Literally the most overrated movie I've ever seen
Literally the most overrated movie I've ever seen
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a kids movie, man.
What does that have to do with the quality of the film? Family friendly movies can be good too.
¿what underwhelmed you about the movie?
Everything. There was no substance.
You should commit suicide. No one would care other than the people who would have to clean up the worthless stain you left.
It's better than Whisper of the Heart. I literally could not stay awake through that whole movie.
I like a lot of popular things though
>muh film about a racoon bear!
I fall asleep during every ghibli movie that's what that excel at.
Somebody hasn't seen shinkai films.
Laputa > Everything else
You have to be
>what is Akira
>what is Nausicaa
>what is Princess Mononoke
>what is Paprika
>what is Your Name
>what is A Silent Voice
>what is In This Corner of the World
>what is Wolf Children
>what is 5cm per Second
>what is Redline
>what is The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
>what is the Kara no Kyoukai franchise
>what is Madoka Rebellion
>what is Kizumonogatari
>what is I Want to Eat Your Pancreas
>what is Howl's Moving Castle
Need I go on listing objectively shitty movies?
Mononoke Hime is my vote for most overrated Ghibli movie. It's about an hour longer than it should be. Spirited Away is second most overrated. The plot is largely nonsensical and just serves to string together a series of unrelated animation showcases.
>what is Akira
The most well animated movie ever made
>what is Nausicaa
The most well crafted fantasy world Japanese animation had ever seen until the 90s, arguably still the most impressive background art to da
>what is Princess Mononoke
The movie marking Ghibli utilizing CGI
>what is Paprika
The most ambitious piece of film depicting dreamscape ever since Eight and a Half
>what is Your Name
The hightst grossing anime film of all time
>what is A Silent Voice
>what is In This Corner of the World
The most well directing piece of animation of the past decade and generally considered the more well directed of all time
>what is Wolf Children
A genuine story about motherly love
>what is 5cm per Second
>what is Redline
>what is The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
>what is the Kara no Kyoukai franchise
>what is Madoka Rebellion
>what is Kizumonogatari
Bro Photoshop a bag on this bench, I dare you! We here at Shaft are so artistic XDD
>what is I Want to Eat Your Pancreas
Wasted potential
>what is Howl's Moving Castle
A pretty movie
>Need I go on listing objectively shitty movies?
No, since you're unable to understand what the term "objective" stands for.
Yeah, the story is pretty weak. But my god are the animation and backgrounds beautiful.
Every Ghibli film looks good
>creatively bankrupt setting and therefore art you can literally find in anything Kazuo Oga has ever worked on
>woah guys, but ze art waz so ze beautiful
Great use of the medium. Oh wait..
>The most well animated movie ever made
A poorly structured mess
>The most well crafted fantasy world Japanese animation had ever seen until the 90s, arguably still the most impressive background art to da
A soulless adaptation
>The movie marking Ghibli utilizing CGI
A soulless, thinly veiled remake
>The most ambitious piece of film depicting dreamscape ever since Eight and a Half
Watch more cinema. Even 8 1/2 is entry level and certainly not among the best in this regard
>The hightst grossing anime film of all time
Avengers and Avatar are also trash
>The most well directing piece of animation of the past decade and generally considered the more well directed of all time
Middling adaptation that does nothing the source material didn't
>A genuine story about motherly love
A soulless and disingenuous Ghibli wannabe
>A pretty movie
An incoherent and cluttered disaster
holy based post.
>buzzword galore
Shouldn't you be on letterboxd right now? Your inability to appreciate Akira for it's animation shows that you neither belong here, nor anywhere where animation is appreciated. Your buzzwords might be a hit on your Facebook-tracker, but unfortauntely you won't receive any upvotes for snarky remarks here, my 15 year old South East Asian friend.
>no counter argument
I can appreciate Akira in that it's a 6/10 movie but it's objectively overrated once you imply anything beyond that.
>objectively overrated
There it is again. Here you go
What's the matter you website obsessed animefag? Did some letterchads bully you or something?
I'd say Totoro is a bit above most of the others in terms of background quality.
What are we supposed to look at here? Weeds, bushes and trees as you can observe them in everyday lfie. Paired with Miyazaki's stereotypical same face designs. What's beautiful about this again? There's no creativity whatsoever. Pic rel on the other hand...
Even Mononoke did a better job utilizing a real world setting to create an engaging visual experience.
Beauty doesn't need to be overcomplicated or absurdly interesting. You're basically arguing objectivity vs subjectivity.
There's nothing beautiful about a realistic depiction of something that can be found IRL. Animation primarily exists for its limitless artistic potential. There's neither anything creative, noteworthy nor beautiful about this background Go and join the other Pinoy on letterboxd.
Mononoke and Nausicaa are the most pleb Miyazaki flicks, other than maybe Porco Rosso. Just pure plotfag bait. His best films are actually Cagliostro, Kaze Tachinu, Totoro and Kiki.
Disgusting pleb
>There's nothing beautiful about a realistic depiction of something that can be found IRL. Animation primarily exists for its limitless artistic potential. There's neither anything creative, noteworthy nor beautiful about this background
I'm not sure if I should continue sparring with you. You are arguing opinion vs opinion. It has no factual basis. You simply cannot be right, or wrong.
Animating reality is more meaningful than fantasy because fantasy is commonplace (see Disney) and recreated reality has more weight and purpose due to the medium's specific characteristic.
Not how it works, Mr. Instagram generation. People's "opinions" aren't of equal worth just because you Twittercult tells you they are.
Yeah, alright. Resorting to abstracted boogeymen is a sure sign of losing the argument. There is no longer any point to engaing you.
Watch Laputa its way better
How is the story weak? It perfectly explores its characters and themes.
>There's nothing beautiful about a realistic depiction of something that can be found IRL
I just felt it was bland and a bit predictable. Other Ghibli films have had a more comprehensive and interesting story. I understand Totoro has a more realistic (if you can call it that) narrative and setting, and that it's far more focused on the gentle whimsy of childhood imagination and the slow dealing with of loss, but it didn't quite grab me as other Ghibli works have. Perhaps it's just a taste thing.
Why are you linking images of some bald faggot making a false dichotomy? Answer the question.
>cinematography is pointless because everything cameras capture is something that already exists
do you really believe this shit
The double digit IQ pinoy strikes again.
not an argument.
>"You don't like generally popular things?"
>"Imao stop being such a hipster"
So you haven't seen Macross: Do You Remember Love. It doesn't even have good animation like Miyazaki's films.
>Just pure plotfag bait
What the fuck does this even mean?
It means that he's not consistent in his approach and makes arbitrary distinctions.
not only is it garbage, its also identical to future boy conan but stripped of most of its themes
>what is Akira
boilerplate story with groundbreaking visuals
>what is Princess Mononoke
perfectly fine little story, overrated but not bad
>what is Paprika
Easily Kon's weakest film, I wouldn't go so far as to say its shit but its not good. I love every other film I've seen of his.
>what is A Silent Voice
This was a pretty good film, what didn't you like about it?
>what is the Kara no Kyoukai franchise
I'll admit these were pretty dry, but shitty is going too far
>what is Madoka Rebellion
I don't get this at all unless you hated the anime too. This movie redeemed the otherwise lame and underwhelming anime ending, and honestly enhanced the entire anime retroactively.
It had loli knickers in it, what more could you want?
Your thread is the overrated shit.