid > Ugly Futher

>Overgrown Roger


Hopefully, Orochi comes back from near death, but gets a power boost to reaching near boros levels

Dr Genus is "God". Homeless Emperor is just another one of the House of Evolution's experiments.
Everyone who made a big deal and even a fanvid about Saitama v God is retarded.

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>emperor kid
Honestly that's funnier than his real name

If that was the case, then Asura wouldn't be called the strongest in the House of Evolution

Carnage Kabuto>homeless man

don't tell him

you dont consider black sperm / golden sperm to be different characters ?

Next chapter?

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is black sperm's cum... black ?

If that was the case then Lion dude wouldn't be called number 2


darkshine flexing was in the anime.
not sure about the girl in the audience though.

this has a lot less impact now that we've seen him fighting orochi. also

>10 page chapter

like the slime monster, blade weapons have no effect. have to use atomic slashes maybe

why didnt atomic samurai teach his students the atomic slice ?

it was 22 pages

I doubt they reached a level to learn it yet. Plus all three have complete different styles.

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Aoki might do it if you ask nicely enough.

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The girl was cut out. Gradient terror Darkshine was kept in with the shit lighting.

Literal perfection

Fucking engrish

Alright who's gonna ask Aoki to draw fem metal bat

Why does he draw chins so far down?
Genos and Fubuki look like they could go digging for gold with theirs.

>8 pages chapter

is murata turning into miurata?

silver fang could kick orochi's ass

He's working on other stuff as well, which is annoying but you can't fault the guy as he makes money from doing other stuff than OPM

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You need to learn how to count.

Doubtful especially with Orochi learning his technique on the spot. Maybe if he had help from bomb it would be more even or maybe abandonment but I highly doubt he's beating him.

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It's a shame since his non porn art is really good. His do-s is super close to murat's version.

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Will Fubuki win the Saitamabowl?

That is a pretty good Do-s.
When one creates said Bowl and Fubuki leaves acquaintance zone.

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learning =/= mastering
even garou's flowing water rock smashing fist is significantly weaker than bang's, let alone someone who just learned it

He could still copy Bang's and even then if that doesn't work hell have to deal with the dragons and their blasts.

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So is flowing water smashing fish the best style in tune opm universe?
It seems to utterly decimate everyone who isn't already acquainted with it.

>Not the best mother
Damn you went from shit taste homo taste

Orochi learned Garou's WSRS fist at the exact same level that Garou was at, at that time. Presumably he can do the same with Bang's technique. What really made an impact wasn't Orochi's ability to learn and use martial arts however, he was simply physically stronger than Garou at that time, and unlike the latter Bang doesn't have the benefit of a young body overflowing with stamina.

The Saitamabowl was decided long ago.

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>in the house
>homeless emperor not in
>zombieman also not in
ok. try again bud. its just dr genus

>can block/redirect attacks and throw them back with more power
yeah it's pretty OP

Its a good counter though I prefer Bomb's style more or less.

>sword cut on page 20
>fixed one page later
Smh Murata

no, she's forever in the acquaintancezone

it is cum

Not exactly. Since it's possible in-universe, Water combined with Whirlwind is better. That new amalgamation-like martial art Garou created in the endgame is also better.
But honestly, the only real downside of Water Stream Rock Smashing fist is reliance on counters and the opponent attacking you. That's why it's better when combined with a purely offensive and somewhat ranged martial art like the Whirlwind Iron Cutting fist.

the thing about that is that whirlwind + water stream and god slayer are both unique to garou because of how gifted he is at martial arts. this is just talking about in general

Next should be PPP meeting DS (or a flashback to connect Garou getting off the floor and finding PPP), right? Assuming it's not something manga original?

Depends how Garou awakes from his beat down it should be next. We. Wise it just happens.

it also has arms, legs, a mouth, face and a penis.
i think i have my answer. black sperm just cums smaller, weaker versions of himself.

>I for one welcome our monster overlords

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He's pretty much the only person willing to discuss something that isn't shipping.
Kill yourself

That's true. WSRS and WIC are basically designed to complement each other.

