Cheers to the Iserlohn Republic Govenment! Die Kaiser Reinhard!

On August 8th 800 Space Calendar, 2 New Imperial Calendar the Iserlohn Republic was born.

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Other urls found in this thread:!iP4nWSwT!osY-9yRrcfI0WAIYlAJT-A

that theme never fails to get me excited for foppery and whim

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It pains me that being pro democracy is now considered contrarian.

THE Kaiser Reinhard!

Was it really a republic? Felt more like an oligarchy to me.

such is life

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Time to start our own Republic then

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Republic does not necessarily need to be democratic

Phezzani puppet for sure.

Der Kaiser Rheinhard

Drunk bump in memory of the Admiral ;_;7

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The best day

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That a drunk (You) in memory of the Admiral


The design language was so good in the OVA.

It kind of does. Not in the way modern republics function, but there needs to be some way for the plebiscite to make their voices heard. The first republic, Rome's, was a combination of autocracy, aristocracy, and democracy.

What is that ?

Alcohol is humanity's best friend. I could never abandon a friend

What do you mean,
"What is that ?"

That's Petty Officer Louis Mashengo, of course.

I know that.

Rebels are drug addicts confirmed

What you say about Rome can be applied to every single system, as they all are a combination of Democracy, Oligarchy and Autocracy, what changes is which one is dominant, which one is suppressed and which one is hidden, and to what degree each.
I should have phrased my original post more like
>A republic does not necessary need to be like a modern democracy
Just because a Republic hears and respects the opinion on the people, as you put yourself, does not necessary imply democracy, as the people might only have "advisory" position relating to Government, where as in Democracy the People have direct influence on the goverment. How much of it is phony of course it another discussion. Obviously because Republic and Democracy are similar in that both focus on the general public interest, they often go hand in hand, I just don't believe that one inherently implies the other.
I am a bit tired and sleepy so I might not make sense.

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I want read these threads but i'm also still in episode 86 and already had Kircheis' death spoiled here

I am at 60 and I just know that everybody dies.

anyone got some good LoGH react images?

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Stick around on any board and you'll gradually build your collection

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then leave

fuck gradually building it. it never hurts to ask

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Was way more democratic than the "Free" Planets Alliance desu.

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Fuck off so you don't get more spoilers. You should know that there are threads every now and then, so you don't need to be in a rush to participate right now.

I am actually good so far. I started watching two weeks ago and looked through nearly every thread. Episode 26 was the absolute peak so far.

More power to you then, mate.

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If only Kircheis was here to watch the episodes with me

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>dude salutes mittermeyer even when mittermeyer doesn't see him
um, based?

Did you get to when Yang dies already?

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Yup, i kind of got spoiled about the death (i was going to stop watching so i checked what the next episode was going to be and they dropped the bomb just like that), but just like kircheis' death i wasn't expecting it to happen the way it did. But what hurt the most was not the moment of death, but how everyone else fell apart after

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also, based spoiling the other guy whos at episode 60

64 now my man. I already knew than Wang Yenli dies but I dunno how. I think Reinharto-sama also dies ? But that's why everything's so good. There is an actual threat to things. I even worried about Wahlen and Reuental.

I really felt Yang had such bullshit tactics, never understood why so many especially towards the end the Blondie's army kept doing dumb stuff falling for obvious bait and played less tactical like how they did before earlier in the series for their wins. The whole ordeal with the super liquid base was bullshit too, how did they lose control of it TWICE!

I don't know what you're talking about, Yang's death was happy and wholesome.

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post more screencaps

Here, have the best one.

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Free planets alliance military junta led by yang would have been the best possible outcome. Iserlohn Republic was trash.

>complains about women betraying people
>betrays his friends
Reuenthal is worst boy.

Back in the eighties, nobody knew about computer viruses.

It was a different time.

Get dunked on, filthy imperial

>Patrichev as a butterfly

>giving someone a salute you know they won't see
Peak respect/admiration

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really, they only won the second time because they had won the first time. The biggest mistake was blindingly trusting that the bombs were the only thing Yang left after leaving Iserlohn, which was more of a fault of the guy that captured it than the guy who lost it.
Honestly i also hated how everyone turned into a retard vs yang
>This must be one of Yang's tricks
>Lets go in!!!

