*emiya playing*

*emiya playing*

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Which is the best Emiya theme?


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Original is still the best

>new Remiyax never
I miss it. What happened to Remiyaxer?

My personal favourite is Unlimited Codes version

Time Alter

>That one remix where they say the chant over the original.
>tfw I can't find it

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I wish Nasu would introduce more personalized Noble Phantasms for Emiya. There hasn't been a new one since Hollow.

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Looking forward to see a Kajuira remix next year.

I am the balls of my cock

Man, I listened to that so much back when I was just getting into F/SN and was doing conscription at the same time.



Muramasa's pretty good too

>repeated synthesised noise (idk what else to call it) becomes out of time with the rest of the rack over time
How did they fuck this up exactly?

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its just a very complex polyrhythm

Nope, not that one

I liked this one

It's either this one or this one, then.



Neither of those
I think it had the original VN artwork but the chant wasn't spoken by either Shirou or Archer (although it was the Archer version). It's been like 7-8 years though.

Maybe this one?

I just want a new Fate Series starring Emiya and a Tsukihime anime guys.
Is that so wrong?
Am i really the Cancer of this franchise because i can't let go?

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Looks like he's playing ping pong in the thumbnail

*Love Live Opening starts playing*

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It's too good for fake leak


you're a patrician and a true fan, not because you couldn't let go, but because you are able to hold on

>read the VN
>watch the UBW anime
>prefer the UBW version of emiya to the original
>get called a secondary

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any other answer is wrong


deen/stay night is a piece of shit but it does have the best emiya

Emiya is the ultimate shit gets real hype theme.

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No chant there

Was one of the things that made me enjoy that Fate/Another Map on WC3 over a decade ago and actually got me into Fate, watching the deen anime then eventually the Vn

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Here you go, listen through all of these. I'm pretty sure I heard it here. I'm just too lazy to remember which one it is.

Might be Emiya#0 dude, it has the chant around the middle or end of the song.

cant believe we never got a silly slice-of-life emiya remix from emiya-san chi no kyou no gohan

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How easy would it be for Archer to beat up Gil if Shirou could do it?

Not if Gil got ~serious~

Harder, I'd say. Gil would still have disdain for a faker, but I imagine he'd actually wear his armor against a servant. I bet Gil would still lose though.

Good thread. Emiya is one of the greatest protagonists in any media. That's all.

I really quite like Unlimited Codes.

I wonder what remix they'll make for this scene in HF part 3

What's the difference?

Imagine if they don't have a remix of this.

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How many remixes of the VN OSTs are in the anime soundtrack?

Some, but not all of them get used. I don't remember if this made it to the UBW anime or not.

When Gil's in character it depends on who the author wants to win. He still underestimated Saber despite her being a servant after all. Archer would probably have a better chance if he's summoned as a counter guardian though.

Emiya is by far the most interesting protag of fate and maybe even the most interesting part of it in general so no

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They fucking ruined that OST in Realta Nua

Emiya vs Touma: who would win?

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It’s strange how Archer’s identity was a bigger twist compared to saber’s when I first read F/SN.

Assuming Touma's power works the same way he'll just negate magecraft

Oath Under Snow's version. That first minute or so was a brave man facing sure death in the form of music.

blocks your path

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but swords aren't magic. They're just metal

projections are made of mana

Ordinary Highschool Boy Touma or Dragon Touma? Former would lose but latter would win.

Emiya uses dual wielding and Touma only has one hand to negate with

How powerful is Dragon Touma? Is he stupidly powerful shounen tier level or strongest servant level?

GG Emiya-chan

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Shiki is stronger and everybody knows that, he's also a much less interesting character so nobody cares

Wait didn't it play during Archer's episode? Am I remembering wrong?

BASAKA tier at least. Also, he can summon dragons and tank railgun shots.

I can't feel the same vibe from Fate after the joke that is fgo.

