
Would Elena still love Yuni even if she can't transform into a human ever again?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why just Elena how about everyone?

>Lala's brother is actually older
Wew who is ready for the impregnation arc. There's just no way Hikaru won't fall for a male Lala

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Fuck off

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I don't think Elena needs to transform into a human.

Its okay to be white

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Please stop using that image.

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it's up.

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Did the mechafag stop translating twinkle?

More importantly, who cares?

The fuck is this diaperfur bullshit?


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>who cares about more translations

Attached: oyoyo.jpg (691x618, 50K)

Ruru needs to visit Emiru from time to time.

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Any pictures of Mana wearing Aguri's dress?

I hope she marries both.

I have a very large doki folder, but no such picture

Attached: [Femme] DokiDoki! Precure - 24 [BD 720p Hi444PP AAC][A723DBEF].mkv_00_04_08_[2019_06_15].jpg (1280x720, 202K)

It seems that I'm too new. Where do I have to paste this to get a working link? At least point me in the right direction, please.

This but unironically.

>that HimeSei fanfic from last thread

Thanks, user. That was hilarious.

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By any chance would you have Mana and Rikka exchanging summer outfits? And your folder must very nice and lovely to look at, you are a person of true culture.

It feels nice to be appreciated!

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Is she nopan?
How can a straight male look at this and not want to impregnate her?

I don't want alien STDs.


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Her classmates aren't interested in sex because they are too young

I want to be Waito-san

14 year old boys do nothing but fap.

You need to improve your grammar and learn to pick a more accurate scenario.

They are 13. After one year when Lala is no longer on earth they'll realize the mistake they made by not impregnating her

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While this is completely obvious from the pixiv link at the top, I'll say it anyway because you deserve it for being rude. You're an idiot, and you're blaming the wrong person.

Then don't bother to respond. I'm not talking about a pixiv link I'm talking about the het fanfic. I read the fic and the grammar is bad and the scenario is all wrong. If you don't like what I have to say then simply ignore me and be on your way.

become precure

Attached: [Doremi].Go!.Princess.Precure.01.[1280x720].[52EBF610].mkv_snapshot_09.17_[2015.02.22_18.23.56].jpg (1280x720, 299K)

I want to read more /pc/ fanfics.

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Me too just not that user's.

I want more cures in glasses

Attached: sayousuke-1159480807066497029-EBdNpI4UcAA-pfk.jpg (1500x1500, 170K)

I want cures that actually wear their glasses all the time.

I thought it was pretty cool how Tsubomi didn't need glasses anymore.

No she still needed them. No clue why they chose for her to only wear them some of the time.

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What? I thought they said she got stronger from precure powers and even did a little scene where she didn't need them anymore and that she just continues to wear them sometimes out of habit. Did I imagine all of that?

I thought that only applied while transformed, but then again it's been eight years since I watched Heartcatch.

I don't recall that ever happening.

Are you sure you're not mixing it up with meguca?

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I feel like Kanade should have a pair of glasses she barely ever wears.

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A ship cruise.

Hikaru seems a bit too excited riding that banana boat

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Lala's fashion is weird.

You don't wear transparent raincoats while riding turbocharged bananas? You're weird.

I don't want to sexualize or especially impregnate any cures. That's wrong, user. Ciel is the exception that proves the rule.

JK Hikaru????????

That's a kino pic.

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How the fuck do people even find things on Twitter?

>5 days after last episode
>still not uploaded on kissanime
being a streamfag is suffering


Attached: EBFKX8cUYAAhsLA.png (636x900, 739K)
Also what even are these usernames?
mobile.twitter because hasn't been loading for me for weeks.

cute cosmo

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>Let me in, I'm a Pretty Cure!
>Don't you believe in Pretty Cures?

What is her major malfunction?

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1) have a Twitter account
2) follow Precure related accounts and artists
3) Precure related tweets occasionally appear on your timeline
4) you save the cute pics an post on /pc/
Truly rocket science


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Hoodie Star

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Why are you a streamfag?

The two defining anime of this decade.

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Fuck off.

Did Over-Time die?

What's the connection here?

They said last thread they'd do double release next time because translator-san had some kind of real life business to attend to.

Along with a bunch of whining about how tired he was and how mistakes weren't his fault.

When did that happen?

>mistakes weren't his fault
but he is the translator.

Umakoshi did the designs for the MHA anime adaptation.

Poor Hikaru will have to settle with Lala's replacement after Madoka marries Lala, Yuni and Elena

>Poor Madoka will have to settle with Lala's replacement after Hikaru marries Lala, Yuni and Elena
Fixed and accurate.