>Big Breasts
not my fem!sonic

I like the inclusion of the public reacting to the MA's grand entrance on everybody. This will make later view of HA even more impactful when they see how fucked it is even more.

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Hero Association office girls look like they fuck blacks

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Do you know from experience?

Z Branch Operator a cute.

yeah, office girls fuck blacks but I don't want my fiction to mimic reality. Fuck you Murata, fuck you ONE.

You're just obsessed with black guys


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No he doesn't he just spams pages and then even replies to himself with more pages. I mean what the fuck, ok keep the name but what's up with the spamming and self-replying?

I just had a deja vu

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i read Great Cock :/

Me 2. Creepy.

Genos would have made a very cute girl.

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>hitting and quitting Tatsumaki
Bad idea.

Hmmm, in an alternate world or series would be the clingy girlfriend I guess.

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worked for blast

If fem Puripuri can happen than so to can Darkshine.

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this is fucking unnerving

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robot tits

>not having fem sea king do the combo


>dyke lesbian PPP that forcefully fingers female inmates
Is it possible to be too erect?

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Blast is one of like 5 beings in the world that's stronger than her.
For everyone else you're in for a bad time.

webcomic comparisons for this chapter

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your dick is the dick that shall pierce the heavens

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go away smurf

Because you're a horny little faggot that thinks with his dick.
That's not an improvement.

they only hire gyarus and ex-gyarus

Much much different tbqh


>shining eyes meme
now all we need is Genos dabbing

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Like the manga take on the panel before pig god got eaten. It was basically showing there is always a bigger fish theme.

pig god makes me uncomfortable

what are you TALKING about!? murata removing pig god's CRITICAL CHARACTER MOMENT of EATING SOME CHIPS totally ruined this ENTIRE FIGHT!!! murata is a HACK and anyone who says otherwise is just SLURPING his DICK

The whole sequence is much better imo

The over all flow of the panels is definitely more impactful, especially with the two page spreads

anyone else feel like this chapter was shorter than usual? and I don't mean the amount of pages, but something else I can't really put my finger on.

She wouldn't even be Saitama's girlfriend even if she tried.

it's how Murata uses panels
he makes big pages but the panels are so big for impact that the reader ends up finishing the chapter faster

maybe it's the amount of pages.

Little dialogue. Dialogue is the main factor to how long a chapter feels.

Oh yeah I forgot that was a thing last thread.
I think only one panel the web did better and that was Pig god getting up in a stance ready to clash. But otherwise I like both and Murata did good.
Your not wrong.

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me makes lots of pages* I mean

thanks for all the answers. makes sense now.

>I think only one panel the web did better and that was Pig god getting up in a stance ready to clash.
I actually think it flows better without it, since it shows that Pig God just goes for the counterattack with no time to waste, just as he's spitted out.

I still say we were being raided

I kind of liked it as a calm before the Storm type deal. Also its pretty quick counter he does after that stance. Though the manga conveys it faster as he basically attacks as soon as he got his ass out. Like a beast.

>Though the manga conveys it faster as he basically attacks as soon as he got his ass out. Like a beast.
That's the thing. It fits better with what we know of Pig God.

I'll allow this irrelevant panel because it's got best monster girl but you're on thin ice mungus

Well at least we agree to disagree but....WHAT ABOUT HIS CHIPS PANEL!?? WHERE'S HIS CHIPS YOU HACK!?

Attached: 1558467996400.gif (340x191, 847K)

Why are these scans always brown? It doesn't look good.

Technically I'm supposedly on thin ice already with my name alone. Also didn't like Murat removed the abs.

they're not scans

They aren't

and just a day after vore day

I feel like such a speedreader. I don't remember several of these.

Most are background girls that work in the association or female heroes/characters with small appearances

That's the color he uses to draw

Cut harder

I bet Blue Fire could win that fight
Just evaporate the fuck

yeah worked really well for genos, right?

I wonder blue fire can even damage it. Also blue fire might trigger its attacks with just his anger filled fave alone and get killed before even having a chance.

