Hideki Aono

Hideki Aono

Attached: gainax.jpg (1200x1200, 450K)

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What anime is this? It looks very nice.

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kare kano

Is there a place documenting his cuts?
The dorks on sakugabooru got barely anything. I didn't know he did cuts for klk psg and luluco.
his and hers circumstance

His an Her Circumstances. It adapted a manga as it was running, so that and some other production issues made it a flawed yet enjoy able anime. I highly recommend the manga.

Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou. it's fantastic

I would like to know too.
all the sakugabooru kids have are his cel cuts.
that being said he's pretty bad at documenting his own stuff, so probably a name in the credit is all we could find

>anno working on Trigger projects
I thought he was too busy procrastinating on the Rebuilds though?

Most Yea Forums users who mention directors don't actually know what the director they're jerking off worked on
Gainax production? = Anno
Director was the overall director on an anime? = episode directors don't exist

Mitsuaki Kanno?

Attached: fun.png (1210x953, 2.32M)

Imagine making a film or an anime every single year and still getting complaints that you are too slow.
2012- re 3.0
2013- the wind rises
2014-15 jax
2016- shingodzilla
2017-dragon dentist
2018-helped on franxx
2019-2020 Eva 4.44
before that he had a bunch of gainax miyazaki and extra film projects pretty much every year and right the moment eva ends he goes to direct an ultraman film.
Reminder that the khara team is also somewhat small. there's only a handful of people he trusts with that propertyiirc it's a lot smaller than other animation productions, so years being taken isn't crazy either.


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Kare Kano was the beginning of Triggershit and the death of Gainax

I'll take that as a no

>I didn't know he did cuts for klk psg and luluco.

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Is Mako Mankanshoku a religious figure because Handel's messiah chorus plays whenever she shows up?

Anno worked on Appleseed

Don't user me
this guy is so secretive about his life that the only reason we know he's still alive is cause his wife posts pics of him to social media

Can't say about animation, but the voice actor for Guts in KLK was credited as ?, same as the cat in FLCL, who was voiced by Anno.

>I didn't know he did cuts for klk psg and luluco.
Because he didn't.

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anybody anywhere is archiving his current art and shots?
He's probably animating a good bulk of the eva cuts and he's doing all the boards and keys but I can't find anyone collecting em in one place

He doesn't animate anymore

He doesn't really animate that much anymore. Sakugabooru is pretty much up to date on his output.

I feel like that's BS
the staff on the rebuilds are rather small, and he's a perfectionist about how the film turns out. at the very least there should be reproduction art and corrections coming from his end.


Arumi was the only redeeming part of Abenobashi.

Attached: [Exiled-Destiny]_Magical_Shopping_Arcade_Abenobashi_Ep01_(3EB2270C).mkv_snapshot_04.50_[2018.10.22_0 (853x480, 163K)

Why was Gainax always so self referential? That has passed onto Trigger a little bit too.
>constanze made a ttgl robot
>takun's dad is an eva geek
>that same pair of pointy shades
Sometimes it seems like they just flip through their old stuff and decide to make a whole show out of one little thing that appeared in a random episode.

Attached: [Exiled-Destiny]_Magical_Shopping_Arcade_Abenobashi_Ep03_(E53984AC).mkv_snapshot_11.41_[2018.10.30_0 (720x480, 185K)

Wow, you speak as if you know him personally.

Anno is a lazy faggot. They asked to participate to Space Dandy (episode 13, the one that blatantly references Nausicaa's God warrior) and he refused.

He went from smelly otaku cosplaying as Kamen Rider to getting to make an official Godzilla movie. That's pretty much a dream come true and a wrap on his career if he wanted.

It's common sense.
He wouldn't have tried to recreate evangelion from the ground up if he didn't care that much about how it turned out.
He's definitely animating a lot in the rebuilds it's just that the folks on sakugabooru only know him for his explosions so that's all they document.


Imagine making otakus so salty about your works that they blame you for plaigurizing your own work
>hurr durr creatively bankrupt same anime reskinned
Yeah cause kill al kill screams creatively bankrupt and franxx is TOTALLY eva with doggystyle and doesn't have a completely different sets of values and artistic goals.
He was still working on the japan animator expo, filming shin godzilla, and starting preproduction on the dragon dentist.
Yeah, bohoo, what a lazy faggot. Obviously if he's not working on eva he's scratching his ass and fucking his wife while reading manga and watching gundum.

thanks pleya


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