That's just silly user



Super cringe.

Get out

Hikaru is going to marry Lala, Uni, Lolo and her dog. Madoka is going to marry Elena, Fuwa, her rival, the vice school council president and any girl besides Hikaru's after that. I say this is a good deal.

Madoka gets Lala, Yuni, Madokamom and Eyewon. Hikaru gets Lolo, Tenjou, Kappard, Elena and Elena's brother.
This is my final offer.

Madoka can have Eyewon but everything else remains.

Hikaru gets her relationships because of basic mandate for pinks. Madoka gets hers because the writers are based do whatever they want

Even if you're gonna make the choice to be a streamfag, at least don't go with fucking kissanime, i say this for your own benefit.

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Haha same

Writing down what you think isn't hard user

I am experiencing a high level of stress.

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Stop being stressed, its easy

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So anons aren't allowed to post funny response videos anymore, wow you're no fun.

get some rest and pick life up again tomorrow, user

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Post big fat cat ass. Or star butt.

This is a no fun zone. I will scrutinize any kind of behavior that has the potential of being a bad influence on Madoka. And I'll scrutinize Madoka too while I'm at it

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Go work out. How strong is your sword arm? Swing a heavy stick at a tree for an hour.

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In a way of speaking we're in agreement with the samething then.

Those videos were never funny.

Wait, is this a Puzzlun card? A duo-character card?

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Not my point but whatever.

>How strong is your sword arm?
Not strong enough, that's for sure.

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Watching Kirakira right now, why did Yukari just throw herself off a cliff?

Mama Lala

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Lala's mom is very cute. No comment on her dad.

so what's the over/under on the "people my age are adults on samaan" thing just being a total fucking lie

I forgot how good this movie was, god damn

Attached: [Doremi].DokiDoki!.Precure.Movie.BD.[1280x720].[2D2E6FC7].mkv_00_27_58_[2019_08_08].jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Her mom looks young and her dad can't grow a moustache. It's perfectly believable that they fucked as soon as the were under legal age and they are just 26 in that pic

The father's Toto (as in Otoosan) and the mother's Kaka (Okaasan). I await all the stupid 'caca' based jokes. The elevated dome structure in the background seems interesting.
The text in the upper right says "Lala's brother still considers her a child", but so does any older brother regardless of age.

>Elena resisting the urge to laugh the whole time they're with Lala's family

I can't be the only one that thinks lolo looks like some chinese bootleg vocaloid

Elena is mature enough not to do that.

That's a shame, we were off to a good start when they showed she could get scared

Why do these fuckers have to exist?

Because Lala didn't pop into existence out of nowhere.

Hey everyone needs a family. Except Himari, apparently.

Why no one in Hugtto Bother to Talk About Time Travel?

Funny that they never encounter with young Papple, Daigan, Trump and George.

At least we know they encountered them eventually


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do a flip off a bridge


> Living in post-scarcity civilization with unlimited resources and living space.
> Being practically immortal because of this.
> Having just 2 kids at this point.

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Until the end where there's no time for a satisfyling final battle.

> Kaka
In Russian this word is what kids use when they shat themselves and don't really know how to speak yet.

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does loli ruru see them as her moms or sisters?

I haven't seen any pretty cure/precure shows, but there's tons of porn of it.

Should I give this franchise a go?

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Depends. Do you like the porn?

In pretty much any spanish/portuguese(?) speaking country that's how you name it, so "Kaka-san" will sound ankward as fuck. Still I'm not a big fan of those desings but Cosmo also looked like ass in the magazine so I want to have a little of faith.
Considering that the type of porn you've read is based on what you posted I'd say give Smile Precure a try, or pick any girl you find cuter from your doujin library.

Is fresh considered good? I just started it and I'm not really feeling it.

Fresh is 'special'

Fuck off

It's really, really damn good.

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Yes. Pick whoever looks the cutest to you and watch her show.

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Setsuna got NTRd

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They are unlabeled.

It's also a terrible picture that doesn't display their true cuteness at all because of how far it's zoomed out. Use this one instead and you can ask about the one you like by row and column.

Attached: Kamikita Twins All Stars.jpg (1361x2500, 1.26M)

Don't suppose you have the whole page do you?

Stick around for a bit until you love Setsuna.

Sorry, nope. I don't even know exactly what magazine or whatever it was from, I just remember saving these two joke edits way back when those pages were the only preview images we had of the movie.