Yeah, do-s' design was definitely at its peak against mask but murata should've made her buffer

Evaporate the guy who draws water from the air with a tiny ass flamethrower?

On the internet

Chad Mask

Attached: E11.png (800x1138, 1.54M)

Tatsumaki gonna murder the only good animator from Season 2.

That picture makes me happy

Attached: FE45362E-3E91-4494-8303-1FCA8AA5EA06.jpg (666x435, 118K)

Why is she so prefect, bros?

Attached: Renderzuki.png (488x776, 140K)

Lmao she's like that one friend that sucks at smash
>hey wait Mask can I get a time out

A female heroine that knows how to fight.... With HER BARE HANDS.(sort of)

Attached: OPM Group 72.jpg (800x1138, 329K)

Who is SADS?

>t. brainlet

You know why Darkshine is staring so intently in the opposite direction

Super alloy Darkshine

Attached: Q130.jpg (759x1080, 803K)

That too.

Attached: 60207020_p1.jpg (800x1119, 742K)

To find a route to come around and impress her again

Attached: Q129.jpg (759x1080, 607K)

Fembat is the first gender bent that i like it even awakened my delinquent girl fetish

He's a homosexual and doesn't enjoy looking at hot women

Muscle sexual more like it.

Attached: OPM Group 71.jpg (800x1138, 317K)

Darkshine's actual backstory is that he's one of the gymcels from /fit/ who admired the male form so much he can't be aroused by women anymore?

>you've got great muscles
What a shit translation

pretty much

Attached: OPM Group 57.jpg (800x1138, 345K)

>gums eats someone whole without even chewing
>there's a method for cutting water even though water can be cut anyways unless you're going to cut them back into their base forms of atoms
What the fuck?

I guess the anime made Murata retarded enough to copy the webcomic as closely as possible. The old Murata would’ve added 20 more pages of filler instead of this weak ass shit

>The old Murata would’ve added 20 more pages of filler instead of this weak ass shit
So you're never happy.

Attached: 1425595386683.gif (200x113, 698K)

I'm pretty sure that water part was joke, at least I laughed at it

Its missing the Sea King loli, and the bikini girl from the same arc

Your questioning these things now? In this series?

Attached: 1562964744726.gif (448x299, 1.86M)

Literal reddit gif

>Sperms, this user has most his composure

Attached: 1563011981879.png (208x291, 68K)

*lost* damn it. Well its ruined

This looks wrong.

Attached: 91C735D6-D46C-4764-A583-A8BE55E709CE.jpg (1067x882, 1.05M)

He just wants a kiss.

It looks wrong because it is. Why wouldn't Pig God just open up his mouth and kill that thing instantly?

It's like when two gorillas fight on a nature show

Attached: summer.png (1095x1399, 1.75M)

piggers gots more speed than I gave him credit for.

human teeth are fucking scary. Particularly the molars. I'd rather get bitten by fangs than crushed

very similar. Only real difference is that Murata uses less panels. Not sure which approach I like better

What were you reading for the past three years you blind autist?

Webcomic makes pig god look very resilient and beastlike, while the manga shows that, despite his appearance and demeanour, he can be both very limber and very aggressive if he encounters a situation that requires him to be serious

Ah, the tables have turned. The monster has become the man, and the man the monster.

Attached: x30 (1).png (800x1138, 1.5M)

>None of the reflections have Saitama's scalp reflecting the sun's light
So close

How the fuck do Gums and Pig God even fight each other?

>toned tummy
How is she so perfect?

Attached: sumo wrestling.jpg (2400x1800, 278K)

What were you reading? Murata barely adds shit, it's mostly ONE that adds the new content.

>anywhere near S-Rank level

Like sumo wrestling, but they are trying to eat each other

Beating a demon level solo makes you an S-class

Did you train for 3 years and go bald in order to be this retarded?

I was okay with the dumb """filler""" fights for some time, but now it's getting ridiculous.
When was the last time an actual chapter with plot development was released? One year ago?

What does filler even mean to you?