>I even worried about Wahlen and Reuental.
Don't worry, those boys make it out. Tho you just seriously exit logh threads if u don't want spoilers 4 other shit

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Shit, which episode was this?


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Pretty sure Reinhard would like that.

>be democracy
>keep electing Trunicht
No thanks senpai

Honestly, Trunicht wasn't the worst offender. He was remarkably proactive in comparison to the actual fuckups.

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But democracy also gave us heroes, like the speaker in your picture.

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>Die Kaiser Reinhard
"Die" is a German article. You just said "Kaiser Reinhard".

What was actually said was
>くたばれ、Kaiser Reinhard.
Which means something between "die" and "fuck you"

It's not if you don't count deranged chantards as human, which you shouldn't

I just watched LOGH. Is Trunicht a Trump satire?

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Trunicht never raped children though.

he wasn't really elected to be supreme chairman tho
>elected to represent some constituency
>party appoints him to secretary of defense
>engineers the doomed-to-fail invasion of the empire
>votes against it, everyone else in the high council votes for it
>invasion fails after amritsar, high council is blamed
>last man standing, becomes supreme chairman
so he was really only elected once

Episode 98

Thanks mate

Reuenthal ended being my favorite... also he was forced into it by Reinhard and Terrarists

Bucock was a real nigga and his wife new it

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Trump is a Turnicht parody user not the other way around

I mean, it was their incredibly shitty form of democracy that allows for that sort of thing...

Do not kid yourself into thinking the ones running in the real world are immune to this kind of thing, user

What is he doing in this thread?

It was a really nice parallel between Yang and Reinhard
>both systems are corrupt and the people in power are a joke and keep fucking up and wasting resources
>both get chances to take over and change things
>reinhard seizes the state and builds the /pol/ paradise
>yang refuses to use military power against the government
>ironically is shunned and contained further by the government

That last scene where she already has his uniform ready was great.

if you are still around, how do you feel about Oberstein right now?

Can some user here share a mega with all the episodes and movies?

You stupid fucking asshole, you're going to get me banned for spoonfeeding.

Nearly-complete collection for Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Gineiden) / Legend of the Galactic Heroes (LoGH):!iP4nWSwT!osY-9yRrcfI0WAIYlAJT-A

arigato, user!

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He's definitely the most tragic character.

Thx user. I needed a classic after watching a lot seasonal anime.

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yea she is unironically a perfect wife
>loyal to the end
>understands what she committed herself to
>loves her husband, let's him go

Trump isn't a career politician. I'd say Biden or McCain fit the bill better desu

Daily reminder that if you support Isherlon or any of the republic then you missed the point

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Biden and McCain didn't collude with their nation's enemies though.

yes, but on top of that, his bond with Mittermeyer was really endearing. And when the narrator reaffirmed his genius and fairness by stating what life would be like had he been born in a different era, he was solidified as my favorite admiral

yes they did. and neither did Trump lol well at least not the enemy MSM would have you believe

Don't you have some mass shootings to go plan?

not a /pol/tard, try again. but you are a retarded asshole

The /pol/ack is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a terrorist, a gunman, a car-crasher, a mail-bomber, even an Australian, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a /pol/tard and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."


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Woah i just finished the last episode for the first time just a few moments ago, i came to Yea Forums to see if there was any threads about Logh and there it is, thank you guys.
I miss my nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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We all do

You'll see Him again in the Kingdom of Heaven.

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So were those med pods that can heal nearly any non-fatal injury mentioned in the first episode just non-cannon?

I hope so, whats the next step after finishing the series? should i watching anything else? is it worth it?

You mean sleep pods? They're just for sleeping.

Watch or read the source material which inspired the author: Three Kingdoms.

Guess I was just thinking of this comment, which seems to be a bit of an overstatement.

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im kind of sad because i feel im going to miss it

The magician’s death hit me hard, didn’t expect those god damn earth lunatics to kill my favorite characters ;_;

You can watch the Gaidens. They're kinda jank but if you just want to spend more time with the characters it's worth the time.