*unzips dick*

Prillya movie one

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To me, honestly, Shiki is wildly entertaining and arguably has a far more interesting mentality than Shirou due to the fact he is arguably the most 'broken' as a person of the TM protagonists despite attempts to fool himself into believing he is a normal person. Shirou isn't that interesting outside his survivors guilt and it gets old pretty quick while Shiki's deteriorating mental health and sporadic fits of bloodlust can keep you on edge for an entire story wondering when and if he's going to snap at the wrong time and hurt the people closest to him which he has done before so it's always a constant and real threat. Adding to that, Shiki's actually pretty fucking hilarious(him panty-raiding Ciel is literal gold), snarky as hell, actually flirts with girls when he's interested in them, can be well-meaning but a bit of an asshole from time to time, and has good chemistry with nearly all his castmates, and can be surprisingly philosophical about not just justice and sacrifice but a wide range of topics from honest, life, death, childhood innocence, loneliness, regret, and acceptance just makes him a much fuller and objectively interesting character than Shirou to me, personally. That's not to say I dislike Shirou but going back and reading Tsukihime and Kagetsu Tohya after getting through Fate and Hollow Ataraxia, Shirou while a good character in his own right is very reliant on a more colorful cast to standout and doesn't carry the story on his own the same way Shiki can.

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The chad wolf-puncher.

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This would be legit perfect if ZTS brought out a non-vocal version.

Shame. Pretty sure Shiki would have gotten a pretty hype EMIYA-like theme for himself in the Remake too if Type-Mon hadn't turned into an online casino company.

Everyone loves selfless underdog, and that's why Emiya Shirou is the GOAT.

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My dream is for him to get a remix of his sensei's battle theme in Mahou. Shit would be so cash.


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You don't know how long I've yearned for a true fate route adaption that simply will not be

All the tools in the garage shed stopped being projections the moment they were made.

The tools created from Shirou's practice in his garage have laid on the ground for years.

The only problem is that they feel "hallow" but basic fact is that Shirou's practice tools are still made of metal.

"You didn't become a hero, you became justice.
And justice can be cruel."

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Yeah I'm not seeing it. I don't see how Shiki T is more broken than the Shiki that had three personalities and the boy whose mentality got him condemned to an eternity of janitor work. You would have a point if all the bloodlust and violence moments in Tsuki came from Shiki himself, but they don't. Instead almost all of them come because SHIKI is in there. The only time we see a Shiki that is embracing violence is against Professor Chaos and Akiha with the latter lasting all of like a minute. It would be interesting if the Shiki we see in KT was what was hiding underneath, but we never get any evidence of that and he's just a fear of the man himself. Honestly outside of "goes with the flow" and being kinda snarky I don't see much of a character in Shiki and what you typed feels more like inconsistency rather than being full. Also I think that out of the two protags, Shiki is being carried very hard by his heroines, like half of whom he doesn't have that great of chemistry with. With Arc I don't see any real chemistry and she pretty much has to carry every interaction. Ciel is Ciel so there's that. Akiha and Hisui actually have interesting interactions with him, but that's mainly due to the girls themselves. Kohaku is Kohaku.

I think Shirou can stand on his own but is enhanced by his interactions with others in contrast to Shiki. Also, your dismissal of his motivation as just survivor's guilt shows a total misunderstanding of his character, unless you mean that's his only interesting point in which case I heavily disagree. By the end the reader knows what Shirou likes, what he does in his freetime, his views on people and the world, his own morality, etc. and this makes him much more a realized character to me. I would be entirely willing to watch a series of Emiya Shirou doing hero things, while on the other hand a continuation of Tsuki with just Arc and Shiki sounds incredibly dull.

tldr I want Shirou's sword.

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That track was great as was that scene, but when I think of Aoko I think of FIVE
Or Supercell's song for the series

Also the MB remix and SUGOI SUGOI has been inceptioned into my brain by MB....

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Your comment made me think that the Fate fanbase might be like the I'm legend novel, where the original people slowly disappear and are condemned by the new race (FGO faggots). I might've reached a bit too much but I liked the thought

Mahoyo translation never

Do you need to watch other prisma illya stuff to watch the shirou focused film?

Shiki Tohno himself has three personalities, the Tohno he presents to others, the past self that lives in his subconcious as a child, and Melty Blood Nanaya who, unlike in KT, isn't just a mass of Shiki's fears but is expressly stated by himself and W.Len to be the things Shiki keeps repressed in attempt to be normal. There's also his mentally seperating people in his mind where few stand out as individuals the rest are 'hunks of meat' he could dispose of easily if he needed to. There are people in his class that pick up on this along with how close to dying he is at all times and generally try to steer clear of him, it was at it's worse at a child when he couldn't mask it and kids were asking to be moved as far away from him all the time. SHIKI affects him quite a few times in Tsukihime but in a few routes this is actually called into question with just how much he enjoys killing even when he's in complete control and especially so in Kohaku's route when all it takes to get him to murder innocent people and brush it off is some drugs and light suggestion and during the course of it he shows little if any remorse until his Tohno personality kicks in and then there's when he kills Yumizuka or decides to kill Akiha and goes full on psychopath if he succeeds in killing the latter.

