Health or no, Yea Forums?
Health or no, Yea Forums?
No health
then perish
Yeah, but healthy doesn't translate to fat like you subhuman chubby chasers pretend.
though choice I'll choose both.
Don't believe the (((nutritionists))) lies, being a tad fat is ok as long as you don't go full obese with sugar.
Being healthy and fat is possible, but you should exercise to keep your muscles strong.
It's true
I want at least 3 children so healthy.
As long as she's fluffy, not fat, go for healthy.
peak comfy
dangerously furry
and dangerously arousing
Both forms of Inukai are top tier. Perfect everything.
no thats wrong. me feeding you my semen is what's healthy for your body
As long as she's well rounded.
Dangerous curves ahead.
How come the Japanese countryside has population problems when girls like Makoto could probably push out at least four kids easily?
Too many beta nip boys. Fags, whole lot of em.
This shit happens because we don't have a consistent definition of the word fat.
Some people have a low standard and say "being a little fat is healthy", while some have a high standard and say "fat people are disgusting and should I'll themselves", but if we started talking in terms of BMI I'm sure we could all come to an agreement, except for fetishists.
S2 when?
Because there's no jobs there giving them incentive to stay.
They took a very interesting angle on the occurrences taking place in during this scene. Bravo.
Why does her crotch hurt?