Democracy only works when the franchise is restricted to white land owning males

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They're just for sleeping, but then again, they are indeed never mentioned again. No one seems to remember they're a thing when that scene where everyone is dead tired on Iserlohn happens, unless they're somehow an Empire-only technology.

>another diversity spinoff...

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maybe there weren't enough but you right

I dont mean to suck Norio Wakamoto's dick, but can anyone match his performance as Reuenthal? He has this kind of "rough majesty," he doesn't sound high and lofty like Reinhard, but there's real power and authority behind his voice.

Look up. The word "gullible" is written on your ceiling.

>Source makes it a point to mention that all the Empire's aristocrats are of white German decent
>Netflix does this

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Netflix does what, you stupid gullible moron?

no. no one who speaks English at least

real or not, it's totally expected. maybe he's gullible for not fact checking you, but you can't blame him for assuming it's real

t. moron who got fooled and is desperately trying to save face

Yes, I can blame you. You're fucking pathetic if you assumed that it's real. Learn some critical thinking skills, dumbass.

>There are people who think LOGH is pro-empire and Reinhard is too perfect while the FPA is "unrealistic" in it's depiction of democracy.

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Hey man, I agree that it's something that Netflix would do, but you should always check yourself before you wreck yourself. You wrecked yourself and being in denial about it isn't helping.

Honk Honk

Girls that watch LOGH because of Reinhard

Well have you seen Reinhard?

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>reads a realistic headline
>too lazy to see if real. It doesn't really affect me anyway
>gets called pathetic
how about you rack up some real life accomplishments so that you can get over your gay inferiority complex
not in denial. I thought it was real but I didn't care enough to check since I'm not going to watch it. Just as I won't watch that Witcher adaptation with the black Trish. If it's not relevant to me, and I can't change it, idgaf. I appreciate you giving advice without being a douche tho

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They have a liquid Death Star that the alliance is content to throw massive fleets against.

I think a mentally ill Hapa could play reuenthal well.

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>faggot rodge
>Paragon of manliness Reuenthal

>Biden and McCain didn't collude with their nation's enemies though.
>unironically believing the DNC's russia conspiracy
user i...

You're so ridiculously pathetic that you were actually trying to defend yourself by describing yourself in the third person.

>maybe he's gullible for not fact checking you, but you can't blame him for assuming it's real

>There are people in this thread right now who side with Yang even though the series goes out of its way to prove his is wrong about democracy

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>Trump hasn’t had a hard on for Russia since the 80s and doesn’t owe any Russian olligarchs large sums of money and has definitely not laundered their money in his casinos

>DNC falls for a scam phishing email like a bunch of retards
>proceeds to blame everything bad that happens to them on the KGB for the next 3 years
wew laddy

Excellent troll user, 10/10.

>this is the state of your democracy


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>the RNC definitely was not hacked as well. Lindsey Graham definitely does not diddle young men and is straight a ruler fresh out of the ruler factory

>Pea brained user's arguing over wither shitty democracy or shitty autocracy are better
>meanwhile the phezzani chads have bought up 70% of the galaxy's real estate holdings using hundreds of shell companies

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>I took the door to the sorority house down with violence and my authority

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kek keep telling yourself that user, the russia conspiracy shit has honestly become as dumb and all encompassing as that embarrassing Qanon conspiracy magaboomers love so much, but then again im a superhacker from the FSB just here to spread disinfo.

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They made the FPA too incompetent and Reinhard's crew too competent at the start. This lead to the FPA defeat at the Battle of Amritsar. They had to make Yang that good at tactics otherwise the war would have been over then and there.

Got spoiled to shit and back but still think this was an amazing anime.

Will anything else come close Yea Forums?

What is the viewing order for the OVAs and movies?

that guy wasn't me. I was the first guy.
relax. this is an internet forum

Watch the 110-episode series, and everything else is optional. You might even save the movies for afterwards, since movie #2 is partially a remake of episodes #1 and #2. It'll be like revisiting your favorite characters back when they were still alive.

