Why does Yea Forums hate My Anime List? It's one of the best websites to browse for anime

Why does Yea Forums hate My Anime List? It's one of the best websites to browse for anime.

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No it isn't.

Yes it is.

>bs rating
>trash community
>Some stuff about censorship and bs about what you can or cannot do and cannot discuss. never dug too deep into it.
>lousy sources
>front page and "most popular shows" are mostly hype trash that's being pushed and the good stuff is often left behind or hidden.

There's no confirmation on this cause behind closed door but I'm willing to bet money that there's money changing hands to keep certain titles in the front and others further back.
Pretty sure most people on Yea Forums keep one just to keep record on what they finished, watching and keeping trash of, but that site got a few things that raise a few eyebrows that don't sit well with the residents of Yea Forums

I just use it for animelist/mangalist. It's a useful website.

“Oh this orange ninja show looks cute, let’s take a a look at this related art...wait...wtf!!?

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sorry no animu here, only mango

(me)forgot to add a few things
The site is mediocre for browsing anime too because they often organize their anime in really weird ways, there's no real way to search by franchise you have to hope that the director or the studio or the name lead you to all the ovas and films ever made of something. This makes looking for certain anime incredibly messy.

looking at any creator's anime only allows you to browse alphabetically. If you want to browse a creator's work through time tough luck go to imdb.

The attributions to studios isn't the best either. Any assistence or help in production is seldom credited. The best way to see the works that a studio made is to go to their website and social media and see what they helped on.

People hate it because of the braindead community that mindlessly gives 10s to shitty flavor of the month anime

Anilist is objectively better in almost every way. It has a good graphql API so it becomes easy to develop good applications and therefore integrates better with third party apps like tachiyomi, activity feeds, score over duration of an anime, infinitely better searching and tag mechanism, and overall just a better ui/ui.
The only thing that I think anilist is lacking is the sense of community that Mal provides, with it's shitty competitions and events that were fairly entertaining. also recommendations, but they are mostly shit on Mal anyway.

Because people like you come from there, darlingtard.

why are you talking about Yea Forums?

I only use it to keep track of what I read/watch. I wasn't planning on becoming too big on anime, but when my notepad exceeded 200 shows I know I had to find some other way to store my information. That's all I know about MAL, it's pretty useful to keep track of shit.

I actually think mal is quite nice to keep track of anime. I got over hundreds of anime I've yet to watch which I can easily check

because it's a site where over 260k mentally challenged apes give shit in the franxx a rating higher than 4/10.

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It's mostly hating MALtards rather than the webaite itself. You browse the site to look for anime/keep a list? That's fine, as long as you don't trust the ratings very much. You publicly announce you come from a community of retards and underages? Not good.

I bet your'e that scitzo reviewer with the hatsune miku avatar that gave it a 3 and wrote a whole damn book.
Eat your heart out and go back to mal, loser

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I'm not retarded and know which shows I have watched and haven't watched. I also don't care about the stats of how many hours of moeshit, shounenshit etc. I've watched


I only ever use it for tracking the anime and manga I read and watch, what autismo would use it for discussion?

There's always people who give objectively shitty shows a 10 and objectively good shows a 1.

i use it just for tracking

Right. But there's far too many of them over there.
You need only to look at the site's top 100 to see just how bad the recency and shounenshit bias are.

the site is heavy and bloated, though

Eh, I'd give it a strong 5, maybe a super weak 6. The first ~14/15 episodes are good enough to stand on their own as an alright series.

This. I also don't understand why anons here hate streaming services so much. I actually want to give back to the hard working animators and I have never had a problem with Crunchyroll!

low quality bait

I feel like it'd be better bait to say you use a shitty 'pirate' service like 9anime.

It's ironic, it's suppose to be obvious.

It's good as a way to check and keep track of which shows are coming up in upcoming seasons. It's also good for looking up information about certain shows you're interested in (staff members, studios, VAs, etc...)

The ratings are complete shit though because the community is full of normies and underages who only watch shounen and whatever's popular on /r/animemes.

