Evangelion is a highbrow intellectual/philosophical masterpiece. No anime will ever come close...

Evangelion is a highbrow intellectual/philosophical masterpiece. No anime will ever come close. Normies hate it only because they don't get it.

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Why does her skirt fly off like this?

Metacommentary about fanservice.

It’s shit


we normies hate it because of the rabid fanbase. its like rick and morty, MLP, or homestuck

>asuka vs rin
>muh deep meanings
>muh endings

its a dated mech show. get over yourselves.

Too obvious falseflagging

evangslion sucks BALLS! gay

Obvious falseflags
1. use of normie instead of normalfag
2. unironic use of the phrase intellectual masterpiece
3. pic named Eva used for the thread
4. Smug for the sake of smug
5. Evangelion

zoom zoom go away, as long there are just one rei and asuka fag eva will be debated eternally.

I don't even know what homestuck is
Based or cringe?

I like Eva as much as the next guy but Madoka Magica is unironically a better made anime with a better story, better world building and better (not stolen) music. It won more awards than Eva has won and people who work in the industry have come out and said it is a better series.

>it isn’t good for relics of the past to stay on top forever

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i dont even know really, but im going to have to go with cringe just from the fanbase. im sure some of the writing is amusing, but its very "early hot topic" and "invader zim" judging from the fanbase. go to any con and see people dressed up with grey skin, black/purple hair, and orange horns. they're a fucking CULT. and its just a webcomic.

Do you ever leave this place?

Eva is a suffering waifu series disguised as something deep and Madoka is a a retelling of one of the best stories in the word in Faust disguised as moe shit.

How do you keep up with the trends?
I only have Yea Forums, youtube and a sportsite in my browser

Most Madoka fans used to be Eva fans. I tend to find that early on in ones anime career a lot of fans will gravitate to shows like Eva but towards the later jaded half when an user is matured in his tastes and knows what’s good and what’s pandering to new anons they’ll usually gravitate to Madoka Magica over a series like Evangelion.

woman's anime

After you watch a show like Madoka there will be no doubt in your heart. You’ll know what anime is better but when you take the nostalgia goggles off and admit to yourself and others out loud that Madoka has surpassed Evangelion you will finally be woke and you can move on with life. It’s really tough but the first stage is to stop pretending like you’ve watched the anime and actually watch it.

honestly, i havent seen anything homestuck related in a long time because i havent gone to any events in a while. its popularity might have died out too.

as for keeping up with "trends", i dont know man. Yea Forums is a pretty decent indication of whats popular or controversial, youtube can be easy to keep up with what's commercially popular/endorsed, and in general just fucking TALK to people to read what OTHER people are talking to each other about. there are lots of communities, you dont necessarily have to participate or be a star member. what gets memed the most? what gets the most controversial debates? what gets the most reposts? another thing is just sort of reading headlines. even shit sites like cucktaku and ign or whatever will make "articles" on popular topics of the time because thats how clickbait works. you dont even have to read the article, just the headline to know the subject.

and finally you can always just think for yourself. new season? look at whats coming out and decide for yourself. like web comics? search for new ones. there are things that are popular that you've never even heard of, but once you find it you'll be like "where has been all this time?" find related shit. its not hard, just dont be retarded.

madoka also does it in less time.

for High Schoolers? yeah

for everyone else? nah

If Anno ever makes a faithful adaptation of the whole Nausicaa manga (Miyazaki once said Anno is the main person he'd trust to do it) it'll easily equal or surpass Evangelion. Would be as big as LotR is to fantasy.

>Evangelion is a highbrow intellectual/philosophical masterpiece.
>No anime will ever come close.
incorrect. Akira, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, LOTGH; all of these either come close or surpass eva in a particular way.
>Normies hate it only because they don't get it.
incorrect. I never interact with people who fandom out with evangelion. It would ruin it for me.
Same with other "fffffaaaaandoooom"-stickered series. I love monogatari, Danganronpa, and such.
You ruin them. By virtue of being you.

weird, extremely meta and medium-blending webcomic. had some very good parts and then went more and more to shit. the ending is a travesty. ask Yea Forums for more info.

I don't get why people act like Eva is hard to understand when it pretty much spoonfeeds you the characterizations:
"This is Shinji! He has this thing called hedgehog's dilemma and it means this and that! Get it?"
^That's pretty much actual dialogue there.

You're better off asking in /aco/'s Homestuck thread, Homestuck threads often get deleted on sight in Yea Forums.

Even the fanservice has more going on than most anime, especially of the time period.

Why does Asuka not have mind-break doujinshi where she ends up as a loyal meat slave?

Do you not understand how retarded the average anime viewer is?

>Evangelion is
Overrated junk about winy escapist MC.
>No anime will ever come close
Utena and Legend of the Galactic Heroes have surpassed Evangelion

Indeed. If it really required that much intelligence then it would be nowhere near as popular as it is.

Nice hips. Who's this girl?

Based Asukachad

>asuka vs rin

damn this bait almost got me

God I wish this was me.

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I can't believe someone could typo Misato that badly

How is he cumming out of his chest

Just weird perspective.

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That's the fun part
Bullying the brainlets who don't get eva is gold.

Wrong, the most intellectual anime of recent history was ACCA - 13-Province Tour. But keep deluding yourself, pseuds.