My Conquest ist the Sea of Stars
Overture to a new War
OVA ep 3-end
Gaidens in order of rank Reinhard obtains

>there are people in this thread right now who think that series wasn't meant to showcase the holes in both ideologies

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>not thinking both parties are shit
Trump didn't collude with Russia but that doesn't mean RNC/DNC aren't both awful and corrupt

>Phezzan doesn’t have a home defense fleet or unique orbital defense systems that can handle an alliance or imperial intrusion. The Phezzan corridor has no stated noteworthy anomalies or dangers, no special navigational charts or equipment that only Phezzan has access too and is necessary to safely pass through. No Terrarists fleets, No Pirate fleets, no phezzani smuggler fleets to harass from hidden asteroids. No ground army to stop imperial take over. Supreme kekeru landersher just runs away.

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Enjoy the next time a million soldiers get killed in a civil war because their hotheaded admirals are having a dickwaving contest.

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The enlightened centrists are right, both democracy and monarchy are too extreme. We need a representative democratic hereditary aristocracy, with a phezzani market economy and terranism as the state religion.

sooo democratic fascism?

honestly phezzan had the worst subplot of the show. I expected there to be a big plot with the landersher as a major antagonist but he just does a shitty terrorist attack that doesn't matter at all.

come to think of it Bittenfeld talks about how certain men are really handsome. WaS bItTeNfElD gAy?

Civil War in the Empire
>I want power because I want power.
>No, ~I~ want power because ~I~ want power!

Civil War in the FPA
>I want power because I would take better care of our citizens.
>No, ~I~ want power because ~I~ would take better care of our citizens!

I mean, I guess the FPA is a little better, but it's still pretty bad.

Didn't the FPA get taken over by the military at one point?

At least when the empire has a civil war the guy in charge changes

Why oppose bills for election security? Mueller said theres evidence of Russia getting into the voting systems (unknown if they’ve changed anything). Even Rubio acknowledges that Russia got into Florida’s systems. You should want our elections to be secure and keep their integrity so both parties can’t claim that the results were altered and therefore invalid. This is giving the green light for a whole host of countries to interfere. It’s embarrassing for the most powerful country in the world to show weakness like this for partisan gain.

If its such a big problem then why didn't obama and the dems do anything to stop it?

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Honestly, how the fuck did Bittenfeld survive the series?

With his dastardly good looks.

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The Devil's luck. Even the author of the story couldn't kill him.

Because you need Congress to pass laws to protect election security, and Congress has too many Republicans.

Now, put the past aside and focus on the present. Why are the Republicans against election security?

>no u

Too stupid to die.

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lmao the entire lead up to the election trump was bitching about how it was rigged against him, the entire time the dems were doing everything in their power to say that security is rock solid and that there in no chance of it being rigged. Now that the shoe is one the other foot demsy are bitching in the exact same way trump did about how elections are unfair for (insert reason here). It was bullshit then and its bullshit now. Im not sure how plebs fall for this trick ever single cycle.

>Obama trying to act unuppity and unaggressive as possible
>doing anything
Dumb nigger should have legalized weed when he had the chance dems might not have gotten crushed in the midterms. Mittens was right about Russia as a geopolitical threat. Anonymous supposedly stopped a hack into Ohio’s systems the night of the election in 2012. Rove had a meltdown apparently.

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Good thinking, dude. Let's just do nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. Don't even bring the bill to the floor, don't even allow the senate to vote on it. Just pretend that no problems exist, and that everything is perfect and flawless.

other countries have much greater influence on our elections and dems are known to stuff ballot boxes. Russia probably influenced the election the least out of all the factions that did.

>dems are known to stuff ballot boxes.
Known by who? What's the source? The only confirmed election fraud in the last election was committed by Republicans.

Fuck off Char

Yeah dude well we are at it lets give tens of millions of illegals free government issued IDs and then not require any sort of proof of citizenship to vote.

>/pol/ trying again to redpill other boards then its own.

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this. also there was evidence of Trump being spied on, and a lot of leaked emails implied that deep state peeps did everything in their power to prevent Trump from being elected. Speaking of emails, Hillary somehow got off easy when people have been imprisoned for less. All of this should demonstrate that the people in power are in bed with each other to a certain extent

>Hillary somehow got off easy when people have been imprisoned for less.
She inherited the email policy from Colin Powell and Rice, and the Trump administration has continued to conduct government business with private email servers. It was always a non-issue.