Slow down with that baiting

>read battle manga
>complain about fights
Truly the mark of a genius.

yeah lets just skip all this stuff because it was already in the webcomic, right? fuck off retard, new plot development is for the webcomic

So we're back to this huh? Also you do know majority of this arc is fights right? This fight is part of the web, you know that right?

Attached: 1556376584773.jpg (600x592, 120K)

Because she isn't real

Attached: 1464975379966.png (1166x632, 531K)

I was literally just about to make that exact reply


I just want more slice of life type stuff but we'll have to wait til after Garou for that. Also, am I the only one who thinks the sisters arc is going to get some padding, because it seems a bit long to just focus on 3 characters in the manga

NIps read right to left.

Attached: 1f8620929a0e430c20561158c091208c1c4868455a45c7705c3b4f5a6c0e41b4.png (1500x1500, 113K)

I miss sonic.

Why do you think he isn't near s rank? He was able to contend with the three demon crows while he was in a weakend state, who were confirmedly demon level, and beat Choze, who seemed to be demon level. Whether or not you are able to deal with dragon level monsters is not an indication of being s class or a class. Many would consider Iairon to be S class strength and an example of somebody Amai Mask is holding back, yet it took him and two others of similar strength to take down a Demon. Puri Puri Prisoner and Genos both got beaten badly by Deep Sea King, who is Demon level. Atomic Samurai, rank 4 in S Class, gets beat by a dragon level just as badly as Suiryu. Being able to take out dragon level monsters is not a pre-requisite for being S class.

based fiction poster

Check the fucking upload, retard
The page on the right comes after the page on the left
user probably just put them side by side like that because that's how mangadex has them

how is that an explanation, you smoothbrained gook?

I mean eve after Garou you go from short slice of life to two new arcs, sisters and flash.

You are some next level retard here. Have you tried removing yourself from the genepool?

Nyan is going to become a second pet, by the end of the arc Saitama will bring home Black Sperm, Rover and Nyan.

it was literally just explained to you jesus how braindead can you be

I wish he made Do-S one of his pets, or at the very least his table.

femMB is best girl, now and forever
why isnt there more art
goldensmurf I know you're here
please draw best girl

Attached: 1557245015886.jpg (679x342, 85K)

>one punch man
>battle manga
There's no battle. It's in the tittle man

Not smurf but i keep meaning to draw her

Try actually reading it before creating whatever daydream you are living in.

Don't take Murata's work too seriously. It's just eye candy.

>the fish are just savage piranha that can be used as projectiles
Disappointing, I always thought they looked super cool and what was really controlling ENW

Isn't the next chapter going to be the narrator giving you an insight about the S class before going into Darkshine? I loved that fucking narration, it gave us pic related.

Attached: Tats.png (277x545, 20K)

Way to move goalposts. Last bite from me.

>Isn't the next chapter going to be the narrator giving you an insight about the S class before going into Darkshine?
It isn't.
>it gave us pic related.
It didn't.

It's really not that hard to check the webcomic before posting shit like this.

no that's after

Season 1 really did have the perfect division of both slice of life and action, I wish ONE had found a way to keep the pace like that in the later parts as well.

Alright faggot, what's it going to be then?

S1 had awful pacing though, and it ended fucking up the DSK arc.

I'm not the user you were talking to. There was no goalpost moving.

Why would I spoonfeed a cocky retard who gets angry when called out?

Do it user. For all of us.

Honestly if I didn't know she was a goddess glasses replacement from reading the webcomic I would've thought do-s would either end up fighting fubuki, or having a weird interaction with garou/saitama. Even PPP probably makes more sense as a fight for her to manga/anime readers than mask.

That wasn't me though, I realized I confused both narrations the moment I posted it.

>Even PPP probably makes more sense as a fight for her to manga/anime readers than mask.
Fuck that would have been fun. And I will admit I am still bummed that she didn't have a rematch against Fubuki.

This has to be bait

Please we need more of this chick.