His laidbackness and snark are big parts of his personality but the others are just as much as his colder aspects. While it seems inconsistent, it's in line with him not being quite in sync with himself and being a mass of walking contradictions constantly at odds with itself which is brought to attention multiple times by various characters in Tsukihime KT and MB and even the little snippet of Tsukihime 2 which only adds to his unpredictability. Besides much like real life it's not like people are always consistent in personality 24/7 in real life so to me as extreme as Shiki's case is it feels consistent to me for a character who's intentionally written to be a mess.

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Also you're oversimplifying Shiki's relationships with the main heroines too much. Arcuied and Shiki's relationship is a simple one, being of mutual lust and attraction and isn't a perfect as they fight, argue, and have a lions share of misunderstandings and disagreements throughout her route. Arcueid while naive doesn't fully trust Shiki and more than once calls him a monster early on and gets irritated when he's reluctant to jump into action with her even going as far as to threaten his and his family's life if he doesn't accept working with her and Shiki struggles with his growing attraction to Arcueid, treating her far more cruelly than most characters(san Arihiko) until he comes to terms with those feelings and Arc getting influenced by Shiki's humanity and growing protective of him realizing his fragility but they grow to trust and love one another throughout the course of the route and their parting scene is genuinely one of the best written scenes I've read. With Ciel they're more equal and mutually tease one and flirt with one another Ciel is investigating and watching Shiki to see if he's Roa and when the revelation is revealed a lot of details of their interactions early in the route become more sorrowful up until their fight in the hallway where Shiki's willing to let Ciel kill him but refuses to die hating her even if everything up until that point between them might have been a lie. There's also the aspect of Shiki (surface level) normalcy is something Ciel wanted but could never have because of Roa's possessing her ruining her life and any semblance of normal happiness she could of had.

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Akiha and Hisui are relatively well-mannered and even stoic but only step out of that due to Shiki's interactions with them and he brings out their more flawed aspects to light with his antics. Unlike with Ciel, despite putting himself in a more submissive role it's clear he's more of the dominant in the relationship when push comes to shove and he knows just how to get under their skin and push their buttons when he wants to. Shiki is almost always the driving force to both of them.
Kohaku is indeed Kohaku, but again Shiki's relationship with her his childhood promise with her and how she carried mixed feelings for him for years both loving him for his kindness and despising him for showing her a world outside of her suffering isn't something to casually gloss over. Shiki himself ponders if he loves her or if it's pity a few times before deciding on the former and is extremely dedicated to making her happy and loving her going as far as to refuse to even lie about it to keep himself from keeping Akiha from killing him.

I can actually go into detail with how Shiki impacts all his interactions in more detail rather than the other way around but I'd be here all day if I did so. Shiki is the enhancer to alot of his interactions with characters and is usually the driving force to move them into being proactive while being a pretty proactive character himself(granted not in the beginning of tsukihime for obvious reasons).I just can't say the same about Shirou. I can see Fate's story play out with Shirou but I can't say the same about Tsukihime without Shiki as everything connects back to or ends with him unlike Shirou who outside of the main heroines and Kirei and EMIYA who only take up a third of the entire cast.

And I may have worded it wrongly but Shirou's relationships outside of Sakura just felt a lot less 'human' to me which could be the point as he's the most honest with himself in Heaven's Feel and while struggling with his ideals and beliefs isn't as tightly bound to them and acting almost completely in accordance to them as he was in the prior two. That said, while I generally dislike his relationship with Rin for a number of reasons I can't get into here, on a thematic standpoint I do like his relationship with Saber more than I like Arcueid and Ciel's with Shiki's personally as much of a Tsukifag I am. Saber disklies that quality of his that puts every before himself and thinks it's useless and foolish(hypocrisy at it's finest) at first but Shirou not caring and doing what he does regardless and picking up on her being similar: sacrificing herself for the sake of people because that's what she thinks a king should do, much like Shirou thinks what a hero should do. Them both objectifying themselves as swords and refusing to let the other label themselves as such and treating them like companions and worrying for one another despite their shared chagrine. Just two self-destructive altrusist trying to make the other happier than each other it's a relationship full of self-sacrifice and I adore it with all my heart in spite of various flaws but I've gone off on a tangent here.