During the primary election of 2018, the dems just "found" a box of votes in Broward county the day after the election. It just so happened that it was just enough for them to win the election. There have been other cases over the years but that's one that I can recall off the top of my head.

Classic whataboutism. You feel like you've lost on the current subject, so you quickly change the topic to be about something else instead.

That's not really a source or evidence, is it? You could just as easily say that it was Republicans who tried to hide the box in the first place.

I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to use a private server for communication related to state affairs but idk. I don't really care as that is only one such example of her corruption.

It started with this:

it was bound to happen in a LOGH thread. Thank this fag

Nobody cares about your reddit buzzwords m8.

>illegal immigrants will commit a major crime that could result in deportation if found out, a crime that is easily verifiable

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DeVos, Ivanka, Kushner, Bannon, Miller and more are all under investigation for using private email to conduct government business.

>falling for the classic "its rigged when my team looses" line
How are you this dumb? When dems win next in 1 or 5 years will that election also be rigged by russian superhackers?

ok. as they should be. how does that excuse Hillary?

It's only political theater to paint her as the villain when she inherited the email policy from a Republican administration.

Mexico and democrats are doing a lot more election rigging than Russia if you catch my drift

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>>illegal immigrants will commit a major crime that could result in deportation
They already have committed a crime that should result in deportation.

How are the people who still unironically defend hillary? Even leftwingers know she was dogshit.

So what is the benefit to Republicans ignoring the issue of election security, and pretending that the issue doesn't even exist?

Even if the Democrats' plan is imperfect, isn't it better to start with an imperfect plan than to have no plan at all?

You're worried that the Democrats might undermine the system in the future, but the Republicans are the ones undermining the system RIGHT NOW.

You realize that every single illegal that is working an "above board" job is using a stolen social security number right? Most illegals are currently committing felony Identity theft...

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>to paint her as the villain
are you not aware of all the shit she's done? not even a tin foil fag, but she's conspired to kill American citizens. And if you do believe the conspiracy theories, she's a demon worshipping sex trafficker.

There isn’t going to be an election. Trump will call the results rigged and will be president for life. Dems are too cucked and will rollover. Donald will get away with everything. The best thing for this country is if he passes of old age so his cult of personality doesn’t feel like he was taken from them and we won’t have Oklahoma bombing X10

>easily verifiable
if the ballot box doesn't require an ID then it is not easily verifiable. your average American doesn't speak English anyway

>So what is the benefit to Republicans ignoring the issue of election security, and pretending that the issue doesn't even exist?
If they bring it to the floor gives credibility to this wild conspiracy. Its like asking "it there really are no ayy lmaos in area 51 then whats the harm in passing the area 51 free the aliens act".

>that episode where Phezzan buys Facebook advertising and gets Trunicht elected
kek democracy is a joke

>There isn’t going to be an election. Trump will call the results rigged and will be president for life.
Alright buddy now you've just gone full alex jones, seek psychiatric help.

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um, haven't you watched LOGH? That would be a good thing

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>Even if the Democrats' plan is imperfect, isn't it better to start with an imperfect plan than to have no plan at all?
See also: Global climate change.
Democrats: Let's subsidize renewables and tax non-renewables.
Republicans: That plan isn't perfect, so let's do nothing at all.

But maybe someone will reply to this post and inform me that global warming is actually a Chinese hoax. The POTUS is a very smart guy with a very big brain. He wouldn't be wrong about something like that.

Yes they don’t want to be found out.

Right, so it's better to do nothing. Just bury your head in the sand. Classic Republicanism.

>that episode where the dove party candidate gets caught taking a flight on Jeffery Epstein's private planet

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>reddit spacing
you have to go back

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>Yes they don’t want to be found out.
They also want to politically support the party that will give them free shit and eventual amnesty...

This is such a stupid talking point, the dems never gave a single shit about this issue for the entire last decade until they lost and realized that conspiracy minded plebs like you would fall for mcCarthyism 2.0.

muh whataboutism

Some people did more than ride airplanes.