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Do you even know what this means where its from without googling it?

Well some things ARE harder to notice/understand. For example the whole meta commentary about otaku fetishizing young girls

Explain the philosophical intent of sexualizing 14 year old girls

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lmao utena is fucking garbage

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this looks like someone put asuka in the nutshack and then covered the whole image with grease and put it through a rock polisher
I fucking hate deviantart


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anyone have a download of the show?

Just use nyaa

to make your dick hard enough to impregnate god

Get the fuck out of here.

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on the contrary. normies love it cause of mechs and monsters. thats why it blew up in popularity.
i'd say it's more like normies love it because they don't get it.

>Metacommentary about fanservice.
deep answer
real answer

Alone bad. People good.

You're a moron.

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>its a mech show
>theres only 1 robot in the whole show

pic related

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stop posting nasty asukas

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Asuka? Nasty? Impossible. all Asukas are great.

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This will be my first anime. Did I pick the right one?


Service, service~

still the best eva vn

Too many Asuka episodes, not enough Rei or Kaworu episodes. Shit series.

Gundam the origin and LoGH are better at everything NGE does.


Fucking weekend

Yes. And nothing after it will be as good

>eva is shit
>thread(s) about it every day

But thats a good thing


Based and redpilled
This show will forever trigger hot afternoon iq retards


This is true

Yeah, it was my first too. Its good and made with love but still has flaws, so it sets a good standard to compare other anime to. Also has a lot of anime tropes which you'll have to get used to.
If you really enjoy Eva and want to understand it better, dont bother with fan theories and lore. Instead learn about Anno's life and watch other works by him and Gainax. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind and Wings of Honnêamise are amazing and good place to start after Eva. Gurren Lagann and Franxx share some similarities with Eva so you might like them too.

I disagree OP

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thanks user

It's a representation of exactly that already happening in real life.

Alone bad. People bad.
Explain being a fag.

holy shit this was the tits back in the day

>Evangelion is a highbrow intellectual/philosophical masterpiece.

Attached: misato.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

>it can't be deep if it has a thot character

Yeah, because "My dad doesn't love me and instead wants to focus on saving the world from monsters and I'm upset about it." is deep.

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One of the main characters canonically* becomes a dickgirl with a dog penis. Draw your own conclusions.
*Probably, what is and isn't canon becomes unclear at some point, and is heavily debated in the fan base.

>implying evas aren't a better concept than traditional mecha

I want more Misato episodes.

What do EVA 02's guts taste like?

just some question, ican't understand the Asuka/Shinji relationship.
Shinji is a fag but he fapped to asukas body and asuka hates shinji because she think she's shit but the destiny ties her with him 4ever.
It's supposed to be some kind of opposed poles kind of relationship?
When is gonna shinji going to finally fall in love with her and asuka love shinji?

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>what does eva meat taste like?
Actually an interesting question. Would angels, adam, lilith, rei, and kuntworu taste weird as well?

jodoh itu ada di tangan Allah SWT

Glad some people here aren't newfag reddit cancer and call out their terms.

>Shinji is a fag
Stopped reading there. Bad bait try harder.

>prefer male Rei over Rei
>take shower with male Rei
>sleep with male Rei
>"Rei is a giant woman and i'm scared of woman" ok Shinji i can become your lover.

Would a female Shinji respond to landing on a naked Man Rei any differently?

female shinji will probably be afraid of males and end with Rei

To keep it brief. They both want each other so they can feel understood and cared for but they can't communicate properly and this miscommunication drives them down their own spiraled descents. On top of this, Asuka see's everything she hates in herself in Shinji and projects that hatred onto him. Shinji is meek towards Asuka because he can't interpret the ambiguity in her actions towards him. They also have some basic sexual and emotional attraction from being together with each other everyday for weeks and weeks on end domestically which further complicates things.

Honestly I still feel like I don't get it after discussing this shit for so long. There are so many interpretations and contradictory statements that muck everything up. It's supposed to be hard to get and ambiguous, I think, just like real human interactions. Or maybe I'm just a brainlet, I don't know.

i've always thought that Asuka was just inverted Misato, Asuka is a child who wants to be treated as an adult and Misato beecause her father rapes her only want to become a kid again.

Kaworu is not a male Rei because unlike Rei he actually has a personality and emotions.

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Why is Shinji so afraid of her own mother?

>yfw no giant albine amazonian angel gf with giant tiddies

>Misato beecause her father rapes her only want to become a kid again.

uh come again

Misato's VA in a tokusatsu.

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As much as I love Eva, it's a collection of a bunch of shit Anno and crew thought were cool with no real semblance or connectivity to it in any real way, which is further revealed through their interviews over character motivations, scenes, etc.

Honestly the fans actually compiling and making sense of it all, and video games and other authors, is what made Eva what it is, not Anno or even the actual show, which is devoid of a lot of the shit that has to be assumed (when it was never intended). Hell the entire religious stuff (which is the focal point of the show) is there because "it was cool", with no actual real reasoning behind it.

so you literally post the nastiest asuka
go fuck yourself

stay angered

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>still no pictures of asuka dabbing

the director want to see kiddie's panties

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>he doesn't know about the FAR

because it isn't a skirt, it's a sundress you fool

Silence thyself fool and leave this place.

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>adult asuka

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