Next month is the last chapter
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome -domo yo ch30
Even her boyfriend says it's not big deal kek he wants to do the same
Can't wait for this piece of shit to finally be out of my mind
Yuri end. Cute.
Mari actually delivers on yuri?
Wait, is this real? These two will end together? After everything Sagawara did?
What does it say?
>9 pages left
With hongo/sensei cute moment and the last page is Izumi/kazusa. But nothing big
Imagine if the protagonist was an innocent boy. Somebody who's too autistic to understand romance but gets thrown into dating and fake hookups. Why do most coming-of-age stories have a female protagonist anyways?
Because they're mostly written by and for women.
Hold your horses friends, wait until someone translates them so we can tell what happens.
Where's the rest?
I think the root cause of this problem comes from the fact that society expects men to suppress their emotions. As men we are expected to tackle the situation with logic while women are allowed to be an emotional wreck. Precisely why there are fuckton of movies about the struggles of a woman but none about men. This is just plain stupid. Men are getting the short hand of the stick
It would be fine if we didn't have chink scans to work with
True, plus, there are coming-of-age stories about male protagonists (also written on the whole by women).
So no one has sex in the end?
Abe this is not what we were promised
It looked like Sugawara was going to say something though
Nothing then she run
Is Bisexual she likes boys and girls
This slut always run Anyway the hug is because both are indirectly btfo by their target
can i get a quick rundown on what happened in the latest chapters?
Will they go full KareKano and have teen pregnancy, domestic violence, promiscuity, and general degeneracy surrounding a legitimately nice love story?
Or is it just gonna be jokes about sex?
She should break up with him. Its confirmed that hell cheat on her
Wait, so the anime is a complete adaptation from the manga and it won't end in a "S2 never" scenario?
Thats every harem anime...
with my chink knowledge,it said that 'from now on i still want to be your friend' don't worry guy everything is fine
I thought so, that doesn't look like a "I am suddenly lesbian, let us be scissor sisters together now" confession.
Friend ending makes more sense, as the o virus chapters made her seem not to reciprocate. Rather the awkward situation of how do you handle this situation without being a cunt.
Two main girls want train cock. Dyke chan i think confesses or almost confesses to white hair, which made things awkward between them.
The last page kazusa still awkward about it but Izumi confirmed his feelings for her.
Wow, so that's it? Very anti-climatic.
>Hey it's all a big misunderstanding let's hug and kiss
Thanks for the raw tho.
They are avoiding making a big drama just like I predicted. Based Okada surely is different after Maquia.
I was expecting Kuzu no Honkai drama level but I guess I hoped too much. Oh well.
I will be honest. I was expecting such a thing too but since I read the manga was going to end in two chapters last month it was pretty much guaranteed the whole thing was going for a wholesome approach. Hopefully the anime handles it even better.
did the childhood friend fucking win ?
Man... I guess this is fine.
I can still look forward to that train ass groping episode lol. I hope they don't drop the quality like the last eps.
When will the teacher get raped ?
if winning for you means being with someone who secretly fucks your best friend, then ok
was this axed
seems rushed
but...none of that is true
So, the anime is gonna adapt everything right?
She always was like this actually. Her other works are full of executive and outsider meddling.
Seems like it. This chapter doesn't make sense. After all that bullshit happened, they act like... nothing happened at all.
Is it really getting the short hand of the stick though? I mean, being raised to be emotionaly strong sound like a win desu even if can be a little harsh sometimes.
>"I want to have sex"
>Zero fucking sex scene
Wow, thanks for nothing, dude.
Bottling up everything inside is not healthy for anyone.
I think the anime was timed to coincide with the end of the manga, or vice-versa, still seems rushed though.
With it ending in 2 chapters (including this one) there wasn't really going to be room for drama
You ask this like she's not the protagonist.
I mean wtf was the point of it all?
Anime dropped. I suppose I should thank you guys. Okada is hack.
Literally nothing happened: The Anime
Wasted potential. This could've become the next Scum's Wish 2.0 if they throw in some lewd & sex scenes. The art is pretty, such a waste.
Sugawara should win. Train doesn't seem committed enough for the likes of somebody innocent like Kazusa.
I'm expecting a friendship end between Kazusa and Lesbo after she dumps Izumi on her own.
Yeah, we have to wait another month, jesus. I know the ending will be disappointing though. This shit is wacked.
am virgin and can't watch this without being triggered
Is this shit actually getting translated though? I swear it was stuck at chapter 6 or something
>Sugawara should win
I don't think, he clearly reject her this chapter.
For kazusa maybe she will dumps him or she will understand that any boys can have desire sexual without feelings
It's unironically why I often love antagonists or actual villains, they are the ones that usually struggle the most due to inside, psychological/emotional problems, whereas the only struggles the heroes have is, at BEST, evil people being mean to them (which they will overcome after showing them how nice they are) or some loss which they will also overcome thanks to their many friends. It's just boring as shit and it's hard to relate to soulless characters or characters that are too well integrated into society, too normal and/or too perfect and I don't watch fiction to experience the mundane daily life of a perfect normalfag anyway.
>So no one has sex in the end?
They probably go at it everyday
>Next month is the last chapter
why make a anime for a dead manga?
Keep seething roastie loving cucks.
Okawa delivers another masterpiece yet again.
Apparently it had the same approach as Kuzu no Honkai.
Tell that to Kanata no Astra.
imagine being a virgin and actually watching this
>same approach as Kuzu no Honkai
And they fucked it all up with this chapter. This should've been Seinen. This series in a Shounen magazine was a mistake.
I am talking about the fact Kuzu no Honkai both anime and manga ended in the same day.
At least Kuzu no Honkai has a manga sequel called Decor. I doubt this manga will have one. I guess this series wasn't that famous. It's in the same magazine as Attack on Titan.
To me felt like Okada's vanity project since there are so many of the ideas she apparently wanted to write in an original anime series but she was denied.
I really like these characters design, what a shame.
At least you can read the artist previous work which was more of your tastes.
I read that one already, it was alright. Those girls in that series are real cunts though.
This is how we know the patrician from the pleb.
Whats the point of all this if Sugawara doesnt get the sex in her bucketlist, kazusa learning that its okay holdig your virginity and izumi letting go and moving on from thw past and wanting to fuck the ikewomen.
Boring anime, boring chapter, bad writing
I hate the fact that the whole cast just shows up out of nowhere.
Glad someone mentioned this.
Everyone has to be around for the finale, after all.