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>Obama is called the deporter in chief
>Let’s go vote in a system that I’m not allowed to vote in and could go to jail for some years before being deported, my kids can take care of themselves

>dove party
what that

>San Francisco will allow noncitizens to vote in a local elections
Lmao dems in permanent blue areas literally allow non-citizens to vote openly and without consequence but russia is the problems right?

Isnt that what they call the party opposing Trunicht's party

>tfw the protagonist works with the bad guy

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>Noncitizens, including those without legal status, will be allowed to vote only in a school board race and just a little more than 40 have registered to vote so far.
Truly the end of civilization, and proof that millions are voting illegally in the federal election.

yeah but russia hacked the election with facebook advertising

you'd be surprised to know the lack of thinking that goes on with voting. I mean, why would blacks vote dem when immigrants will literally fuck up their job prospects?

>be voter
>drive to election
>see billboard for coke
>vote coke for president
wtf coke just hacked muh election

>gays get marriage rights
>now magazines openly push pedo acceptance
the slippery slope is real, user

>this is entire thread vindicates Reinharto-sama
bet it feels bad to be a FPA fag

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>im fine with foreign nationals voting in my elections but im made about phishing emails and facebook ads
top kek

You register to vote.
Your name is added to the voter registry.
On election day, you go to vote.
The election official tells you that your name has been removed from the voter registry.
You aren't permitted to vote.

According to the Mueller report, several state voter registries were hacked. It would probably be a good idea to beef up the security on those registries, but for some reason, Republicans are opposed to even voting on such a bill in the senate.

An election for a school board? It really isn't the end of the world.

>he hasn't been watching the democratic debates
nigga they're trying to decriminalize illegals. what do you think that means?

LOGH but without Reinhard, Wen Li, or even a Reuenthal. It’s just Braunsweig and his arrogant noble friends and family. We can’t even go to space, hard pass.

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I've been working on LOGH this summer and I'm on episode 90 I should have it done within the next two weeks and its nice to see it still has a place on Yea Forums
As for the political shit I think the story was trying to point out that there are pros and cons to both ideologies and its a matter of what is right for a certain type of nation at a certain time. but maybe im wrong idk

yeah doesn't look good for democracy. FPA = West and Empire = China + Russia

bad dictators die eventually. Take the Goldenbaum pill, user

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Did you click on the wrong post?

>Its not cheating when my team does it
Real answer is mitch isn't looking at the bill because its clearly just a dem PR stunt

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>500 years
Gonna build my ice comet star ship now.

>West=betrays its people by allowing mass migration
>China/Russia=suppresses people's rights but is vehemently advocating for its own interest
both are bad. pick one

Don't forget that it was literally nazi rocket scientists that took the burgers to space

>Mueller, a lifelong Republican, says that state registries have been hacked

Race has zero influence on your voice.

yea it wasn't meant for both just the second one

kek didnt know there was anyone out there who fell for the "muh mueller is a man of great integrity" meme

Id say about 75% of the time you can tell a persons race by their voice

Were any votes actually changed?

Mitch, the guy who overrode Obama’s veto and complained that Barry didn’t explain the repercussions of the bill in enough detail. I’m thinking this man might be a tad disingenuous.

>a lifelong Republican
>staffed his entire investigation with dems and dem donors
>had to fire one of them because they couldn't stop ERPing about having coups against trump
It must be a comforting line for NPCs to tell themselves. Especially after the last hearing.

no. Trump barely won on a fluke so dems cried about it for three years and people started believing the meme

>reading comprehension
They don't have to change your vote if you aren't allowed into the polling station and you aren't allowed to vote, because your name was removed from the list.

this: i used to work at a call center, most people have the same voice

Can you poisonous, disgusting, ant brained political fuckwits please kill yourselves. We are here to talk about LOGH not which of the corrupt megaparties is more evuhl.

>had to fire one of them because they couldn't stop ERPing about having coups against trump
So he did the right thing, and you're mad about it?

There DEFINITELY were. Drumpf just won't let us check. The truth DOESN'T fear investigation!

Now please stop trying to look into how many undocumented angels voted in California.

Then post about LOGH instead on replying to these niggers

>he doesn't think subtle differences in vocal chords, lips, and jaw shape affect your voice

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didn't dems also use dead people to vote?