>goes to a thread with a 02 image just to boast on how it should be hated.
must suck to be you. seeing something that hurt you so much go down as a masterpiece. kek
I think you should go and make a thread with an essay op about how dah-ring is a timeflop

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> tfw 11 years on MAL

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>thread about MAL of all things
>has darling in the OP

>w-why are you using darling to attack the site

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How can piratefags ever recover?

>Sorry, Anilist requires javascript.
And into the trash it goes.

If you really want to give back then buy merchandise cause crunchy only uses their money to make propaganda cartoons

Thanks for reminding to make sure my Tampermonkey scripts are up to date

Well i look like a idiot

>1.2 million subscribers
Who the fuck watches anime YouTubers? What could they possibly do or say that's interesting enough to watch them? The only thing I ever see from them are shitty "meme" videos that somehow get millions of views.

Tell me what to like, tell me what to not like. I want to fit in.

Sharting in my SpanXX is really mediocre, but certain aspects of it really annoy me. It's thematically inconsistent, doesn't know what kind of genre it wants to be, full of stupid sexual innuendo, rips off ideas from older shows. Also that one reviewer is right, it presents itself as a story of love, but the authors are blind of the fact they created a story about dependency. It would normally be 5/10, but all of the above makes it more of a 4/10 for me or even less, so I agree with that other user.

Everything beyond its basic utility as a watchlist organizer is immediately dipping into a realm of cancer.

for browsing it is garbage. their ranking system for points and reviews gives an equal voice to all fans even the most casual meaning its totally useless for anyone deeper than the surface. if they changed their equations to weight the scores of people with more watch time higher it would probably become useful but as it stands the only point is to track.

People who want to be told what to think and retards who are literally too retarded to understand anime and have to get it explained to them.

MAL has entries that anilist doesn't though. It even has ones aniDB doesn't. It is useful as a tracker.

As for OP, it doesn't matter what Yea Forums thinks of a fucking website. Guess what faggot, this is an anonymous board. If you don't post about it, no one will even know you use it. Think for yourself for once

Who gives a shit about the community. I've literally never paid any attention to ratings or reviews.

MAL is just extremely useful for looking up info about dates and production and stuff. I'm convinced anyone who claims to hate it is just monkeys-ladder-room-shower situation

@191743042 (you)
And then he went into a thread with a darling in the franxx image and proceeded to cry about how it was horrible and should have gotten a 4

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Exactly. Some people try to so hard to fit in on Yea Forums they even defend the other websites that do the same thing worse but don't have any "Official Yea Forums culture" against them because they didn't exist ten years ago

I find some shows on MAL but I'm never sold on them. I've gotten way better recs from browsing Yea Forums, because if its semi-unanimously agreed that something is good on Yea Forums its probably really good.

the only one i can stand is digibro because he doesnt try to be funny or meme and has been around long enough to talk about people im not likely to have heard of. most other anime youtubers stick exclusively to seasonal shit without having any dissenting opinions on the matter

>using sites like MAL to track your anime
>streaming (worse if you pay for it)
>watching anitubers
>posting on r/anime or other reddit boards
>not buying the source material of the shows you like
if you do any of the above i seriously recomend you to hang yourself.

>because if its semi-unanimously agreed that something is good on Yea Forums its probably really good

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Unironically I let MAL decide what I should watch. I don't even bother with shows under 8.00.

>using sites like MAL to track your anime
1/5; how fucked am i?

Man It's always funny to hear you fags try to go against franxx. Your'e so desperate to find something bad about the show that you accuse directors from plagiarizing their own works.
The theme of sex is very clearly rooted in the damn show, and you call it stupid sexual innuendos, are you legit retarded or are you playing?
no fucking way
he read the essay
God, get a life fren. it's not healthy.

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Why does MAL still have censorship if it's a Japanese company? I thought the nips didnt care about political correctness

>not buying the source material of the shows you like
Fuck you man Yea Forums is a hikiNEET board and source material gets expensive

>enter MAL to put some anime I finished on completed
>some dude left a 10k words review
lmao who the fucks read that shit

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>using sites like MAL to track your anime
1/5 for me
I'm not going to use Excel or some other autistic shit when I can use a random site that I can just go, click a button and list it.