Attached: OPM Metal Bat (1).png (477x477, 104K)

Yeah I’m sure kicking Saitama to the fucking moon was ONE’s idea

Her fighting Amai Mask fits extremely well, and a lot better than anyone else:
>directly compares Fubuki to Amaimask, after she's stated how much of a beast he is and why she stays in B class
>doesn't give Fubuki a chance to redeem herself, which connects to her story in the Sisters arc
>Do-S is basically Amai Mask turned monster, using her beauty as a weapon to get slaves
>introduces the concept of Amai Mask hating ugliness more directly
>shows just how ruthless Amai Mask is
It's a really good decision.

You do know that "barely" implies that it's not 0% right?

>PPP sends the swordsmen away
>proceeds to sexually assault the male members of narinki's squad until the hypnosis fades as DO-S watches in horror.
Honestly ONE/Murata should've switched around Mask and PPP's fights, it wouldn't be that hard to believe if DO-S enslaved the male members of the prison. Then we could have Mask chasing a cat and PPP flirting with the crossdressing swordsman.

>Do-S is basically Amai Mask turned monster, using her beauty as a weapon to get slaves
That's not how Amai rolls at all, he doesn't really bother with his 'fans' at all and prefers to fight alone and independently. If anything Do-S was closer to an evil Fubuki because both used subordinates to fight and support their fragile sense of self.

That's what I mean by "turned monster". It's a different approach to the same thing, only AM actually hates that.

And of course Do-S also reflected Fubuki, that's why they fought the first time.

>underaged driver

Fubuki beats Psykos though, so the second point is pretty moot. I also think Mask killing the caveman was far more ruthless than this, so we didn't need to know that. And the third point doesn't make sense, she doesn't use her beauty at all - if anything she's monster Fubuki, but that's why they fought already anyway.

>That's what I mean by "turned monster". It's a different approach to the same thing, only AM actually hates that.
No its not, first off AM is already a monster obsessed with his idea of violent powerful beauty and the place of his fans is only to notice. Do-S might have literally used sex as a weapon but its not something that AM reflects in any meaningful way nor is her use of minions he doesn't reflect anything about her.

Attached: pig god.jpg (606x507, 174K)

I was driving my father's truck when I was 13
Sometimes circumstances supercede legalities

S1 was about Saitama so it was more chill while these arc are heroes and Gaoru which isn't bad as we still have chill moments.

You are missing the point. A parallel doesn't need both to be the exact same. The fact that there's differences to point out shows that there's also similarities, and that's what I mean, even if I'm explaining myself like a retard.

>Sometimes circumstances supercede legalities
Yeah like driving your boss around because you want to get in her pants

Gonna need more details user

Only for a monster.

Jesus I forgot how scary Pig God can get.

Those parallels you see are fucking reaches and you know it. You might have made a better case for her being a parallel of Saitama or Sonic with how far you stretched.

>murata removing pig god's CRITICAL CHARACTER MOMENT of EATING SOME CHIPS totally ruined this ENTIRE FIGHT!!!
Nobody claimed this. What it does do is remove the part about him running out of chips and visibly despairing, which is a whole lot better than eating some random lizard with a bored expression throughout.

>explaining myself like a retard
It takes a big man to say that user, I respect it even if I disagree

Yeah I know, but it went from like a 50/50 split to a 80/20. I think if the tournament had been done differently, like adding the drunk Suiryu and sister Lin Lin stuff, the content that made up season 2 would've been better. Lord knows that wouldn't stop JC staff though.

Bruh, you only responded to one, and I really don't see what's so wrong with it:
>both are focused on beauty
>get mindless slaves that worship their beauty
They are literally essential parts of their characters.

based future saitama

He's talking about Lily

Attached: Theme song.jpg (791x633, 279K)

Which wouldn't make sense in the manga, since the whole base is full of monsters for him to eat.

goatse when?

How do you actually believe this? He was making a joke and picking out some random bullshit to make fun of people who make comparisons like this. He didn't expect anyone to actually be retarded enough to say that the chip scene was better than him eating a lizard.

Can't wait for Chris Hansen vs Fubuki

He probably prefers junk food over monsters.
It matters a lot more in the webcomic where up to this point Pig God is a non character and the part about the chips does give him some. There's no real reason to replace it.