I've actually just been reading about it and the senate report concluded there was no evidence of alteration, modification, or removal.

do you honestly think dems care about the issue? They didnt care durring the election, and they dont now. Its the same cheap talking point trump used in 2016

My dude, you just read a post about hacking voting registries, and your brain somehow saw it as being about hacking voting machines. You have just demonstrated to everyone that you have shit reading comprehension.

that's because of how he was raised. he complains about women betraying people because his mom brought shame on his household by betraying her husband. crawling back to the kaiser for forgiveness after failing to protect him would cause him too much shame so he takes the easy (by his standards) way out and ends up being rewarded for it.

Mad? It was very enjoyable watching the muelller cart crash, and when Burr came around he had enough sense to slink away except for when the dems would drag him into congress. So you're partially right, I can't say he did everything wrong.

Trunicht is the typical sleazy politician that attach himself to wherever the wind is blowing and knows exactly when to flee a sinking ship.

So he's nothing like the blowhard Trump that says the first thing that comes to his mind like there's no filter and be stubborn about random shit without thinking things through

>My dude, you just read a post about hacking voting registries, and your brain somehow saw it as being about hacking voting machines
Ironically, that is exactly what you just did.

The dead rise in Broward County.

>Were any votes actually changed?
That looks like a post about voting machines to me. Do you read it differently?

>They don't have to change your vote if you aren't allowed into the polling station and you aren't allowed to vote, because your name was removed from the list.
so stop with this beating around the bush bullshit user, just admit that you believe Russia rigged the election for blumpf

I'll bite. you're not supposed to support totalitarianism or republicanism, the show shows both their flaws, and shows them in a bad state as well as a good one. you're meant to see the parallels between them and how humanity always acts the same.

That wasn't the post you replied to. This one was: Which was a reply to a post about voting registries.

If the shoe fits. We know that the hacks occurred, and the Dems are trying to prevent future hacks, but Reps are trying to prevent election safety bills, so I'm a little concerned. And when we try to investigate, the Reps destroy the evidence.

You made that post after you got called out for having shit reading comprehension. Learn how linear time works.

I don't think they actually had a functioning government to be honest, it was really just a house of cards built out of plot (there are no other functioning organs of government aside from the high council) and Yang's stubborn refusal to stop the FPA from committing suicide speaks to his deeper understanding of the situation than he let on

I made that post because the votes are what actually matter. I then did some research and found out that Russia not only did not change any votes, but didn't even change or modify voting registries as you asserted (your reading comprehension must be poor).

Alright, thanks for admitting you have fallen for the liberal equivalent of Qanon. For the record there is no giant KGB conspiracy where the russians installed a Manchurian candidate as president by hacking the US election, and no the republicans are not secretly working with the russians to rebuild the soviet union. Log off my dude.

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while I agree, the final statements given to Reinhard by Yang during their first meeting implies that despite the flaws of both systems, the show thinks democracy is better.

Nice strawman but okay. Just keep on ignoring the hacked machines and ignoring the deleted servers. There's nothing at all suspicious about any of that.

i doubt one planet that's technically under imperial rule would be able to build defenses against either side, especially because the empire would likely take it as an act of rebellion.

it's just not a big problem atm. also, as another user said, if repubs capitulate on this issue then they fall prey to the dems framing. It's part of the political game, something that LOGH tried to demonstrate as being a major flaw of democracy. Additionally, there are other concerns regarding the integrity of our elections and process as a whole such as big corporations, Israel, and Saudi Arabia buying people's favors

Maybe as an ideal, but in reality, the show portrays dictatorship as being the more effective system. Yang was by far the best tactician, but because he had to be a good democratic system, and avoided politics, he was sidelined during most of the war. Reinhard was able to take power and so ultimately won.

>if we can't solve every problem then we shouldn't attempt to solve any problem at all
What a way to live your life.

>Just keep on ignoring the hacked machines and ignoring the deleted servers. There's nothing at all suspicious about any of that.
That was the unironically the dem position in 2016.

Yea they want to make the US into more of an oligarchy and kleptocracy like modern day Russia.

>don't try to fix the present because the past is broken too
What a way to live your life.

>show thinks democracy is better
>written by a guy who worships Great Man Theory

one of these things is not like the other.