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>Not liking porn
I think you got the gay. Please an hero yourself.

Ok thank you anyway. Actually I just wanted to see what Mana was wearing.

>He thinks gays dislike porn

Attached: Manapupupu.jpg (718x718, 95K)

I wanna fuck the smug out of that bunny

Maybe he's the type of twisted gay that dislikes porn, you know, like church leaders.

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Stop user, you're giving me wood.

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Lala's dad looks like a fucking melvin.

Fresh is one of the best, QUALITY aside. Keep watching.

God, you have to be kidding. Doki's movie was so bad.

Hopefully hearing the name will make Elena collapse into giggles and they won't ever explain why.

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Cure Peach trouncing the first MOTW with such vigor is what hooked me personally

hope this dude did something for c96

So are we all prepared for user to change these terrible names?
The only correct answer is "yep"

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I don't get why -lun needed a translation

They're names so they SHOULD be the same, just like Lala. Now the verbal ticks, that's another story.
Usually a Pink is "wahhh what's happening how do I fight!?!?" in their first fight but Peach roundhousing the MotW was refreshing.

Attached: Bioshock Infinite.jpg (2500x2880, 677K)

>Not Mechock Infinite

Then there's Mana, tanking her first hits as a civilian and beating generals in her first fight.

That was great. I loved that Mana didn't fight at all until episode 2, you get two separate fights from Sword in episode 1 first. It really sells well the holy-crap nature of what Mana went and got herself into, and the rush of suddenly gaining superpowers.

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In Kamen Rider and Precure I usually give 10 episodes to see if I'm liking the season, some of my favorite seasons don't really have the best first impressions.

dunno what it is

Precure dating sim when?

Never, Toei are cowards.

A silly fan-made skit.

I'm slightly surprised no such fangame exists, honestly. Would be easy to make and probably popular.

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I miss Emiru and Lulu.

>furigana for katakana

Attached: 60301363_p0.png (1000x1000, 994K)

That's how you know it's a real kids' magazine. Precure's target audience includes kids who might not even know one alphabet perfectly yet, let alone two.

why's she so sad

Post starbutt!

Lolo will impregnate Hikaru for sure!

Madoka will impregnate Lala for sure!

Great picture with the two future Hanas together but I wish other future Hana wasn't holding her hat down because it blocks seeing her lovely dress and I wish present Hana was wearing her cute civil outfit. All else it's really great picture.

Hikaru will get impregnated by Lala, Lolo and Madoka for sure.

>That belt
Is Lolo a Kamen Rider?

what did she mean by this?

Attached: is_she_going_to_implode.png (596x504, 43K)

>Sentai 10.2
>Precure 10.3

So this is the power of kirayaba...not bad...

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Honestly, if Hikaru passes from a good looking humanoid Xeno then she really isn't into Alien stuff after all.

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probably more just a sign of how badly LuPat fucked everything up (not that sales were particularly good before it but holy shit that show tanked hard)

Dude she's a lesbian, it's not her fault she has a thing for alien girls and that's a good thing.

Ehh she hasn't shown signs of being attracted to any of the girls

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Is Hana an underrated or an overrated pink?

She gets the right amount of respect.


I've seen some people on /pc/ that seem to like her, so definitely overrated.

How does some people liking her make her overrated?

Because the appropriate rating for Hana would be no one liking her, obviously.

>Aikatsu is lower as fuck
This explaind why the girls needs use lewd swinsuits

Attached: aikatsu143_premux_001_17738.png (1280x720, 1.01M)

Well either you been not watching the show or you need to watch it again.

I think you need to take your yuri goggles off user or go back to /u/

Everyone seems to forget Hikaru is destined to become the single creepy aunt who wants to hang out with her kid's friends

Attached: 2ED.gif (540x365, 2.89M)

How do you figure that? I'm expecting her to spend most of her time exploring space once she becomes an adult.

It can be both. She comes home once a year, whereupon she tells the kids at the family reunion "hey kids, come into the woods and see my spaceship, it's twincool, I promise" while the responsible adults of the group warn their kids not to get too involved with Weird Aunt Hikaru, she's always talking nonsense.

Timeslots make a big difference

Or you simply need to pay more attention on what's going unless your autism prevents you from doing that.

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i know japanese people have no idea about latin slang, but KAKA? REALLY!? in a show where one of the main characters is of latinamerican descendence?

Oh the irony

They still use same characters?


she's so fucking ugly

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Find don't listen fuck off then.

