We're living in the timeline Accelerator>Inconsistent III
What a time to be alive.
We're living in the timeline Accelerator>Inconsistent III
What a time to be alive.
Other urls found in this thread:
mikoto > all other girls
Index 141
I can see why this would throw people off because the title is "Apocalypse Witch", so you might go in expecting the main character to be said witch but it's actually the ever-present high school aged MC guy.
If anyone remembers this show called Girly Air Force that aired earlier this year, it's kind of like that. Where people thought it would be Girls und Panzer with planes but it had the typical LN MC instead.
Awaki's coolest moment. Shame that Kamachi forgot about her.
That's fucked.
Reminder that Kamikoto is true endgame
I would actually assume it's the heroine
Eh, much like Etzali, Awaki's character arc is kind of done. It makes sense that she hasn't really showed up
>Actually showing the conclusion that neither the novels nor the anime did
Based Chuuya
How many chapters left before Chuuya finishes volume 15's adaptation?
Good post.
>Showing the conclusion
What is she thinking about?
>Damn this cow is heavy
Etzali had a plotline going about the grimoires consuming him if he wasnt careful enough, also fixing up the situation with his cabal.
Awaki yeah, she was done
"I really do fuck pigs now."
Making Misaki writhe in pleasure and waking up every member of her clique to her moans every night isnt enough for her and she needs to do the same to Touma
it's all come full circle
>Showing the trauma flashback
Why the fuck is Chuuya so fucking based?
I'd give it until the end of the year, maybe feburary at most.
>Make the coolest Kihara and best one
>It's a fucking dog
If Chuuya ties up the Accel vs Kakine fight with whatever happens in the Kakine oneshot its gonna be kino
>Kakine has a flashback to ded Nue when Accelerator comments on tragedies breaking him
It would be the peak.
I guess so, but I don't really care about their age. I can hardly call Shinobu, Kyousuke, BooBoo and Touma the same. Each walk their different paths and honestly Kyousuke would clash a lot with the other 3. Shinobu would be more like the chill brother figure, etc.
It's not really forgetting if the character arc is resolved, user. I'd much rather they only show up when they have some sort of purpose, even if small than glued to the respective MC.
>No Railgun PV until August 27 at the earliest
yeah, it got delayed
Thank god
He probably talked to Kamachi about adding it so I hope so.
Not really. There was no Railgun PV till the same month it aired for S.
What JC Staff shows have been confirmed for Fall?
This confirms nothing though. The date a PV release has no baring on its airing.
Yeah, if this series ever stops being milked for money and gets a proper conclusion.
Love how only shippingfags have takes like this.
So your definition of proper conclusion is abruptly end it and leave everything as plot holes?
Why yes, I do think we need 20 more characters and 3 more spinoffs.
If it's deemed important to the plot sure. Spin-offs have no effect on whether the main story concludes or not though. So again, love how shippingfags only have ass takes like this.
I saw a tweet with Sega advertising Index Virtual On controllers or something recently, do they still plan to bring that game back?
It was brought back with a massive update and graphical changes apparently. They halted sales for a while.
How is that relevant to what the user said retard? More characters works better to flesh out specific plot lines and new themes. That's how world building works retard.
Why is anything necessary? Why does this character say that line? Why does this story even exist? Why put pen to paper?
This how retarded you sound.
Still find it hard to connect with people who are in this for only an end game pairing.
Oh shit, really? Is it a new version or can I just load up my disc with an update?
Don't forget that Awaki has the whole "potential level 5 if not for her trauma" plot point, and we know she has overcome her trauma in OT15. I want to believe that Kamachi comparison of level 5 Awaki with Almighty Thor in NT10 afterword means he will touch upon this subject again.
I already got mine and it's Accel x Qliphah!
Think it's just an update.
Patch notes if you want to machine translate
People who read exclusively for shipping shit are fucked in the head.
Oh fuck. Time to load up my copy then and play some online.
where is the DLC, sega?
Where is the Switch port, Sega?
That wasn't really a plotline once he got what he wanted though. "He was careful and didn't need to use them again" the end.
kamikuro is real
Wow Kuroko for once actually looks cute and not like a hag.
Raildexmonkeys ignoring the truth in the OP
Etzali reacting to Mikoto's AAA when?
But it's already widely accepted?
"she could have been level 5" isn't what I'd call a plot point that needs to be brought up again, its in the past and was used to point out that not everyone peaks or develops flawlessly. It has no use in being brought up again.
Since romance is not the focus of the series, it should happen sometime during it naturally without some major plot event forcing the two together.
That can't be Kuroko. She can't be THIS cute
Cutie behind lock doors.
Considering this is Awaki we are talking about I assume that's a shota?
Accel looks a little shaggy with all that hair.
Who locked up Ollerus?
Man couldn't get the attention he wanted. Sad.
That looks like a girl. But there's a shota doing a thumbs up in that group shot here
>We will get this part next week
lmao what a backfire
Retarded delayfag
How long can Accelerator use his powers before the bettery runs out?
30 minutes, indefinitely supposedly with the Clonoth.
Already talked about last thread.
>No one talking about Accelerator
It would be a flop if it wasnt for the name
I'm pretty sure clonoth is the one set of wings that shut down if he loses battery.
Why is Mikoto T-posing
>thinking Yea Forums decides whats a flop or isn't based on discussion
Please tell me you're not this retarded
If I don't care about the manga I'm not sure how you'd expect me to care about the show. I have other things to do, maybe next month I'll watch it. The filler episode was good but until she comes back why bother?
