Was GT really that bad? What's your favorite GT saga guys?
Dragon Ball
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No it wasn't. My favorite was every scene with little Goku and Pan!
It was bad but Super was even more bad that it made GT less bad.
It was fucking awful but you have to give them credit for actually trying sort of new things.
The first arc was comfy
>Let's give the team a mascot
My daughterwife was the best part of GT.
They wanted to regain the essence of dragon ball but the protagonist should be pan and not goku.
Baby was kino, but the rest ranges from decent to awful. Never got as bad as super though
As soon as Baby appeared it got as bad as Super and stayed like that til the very end
It was bad. But I would actually take it over super. It tired to combine z and db elements but with horrible execution. If it was under someone else it probably would have been fine.
I liked when vageta gotten so enraged that he was not only beaten by goku he was beaten by a child that he went berserk.
that's what I remember at least I watched it a few years back
the op was also dope
(me)I wanted to add
I also like the fact they looped it back to the dragon balls
the dragonballs became less of a feature and more of a cheat, for them to not only become relevant but backfire on them was pretty creative and a nice looparound.
Not as bad as people give it credit for, but still pretty trash.
At least it had the decency to make a good ending to the DB series, though. That alone makes it better than all the zombie-like Dragon Ball media we have to put up with now.
The ending is easily its best part. I didn't mind db ending like that despite the series not being good.. . then super came and now I wish it did end for good.
Yeah the ending was perfect, way better than the ending of Z. They actually outdid Toriyama himself
I liked the dance villains.
But Bebi is probably the peak.
Damn I love Dragon Ball so much
>trying new things
>rehash DB hunt
>rehash Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans
>rehash Janemba and bring back 17
I loved BD
I fucking loved BDZ except for the fillers (back then I didn't know they were fillers)
DBGT was boring, the only thing I remember liking was Gogeta and barely
DBS was mostly shit but it had some good episodes
No, Pan shouldn't have been in it at all.
>except for the fillers
Nice meme, DBZ fillers were great
Not really especially how she's pretty much a jobber of the group. They had the right idea with them traveling the universe for the dragonballs like db but most of the adventuring had to be rushed or wasn't good especially since it was a on a time limit type storyline.
It was pretty bad, but SSJ4 is the best transformation in the entire franchise and GT at least blows Super out of the water.
What are your favorite images/gifs/webms from spawned from these threads?
The el hermano webm where he fucks up Gohan and Jiren used to be my fav but now this is is my favorite webm
GT was so awful it killed Dragon Ball on TV.
No, it was just burn out
it seems ikari form broly had is basically canon ssj4 in a sense.
you only burn out from enduring shitty content
It looks better than SS4, really
Eh I think ss4 looks better at least on Goku. But I do like the concept of the ikari form to explains broly power. Maybe goku and vegeta can get it and stop relying on joke god ki. Just hopefully no green hair
That webm is a work of art indeed