>Top right
Background-tier character.
>Top left
Cute Honk.
>Bottom right
Nice HaruHaru.
>Bottom left
Confused. It is Kurumi?
Maybe Toei's line of though went
>Spanish > Soleil shoot > Latin america > Footie > Brasil > Kaka
Very nice of them. greetings from /copalib/

Attached: image%3A8112011.jpg (919x504, 73K)

Yes she is.

Perro Cure

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first of all, fuck you, Saki is great
second, yes that is Kurumi

Attached: [Doremi].Yes.Pretty.Cure.5.Go.Go!.23.[1280x720].[530496E7].mkv_snapshot_11.49_[2014.10.07_22.01.15]. (1280x720, 53K)

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I will never be as cool as this man.

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I should've guessed considering the other 3. The hair had a different shade than Saki, that's why I though it was Haruka.
>Saki is great
And cool.

Looks almost like this but more lewd.

Attached: 1561264271931.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Hime deserved better.

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her hair is definitely a different shade than normal, but I double checked before I posted; note the hair trinket

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The last generation of good Aikatsus

Would let her kill me.

Dont cry, this wont take very long

Pekorin may be ugly, but she was glorious near the end.

Aikatsu has generations? Because I see same girls as in seasons 3 or 4.

She died a hero

Sasuga. Sentai has been wallowing for ages now, now it's just really starting to rot.

Why did they make Pekorin so ugly?

Because the real beauty is inside.

To make best girl look even better.

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That's sweet, but they could have made her look average instead. She didn't need to look so off.
But the best girl is Himari. How does that help her out? Kirarin is a very cute fairy, though.

Fuck you she's adorable! She'll grow into her human form soon enough.

They lewded her too much in the movie.

Attached: [anon] Kirakira Precure A La Mode - The Movie [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.11.06_[2019.03.11_23.45.38].jpg (1280x720, 137K)


Best *fairy* girl then.

it's so anticlimatic that her cure introduction is not the last one.

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Juilio's fights have been goddamn brutal at times, holy crap. This is some ryona shit. He smacked untransformed Akira with his tact last episode too, you almost never see Precure get hit with physical weapons by generals, and especially not civilians.

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 16 [720p].mkv-00001.jpg (1280x720, 202K)

Yukari's plan was equally as brutal, though. Cures don't often lie

Very true. This episode warmed me up to Yukari quite a lot, I actually bought her lie at first.

It was a huge shift from the first 10 episodes, to be sure. I thought it was funny that it was always his weapon getting CAKED instead of him.

Attached: [anon] KiraKira Precure À La Mode - 11 [1280x720].mkv_snapshot_23.55_[2017.04.16_22.36.38].jpg (1280x720, 107K)

>I thought it was funny that it was always his weapon getting CAKED instead of him.
Now that asshole Kappard is keeping the tradition alive.

All I know is ball, and good...
And rape.

I think Mirai and Liko might be gay

Attached: mpv-shot0058.jpg (1280x720, 293K)

That's an old screenshot.

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Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 08.mkv_snapshot_21.21.jpg (1960x720, 331K)

Hula hoop competition?

The sexual violence continues.

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 17 [720p].mkv-00003.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

Julio no!

Attached: [anon] KiraKira Precure À La Mode - 12 [1280x720].mkv_snapshot_13.26_[2017.04.23_17.12.25].jpg (1280x720, 158K)

Attached: D8s7QzAUYAAt6nd.jpg (1491x2000, 211K)

Too late. She's broken now.

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 17 [720p].mkv-00007.jpg (1280x720, 192K)

Kappard isn't doing better, at least Julio by episode 28 was already defeated.

In all seriousness though, Rio says some legitimately hard-hitting stuff. This is flat-out how an abuser talks to his victim.

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 14 [720p].mkv-00002.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

There's no way this reading wasn't intentional on Toei's part.

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 17 [720p].mkv-00008.jpg (1280x720, 243K)

I love these two already.

Attached: [PCSS] Pretty Cure Splash Star 17 (DVD) [5FA4806F]_00:13:05_01.jpg (640x480, 34K)

He did that to Himari too. It was really fucking creepy.

the latter generals aren't any better well maybe bibury but she still say harsh words (true stuff) to the Cures. You'll end loving them, trust me.

>Splash Star and Kira talk
I feel like in heaven, now if that user who is watching Fresh could post. Also these 2 were fucking robbed.

There are reasons why he talks that way, and not just skeevy ones. It's cool, stay tuned.

Julio can be pretty surprising.

Oh, THIS surely isn't going to get incredibly annoying after four seconds.