Asserting dominance
She oppresses Misaki in bed.
There’s not much to talk about when we’ve all read the manga.
>Not even fucking Plat Wing Accelerator can charge his battery while wearing it
Doesn't he charge it freely in NT6 though?
He pulled apart some power cords and charged it a little, he didn’t just recharge it with his power.
While draining a car battery and got like a minute back I think. He just can't use his powers on the thing for some reason.
Why would it? The clonoth is a metaphysical tree. PRetty sure it can just connect to him spiritually or some bullshit like that.
>Anti Skill jobbing to a couple of Level 3 espers when one of them can go toe to toe with Mikoto
Then again the dude was fucking Batman
Because with all the crazy shit, he still clicks the thing on to connect to the network when he uses it. Maybe in the future but right now it seems platinum is battery locked.
If Puzzle could just connect him to the Network for him, he’d just do that.
Why would he be able to use his powers on it? Vectors don't magically give electricity. I'm sure if Mikoto tried to zap him or something he could abuse it into his battery though.
>A team up where Accelerator is running low on battery life so Mikoto tosses a lightning spear and he vectors just enough into his battery so it doesn't explode
It'd be cute.
You need prep and information to reliably fight an Esper so you can bring specific equipment. A blind fight is way different.
He could just go leech a power line or something. If he could do that he wouldn’t have to use the jury rig method he used in NT6. But clearly he can’t for whatever reason.
A power line would probably fuck up parts of the City if he just ripped it and would attract too much attention towards him. He probably values stealth over something like that, there's no reason he can't after all.
I'm guessing the power he'd get back would be less than he'd use. It doesn't matter how much electricity he has access to if he can only run so much through without frying it.
Se-Be na! Sebe, Se-Be na! Sebe
Anti Skill is literally useless against anyone other than Level 0s
>Accel, Kakine, Misaki
Would Accelerator lose his connection to the Misaka Network if every single Misaka Clone was banished to WR land ?
I mean that's an unused frame of the world so it might still exist, since it's like an overlay of the world as of NT22, similar to the Sephiroth/Qlipoth
You okay, user raildex?
They would just migrate the server to Mikoto instead
>You can smell like Last Order and Esther
What do they smell like?
I always wanted to know what Last Order smells like. Looks like dreams do come true apparently
They know their audience.
smell this
Anyways, Accelerator shouldn't even have a scent
>Frenda got cucked out of a swimsuit character
I don't believe it, literally. There's gotta be a 4th summer rate up at this point
>A school battle fantasy
Kamachi please, what's the point of pumping out new series if they're going to be stuff that's already been done to death?
>not L'accélération
The only way to kill the isekai plague is to bring back battle school harems
Fuck yeah, I had more fun with garbage like World Break and Blade Dance than almost any isekai in the last few years
This. I'd take Battle anime highschool shit over Isekai trash. At least you can get cool and chuuni spells here and there, in Isekai you just get the same shit over and over again.
Kamachi was raised on this shit, of course he likes it. His taste is still very 2004.
But where's the Touma smell?
>Crying jobber
>overlay of the world can be blocked by blocking EM waves
really makes you think
What? Are you referring to the Clonoth? Because it's not made of EM Waves, it's the Sister's AIM.
Kamachi popularized this shit you mean
Okamoto really lost his spark.
Its a pun for anyone that doesnt gets it
>Just a few episodes he was doing the classic scream and laugh
Try again user.
It’s particularly nonsensical when he can use one form of the wings without the connection.
So you know exactly what I’m implying.
That the Tree isn't EM waves.
Because Kamachi popularized the genre? and Index is supposed to be the same thing but it hardly is anything like the copy pasta that exists. I actually have faith in Kamachi given his pattern to do things out of the box and I wish you would too.
Well the clonoth is explicitly a network thing where black and white is probably just an esper thing.
>no Index manga next month
What the fuck? We were about to go into the final fucking storyline of volume 15, fuck.
Its hidden behind IB and IB's smell is hidden behind a dragon.
I'm trying to relearn live2D which girl should I make one of these for next
Eh there's still Shiageluck's side
>yfw I completely forgot Shiage still hasn't beaten Mugino
Fuck. 3-4 more chapters before Accel vs Kakine then.
I still can't believe the Accel anime ended up being the most colorful raildex adaptation.
Shadow really is the light.
What is it about live2d that makes things look wrong? The idea seems fine, but the results don't.
Do one for Saiai
It essentially works on a system of texturing polygons like a 3D modeler so there's no real smooth deformation. You can increase the vertex density and compensate for some of it but the inevitable line thinning and imprecision are near impossible to totally fix.
They sacrificed good action for consistent animation.
The anime may look beautiful but it's boring for fuck sake
There's no fixing the manga's pace, they're doing as good as possible given the atrocious pace
How the fuck do they make bad source good, but good source bad?
What's up with JC's logic?
Nishikiori is actually one of the worst directors out there, let this be a wake up call as to how even an average at best director can adapt the worst spinoff
Why does Naru have slut armor?
I'll be writing Miki death threats if IF doesn't give me a swimsuit Kinuhata
Why dont you?
Miki finally delivered
I think the animation is fine but it leaves much to be desired for sure. I'm just more glad it's consistent than anything else.