The show portrays democracy as intrinsically morally superior to other systems (because it has the consent of the governed) but showed that it was fundamentally flawed if it failed to build in protection against the failures of its elected officials. Jessica's death marked the death of the FPA as a democracy IMO

This. Facebook should just ban Russia from buying advertising. That way we can finally feel the bern.

you're retarded. it's ok. nobody is immune to brainwashing.
I was thinking along a different track. What I meant was that, yes, during their discussion, Yang was forced to recognize the efficiency of dictatorship, but still supported democracy because the people keep their rights. The reason why I think the show wants the audience to side with democracy is because the discussion ended their and members of Iserlohn fortress are more relatable people

>Lets go out of our way to deal with some fake conspiracy theory instead of doing real things like the tens of millions of illegals doing crimes
better check under your bed tonight of the russian boogieman will hack you

no retard. it means prioritize more pressing matters first

>Yea they want to make the US into more of an oligarchy and kleptocracy like modern day Russia.
literally name any foreign country or rich person that doesn't want this outcome

lots of grammar mistakes. my bad. drinking.

Americans are too busy to pay attention to most of the things that go on. Falling into the “trap” of agreeing to improve election security would have minimal payoff if anything for dems. It looks worse to the dem base and moderates that Mitch is blocking this. Like pubs saying why don’t you support the troops to Dems saying why don’t you support more secure elections. Dems also don’t want trump to claim it’s rigged if he loses.

>What a way to live your life
Drinks onions for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
What a way to live your life.

I must have missed something. If Mitch allows the Senate to vote on election security, will that somehow prevent the Senate from voting on anything else too?

>being such a T_D newbie that you don't even know about the wordfilter
You have to go back.

>>written by a guy who worships Great Man Theory
wasn't aware of this. thank you for bringing it to my attention

I typed the word "onions," fag. learn the meme

>What a way to live your life.
Is this the hot new plebbit phrase?

no. but again, it shows weakness if repubs capitulate to dems framing. They already do in their argumentation for a variety of issues, so they need to find a "win" somewhere. It's political game bullshit.
dems and repubs already disagree on the fundamental questions, so pandering to dems won't do jack shit especially since it will be misreported anyway. Media will frame it to attack repubs so my guess is they stopped caring about optics when it comes to certain issues. Plus everyone is bought so it could just be that the powers that control them want the system to stay inefficient

I guess some non rich people don’t want to lose even more of what little political power and say they have.

>not being a glorious monarchist.

allies for ensuring that a democrat doomsday was averted

>can’t improve the security of our fundamental institutions because you think you will look weak. Can’t even try to negotiate for a national voter ID to stop the supposed hordes of voting illegals
God you Mitch cocksuckers are pathetic.

>this lack of nuance of thought
>in a LOGH thread
gtfo of here dude everyone here is way too big brained for you

>we need a bill to protect us from facebook ads and nigerian prince tier scam emails
Get rekt pussy

Ah your big brain caused the imbalance that broke your arm. Try not to break your other arm mitch. Of course pretending to break your arm because you don’t want to talk to reporters after a shooting doesn’t look weak at all.

>pubshitters capable of nuance after 8 years of being the NO party and 3 years of need BIG WALL party

>moscow mitch
>drumpf works for putin
>hillary was good actually
>guns bad
Do you have any actual beliefs of your own, I mean besides the standard boilerplate DNC talking points?

That's like saying being a vermin or plague is a good thing, even after Reinhard conquered the planet.

I like guns. Moscow Mitch clearly bothers him so I hope they keep calling him that.

alright buddy, well when the dems finally get the presidency back and dont do shit on "election security" just remember that your old pal user was right

Russia changes enough for the Democrats. Trump stays president because rigged and you forget this conversation even happened.

Since mods don't give a fuck about some derailing faggot and all the cunts that fell for the bait lets get back on topic.

Anyone reading the books? I don't have a lot of free time so I have been listening to the audiobooks while I drive for work. Sadly they have only produced the first three so far which brings me up to the end of the 8th battle of Iserlohn. Having it narrated was great and Im not sure I would be able to transition to reading it.

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>that gigantic North Korean funeral
"""""Democracy""""", everyone.