It did

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Rio was pretty dope.

oh shit, he got it.

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Iru is dope.

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>dark skinned asians
what about okinawa?

Fuck off

Literally who

Even if I never end up liking her, at least I know she'll make for good reaction images.

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Iru is actually entertaining. I felt bad for Bibury because even after the ending she holds her arms crossed like she's holding Iru.
Feels good being out already of the Kira train, I can see user's reaction freely.

I miss Bibposting.
Bib was probably /pc/ favorite while KiraKira was airing.

I can see why!

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 18 [720p].mkv-00004.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

cute delicious brown boy

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Where's Elena's?

Where do you get these high res rips of the gacha pics? Is there a compilation somewhere on the net?

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besuto kyua

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gao a cute

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Why is Lala wearing a transparent rain jacket?

Don't miss it one bit.

gao? more like gayo

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wtf, why is the star twinkle producer so hot?


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Because they’re kirayaba

Attached: [Over-Time] Precure Miracle Universe (BD720) [4068D946].mkv_snapshot_00.21.52_[2019.07.22_10.33.52]. (1280x720, 65K)

Weird, kids should be watching deformed things like cartoon network.
They can't even comprehend anime.

Dude Bibs is shit and Kira is the worst era of Precure that's worst than Happiness.

Shit taste.

Kirakira doesn't have nearly as many problems as HaCha does.


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But KiraKira has a soul

cute dog

>Completely missing the point.
You guys are truly hopeless.

You're already being obnoxiously condescending anyhow, why not actually explain your point while you're at it?

And your point is?

Don't be ridiculous.

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You're just wrong, hugtto is the worst precure hands down.

It's probably the same guy as in the last thread, "I'll tell you why X is Y", then baiting for a while.

No because someone went where no girl has gone before in Precure.

You got issues.

But bait never works in /pc/!

Attached: [naisho] Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live - 31 [F30F7B57].mkv_snapshot_09.51_[2014.08.01_20.16.24].jpg (1280x720, 117K)

Yeah probably. I have a bad habit of replying to people like that.

Completely true, I don't even recognize pc anymore.

Okay /pc/ I’ve had a really good week this week and plan on getting drunk. Which show should I binge? I’ve seen FW, MH, HC, Maho, GoPri, Kira, and Hugtto already.

This is actually /ai/.

Fresh precure

If you plan on getting drunk while watching Precure go with Doki. If not go with Splash Star.

If you're the sobby kinda drunk then rewatch Maho and let us know how badly the ending hurts you again

Smile Precure.

Splash Star or Fresh I'd say.

You're going to kill your liver and all your brain cells, don't do it man.

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Piccies when?

At least someone gets it.

You could watch all the funniest episodes and just laugh your ass off.

GoPri 12 (Brave Mr. Donut)
Hugtto 15 (Cure Emiru)
Smile 13 (Miyuki's unlucky day)
Suite 30 (Hibiki is bad at school)
GoGo (whatever the game show ones were)
Fresh 12 (HAIR)

Iirc 35 or 36, it was near the end.

Guess I’m watching doki. Thanks! I think I’ll give smile or fresh a shot once I finish doki
I decided make a few drinks to celebrate finishing the series and it fucked me up emotionally. As much as I love Maho I’m not touching it for a while. It’s just one big gut punch.

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Just finished hugtto and it was really fun bros.
Why's emiru so cute

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>grooming an innocent robot girl into becoming her lost lesbian lover

What did you think about Hugtto's ending?

Pretty creepy when you think about it.
It was nice. I was surprised at how much I liked almost the entire cast by the end so it was satisfying to see where they all ended up. There were some things I would've liked to see elaborated on, like how the rest of the characters in the future were doing, and how exactly the hana x george thing came to happen in the present time. But otherwise really solid. Also loli gelos was cute.

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 49 Finale.mkv_snapshot_14.56_[2019.08.09_20.22.33].jpg (1280x720, 165K)

She's not doing that at all. Stop that.
>There were some things I would've liked to see elaborated on, like how the rest of the characters in the future were doing
I really liked the ending but that's my second biggest complaint towards it. It would have been nice to see what Ruru and Traum were up to at least.

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This is what the police find in user's basement.


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Me on the left No homo

I really loved Hugtto.

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I'm not a crier by any measure but Maho got me misty eyed like six or seven times by the time I finished it and three of those were in the final episode. That show sure had a vice grip on my emotions.

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Is your first biggest complaint weird cure designs? Because I want whatever Kawamura was smoking when she came up with everything beyond Cure Yell, especially the super forms.

