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The Great Debate
Jayden Fisher
Gabriel Nelson
Both are trash
Samuel Rodriguez
Naruto is one of the big three.
Bnha is the next 3. So it's apples and oranges
Jason Butler
unironically this
Chase Morris
>can't even sell 1 million
>big 3
Christian Thomas
Both are trash, but Naruto had interesting deisgns and concepts
Noah Wright
agreed but you still can’t /thread yourself faggot
Aiden Morris
Parker Hughes
Ninja villages, clans, overall lore and characters designs were cool
Daniel Ramirez
BNHA post-pain shippuden
Naruto at any point before the end of Pain
Luke Jackson
The left one took longer to went downhill, so that one.
Jaxson Garcia
Big three was only a western thing, in reality One Piece was leagues ahead of the other two if we look at sales.
Carter Sanchez
>Manga american retards enjoy.
There is one true shonen king.
Its called One Piece
Ian Rivera
one is a mediocre series
one is a top seller
Eli Russell
why do japs like one piece so much i think its ok but I never understood why its so popular there
Jason Lopez
Who cares
Tyler Martin
Naruto had a lot of good moments.The concept of Akatsuki was interesting but how they were used in the plot was very disappointing.
BNHA on the other hand doesn't seem like it'll be interesting any time soon. The world building alone is terrible.
Wyatt Stewart
Its popular in many countries no1 in France, Germany, China. Its not that popular in USA because americans cant fathom character designs which arent "cool"and "badass"....
Blake Clark
One Piece is good but holy shit Oda should have never thrown anything japanese in the mix. I never liked traditional japanese shit.
James Reyes
this. those red clouds on the akatsuki are more iconic than marios hat.
Kevin Watson
Americans just have better taste that's been refined by pop culture with hollywood being the biggest in the industry. other countries might catch up eventually, but they're still missing out on decades of american classics.
Henry Edwards
bs.... other countries consume more (including hollywood)
Superhero movies are not high culture...and even most american renowed novelists consider them trash and thats why hero academia is so popular in the US, because america is obssesed with superhero garbage.
One Piece is vastly superior to both those series, but the moronic american mind cant gasp the left wing altruistic story structure of one piece, and prefers cop stories like hero academia and naruto.
Carter Walker
Post the first series, there was none of that
Brandon Hall
Naruto has better fights, which makes it the superior battle shonen.
Adrian Ward
I'll go with Naruto
Dylan Roberts
> if we look at sales.
Also at pacing, storytelling, character development, worldbuilding, fights and anything else.
It was above them and it is above all the ones who are running in the "new gen", literally only World trigger had the potential to become his rival but the universe gave the mangaka problems in order to avoid the clash of this titans.
Brody Morales
> most complex powersystem
Trigger > Nen.
Ryder Williams
Naruto was disappointing, meaning it had potential. BNHA is competent but it's arc structure seem to really hate upping the tension and stakes, it ends up being really non-interesting after a few of them, especially after the last All-might fight.
Gavin Cox
Nah it's because One Piece artstyle is just a knockoff cartoon, rubberhose limbs artstyle. Americans already perfected cartoon artstyle with Disney and others so general audiences don't care about some other country's cartoon. Meanwhile, American weebs are probably tired of cartoony art and look for something new. One Piece is more of the same cartoony shit but worse.
Luis Clark
Naruto part 1 > MHA. Cant remember one arc in mha that was better than anything in Part 1 Naruto.
Hudson Cox
>dead series
>dead fanbase
Jose Perez
Some say that it really captures the spirit of Dragonball, but better.
>One Piece
>better fights
>character development
I'm sorry, but that's gonna be a hard disagree. Oda follows the "if it ain't broken, dont fix it" formula. His characters dont change in the least except for Robin.
Fights?? Comeon man. OP fights dont even handle a candle to Naruto.
Samuel Reyes
Naruto legitimately had one of the worst villains of all time in my opinion, and that was Obito. However, he was only really the focus of the second half of the final arc, his alter-ego Tobi wasn't nearly as bad.
Hero Academia has THE worst villain of all time, AND he's the main villain. Shigaraki is worse than Sword Art Online's villain who "forgot" why he trapped everyone in the game. Shigaraki is worse than Fairy Tail's villain who went back in time and summoned dragons because his cat died. Shigaraki is fucking awful.