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Fate fucking sucks and is a power fantasy for uncultured man children. The art isn't even good. There isn't even any particularly interesting sybology present.

Anyways I wouldn't say Shirou's only interesting point is his guilt but there's still very little to really explore about hims outside of it but with Shiki when you know everything by the end of his story it recontextualizes almost every aspect of what we've seen and bits we learn from him from other characters in KT only add to it. Just off the top of my head, his past with his lost blood family, relationship with Aoko, grudge against Kishima Kouma, and various responsibilities that come with his friends and loved ones along with his his wacky antics during his laidback moments, how he a natural-born killer that has a mask of normalcy lives among people, and how he interacts with a continually growing cast and expanding world just has so much more to offer to me. As for the continuation bit, I'm just going to say different strokes for different folks because Fate's world I've had just about enough of honestly but that's no fault of Shirou's really. While Tsukihime still has the TYPES, the various dead apostles, time travelers, aliens, enhance who's a literal dante(as featured from the devil may cry series) clone, vampires, and people who aren't Servants that matter and just generally feels like it'd be more interesting to explore as it wouldn't be limited to just being a one-stop Shiki and Arc fest though the conflict with Shiki trying to find a way to keep Arc from going berserk from bloodlust while battling various new enemies while dying rapidly from his continually strengthening eyes and deteriorating health is interesting in of itself.

tl;dr I fucking love Shirou and Shiki but I want tohno-kun's knife inside me more. no homo though.

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Try listening to REMIYAX, that has every version of EMIYA known to man.

The movie it's kinda the prologue of Prillya, but it has some plot points that might make you go "So that's why..." but you can watch it if you want before all

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Hey I'm not even the guy you were talking to but this was an interesting read. Can't say I liked Shiki nearly as much as Shirou (maybe due to reading only Arc, Hisui and Kohaku routes), but I might appreciate him some more now. Guess I'll read Akiha's route since I've nothing to do.

Shirou. Not even a question of whether projections are dispelled, since he has a much better diet, works out and has actual martial arts training. Oh, and his pain tolerance is much higher, too.

vs base Touma anyhow.
FSN explored Shirou better than Turkeyhandle did Shiki. Shiki needs Kagetsu Tohya to anywhere near as interesting as a character.

>Shirou's relationships outside of Sakura just felt a lot less 'human'
That's the point though.

Shirou's at his most interesting when he's at his least human. In that aspect, UBW Shirou is my favorite, since even Fate Shirou had a moment of "maybe I should just ask Saber to run away with me?"-human-like hesitation. UBW Shirou is just full steam ahead, time to become the personification of my fucking ideals, with Rin coming along for the ride. And judging by FHA's future phone call, she turns into his ultimate partner within a few years.

It's like Uro says; they're pretty much a perfect combo.

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Oh jeez, fair enough. I can't say you haven't thought about this, but I can't really agree with your reasoning even if I don't think its actually wrong. Like with the relationships, I see what you mean but the execution of the ideas you're saying is lacking to me. With the stories playing out I can see half of the Tsuki play out without Shiki since I kind of did with him not even meeting Arc in Far Side, while UBW has the Grail War sidelined entirely by Archer's grudge against himself and the whole thing is flipped on its head in HF due to Sakura and her feelings toward Shirou. I will also say its been years since I've read either so I can be totally off on things. I'll agree to disagree, but good on you for liking him enough to make such a long and well reasoned argument.

I agree with you on UBW Shirou. I still like the others, like how much HF Shirou has to break before he can get to the end, but how he can learn and accept his ideal in UBW is what makes him great to me. Even if I prefer his relationship with Seiba.

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The movie doesn't even feature Illya for more than 5 seconds REEEEE-

Illya had her time, GAR imouto-protecting Shirou needed the spotlight for a bit.

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i loved that moment so much, both in manga and then in anime.
this line made it all worth it

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This. Under Snow also had the best UBW.
>Red Man: desert filled with smoke and gears
>Shirou: desert with clear skies
>Alt Prisma Shirou: frozen tundra

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It took me a while to realize that you read it left right, inside of down up

Yeah it was great.