Because it's cool to hate "normalfag" things, see , isn't he cool? I bet he gets lots of pussy and doesn't live in a stinky rancid basement masturbating himself into an early grave at all

You guys are making OP angry.

epic meme

I'm pretty calm actually.

I'm not desperate to find flaws, I do not read reviews until I have finished a show to avoid getting spoiled and getting my expectations subverted. I went in blind back when it was airing, because the premise seemed interesting, but holy shit, it was so bad it actually made me laugh uncomfortably out of sheer embarrasment. It's definitely up there with Mirai Nikki in terms of being stupid. So is the target audience, at least it seems like it from the way you write.

i agree but the distribution in anilist is fairly the same

Ratings are hella gay

>the botnet wants me to starve

We do? I find it extremely useful to keep track of the stuff I watch and PTW. Never cared for the social part of it.

Hang list
>using sites like MAL to track your anime
Disagree. the site is broken and the community is braindead, but It's free and I use adblock so they don't see a penny also this >streaming (worse if you pay for it)
partially agree I wish one day there would be a good site for streaming that supports the industry but so far broken. if you pay for crunchy or netflix you are being rawd. I use 9anime cause I have 100gigs left on my device and photoshop files are heavy. I do have a few anime downloaded
>watching anitubers
mostly agree. If you enjoy gicuck, digibrony, or any neckeard gatekeeper anituber you are less than dirt. I do enjoy myself the more passion centric anime reviews.there used to be this old man who would just review anime in nature, sadly stopped uploading a few years back. whenever pewdiepie talks about anime even though I disagree with him on a lot it's pretty enjoyable. the guy is honest and it's nice to hear someone speaking about things they love.
>posting on r/anime or other reddit boards
100% agree. you should only ever go near that cesspool if you have something to shill to the braindead masses
>not buying the source material of the shows you like
partially agree. you should attempt to buy anime from the source as much as possible, but not everyone can afford it and it's not always possible. consider supporting the creators in any way you can.

what's good about it?

I would use anilist but it's severely lacking in manga/novels, and has no form to submit entries last time I checked. And as much as I dislike MAL, it's probably gonna last longer than anilist

They seem to roughly agree with Yea Forums to me. Are you sure you're not upset about a handful of particular anime you don't agree with them on?

>going into a mal thread to argue about franxx
>starting by crying about it and gushing about how it's so horrible writing lie you have tears in your eyes
>gong into "it was so bad it's funny" "you sound like you are the target demographic haha" after being scoffed at for reading a motherloving book of a review
get a life fren

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i used hummingbird until it went to shit

it disagrees with wikipedia


oh please
tell me more about how my hero academia is a show far greater than akira, angel's egg, cowboybebop, foolycooly, redline, and ghost in the shell.

It’s fine as a tool, but the community is absolutely atrocious and anyone from there should be encouraged to fuck off.

>It's one of the best websites to browse for anime.
Are you sure about that?

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Anime-planet does it for me
I don’t need to know every anime I’ve seen for sone stupid dick measuring contest, a memo for my backlog is enough
I just use Anime Planet to look for new shit

I just use it to log what I watch/read. The ratings and community are a joke, so I don't score anything. It's definitely taught me to ignore scores and think for myself though

Which is worse, MALtards like OP or avant-teen tier faggots like those found on 3x3 threads ?

I use Kitsu.io, it's nice.

MAL's score is higher for this show than MHA though?

A bad anime with terrible art.

>wrote a whole damn book.
yeah, a brainlet cant read more than 3 paragraphs how dare to write a solid review and not something like

"I want to marry 02, 10/10 show"

It encourages its users to be as reddit as possible
What does "reddit" as an adjective mean? To act like a pseudo-intellectual but actually believe, without a hint of self-awareness, that your opinion on a piece of eastern animation matters, that you are obligated to act civil on the internet to the point of writing the most unnatural-sounding posts known to man, to think that "It's about the community" or that "the community" matters, to have your opinions shaped by others, to display your intellectualism by telling everyone what animus you like, and to think that Darling didn't jump the Space shark

It's tryhard newfaggotry. 90% of Yea Forums uses the site but don't feel the need to bring it up. Just keep in mind that whenever a poster goes into a sperg rage about MAL it's almost certainly an underage desperate to fit in and humiliate him accordingly.

