Male Gaze in Anime

How does Yea Forums propose to fix the problem of male gaze in anime?

Fanservice is fine, but often denies women their sexuality when shown entirely through the male gaze.

See pic related.

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More fujoshit as badly written as pic shall give you a good sense of balance.

How to get us to discard your argument 101

fuck off with this garbage

Just teach her how to use the Male Gaze. With enough skillpoints saved it's possible.

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>How does Yea Forums propose to fix the problem of male gaze in anime?
Your suicide would be a far simpler task, and would more people satisfied.

>people replying to bait

>watch/read near-porn schlock
>be surprised it's schlock
A lot of people seem to do this.

i lewded chino

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A fucking youtuber thread, looks like a Yea Forumsermin is crossboarding.

Don’t be that way.

Fanservice is fine, but needs to be empowering for women, not fap bait for loser guys.

I only ever post here. No time for video games with all my animes.

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tryhard bait


Yea, because we should listen to the retard who wrote that, when they can't go a paragraph without contradicting themselves.

There is literally nothing wrong with male sexuality, and it is impossible to objectify fictional characters.

The best part is the Japanese will never be shamed into not doing it and Americans will never be skilled enough to do it themselves.

They literally can’t ruin it no matter how hard they try.

There is no contradiction.

Male sexuality isn’t the problem. You saying pic related is not sexualized?

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Sony moved to California, so who knows what the future holds. They even have an internal ethics board that reviews female characters.

It is sexualized, but it is not objectification.

>read garbage written by a moron
>try and play armchair editor through an entirely different cultural lens instead of just writing something better for the audience you perceive to exist

>don't bet that way
why don't you try not being a faggot.

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Meh, Sony isn’t the source of anime. They’re just trying to break into the blockbuster game.

Besides, even if it was Americans will never go full Otaku en mass like the Japanese, eventually they would realize pandering to the perverted neckbeard incel crowd is where all their money comes from.

Wild how they won't touch actual Sony properties and just police cheap kusoge because the developers only choice is to bend to their demands or release their games elsewhere when they've already invested into the hardware

Solution #1: Stop watching anime.

Bracing for more changes demanded by the ethics department

Apparently it is, since it’s “the male gaze” that you have an issue with. Wanting to look at sexy girls is not a crime or a moral quandary. Doubly so for an animated production with no real world actresses displaying their bodies.

So Japanese women do not deserve their humanity and sexuality like Western women?

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>I'm actually okay with fanservice
>I dislike this type of fanservice
Seems contradictory
And yes, I do understand the point they're making, but what they're basically arguing against is something in a specific context, when that context is normal male sexuality for about 98% of the population.

Doesn't Sony own Aniplex though?

Consent is not a given.

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Mother's Basement is an SJW now?
Goddamnit, he's the only anime youtuber I know about

There is nothing dehumanizing about being portrayed as sexually desirable, and drawings are not humans.

>hurr lgbtip Newspeak
males are almost all paying customers. What do you think the perspective is going to be ?

Drawings have no consent to give. They are not beings capable of agency.

But men take these women and... well, you know what you do.

It is making their sexuality a joke for male sexual gratification rather than female empowerment.

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Japanese women don't care about what anime the neckbeards are fapping to, instead they have their own entertainment made by and for women full of hot men fucking each other

A drawing is not a woman or a person.

There's nothing wrong with sexuality in media, I agree.
The problem is males reduce women to objects when they see them in a sexual way.
Ideally womens' sexiness should only be acknowledged by other women, or men who she's interested in pursuing a relationship with

Female. Ideally queer female.

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The dude has been raging about Trump on twitter since he got elected

This is what happens when you respond to political bait. people. The thread turns into an actual discussion.
Don't do that. Call OP a faggot and move on.

Please recommend me a youtuber who isn't a gigantic faggot

>male sexuality is X
Who are you to tell me what male sexuality is? Do you assume all men look for the same things in a woman? Do you assume that the female body is the only component that a male is interested in? Why are you fighting for the sanctity of non-beings?

>caring about normalfag anitubers
>caring about fake people
Get off your high horse and suck its turgid flanged cock you faggot

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why is everyone still responding to the obvious bait

Because arguing is fun even though i’m likely arguing with an illusion.




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By not watching shows that aren't directed to your demography

Also he is one of those with worse opinions out there. His op videos were the only decent thing about the guy and he never makes them anymore

If you believe they do then don't give money to authors who violate those rights.
And if a million otakus still give them money and make your protest meaningless, well that's just the free market.
I'm sure there are a few Americans out there who aren't completely retarded, but they still have to live with Trump. You can't compare the existence of disagreeable anime to that.

They are all kind of faggots but my favorites:
>Grumpy Jii-san
>Geek Archeology (formally Otaku no Video)

Shut up and look at this little girl's asshole.

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I beg your pardon?

DEEN art cannot be sexy, so no.

Had to get your drumphies out, huh?

hell no
fanservice for everyone