>He probably prefers junk food over monsters.
Why would you think that? We've seen him eating basically any sort of food, and he seems to prefer quantity over everything else. A bag of chips is basically nothing compared to what we've seen him eat, so it'd be really awkward in the manga, unless they expanded the scene to be about how he ran out of every kind of food he brought, and then the joke would drag and it'd be ruined.

How is she so cute?

Attached: 69646495_p0.jpg (1987x3531, 3M)

its not just a preference, his face was like a whimpering puppy, he was heartbroken.
he ran out of food and immediately felt inconvenienced because he is eternally hungry.
if he ran out of chips, then was heartbroken then ate a monster it would be fine.
especially considering he actually was supposed to run into another glutton monster and eat it before he got to gums.

>because he is eternally hungry.
He isn't, that's why it wouldn't make sense. Monsters can fill him up.
>he actually was supposed to run into another glutton monster and eat it before he got to gums.
You mean the thing that already happened?

She can't even hide it. Its so precious

The manga so far has like ten times more Pig God panels than the webcomic and he has eaten a lot of monsters. If you look at it from the point of view of the webcomic the lizard is just bland. It's similar to the panel of Tatsumaki explaining why she's called "Tornado of Terror" getting removed in the manga, since we've seen her feats here earlier it's not as important but we would like to see it here regardless.

jesus christ i think there is no guy on earth who wouldnt impregnate this goddess

>If you look at it from the point of view of the webcomic the lizard is just bland.
It's literally the biggest monster we've seen him eat, by far. And it was Demon level. He only looked bland because of how easy it was for him to eat it, but he still struggled more than with Eyesight.
> it's not as important but we would like to see it here regardless.
Why? Just so it can adapt everything? If a scene is redundant what's the point in adapting it? Especially when they can rework it into something more appropriate like Pig God eating a smaller monster in this case.

Damn straight

Attached: 1555528819629.jpg (640x738, 129K)

Precious until you realize the amount of lewd things she'd do to her.

Attached: Lily_of_the_three_section_staff.jpg (600x771, 273K)

I think he meant the tiny lizard not Food Tub

Makes more sense, but then I disagree even more, since this page's "always bigger fish" theme was a lot better than what the webcomic did.

Attached: 1548397953920.png (800x1138, 1M)

>That time when even ONE had to step in to stop Murata from going all in on Fubuki's dress

Attached: Fubuki Dress.png (1080x1404, 723K)

But that's still cute as hell, and imagine all the things she wants Fubuki to do to her.

If I were ONE, I'd shut the fuck up and start setting up more lewd scenarios to force Murata to draw me better hentai than money can buy

Not really JC would have still fucked up. I think adding Lin Lin as a sister would have been fine. Drunk suryui detracts form the heroes scene and saitama actually being a hero.

Holy fuck where is this from? Is there a colored version?

>Is there a colored version?
Yes there is

Attached: 35 - vQenkh9.png (1280x640, 801K)

Thanks my dude

Attached: CC49D2B7-F9DB-4AC4-A0F1-36CA3DB2C49D.jpg (1125x790, 434K)

For some reason you think that ONE has the creativity to be able come up with a fraction of the crazy shit Murata used to do

That's some serious projection right there.

Attached: 1558466088509.webm (1280x720, 1.53M)

Garbage animation
People felate madhouse for no reason

still better than anything JC did

Current webcomic Sonic yes. Unsure about before.

One of the few decent parts of s2 op and they ruined it.

Attached: 1554857012879.webm (856x480, 683K)

If this is garbage then what is good

>Tatsumaki > Golden Sperm = Orochi

Stop dickriding ONE you slimy faggot

I've literally been told the same for ONE and Murata in the same thread now. Congrats.

>Orochi takes Golden Sperm's place

Didn't Orochi instantly copy Garou? Orochi's quick learner. In fact, Garou learned Bomb's technique too.

stop dickriding yourself


Yeah Orochi just saw the stance and immediately as Garou attack he brought multiple drgaons doing the same move

Attached: OPM Orochi 34.png (800x1138, 497K)

Nah that would kind of suck, unless you mean that Golden Sperm would still get to chad out and just wouldn't die from Awakened Garou so easily, and instead his power is emphasized by killing Orochi for good

Attached: 1550009386080.jpg (806x2367, 758K)

Have the superior version.