>@191743042 (you)
did you just quoted to yourself?

I did not go into this thread to argue about FranXX, I came here to post my opinion on MAL which I did. Seeing you defend FranXX, I simply wanted to support the other user in his opinion, because mine is similar. And don't get me started on just how retarded the whole scoffing at people who have read a review is. I scoff at you for being deliberately ignorant of other people's opinions. If you want to have an objective view on something, it's best to weight your opinion and compare it to both similar and the completely opposite ones. If you don't want to hear about other people's opinions, why engage in a discussion to begin with?
But I admit I didn't like that review very much, RebelPanda's review seems to reflect my opinions better.

>no pretentious pseudo-intellectual themes
>modern storytelling conventions
>so accessible you can get your mom to watch it

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Cancer interface, less complete database
Less complete database including no porn at all
Less complete database
Even more cancerous userbase, less complete database
Completely autistic and pointless, no links to related content like OAD

There's no reason to use anything but MAL to keep track of what you've seen

>To act like a pseudo-intellectual but actually believe, without a hint of self-awareness, that your opinion on a piece of eastern animation matters
>to think that "It's about the community" or that "the community" matters
> to have your opinions shaped by others
> to display your intellectualism by telling everyone what animus you like
My favorite thing is when people describe a bad community with the name "Reddit" or whatever, but are actually describing Yea Forums

>A bad anime with terrible art.
It's actually the only good thing about the show, you gay faggot

I'm a proud notechad myself. I can find relevant info about a show anytime I want if I have its name, but I don't need to do that all that often, so having its name in a text document is sufficient.

*tips fedora*
heh, I too like to feel like I humiliate people online

I do like MAL, but I'm migrating my shit. Last time the site died for months and I hadn't any backup solution.

The profile stats are shit, I agree. You start to feel like you "should watch" something to keep your numbers growing, that you "shouldn't drop" anything, etc... I'm trying to keep my whole list offline now. I'll try to use HTML/Javascript to create a offline list for me, or some shit like that

>to have your opinions shaped by others
Me? I'm actually God and create all my opinions from the void. Get on my level mortals.

Above all
it's profoundly beautiful
Every once in a while it managed to write character that feel both interesting and human at the same time. As well as a beautiful theme of love, passion, friendship, strength for oneself and for someone else.
Virm being plastered on is BS. it was clear from the start the humans and the klax are neither bad nor good.
This is before even mentioning the art and animation. Everything from the colors to the cuts is extremely educated. all the people talking about budget or rushing have no clue what they are talking about. That's very clearly not rushed or budget animation.

Hope one day you'll be able to enjoy it too, friend.

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>Defending MAL and DITF
what the fuck is wrong with OP

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But I don't like monster girls.


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learn english


Just use the features and ignore the "community" that uses it other than to log what you've read/watched. I've also realized that 99% of community reviews suck ass, almost no one can really articulate what makes something good and what makes something bad, so people just resort to buzzwords and stuff they heard more informed people use to describe a good show/book/whatever.

DITF is ok fuck MAL tho.


>Modern website requires modern technology


MAL vs Notepad
>don't have to interact with shitty community of people who either watch too little anime and overrate the fuck out of the same top 10 shows or watch too much crappy anime at 2x speed to fill their profile
>simple GUI that is easy to edit
>no internet required
>can keep .txt in the same folder you keep your anime
>easy to backup compared to a site that will shut down eventually
>no need to register your email to a website that has an insecure backend
>can create as many categories as you want
Just admit it, you're only using it to brag to strangers about how many hours of anime you watched. You're never going to impress anyone and nobody cares about your "taste".

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How do you find new stuff and get recommendations though? That's all I really use it for.

>Just admit it, you're only using it to brag to strangers about how many hours of anime you watched. You're never going to impress anyone and nobody cares about your "taste".
It's pretty ironic that you post this while signalling how good you are for not using a website.

The only character that feels human is that blue haired girl, bit everybody hates her. Hiro is a pathethic self-insert, Zero2 has no believable personal traits. Fat guy is a comedic relief, rest are glorified background noise. The "beutiful story of love" is actually a story about plain dependency masqueraded as love without even the authors realizing this, it's honestly a bit revolting.