Because Im not a slut
Tick tock frendafags
You can see her playable in there, they must be saving her for something
I swear to god if Othinus/summer Frenda is coming soon I'm in trouble
Kamisato user > Kneemura
>JC staff is only doing Hi Score CG 2 and Shokugeki No powerpoint 4
Theres hope for Railgun even if it isnt delayed
They're saving her for the half cost banner that'll be coming in the middle of September.
Haimura's a good designer but I'd say him and the HO illustrator are way behind Mahaya and the Apocalypse Witch illustrator now
Nobody fucking cares, jesus christ shut up already
>Accel vs Elizard was science vs magic
>Accelerator was using magic during the fight
Fucking cheater.
Railgun is the best Raildex anime, people care more about it than Shitdex 3
Nah. He's good but he lacks a lot of skill of a professional artist.
Subjective. I find Mahaya's designs nice in places like shading but his bodies leave much to be desired for me.
You guys said the same thing about Accel
It's a shitposter.
Haimura is great at designs but I feel he lacks at depth and density. Kamisato user's art feels like it has a lot of density to it and feelings in a lot of his wide shots, even if he is less-good at action collisions. Mahaya has improved a lot though and the Shinobi and Apoc artists look amazing.
Oh you are so hard
hurr hurr guys delay delay DELAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY guise let me specualt abut delayy i need to repeat this every thread
I find neither comparable. They focus on different things, Haimura is character based and you can tell in his illustration choices while Kamisato user tries to be all-rounder.
He wasn't though, he was using vector control to smack her with the invisible energy that is used in magic.
Fair enough.
We can all agree that Apocalypse Witch is the best illustrator at least. I hope it's on the longer side, because Kamachi really hasn't tried for anything long besides Index. HO is "long" but it's more like a series of ideas he thinks up of every once or twice a year
Did they ever confirm Railgun would air in 2019? The PV doesn't even say when it's supposed to air.
It's nice to have so many good artists on Raildex. Everyone has their own preferences on their favorites but there's so many good ones at least. Except Yamata.
>Invisible Energy that is used in magic
What? Qliphah pretty much outwardly said he was using Magic. What invisible energy is used in magic? Leylines? Telesma? Sparks? Lifeforce?
Who's Yamata?
Railguntards will be railguntards
I still think this guy is the best.
I forgot the name of the magazine but that one with the popularity polls for male/female anime characters earlier in the year had an advertisement saying it would air in 2019. Now, Railgun S got its PV within weeks of it airing, but I feel like the marketing strategies for anime have changed since then
Kamisato user's art has soul and slightly better clothing physics than Haimura even if his perspective and anatomy gets wonky with some anglez. If only his art aroused me in the same way preganon's does he'd be my favorite toaru fanartist.
Those eyes remind me of something, has the illustrator done anything popular?
My bootleg name for accel artist
I'd enjoy Preganon more if he colored and finished half of his designs.
Nah. Haimura is still my favourite. Mika is really close but her art can be too glittery for me.
Oh. well I agree he is by far the worst artist, but he has some strong points in mechas. If another HO manga were to be made, I'd chose him because of his art on mechanical stuff alone.
so, that silly bitch is purple?
True. I think he's known more for mecha than human designs anyway. Katoki Hajime was similar.
He had a very good artstyle going near the mid-end to the end of the first arc, but I have no idea why he's doing such a greasy and flabby style now. I'm hoping he goes back to this style or somehow manages to evolve past his current style.
I like his moeblobs
I don't really agree about the soul thing at all. None of the artists compared to fanartists feel they "lack soul" or whatever.
What the fuck happened? This was fine.
Yeah the artstyle is good there, but for some reason he has gone back to whatever the fuck design that fat water dude's was.
His goofy faces aren't too bad, they are kinda funny.
When you start talking about 'Soul, it gets extremely subjective and it's more about what in invokes in specific people. Haimura art doesn't really make me feel excited anymore but I feel like in this arc he was moving to another artstyle change again, so we might see things clear up more in Part 3.
True, I didn't intend to argue about it or anything anyway, art is always subjective so worry not. I respect that.
Which ones specifically?
I considered coloring fat last order but no one seemed to care about it that much to begin with.
But that's chuuya
I can't remember if you colored the Twins or not.
Early NT Haimura is probably my favorite for style but late OT had the best selection of illustrations for me. But on the flip side late NT is my favorite for story so none of it ever hits that sweet spot for me
This and NT7-10 is where his artstyle peaked to for me.
They never had a full color palette described so I never did. I'm sure I could approximate it but the twins are whores and abortion is a sin.
>“Injuries for who? If you mean your mother, she’s fine.” Accelerator jerked his chin over toward collapsed Elizard. “Everyone else is too worked up to deal with, so can I use you as a contact point for discussing how we continue from here?"
>“I-if you like.”
Accelerator FUCKING Villian RIGHT NOW as as compensation!
I like Haimura's NT17 onwards art the most. NT22R had some of my favorties in coloring.
Haimura and Chuuya are my favorites. Their illustrations have soul.
Accelerator bleeds when he uses life force, so he didn't use that against Elizard. When Accelerator uses outside energy, it is referred to as an invisible energy that covers the world and seems to be distinct from leylines since it doesn't seem to matter where he is. Accelerator directly manipulates that energy through vector control, rather than using spells, so if you're going to draw the line between Magic and Science, it fits into Science.
