Made in Abyss

reading this Manga. Holly shit! the creator of it is a fucking sick sadist!

reading it is like watching an underage moron torturing kittens to the most painful death and you cant stop him.. fuck.. no wonder people burn down manga companies in Japan.

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so what I'm getting here is that you're a fag

solid argument here. sounds that you are very sick bastard..

welcome to the internet, let me show you around

first rule, never click on links starting with "goat"


Yeah I watch this series about torturing kids for the uhhh visuals.

Only pedophiles like this trash manga.

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Ah yes, all those other fires at animation studios.

I guess there are some things that weren't necessary to the plot but the abyss is supposed to be a scary deadly place.

>kids shouldn't be allowed to get hurt in mediums, only adults

Being strung up naked and having butt licking toilets are essential.

I said some things weren't necessary

And I said they were


New chapter fucking when?

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when OP learns to stop acting like a bitch

Sorry I misread.

^^^^^^^^ fuckin THIS lmao

three nukes famalam xd

>when OP learns to stop acting like a bitch

solid argument here. sounds that you are very sick bastard..

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It's not an argument, you never gave any argument either.
This thread is only you, OP, being a huge faglord

I liked MiA, but I can agree with OP on some stuff because shit man some of the things made me want to vomit, and it's obvious the creator gets a hard on for those things becasue he keeps throwing his weird fetishes all over the place

>It's not an argument

in any other country the creator of this manga would be arrested for creating pedophile stories and pictures involving children sex, children torture, propaganda for children kidnappings and use of children as working force and test objects.

all you stupid cockrider do is calling names and act like an buttmad pedo retard.

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Nice bait; there’s no way you’re legitimately this retarded.

You probably think if someone makes a story with nazis in it he's a nazi too? What is this twitter logic?

Feel free to stop visiting Yea Forums any time

>You probably think if someone makes a story with nazis in it he's a nazi too?

you should at least know what you are trying to talk about.

>you should at least know what you are trying to talk about.
but how do you apply this on made in abyss?

yeah shakin my head why can't we go back to the era of cute stuff like lucky star and boku no pico and stuff

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