>She's not doing that at all. Stop that.
"Hello, newborn baby robot, you're my best friend now."

Nah it's not that, it's how Emiru was treated at the end. They completely destroyed her character for no reason whatsoever. On the designs, Homare's design was the only one that I didn't like.
Last time I checked calling someone your best friend does not mean she will be treated like a lost lesbian lover. But I wasn't happy with her saying that either.

Yeah Etoile sure was something. I think Ange was the least bad of the not good ones to me. I thought they all looked great as civilians though. Lulu also had a great design as a bad guy.

The GoGo movie was great and I wasn't even drunk like I typically am for Precure movies. Heard it was considered one of the best so while I didn't hate the first 20 minutes I did feel a little underwhelmed, and then shit hit the fan incredibly hard. I was incredibly pleased that unlike the first Yes 5 movie the "darker" scenes were still generally really brightly lit and full of color, yet without detracting from the tone. The candy stuff was played with in a ton of creative ways both in quick gag scenes and in the actual narrative, unlike how the Fresh movie basically gave up on being creative with the "toy" theme almost immediately. The kiss was quite satisfying after GoGo kinda ignored any actual romantic development and kept their relationship in limbo. The villain going from generic looking to Zardoz's Zed having a lightsaber fight was also a wonderful surprise. Felt 20 minutes longer than the run time but in a good way. Easily my favorite Precure movie so far, albeit there isn't exactly much competition.
Also amused at yet another addition to the Coco harem

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This but in fairy form.

I'm so ready to see this movie if I can ever manage to push through GoGo.

>Cure up rapapa! I want to see them again!

She couldn't move on, so she created a Lulu replacement. Anyone has that comic?

Oh my god this was such a wonderful fap.

Do you have proof that Emiru had the new Ruru built? Traum created Ruru before, who's to say it wasn't his idea again.

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Why are Elena and Madoka so fuckinlg bland? Yappari they should have been rival precures at least for half of the series

glitter force
shining bright
this light
so we can find our waaaay

shouganai naaa

There's literally no such thing as little girls

even her seiyuu is dreamy

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FUCK OFF!!!! *pulls out princess perfume* I warned you... *transforms into cure flora and kicks you in the gut* Heh, this'll finish it. *points princess rod in your face and blows a huge lily in it* Nothing personal, guroshit. *puts princess perfume away and looks sad like she didn't want to kill you but had to*

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>Why are Elena and Madoka so fuckinlg bland?
More like why is the Star Twinkle cast so fucking bland?

It's a lot of filler, it has no real goal, and it has no idea how to develop its characters further (even Syrup gets hit with this in the second half) but if you're aware of that then individual episodes can still be fun if you're in the right mindset. Decent show to watch while eating, basically. Incredibly glad I didn't watch this weekly though, that would have been horrible.


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>convinces Toei to make Star Trek Precure
>asks Takashi to keep Uni's ears and tail in every transformed form
She's our hero.

*cums and dies one last time*
Oh yes I always wanted to go this way, thank you Haruharu!

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Good to see the BROb growing out of the aidoru phase... i think...

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A cat is fine too.

Donuts slut.

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hey fuck you lad
I just rewatched GJ bu and i didnt want to feel these kind of feelings for a while

I miss that show. I have been meaning to read the LN but I heard the author retconned it so hard.

well, some anons liked the new novel because of the new perspective of the club, now the author can write about different settings and it will still be canon because of thats the whole point of the new club, keep in mind that the anime is still canon but im not sure if the events post anime and prior retconning happened at all because i never read them and the user who did a summary of the new lns didnt mention them. the only thing I know of the post anime events is that they got new members, dunno if said members were boring or what but they might be the reason of the whole retconing thing

Alright ill try to read them once I have time. Also didn't they have a spinoff with their little sisters? Or am I thinking of something else?

>Also didn't they have a spinoff with their little sisters?
ye, it's GJ-bu Chuutoubu
I will do the same but first I need to finish this villainess ln

That's a big rocket.
I wonder if Uni has her own room.

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Yuni sleeps with other girls.

She's a cat after all.

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Hikaru's own sexual slave alien

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Hikaru: "When I got to 13 years of age, ladies and gentleman, I fucked that alien. I did. Sorry. I fucked him right in his furry backside. And I didn’t fuck him once, I’ll tell you that. I fucked him for a whole summer. I was out in the park, playing with my friends. And I’d fuck that every day. Mom would shout, 'Time to get up for school, Hikaru.' I was too busy knocking the back end out of this. You can see it in his eyes if you look closer. Haunted. Haunted. I’ll be honest with you. He could stand up on his own after a while.'