>Qliphah pretty much outwardly said he was using Magic
Cause she's a magic being made from magic, but at the end of the day his esper power is what is shaping and swinging with that energy.
The twins didn't want to lose their children, it was an unfortunate accident that the school twisted the truth of to keep them tied down.
Mid OT Haimura is best Haimura
That doesn't answer my question on what that invisible energy is. I don't understand why she said "Don't think you're the only one who can use magic here" to Elizard. It's a weird line, especially when it was prefaced by quotes of him not relying on physical materials like pebbles and nails.
I desperately want to strip Naru naked but that stupid overall suit is in the way.
They barely show up after this. Sure their character arc is done but that doesn't justify never using them again. If anything they should be used more since they can finally move forward. Remember when Awaki was meant to be a level 5? Why not have her go back to working for that since she overcame her trauma?
Her goal was never to become a Level 5, leveling up is irrelevant to her character.
>Index volumes
>Sure their character arc is done but that doesn't justify never using them again.
But it absolutely does. You're literally just asking for pointless fanservice at that point.
This might be the only Railgun SS I end up actually reading because it gets more interesting each time I heard about it.
That's the retarded fanservice Kamachi doesn't want. Nor do I want it because then the side characters get insufferable like in SAO.
Worse Item
Lame designs
I would list the characters whose arcs were completed but still came back to do something but there are too many to count.
WR arc in general is where his art peaked for me, the spread of Touma and Kamisato faction vs Yuiitsu is probably my favorite (I think Kamachi said he really liked that one, too?).
I also appreciate Haimura fighting for NT14's cover. It's little things like that that make me admire an illustrator besides their skill. Anons have been giving Haimura shit lately but I think he is thoughtful towards what he's drawing (when he's not doing the obligatory fanservice pics), I think sometimes it just shows he's worn out.
>Worse item
>When Item has boring designs
>Banana coat, a track suit, a sweater, and half a corpse
So using their canon selves which Kamachi protagonist would despised one another and get into a bloody confrontation ?
Take it back nigger
Utterly irrelevant to my point. And hell, probably even supports it.
Kamisato and Mikoto.
Just do Justine and Caroline but lewder
I mean, he's right though
So there's no reason to vehemently reject the notion of 1 character returning when dozens have already done so.
Kamachi said that was his favorite illustration, which certainly had some anons scratching their heads
t. railgun animeonly nigger
Personally this is my favorite.
Until I get a proper description of exactly how happy they were to get pregnant or how far along they got, I'll assume they're the whores they act like. Whores aren't good mothers and they don't deserve children until they shape up.
He's wrong. The Scavengers look like a bunch of tryharding cosplay teens on the way to their first goth concert. Item's designs are down to Earth yet stand out in their simplicity.
>Character X has done something that shouldn't have been done, so clearly we should do it al the time and its in fact NOT a bad idea because Kamachi is literally incapable of making mistakes!
Fuck off retard
It's a cool illustration.
That's the appeal though and that's why they stand out. In the Dark Side where most organizations are serious, seeing children dress up and act like a game is unnerving to the opponents. It's more effective as a method of pushing a narrative rather than "Kinuhata wears a short sweater because it's sexy"
I bet you think Stiyl completed his character arc, don't you?
Its only Naru
This isn't the AAAAAAAA one though
>a bunch of tryharding cosplay teens on the way to their first goth concert
Thats kinda what they are.
I HATED Kamisato's volumes. Literal filler centered around a Gary Stu antagonist who never shows up again. They're fanfic tier.
Learn your place harem accepter
But no one here hated Kamisato.
Haimura is god-tier when he tries.
He doesn't try often.
He hasn't tried in years.
>him not relying on physical materials like pebbles and nails
I mean he hasn't had to for a long while, even discounting magic, he can manipulate basically anything and attack with wind, shockwaves, electricity, sound etc.
I honestly think 545 was using it as a catch-all term and to use it for a more strict division between Magic and Science would leave Science with nothing supernatural.
>doesn't answer my question on what that invisible energy is
Nobody knows, Accelerator parts always leave unanswered questions about his capability because Kamachi is always vague on that. We can't even be sure that Accelerator will fall headfirst into whatever Accelerator counter Kamachi has given his enemy anymore, since Elizard didn't even get one. It might get answered in part 3 though.
>Misaki's legs.jpg
>Kamisato didn't appear in the very first arc after he left, so clearly he's filler
>close knit group of friends, live together
>have cool powers that they use in creative combinations
>have a variety of interactions together
>Two selfish cunts, a doormat, and one reasonable character
>no synergy, powers are boring to see and read about
>90% of their interactions are Hamazura this, Hamazura that
This has been my problem with his Accel fights in the past arc. A lot of them are ambiguous and you kinda need to infer from specific key points of dialogue. I hope that changes in Part 3 since he's clearly going to be getting a bigger role.
>Dog's lite
Would have been hilarious if it was "Doge lite".
I honestly can't believe raildex franchise is still alive.
Glad you agree
>no synergy
To be fair their synergy is literally why Yobou lost to Mugino
This general was almost disgustingly jaded by NT14-16 at first, although I think it was the index 3 shitstorm that lit that fire
None of them gave a fuck about Hamazura until he was added later. Blame the writer
>so clearly we should do it al the time
The point is that it's already done all the time. It's too late to say it's a bad idea now.
Imagine being this wrong.