Joseph Rodriguez
I'm not talking about the individual, i'm talking about those who choose what to broadcast on their networks. Naruto and One piece didn't spread through word of mouth. In the early ages of anime the only way to gain english viewers was to have it broadcasted on a network. Cartoon network being the based network decided to go with shows like naruto, samurai jack etc. Idk what the network in EU is, but it's plainly obvious that one piece was pushed extensively by those in charge. Another factor is that it was probably liked by the executives because it follows themes of liberation and rebellion which is in line with the major reform that was occurring at the time throughout Europe.
Jaxon Wood
To add to my point. Translation both dubbing and subbing also plays an important role in transnational influence. I'm not aware of naruto being dubbed in any language other than english. I'm not sure about one piece, but I know that an arabic dub exists.
Andrew Phillips
Literally all of Naruto is better than BNHA and this is coming from someone who dropped it for two years during the latter part of Shippuden and BNHA has some of the worst villains I've seen in any anime. I can respect shitty saturday morning cartoon tier villains who just kill for the sake of killing more than Shigaraki being shilled as the main antagonist for 5 fucking years while Hori scrambles to give him motivation and "character development" and for the bipolar mess that was Stain.
Also why are you comparing the two anyways, user? They're from two different time periods and as more time passes more and more people are starting to realize that BNHA isn't in the HxH tier or shonen, or the Naruto/One Piece tier of shonen, it's in the fucking Fairy Tail category, it just lucked out by having better character designs than Black Clover or whatever the fuck else is out now.
Adam Campbell
>anything else
kek, based retard
Gabriel Perry
>HxH tier of shonen
The shittest tier i presume?
Juan Flores
Both bnha and Naruto are great but if I had to compare them then Naruto wins by a landslide.
Joshua Bell
>Oda follows the "if it ain't broken, dont fix it" formula
My point exactly. Every arc is literally luffy saving a country from its evil dictator.
>OP fights dont even handle a candle to Naruto.
This. One piece fights are too predictable and boring. There's zero strategy involved in any of the fights except for the uninteresting nami/usopp fight or two.
Cameron Martinez
>only World trigger had the potential to become his rival
I love that series as much as the next strategyfag but I highly doubt that. It trims down most of the fat that makes a battle shonen appealing to the masses so there's no way it could become the next big thing.
Dominic Morgan
Zachary Long
BNHA has more intense moments and better pace even if doesn't have the most interesting of settings.
Jeremiah Hernandez
Thomas Lee
Japas birthrate has declined idiot,, there are literally much less young people nowadays, retard
Dylan Foster
Wait.... And you claim Naruto has better fights?
You fucking babies are kidding
Connor Watson
Jeremiah Edwards
>My point exactly. Every arc is literally luffy saving a country from its evil dictator.
There's the Summit War Saga that didn't follow any earlier formula we must give Oda that
Yeah, and they ain't even comparable in the anime
Lucas Gutierrez
Meant to (You)
Angel Morris
both are hot garbage
Jacob Reyes
So much this.
Dylan James
>Also at pacing, storytelling, character development, worldbuilding, fights and anything else.
You know he said it's better not worse right? Cuz everything you said is worse other than maybe Worldbuilding which is still amazingly stupid like everything else in OP but it's lucky Naruto's worldbuilding turned into a mess cuz Kishi didn't plan shit ahead and Bleach's worldbuilding was even more stupid
Adam Smith
Pretty difficult to fuck up when you're always following the same cyclic formula
Really good, but Naruto and Bleach are unironically better
>character development
pppppffffft ahahaahahahahaha
I'll give you this one but the others are still good
Come on user
Cooper Sanders
you mean O-my rubber nen
Dylan Bennett
Why do people consider one piece World building to be good?
It's just messy and anything can accour or exist. I swear if oda created an island full of robots people won't complain because they have see weirder shit.
I'm not saying it's not entertaining but it just requires the fantasy of a child and nothing else.
Colton Myers
I think in this case there is an exception.
Benjamin Watson
what about my boy Madara?
Cameron Thompson
>comparing a corpse to Black clover
whats wrong with you?