>because if its semi-unanimously agreed that something is good on Yea Forums its probably really good

This only works 50% of the time

>not using excel

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Trash show with trash art for the most braindead crows.
Not only is this piece of trash ugly and uninteresting, Deku is an insult to anybody that was ever passionate about anything. The only people that even remotely care about deku are the shotacons who want to draw him getting fucked in the ass.

Never liked the concept. The idea of keeping track of how much anime you watch for internet points always felt really lame and pointless to me. Plus the reviews aren't all that helpful. It's either people who just eat whatever garbage is fed to them, or elitists who think calling everything popular shit makes them smart. The former also make up most of the site, and skew the ratings of everything way higher than it should be.

This, who cares about the rest, except finding out sequels/prequels and industry names..

>hurr it isn't

>doesn't even say an alternative cause he knows he's wrong

What an utterly fucking retarded post. Jesus Christ. Again, saying you don't use a website does not make you fit in on here, newfaggot-kun. 90% of the board uses it, we just don't bring it up because there is no point in doing so.

>>don't have to interact with shitty community of people who either watch too little anime and overrate the fuck out of the same top 10 shows or watch too much crappy anime at 2x speed to fill their profile
Just use it to keep track of your anime and don't interact with anyone there.

people actually use mal for the community and ratings? what?

@191744736 (you)
>blue haired girl is the only human one
>Hiro is a pathetic self insert
yeah...stopped reading there
Motherfucker braindead.
Not even joking
I actually feel bad that you have a family that has to tolerate your existance

It has already been said, but...
>using MAL
>Announcing you come from the MAL community
Not okay. You are most likely some underage retard like OP.

You must be over the age of 18 to post here.


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I give her 2 years until impact


This is your average FranXXfag.

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>we take over mal and make the users anonymous
Mal is our backup when Yea Forums goes down.

How do I use excel or spreadsheet? I need to escape MAL

I'll use it for reference sometimes but I don't have an account or anything

cancerous normalfag website

anidb is an eyesore to look at no matter how many times I try to use it, haven't bothered with other sites so I just use MAL for tracking purposes
if you unironically use the forums you need to end your life
yeah sure lets go

Excel is convenient but the filesizes are too large. Also it requires you to willingly install Microsoft's office collection which is full of bloat.

Are you having a stroke or something? Never seen anyone so buttblasted by having their favorite show shittalked. If you browsed this site for at least a little while, you'd get used to it quick. It just outs you as a MAL tourist.

Damn, didn't know Kahn Jr. from King of the Hill grew up to be such a high maintenance ho...

Hummingbird and Kitsu are the same thing retard.

It's not that hard, you just fill the spaces and create tables. It's not like you need to do hardcore equation formatting to crunch numbers for anime.

>uses a reddit animeme tier edit
>types like
I dont know what i expected from someone defending MAL

You write whatever metrics you care about in the boxes on top and whatever anime you want to fill for them in the boxes to the left.
you fill for each anime under each category

A lot more important is that Yea Forums only ever talks about a tiny fraction of the good anime that's out there. Relying on Yea Forums may even be more retarded than relying on MAL

Anilist + Taiga app

He's a MAL tourist but his mental issue has nothing to do with the site. I mean just take 15 seconds of your life to quickly browse the top reviews for Darling.

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Anime fans rise up?

I actually want to keep some my MAL things, like scoring for example

I can't speak for the actual state of Yea Forums feelings about MAL right now, since I no longer use MAL, but Yea Forums did not hate MAL as a whole, it hated the community
It was kind of like similar to what we have had with twitter since Japanese artists started using it

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Then create a header next to your list for scores? Have you actually never created a table before?

>using sites like MAL to track your anime
Agree with everything except this, nigger. There's nothing wrong with using a site to track what you've watched, especially when there's an autistic amount of spinoffs and alternate versions of shows(like with gundam).
I watched a lot of schlock 2007-2009 and without MAL I might've accidently rewatched some of them.
As long as you avoid the community, rating system, and social media media you're good.