>I don't know how greentext works
>until he was added later
Hamazura existed before Item, you retarded secondary. They were added on to him
>my point is that we already stab people while performing cpr so its too late to stop stabbing each new person we find choking
And it's a stupid point. Do you have an actual argument anywhere or are you just whining?
>added later
Hello, secondary.
She just shot him, there was no synergy.
Oh you fucking idiot.
I made an actual argument, but it seems all you've got are retarded comparisons. Drop a food analogy while you're at it.
The only recent time this general was good was 2017 to late summer 2018. Has been a dumspter fire since season III annoucement, which was the last it was good
Not if you go by chronological order.
>chronological order
Who's the Satania of Raildex
You made the "argument" that because something has already been done it should continue being done. I could apply this logic to literally anything and it would be obvious why your logic is fucking retarded. Cry harder. It won't make your "argument" any less stupid.
Are you fucking stupid?
>implying it was ever good
Accel probably isn't going to get many fights, like NT but worse now that he's near the top on both sides. Index just isn't about powerful people fighting it out.
I am excited to think about how Accel's role is going to be expanded without fighting though.
2017 was two thread of hilarity per day that birthed 80% of the current memes.
>Index just isn't about powerful people fighting it out.
>Mathers vs Aleister.png
It was fine up until some retard advertised us on /vip/ and it's been downhill ever since
I do too, but because he's at the top, more threats to AC and so forth will mean he has more of a reason to get involved, so it goes both ways. I do think we'll play a more active part compared to NT based on where he stands with the Abyss and so forth.
You didn't even add a proper reaction image. You just were just looking for an excuse to post that Othinus pic.
It's kind of funny WR is so controversial, since that was exactly Kamachi's intention with the theme of destroying sanctuaries. Part of me feels like a lot of the dislike towards it is because it doesn't follow the usual recurring characters and formula. I mean, how many people claim the only "good" thing about the arc is something related to one of the said usual recurring characters (Mikoto)?
The audience got caught in Aleister's bubble just as much as Touma did, Kamisato popped it and it made everyone mad.
>I get to dictate what is and isn't an appropriate reaction pic
Oh shit sorry moot
I thought it was pure kino from 12 and onward. Only one that I fell off on was 15 but when Yuiitsu came into play it was really fun.
>he's near the top on both sides
>He's near
Didn't know Accel caught up with MG's already
Aleister's reaction really was the audience's
>that wasn't you Noukan?
>you mean someone else can beat magic gods-
Also the whole Coronzon thing. She wasn't in the first half of NT at all so everyone forgot about her and was immediately showing her intentions by NT12
>It was Kamachi's intention to annoy his readers, there's no way it could have been bad if it was intentional!
Man Chyuua did Etzali justice, holy shit, can't wait for Kakine vs Item and Accelerator.
Accelerator might just try to snipe Kamisato the moment he sees him again. I kind of want them to be forced to team up plus Salome, could be funny.
12 and 13 were pretty slow, especially when you don't have the benefit if hindsight for much of HP's actions and the way his ability to detect people on the ground plays into his actions the first time, but WR's arc was otherwise great.
Kamisato didn't particularly do anything wrong or annoying unless you think all guys need to be kissing harem ass 24/7
>Raise your hand if you thought the fight against the Magic Gods would continue a lot longer than this!
12 was pretty fine for me, 13 was also fun for me with the bicycle chase as well. The only slow one for me was 14 and 15, but 14 had enough good moments to overturn that.
I can't take it anons I just can't fucking take it. I want her back and I want her to get out of Crowley's Gay Baby Jail please please please I need Coronzon in my life she did nothing wrong.
The problem with the bike chase is it was literally the entire volume
She didn't listen to Hamazura
Bad things happen to people who don't listen to Hamazura
Ganbatte, Super Hamazura
>Random chucklefuck appears out of nowhere with a right hand power and 100 sluts kissing his ass on command
>nothing wrong or annoying about this at all
And that's just the concept, not even diving into how they actually spend their screentime.
I thought it was fun. Especially when HP got swung from a helicopter blade.
I'm talking about the series timelime, dolt.
That has nothing to do with what you originally said. You're just damage controlling.
Wow it's amazing how someone doesn't get a pass when the MC did it, keep slurping that dragon cock
That is precisely what I said, which you likely missed due to speedreading my post.
Sure buddy, take some steps back after everyone called you out on your retardation.
Mikoto a CUTE
He appears first.
Item was a team long before they even met Shiage, in October of the timeline. You have no argument here.
*a shit
I corrected your glaring mistake
It's not about "annoying" the readers, destroying sanctuaries isn't even necessarily a bad thing, as they can be restrictive just as much as protective. AC and Aleister's influence on Touma was a sanctuary that needed to be destroyed, but you don't know that until NT18. WR was the set-up for that and it did the job perfectly.
a best*
You can't fix correctness. Try just a tiny bit harder and maybe you won't be such a failure.
It wasn't his intention to break the formula because that story followed the same formula as most arcs with Touma. We had a damsel, a clash between similar ideologies/different implementations, harem fanservice, Bad character redemption (Neph) and your typical iconic right arm showdown.
books that challenge the formula is something like NT4, OT15, NT22R, NT9, and NT18.
>it did the job perfectly.
Nothing perfect about a bunch of lolsorandom side characters coming out of nowhere. The crystal space animals were retarded too.
Don't like Kamisato but that's literally Touma. It's the execution thats bad
Isn't that literally every single arc?