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Cure rankings for the NHK special

1.-10. TBA
11. Cure Moonlight
12. Shiny Luminous
13. Cure Sunshine
14. Cure Flora
15. Cure Beauty
16. Cure Amour
17. Cure Aqua
18. Cure Cosmo
19. Cure Blossom
20. Cure Miracle

I want an episode where LoliLulu and Hugtan have a playdate and do baby shenanigans

>New perspective
They fucking RETCONNED THE ENTIRE OF GJ-BU, nothing that happened in the Anime is canon and can be treated as headcanon or fanfic thanks to that asshole. The girl's personalities were a bit twisted, they were't that close irl, and all that was just a ploy for Kyoro to get close to them. I'm fucking mad and I won't ever forget it. The worse is that best girl Kiara wasn't as free-spirit as in the anime, was more shy and fuck.

I remember this one ranking where both Miracle and Magical are tied at the same place (10th), and Miracle's seiyuu tweeted about how sweet that is

>Cure Blossom
I guess it'll be either Black or White at 1 yet again, but surprised Tsubomi didn't make it into the top 10?

Happy World Lion Day

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What's Luminous' appeal?

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Beyond the obvious "she's cute" and such that applies to almost every Precure character, I imagine she just gets points by association from Black and White. Japan really loves Futari wa.

Her strength at dealing with her being a literal outsider, not the Yuni-crawling-in-my-skin tier.

Fuck off

Moe. Pure, unadulterated moe.

Moreover the original, Tomoe Hotaru grade moe.

>Beauty above Blossom
This is a horrible list.

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Cure Mofurun?

Can't think of any other movie-only cure that would make top 10.

Sorry Echo.


the fuck, I was thinking about that like two hours ago.
That mv made me wonder if FwP was a big hit overseas

>61% Pretty Cure

It's our time bros.

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>22% 東方Project

Other characters 11-20:

11. Henri Wakamiya
12. Hugtan
13. Audrey Wakabayashi
14. Syrup
15. Mepple
16. Fuwa
17. Hummy
18. Wolfrun
19. Dark Precure
20. Westar

Songs 4-10:

4. Heartcatch OP
5. Max Heart OP
6.Smile Precure ED 1
7. Heartcatch ED 1
8. Heart Goes On
9. Suite Precure OP
10. Star Twinkle ED 1

>11. Henri Wakamiya
Who voted on these lists again?

I'd assume that this poll attracted voters outside of the Precure fandom, so it's mostly because Max Heart was the most-watched series.

I think I remember seeing an older poll with hundreds (over a thousand?) voters, and Nozomi ranked first. She's definitely within the top 10 of the NHK poll.

>17 Hummy
>19 Dark Precure
>4 Heartcatch OP
Did the people voting on that pool disliked HC or what?

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Why wouldn't he be popular? If anything, the real life comedian from Fresh is the real oddity in the results.

>Audrey Wakabayashi
Had to Google who that is it's apparently one of the irl manzai duo member in Smile. Did they literally put all the one-off and minor characters as choices for the poll?

Whoops, my mistake, he's from Fresh

>Did they literally put all the one-off and minor characters as choices for the poll?
I think so, for the most part. I had a lot of trouble picking my third options.

Who voices the lunch lady? She sounds eerily familiar but she's not listed anywhere.

On an unrelated note it's fun noticing voice actors on subsequent watch throughs
>Rin is voiced by Naruto
>Nozomi is voiced by Boruto
>Fucking Nutz is voiced by Naruto's dad

Attached: [ScrubsMofu]Yes! Pretty Cure 5 - 05[BD][1080p][D8F73490].mkv_snapshot_04.02.792.jpg (1564x880, 714K)

Check the credits.

There are at least six characters on that part of the list that should be higher than him. Hopefully Pikario makes the top ten.

from the precure wiki

I mean, it's like you said. There are still ten more characters to go. I agree that Rio should be ranked above him (I voted for him too), but I don't think Henri's placement is that odd, given the attention he drew to the series alongside recency bias.

I'm a little surprised that Syrup ranked so high. He was my favorite side character early on, but I kind of forgot about him as of late, so after Rio and Hummy, I voted for George for the shit and giggles.

Is Kotori getting fat?

Ah thank you. Checked Mal and Wikipedia but forgot to check the actual wiki. Thanks.