I only watch anime that is rated 8 or more on MAL

You can keep scoring there, you just have to make it one of the metrics
for example you can have your metrics be
---- status -- | score| episodes watched |
X| finished| ----9-----| 19

If you really don't want to do this you can stay on mal, it's not a sin or anything. do what you want.

I only watch anime that is rated 7 or more on MAL

>without MAL I might've accidently rewatched some of them.
I think you have memory problems user, that's a far larger issue than using MAL

Why would you avoid the rating system? They are objectively right?
They've rated SNk really high and it really was that good.

God tier b8

Yeah, of couse there are reasonable people on MAL as well. But the users that leak here are almost always like this. My suspicion is I don't notice the reasonable ones, because they simply blend in, which is fine.
The show definitely has a higher rating than it deserves, but you are right that pretty much all the people who focus on giving an objective critique have seen through it. It honestly tells a lot about the show itself.

Hello Yea Forumsermin who watches 5 anime a year.

Whoops. Are you mad I called your watch list pointless?
If I was trying to fit in with the old crowd I'd post a link to my list. We used to have those threads all the fucking time and they were cancer.

Op is pretty damn based.
Lures out all the redditors who bitch about franxx
It's always fun to bully them
They always act like pathetic faggots and write like they are about to burst crying
They f3 on their keyboards and suddenly

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>>can keep .txt in the same folder you keep your anime
Is this useful?

>openly admitting that you only watch anime for the sake of meeting an arbitrary quota
Sorry, you're not more "patrician" for watching seasonal anime en masse with no quality control.

MAL's library is superior to other sites, especially since they even separately list things like Bluray short specials. The major downside is the user base, but I never use it for that kind of thing so I don't care.

I actually put everything I've watched in livechart, even though I have everything downloaded, because I'm paranoid I lose it and I need a list to download everything again but no one has mentioned the site before, is it that bad/hated?

hello, summer

>How do you find new stuff and get recommendations though?
After a certain point MAL becomes useless for recommendations since it simply doesn't recommend enough, and since it's all user-driven obscure shows aren't recommended as often. I personally find Yea Forums threads about obscure anime quite useful for discovering new things.

>2 hours
ann has a better search engine

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Notepad doesn’t have sorting tools which makes it a bit annoying to use though.

Uhh, Here? Even if there are not threads about a show for months, a single image is enough to catch my attention, that's how I got to my favorite shows. If there aren't neither, threads nor images, they show is shit and doesn't deserve to be remembered. Fuck recommendations.

Nah. I know people use it to track anime, but anichart was first I think so that one's more popular.

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Look it's really not hard to figure out what's reddit and what isn't. The thing is redditors don't really care about anything in a meaningful way, it's all about mindless stimulation and pretending that what you watched wasn't actually a piece of polished crap that lacks all subtlety and shoves whatever retarded message it has in your face.

That's why all the anime series they highly praise have characters loudly spilling their guts about how important something is as that kind of over-emphasis on something is most effective in manipulating those who lack major brain functions as long as the message is an agreeable platitude and vaguely makes sense (even if it actually doesn't when you think of the bigger picture). Extra credit is given to shows like mob psycho where they can pretend it offers some kind of moral lesson to virtue signal with.

tl;dr redditors don't really care about anything other than mindless stimulation (action and feels) and whatever cheap message that happen to come with that mindless stimulation to make themselves feel important

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imagine the smell in this image

>I only watch mature series and popular meme ones

>tfw can't sort your MAL list by magazine, anime studio, among other things
I don't know why they would give you a column but not make it available to sort by. You can filter by them but not simply sort like you can by title, score, chapters, etc.

MAL's recommendations are pretty shitty though, it has a large bias to highly rated top 100 shows and/or currently airing shit. It's basically the same quality as 3x3 threads on Yea Forums.

>I only watch garbage to inflate my MAL account

The community and their underage mainstream hypeshit tastes, why else?

Good reasons to not use a website, but hard to take them seriously when you still use Yea Forums

Everybody post your MALs


>yfw I've seen more than you

Maybe the anime recs are just trash, or you watch a lot of seasonal shit and so it recommends you more. My manga recs are mostly ranked lower than 1000 and a lot of old shoujo stuff.


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