Neph didn't even need to be redeemed, I don't think you even interpreted that whole volume correctly
Not him but I don't recall Touma has that many girls around him who eager to do every single thing for him. Nothing against Kamisato though, I like the guy thanks to NT17.
Index in a swimsuit tho
>powerlevel shitters still trying to cope years later
>powerlevel shitters
>One 40 pages chapter
What are you even talking about?
If you count the clones, Touma did more than Kamisato. This can be discussed when Kamisato stops a war or survives billions of years of MG hell, when he could barely make it through a few hours of WRland.
Kamachi LITERALLY admitted the arc was an excuse to put the characters in swimsuits. You aren't seriously defending that arcs writing. It didn't even deliver on fanservice since none of the hot girls got swimsuit illustrations.
No one in this thread is even talking about Accelerator. Go stroke your hateboner for Accelerator in the anime thread
>muh fanservice is bad
I accept your concession, fag.
WRland was MGs trying to kill each other for fun though. That's a totally different situation from NT9. If Othinus wanted to kill Touma it would have taken seconds.
The true end game is KamiKaMisaMisa
>none of the hot girls got swimsuit illustrations
Swimsuit Mikoto had an illustration though.
>It didn't even deliver on fanservice
Read the post again, the arc was hot trash but it failed even on that count.
>moving the goalpost all the way from writing quality to fanservice
You’re the one making concessions.
>No one in this thread is even talking about Accelerator
WR tried to subvert most of those things, though, whether or not you think it was done well is another argument. I think some of it was but some wasn't, like Kamisato's harem. It's really obvious Kamachi intentionally made them overly tropey and cliche, but the end result was less clever and more cringey. It might have worked if he had actually made them bad like Salome implied in NT15.
"If categorized as good or evil, Nephthys would have been an evil god.
From the viewpoint of human society, at least.
After the High Priest’s defeat, she had not tried to stop Niang-Niang when the other Magic
God had announced she would destroy Academy City. That fact did not change."
That specific action she took was redeeming of her character as an evil magic god, even Touma highlights how important her actions by using it as a proof agaisnt Kamisato.
The moral gymnastic of the next few books aren't relevant to point, becuase Index in general shows two sides to everything but in that book, Neph was clearly redeemed as a person
I recognize Mikoto, Misaki, and Kamisato, but who’s Ka?
Shut up, he gets more than enough discussion and his fans literally never shut up about him. How spoiled can you be?
New Heavy Object in October, also the 10th anniversary of the series.
>『へヴィーオブジェクト 純白カウントダウン』
>Pure White Countdown
Kamisato, Kanzaki, Misaki and Mikoto?
So you are gay? How could you not like the side character of Fran's soft butt? What, too low brow humor for your Japanese cartoon books?
Elements doesn't need the swimsuits to work, just because Kamachi wanted a certain wardrobe doesn't change the purpose of the arc.
Heavy Ice soon.
>posts that were made quite some time ago; current discussion is about Kamisato
>most posts you linked are inoffensive
Go stroke your hateboner elsewhere
>10th anniversary
>New volume releases the same month as the dengeki event
When do we get LINE release dates?
>If Othinus wanted to kill Touma it would have taken seconds
I believe she did that already. 10031 times.
Other than an MGfag sniping, none of those posts had anything to do with power levels.
>Space between lines
Fuck off to Reddit already you dumb cunt
OT15 was generic shounen shit
Mariydi is coming home. Season 2 announcement imminent.
What is he planning next?
Accelerator will be discussed a lot because he has a big place in the story. Not everyone that mentions him a huge fan. Do you get mad at Touma discussion too? Get over yourself.
You tell me aleister
Oh shi-
>no argument and invalid lashing out
Ook ook
Fuck off to Reddit.
Claiming the Touma bowl.
>Pure White
Probably the 5th of each month.
Unlike Dengeki, LINE is only showing releases 1 month in advance instead of 2 though so we can't see anything beyond September.
>Accelerator will be discussed a lot
So does that explain why you were bawling about him not getting enough discussion?
*Hamazura bowl
>No power levels
Neck yourself.
You didn't specify though?
Not my problem.
They didn't do my wife Seike's cuteness any justice
Three MC bowl*
Railgun will be 3 cours and adapt Daihaisei, LAC, Mall and Dream Ranker, it will extend upon Saten and Scavenger arcs
>Implying Aleister gives a shit about Hamazura
Is the To Aru series actually pretty pathetic by Japanese standards? I mean it's got 4 total manga but they are all monthly and still have more breaks than One Piece,.....
Did you not follow back the reply chain? Somebody was whining that Accel was getting too much discussion and made the list post.
No. I don't post there. Try to come up with something other than feebly bleating about boogeyman websites
If you want something truly pathetic look at HxH
Heavy Raildex
Sevens for Nana!
Learn to read retard.
let me guess, because Black Wings ans LO
I mean it is pathetic but no one expects anything from HxH at this point. To Aru has 3 anime going and is likely to get more announced by the time Railgun 3 ends, and Index is skipping next month.....
But you don't even explain why that's bad. There was a point to why they showed up and characters generally show up as "random" at first.
>The crystal space animals were retarded too.
Not really nor is it relevant to the initial "point" you made.
based swordposter
He didn't appear out of nowhere.
>nothing wrong or annoying about this at all
Not really since you missed the entire point of the thematic connection? You're the same one guy bitching about it since the dawn of time without proper explanation though so not point wasting space on you.