Doesn't look like she's from anything I recognize. Maybe she just has a similar voice to someone else. She kind of sounds like Doraemon.

Leave Henri to me.

Attached: kana.png (1280x720, 928K)

Kana's great. She was one of the best parts of Maho.

Did you miss how the entire twitter was clapping? Considering the hype, I'm surprised he isn't in top10.

I liked how at the ending episodes of Hugtto everyone turned into a Precure including the guys so basically Henri being a boy Cure isn't a special, unique thing

I hope best bears make it to the top 10, specially Mofu, since the producers, in their infinite wisdom decided to not put special cures in the cure list.

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It's not fair. A loser like Henri doesn't deserve to be a cure in the first place. Also I only use twitter for images, I never read it.

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Haha sucks to be you.

>13. Audrey Wakabayashi
Fucking garbage.

We were robbed of Cure Mystery.

Cures I hope make it in the top 10:
>Marine (extremely likely)
>Milky (likely?)
>Passion (likely?)
>Princess (dark horse)

Ciel is such a good sister.

I want Custard and Gelato in the top 10, but I know Custard has no chance. Gelato might have a shot since she was one of the best cures in Kirakira. Just please don't have Macaron there.

Brace yourself.

I'm gonna be on my fucking deathbed still mad about this one

Wild, okay, I'm surprised those all didn't make top 10. Well with a 11-20 like that, top 10 in no particular order (like what I think it will actually be, not what I would want):
>Yell (recent season bias)
>Star (ditto)

I'm fully ready to be disappointed.

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inb4 the Gundam poll thing happens and some meme character gets first place

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>Cure Beauty is probably going to be the highest ranked Smile unless Piss pulls a surprise
But why?

Japan's funny like that.

The voters have excellent taste in Smiles, that's why.

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The Star Twinkles are allowed? Recency bias is gonna help them with little girls. In no real order:

Cure Black
Cure White
Cure Dream
Cure Passion
Cure Marine
Cure Star
Cure Milky
Cure Yell
Cure Macaron
Cure Piss

I hope not, Miyuki should be the highest.

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>ば バニシングドライブ!

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 04.mkv_snapshot_08.52.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Is Passion that popular? I haven't seen Fresh yet.

Yeah, she is.

>11. Henri Wakamiya
If pikario is not in the top 10 I will be fucking mad

About halfway through Heartcatch and while I'm definitely enjoying it I don't see why it's held in such high regard in comparison to the other seasons. Is the second half really strong or something? Really love Itsuki though. She'll probably end up being one of my favourite cures.

1. Bassdrum

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never underestimate the power of Japan's shit taste when it comes to popularity polls.

Not particularly. At the time that it aired, it was the best-looking season by an extremely wide margin, and it was also the first season that was subbed week-to-week as it aired. Those are the main two factors that led to it becoming so popular here; because of them, it was a lot of people's first Precure, and those people went on to recommend it to new people, making it their first Precure too, on and on in a ever-growing spiral. Basically the same reason that FW/MH always ranks so high in Japan's polls, or why Final Fantasy 7 is so popular in the West, etc.

That's not to say that it's a bad show, far from it, it's still definitely one of the better seasons -- but some of its popularity uneniably isn't a direct result of its actual quality.

Try not to get your hopes up too high about Itsuki.

Japan may have shit taste but atleast they know that Hacha is trash and have no place in a poll.

Congratulations, you have an unpopular opinion, both regarding the season as a whole and of Itsuki. There's nothing particularly wrong with that but if you honestly can't even fathom why people would like Heartcatch, it's probably worth spending a bit of time outside your own ass.

Nana + Umakoshi. That is all.

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Heartcatch is my favorite season and my first, but I truly think that it stands above all the other Precure seasons. That's mainly because of Tsubomi, seeing her grow throughout the season was really amazing to see. She is such a good character. Itsuki was good too. Plus I really liked a lot of the MotW episodes. The only thing that I'm not too fond of in Heartcatch is that Erika doesn't really get any character development.

Shhh, the big girls are talking right now. Go back to bed, you know you get grumpy when you miss your nappy-nap time.

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Innocent Harmony will rightfully take the number one spot and us HaChads will be laughing

I think you mean Where Courage is Born, AKA the best vocal track in Precure history. I NO SE N TO might be top five at best.

I could see Hime making the top 10.

Silly Hikaru that's not something you are supposed to say

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>Henri Wakamiya
Based Henri

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>Hariham Harry x Kagayaki "the state of" Homare

I want to FUCK the bottles