Attached: 1550012792166.jpg (806x2367, 829K)

I chuckled.

Attached: CXepmzoUwAAK-E4.jpg (600x497, 74K)

Link me to that gallery of OPM monster girls getting fucked

Leave the Heroes to me

Attached: Marugori.jpg (600x400, 178K)

I beg your pardon?

Dude got boosetd as hell in the anime that I couldn't see anyone but metal knight or tatsumaki dealing with him. Even then he was fast as hell with his kunches and much larger than his manga counterpart.

I think its behind a pay wall.

Well, he was a dragon level monster.

he was only a demon, the anime made him and his feats dragon

How did nobody find it strange that the giant ass creature just suddenly got btfo’d? Did they assume king did it bc tats certainly wouldnt take credit for it

Yes with weapons, mid diff
No without weapons

No Marugori, Vaccine Man will handle this.

Attached: Vaccine_Man_(Manga)_character_image.png (900x900, 760K)

>and king got credit for both of them

Pretty much every powerful monster which caused lots of damage and is taken out by Saitama is pinned on King. Maybe they thought Pluton was taken out by Genos?

Attached: King.png (260x753, 194K)

Why is murata so good? It's not like there aren't other amazingly talented people in the industry but he just blows them away. Is it the more relaxed schedule that gives him the time he needs?

>Darkshine's "I wish that were me" face

why is her mouth connected in this panel, in the anime wasnt it wide cut ?

The anime didn't even show her mouth.


Attached: Boros vs Garou.jpg (1008x648, 323K)

No, according to ONE he is a dragon level threat, the association just put him at demon.

Will he return?

Attached: Boros_color.png (699x701, 1.16M)

you'd be surprised what a non-weekly schedule can do

That's not from a reliable source. Every official source lists him as Demon, even the newer ones.

that waist to hips ratio

Attached: allmight.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Those hips are al-right

Attached: OPM Group 70.jpg (800x1138, 372K)

You could be right, since I can't read moon runes. He does fit the definition for a dragon level threat though.

Attached: O9wGaPm.jpg (535x571, 63K)

I hope to god that Metal Knight has a mecha-boros so he can come back in some way during the organization arc

That picture doesn't even talk about Marugori. There's another version of the same list that includes it, but it's been posted less. And anyways, that list is just that, a list. There's no source for anything in it, and by searching it you can only find it being copied and pasted in Japanese text boards. The actual interview isn't recorded anywhere.

Super doubtful since no one but Saitama knew of Boros. His corpse will be seen like any other alien corpse.


Attached: Untitled.jpg (665x1024, 620K)

What even is Murata's schedule?

Is it a patreon because I might be able to get it for free

There is no real set schedule. He usually post monthly but Now he's trying biweekly. Well he started biweekly I think kl around child emperor chapters.

I want Okamaitachi to step on me with her heels!

Attached: Three swordsmen.png (851x1138, 1.32M)

That's a man

Get with the times, gender is something you choose now.

Attached: 1563449480122.jpg (1895x1114, 911K)

>AS beats Black Sperm off-screen

Murata is a fucking hack

I'm still pretty sure hes just a gay crossdresser and not a transexual

I hope Boros comes back Cooler-style and rematches Saitama with a hundred Boros clones and dies instantly to another serious punch.

You're still acting like it's something that should put me off.

>gender is what you chose
Its in his name.

Attached: 1557522510943.gif (240x266, 3.86M)

Someone link this before the thread dies

slicing shemale is a powerful woman you bigot

I hope Boros comes back in mecha form and BTFOs a couple of s class heroes before seeing Saitama and asking him to be his disciple

Attached: 1553317748771.png (256x256, 126K)

Attached: El Grande Padre.jpg (608x473, 64K)

Nice thread

Attached: Eggman dance.gif (500x667, 478K)

how will viz handle a shemale character? how will the anime?

>Even then he was fast as hell with his kunches
He was? How can you tell?