Bruh I like cowtits too but Mikoto is still hot
>only one guy didn't like the kamisato arc
I don't think anyone would waste breath on you either
>Somebody was whining that Accel was getting too much discussion and made the list post
>No one in this thread is even talking about Accelerator
The other user said that. I proved him wrong that people were indeed talking about Accel in this thread.
Why are you all always so mad?
That doesn't really change the main plot of the arc? He only admitted that he wanted swimsuits for ONE thing. Are you seriously that retarded and think it applies to everything?
Most of that was done on the opposite end throwing said things in the mud though.
No one is. Do you know how old those comments are?
Anons take everything personally.
>warps what I said for his own shitpost
Yeah that's okay. Go sit in the corner and create your silly narratives.
No one was talking about him when you were having a sperg out over "Accelkeks".
Read the post again about what? You barely provide any context to your opinion as to why and then you try to intentionally misinterpret an interview.
I don't care virgin.
That's not me lmao. I only pointed out that anons were discussing Accel in this thread.
10/~400 posts starting from the 23rd ip in this thread isn't a real rebuttal to him. In a practical sense, he's basically right.
Can't wait for you to go back to school in a few weeks.
Not enough Mikoto talk
I loved WR arc, it's a big part of why NT18 onwards was so good, especially for Aleisters character as it was built up there and just how far Coronzon's chaos went.
Lot of people dislike NT15 here but it was probably my favorite only 2nd to NT17. Yuiitsu's build up as an antagonist was different from the antagonists we've faced up until that point and was fun to follow.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Hey, you going to focus on the context of the post or just single out the personal attack since you're sensitive or was that your agenda all along than any concrete explanation?
No? you got nothing past smart ass green texts and smug images to pretend you have control of the conversation? C'mon I've got time so actually give a discussion than do the same dance and act like everyone should know what you're thinking.
I used to have sex a lot during my time in high school. Chicks were ugly though.
>tfw when you create the ultimate chad
>"I'm an irredeemable edgy monster and I revel in it"
>*DA shows up*
Ignore it. He's just a shitposter.
He always dodges everytime during a """"WR discussion"""" after he copy pastas the same "opinions" so I thought he had some actual explanation for his shit, but nah "muh hes annoying"
NT15 is my favorite WR volume. Touma and Kamisato's interactions were great and all the subversion that went on in it was fun. I only read WR last year and was a bit surprised to see people disliked it so much.
it's a containment thread consisting of gatekeepers, Yea Forums shitposters, waifufags, Urban planningfags, avatarfags, animeonlys, snobish LN purists, and Index 3 apologists. Expect nothing but constant and tiresome bickering
I don't think it's a majority (not that it matters to me and I'll stand by my own opinion) but the mood was just low after the 2014 debacle and nothing was really helping.
NT15's encounters, themes and set up for characters like Mikoto and Touma regarding the usage of a weapon were so neat. Plus Yuiitsu vs Touma is one of my favorite battles in the series.
>Faggot OP
>Snowflakes fags
>Muh discuss my fav character
Beta males
>Urban planningfags
What did I miss?
>urban planningfags
They are gonna do another Mikoto spinoff soon
>Urban planningfags
Here we go again.
isekai spin-off.
What the fuck is a urban planningfag
Railgun novels should get serialized
A Certain Rude Thug
An isekai arc would be cool but dont make it into a whole series
A certain scientific pig's lover soon.
Reminder that Kamisato and Yuiitsu was teased and the latter appeared in NT4. Revisionist shitposters wanted you to forget
damn arabs
>appears out of nowhere
Oh so you don't read the novels and are shitposting
One spinoff for Misaka Mikoto and another one for Railgun, based
GROUP was lame
Awaki was non interesting
Etzali dissapeared
Tsuchi works better as solo
So does Accel
>that's literally Touma
How that description fits Touma?
For the antagonists he really does appear out of nowhere user. Even Kamachi points out that was part of what he wanted to make people feel uncomfortable for. On a superficial level it's no different, but when you dig deeper, then you see the differences.
Was Kamisato foreshadowed?
Etzali is breeding with his wife Xochitl.
Does Saten show up in accelerator's anime?
NT15 has a couple fun interactions but otherwise is very slow. Its much the same problem I had with NT2.
NT16 still is my favorite WR volume, the Elements and the situation the city was in was pretty interesting.
NT15 is still my least favorite, but it probably has something to do with me reading it in a boat while I was puking and mosquitoes were sucking me.
NT4's final chapter title is a Japanese anagram that can be rearranged to say "To Kakeru-nii-sama", the chapter where Othinus crushes and breaks IB/IT. 2ch was waiting for a Kakeru to appear since around NT7 when they figured it out. Another thing EOPs missed was that they theorized Laura was Lola, as in Lola Zaza Crowley since OT10.
This has nothing to do with my post. Since when Touma appeared out of nowhere with bitches on his side?
Or you guys meant it on multiple POV perspectives?
If Mikoto can control bioelectricity
Can she make her brain synapses faster so she can calculate better?
In theory, alternatively we've seen that if she applies herself she can hack another persons brain sort of like Misaki.
Mikoto using magic with no consequences through reaching an understanding with the AAA soon
I think she can but doesn't do it because of trauma, since controlling the electricity inside her body reminds her of Accel.
Frenda can come back that way as a sex slave.
The "ni" is the "to," it's just Kakeru-sama.
Mikoto acting like she owns Touma is the cutest thing ever
It'd be nice if seeing how fucked up Kurko is (and Saten probably will end up since she's way over her head) proved enough of a trigger for her to get over that part of her hatred at least.
Inoue can solo SCHOOL discuss
Make it a slice of liefe were she's married to Touma, like the Takagi-san spin-off.
You shut up the shippers (well, a group of them) and get rid of the shitty romance in Index.
Near =/= At
Why is Mugino considered a Level 5 again?
how exactly would he kill kakine?
Purely due to the power she can put out. She'd be lower than Misaki but Misaki is basically a lvl 4 without the giant brain keeping her
Then at the end of each chapter it turns out to be a dream.
Level 7 when?
Meme jammers
Gas attacks
Big explosions that get rid of the oxygen near him
No, because then you'd be calculating the calculations. Even if the top speed was faster, she'd be calculating less.
Wrong esper series.
>Misaki is basically a lvl 4
The UK is not THAT pathetic
Jammers is the only one that can work. Kakine has been unharmed by the explosions he creates, and he's usually within the epicenter of the blast. Gas attacks are also nothing when he can just flap his wings
>Secret chiefs > MG's
>Near the top
Some anons here are convinced that he's on the level of likes Aleister, Mathers, Coronzon, Aiwass, MG's and even who's a bit lower/or higher than some of them Fiamma LPSaD.
I don't know if they're being serious or not but, I CBA anymore.
lvl 4 without the giant brain,she still has the brain though i think
If I was attracted to a Railgun girl which would do you all think that would be?
I can confirm that they're MEMEING THIS 100%
FIVE_Over. Modelcase_“RAILGUN”.
>Acqua is a dragon slayer
>OT16 called him Touma's natural enemy
because he is on their level... he can beat full MG with no "muh kind MG" bullshit. no excuse.
This reads exactly how when people thought he could beat Fiamma after getting white wings and 5 volumes later struggled with a slightly powered up Kakine, then jobbed to a fucking rock.
>Full powered magic god moves its finger
>universe explodes
Yes user I'm sure that fight went well
To be fair, she might show up again in part 3 now with Accel being the big boy on the piss tube.
>Implying that Touma isn't a dragon slayer as well
accelerator can one-shot any MG with his platinum wings if he goes all out. even if full powered MG like othinus went serious against him and wanted to kill him he can breakthrough against it and vector back any universe buster attacks.
no excuse. he is on the same level.
Mathers vs Aleister is what every Grand mage vs Grand mage battle should look like.
See you in a few volumes when a rosicrucian shits on him
>vector back universe busting attacks
...so it destroys the universe?
I think your sense of range might be a bit broken user, go ahead and try to redirect something infinitely big back into itself
A larper and a little girl punching each other like drunktards.
Isn't that how Corozon's flame sword works?
That's why I CBA with these clowns
Full Power Magic Gods are totally different. Beating a nerfed Magic God and Coronzon who could only stalemate a nerfed MG doesn’t mean anything. Current Magic Gods are literally infinitely weaker than they used to be.
Don't respond, this is a false flag.
he still worked his way with coronzon strongest attack.
>see you in a few months when Accelerator CAN keep up with the new threats using stuff that's already been forshadowing and you scream and tantrum over it and pretend it's an asspull
Her seemingly not finishing the chant and the absolute 0 amount of fucks she gave still give me serious doubts that she got the sword off.
There wouldn't even be any remains of Touma left if that were the case. Coronzon can't even deal with infinitely nerfed Magic Gods, let alone compare to full powered ones.
That's a single target attack, not something that destroys the entire fucking universe in one go. Try thinking about how big is the universe user.
>There wouldn't even be any remains of Touma left if that were the case.
To be fair, the spell did get IB'd by the dragon boy so it lessened the blow.
If I see this image one more time i swear i will
Be totally super hmph-hmph mad?
Pile of meat Touma just reminded me that its a good thing he doesn't know about the locks. He'd be on edge 24-7.
Well Othinus might start figuring it out soon now that she's aware of an alternate use
Honestly, If Coronzon "supposedly" doesn't need to chant her spell to release the flaming sword, couldn't she spam it like a fucking glitched RPG game?
We saw her many times chanting the whole goddamned spell over and over again to release it but the chapter one felt like she didn't need to. Maybe a translation mistake? Or Kamachi being Kamachi?
Well she better keep that shit to herself until she at has a temporary solution. He barely sleeps as it is.
I thought she just stopped when she realized he could reflect magic due to 545. And as we saw she wasn't really out to kill everyone since she just threw everyone on the ship off
At least*
It looked to me that he yo'd it before she finished and she just decided "fuck it, I'll leave him a parting gift and go." He does jump on dangerous shit quickly as seen with Neph's water axe.
>Or you guys meant it on multiple POV perspectives?
Yes. You weren't supposed to take it literally.
>Accel - can reach Level 6
>a pedo
>Kakine - can reach Level 6
>a pedo from the looks of it
>Beetle - can reach Level 6
>instantly attached to Fremea, also a pedo
>Mikoto - cant reach Level 6
>not a pedo
I guess we know whats gonna be her next power up
back to r*ddit p word fag
>Awaki had the potential to become a level 5
>a pedo
Yeah, using the word "power". Disgusting. It's called a Mugino up.
Go to sleep Shiage